By David Futrelle
If anyone thinks the Mike Pence rule of never being alone with a woman lest something naughty happen isn’t discriminatory against women, consider the case of Mississippi Today reporter Larrison Campbell, who learned earlier this week that she wouldn’t be allowed to “ride along” with GOP gubernatorial wannabe Robert Foster on a 15-hour campaign trip because people might think that the two were “riding” each other, wink wink nudge nudge, knowwhatImean?
Because obviously every time a woman is alone in the presence of a man, sex breaks out.
“In two phone calls this week,” Campbell wrote in a story yesterday,
Colton Robinson, Foster’s campaign director, said a male colleague would need to accompany this reporter on an upcoming 15-hour campaign trip because they believed the optics of the candidate with a woman, even a working reporter, could be used in a smear campaign to insinuate an extramarital affair.
“The only reason you think that people will think I’m having a (improper) relationship with your candidate is because I am a woman,” this reporter said.
Robinson said the campaign simply “can’t risk it.”
I don’t even know what gender Colton Robinson is, but frankly they sound HOT. Are we sure Foster isn’t having sex with them right now?
Anyway, in a Tweet today, Foster said he was just following in the footsteps of Billy Graham, which really aren’t great footsteps for anyone to be following in but never mind. He also sort of suggested he might find it impossible to resist sex with Campbell and/or any other female person who wandered close to him unaccompanied by a man or men.
Clearly they aren’t thinking this through. If Campbell rode along with a male colleague in tow, wouldn’t people assume they were having an MMF threesome? I know I would.
Wait a minute, are there other men and women on this campaign bus or whatever it is that Foster is using to get around? DUDE IS TOTALLY HAVING ORGIES!!!1! ALLEGEDLY!1!
Still, in the odd moments when he is not having sex with ladies in his immediate presence (allegedly), Foster has found time to be mad online about the coverage of his not-sex-having policy with regard to Ms. Campbell.
I’ll give him credit for one thing: he can spell Mississippi correctly, despite all the sex thoughts about lady reporters and other nearby women he apparently has bouncing around in his head all day long.
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This troll is no fun at all.
I mean, the “one false rape accusation will destroy even the most powerful man” lie, in the age of Trump and Kavanaugh? You’re not even trying.
Seriously, fuck off.
First part: No. If I don’t miss cat callers from an ideal society because I consider it a bad act on men’s behalf, should that give you an incentive to kill? Strange rationale. And if a woman is raped, she should report asap, not 10 years later as we see now in the news.
@BSTS All my ‘fuck you’s’ added to Lainy’s. Maybe David should ban you, y’know, just to be safe.
How do you email David so I can try to get ride of this victim blaming asshole.
Yeah, and Epstein’s plea deal, etc. etc. etc.
@Allandrel. You would be more than just ignorant to believe that men have lost their career over some false allegation from a female, whether sexual or otherwise, so that the company can save face for its shareholders. You may not know what I am talking about, but I know. Who are you kidding here? There is a reason why I have that username and there is a reason why I have set conservative boundaries with the opposite gender. Why is that a problem for you?
Hey Btst
I got my male co-worker fired and a protection order put in place to keep him away from me. How do you feel about that you little shit? I also pepper sprayed him and threaten to stab him with my hair pin if he didn’t leave me alone.
To all of you. You may have noticed in my posts that I have not called anybody f*** names, nor have I used profanity or other bad language (I think). I may have played a bit with your username, but so have you, no problem. But I am trying to give an explanation from a man’s perspective why more men are disengaging from women at work. Rather than having some constructive dialogue, I am getting rants from all over the place and…from women. Now read your posts again and try to understand why it is good for a men to set conservative boundaries with the modern western woman, because the answers are in your comments. Have a good day, I got to go. Will be back later or so.
No one asked for you victim blaming dick. Go crawl back into your hole.
@BSTS Please don’t bother. Being condescending to a rape victim is total asshole behavior.
@Fishy Goat
Thank you by the way. That was very kind of you to say.
@Lainy Dave’s e-mail is on the sidebar under the mammoth pic.
@Fishy Goat
Thank you. I’m going to take some time to clear anxiety first. I’m shaking and a bit near tears. I just wanted to thank you for also jumping in during this. I appreciate it a lot.
what the fuck bsts, I’m emailing david right now. If you haven’t done it yet, Lainy, don’t worry. I’ll take care of it.
Finally I understand! It has nothing to do with false rape allegations at all. If men don’t deny women career advancement opportunities, women might use naughty words, and that’s just going too far. Better safe (from women being granted equal access to the public sphere) than sorry (because a lady said “shit” one time within my hearing)
Thank you. I’m having trouble breathing right now.
I’m so, so sorry for how awful this ambulatory toxic waste has treated you. All the comfort to you, my friend.
@Lurkers, because this is not for the scumbag
Everyone else covered the other stuff well, but I wanted to address this:
That’s not true. Not even a tiny bit. Rapists are 100% in control of their actions. They are cruel, awful people who want to take what they can’t have. They often plan it in advance and test the waters by judging reactions to boundary pushing. They are cold and calculating in their actions. They are not simply people with poor impulse control. (Also, plenty of people do not have impulses to rape in the first place. It’s like they see people they’re attracted to as human beings and sex as an activity to share mutually.)
Piggybacking off of kupo’s point…
If a rapist or an abuser had no control, they would do it to *everyone*, at any time. Not only behind closed doors. Not using coded language that only their victim can understand. Not only to one gender, or one type of people. To everyone.
The fact that they *don’t*, means that they choose when to attack and where to attack and who their victims are.
Don’t be fooled by the narrative that they ‘can’t control themselves’. They absolutely can. If they couldn’t, they would attack their boss, their neighbour, the cab driver.
Hugs, Lainey and anyone else who might need it.
Personally, I judge people in the content of their words, not their tone. On substance, your words are victim blaming, cruel, and fact free. There’s been plenty of research on why victims don’t always report and on the volume of false allegations. You’re just proveably wrong.
I’ll take a good person who swears and has emotions over an emotionless misogynist any time.
Of course, I get the feeling you’re very eager to defend rape and sexual harassment because you’ve engaged in some less than consensual behavior yourself. The red flags, they are leaving everywhere.
I think you may have missed a ‘not’ out there. But to respond to the point I think you’re trying to make; I’d love to see a citation or other reference for that contention.
You see, and I may be being Anglo-centric here, that very much does not tally with my experience or rather that of women I know; or with the general evidence.
Far more common, and indeed universal as far as I can tell, is it’s made very clear to women, whether by threat or inducement, that it would be career suicide to rock the boat and cause the employer negative publicity; or just hinder a valuable employee (as it’s very common for it to be men in positions of power and authority who carry out such assaults).
But I’m always happy to be proved wrong; so feel free to provide some evidence for your assertion.
Further to the above; I’m afraid that’s even the case in my own profession; and I think that’s significant.
What does it tell you about likely outcomes, when women in a career where assertiveness and confidence are prerequisites; and who know the law inside out, feel unable to even complain?
So a woman who has been raped should report it right away.
Uh huh.
We’ve seen how well THAT works, and not just when the accused rapist is a famous/powerful/rich man.
My SISTER was raped, repeatedly, by the same guy, and she never reported because she figured (probably correctly) that she wouldn’t be believed for Reasons. I won’t go into her particular set of Reasons here. Suffice it to say, there is seldom a set of Reasons good enough in the eyes of society.
Lainy, I hope you are able to breathe at this point.
I need to go work off aggression in a non-destructive way now.
Re – Women are automatically believed, and men are ruined for life:
TW: The article I linked IS NOT ENJOYABLE, I was being ironic. Be ready to read about untested rape kits. In fact, TW for sexual assault for the rest of my comment. I’m sorry!
No. That is most definitely not what happens. For instance, ‘enjoy’ this article about decades worth of untested rape kits.
Remember, rape kits are collected when there is a reasonable chance that they would be able to recover something. These aren’t people who weren’t able to speak about it for many years, these are people who *did what they are supposed to do*, and went to the police to be prodded in intimate places again after being raped.
Some choice quotes:
Sure doesn’t seem like men are being ruined by false rape accusations, right?
Perhaps the reason people are reflexively believing victims now and the accused are facing social consequences is because we all know that those are probably the only consequences they will ever face.
Collectively, we feel powerless, because rapists are hardly ever even prosecuted. This ‘innocent until proven guilty in a court of law’ sure does work well, when most rapists won’t see the inside of a court room and are therefore automatically innocent.
There is a rapist in the White House. He put a second sexual assaulter on the supreme court.
It is also worth remembering that many many of the ‘false’ rape accusations are false because the cops decided they were. Because the victim wasn’t acting like they thought a victim should. Because they didn’t think there was enough evidence, so they dropped the investigation and it got put in the ‘unproven’ pile. Because they were protecting the accused. Because they were pressured to protect the accused. Etc.
A final quote from a different article, linked below-
Source – Rebecca Solnit, Men Explain Things To Me.
(A friend shared this with me today, and I thought it would be good to share it again here.)
I’m better now and I just want to say one thing. bsts type of person really gets me. They think its so logical and right for them to be paranoid of something that is rare to happen like a false allegation. Something that even if it didn’t happen won’t effect them. But then I talk about not being safe and carrying around weapons with me all the time because of my very painful and bloody rape and suddenly it’s illogical, it’s paranoia. They get in all of a huff because how dare I be afraid and how dare I want to fight back when I’m afraid. That’s what he is. He can’t stand the fact that if someone was going to rape me again, I wouldn’t make them easy on them. That I might to do bodily harm. I am afraid all the time and of almost of ever man on the planet. Men have shown me over and over again that I am right to be afraid of them and to be armed all the time. Because that’s the only way I feel even the slightest bit safer about walking outside my door. I look at my fiancé and I see a good man in the world. The man I want to spend the rest of my life with. The problem is that it seems like for ever 1 of him there are 20 of the men who taught me fear.