By David Futrelle
If anyone thinks the Mike Pence rule of never being alone with a woman lest something naughty happen isn’t discriminatory against women, consider the case of Mississippi Today reporter Larrison Campbell, who learned earlier this week that she wouldn’t be allowed to “ride along” with GOP gubernatorial wannabe Robert Foster on a 15-hour campaign trip because people might think that the two were “riding” each other, wink wink nudge nudge, knowwhatImean?
Because obviously every time a woman is alone in the presence of a man, sex breaks out.
“In two phone calls this week,” Campbell wrote in a story yesterday,
Colton Robinson, Foster’s campaign director, said a male colleague would need to accompany this reporter on an upcoming 15-hour campaign trip because they believed the optics of the candidate with a woman, even a working reporter, could be used in a smear campaign to insinuate an extramarital affair.
“The only reason you think that people will think I’m having a (improper) relationship with your candidate is because I am a woman,” this reporter said.
Robinson said the campaign simply “can’t risk it.”
I don’t even know what gender Colton Robinson is, but frankly they sound HOT. Are we sure Foster isn’t having sex with them right now?
Anyway, in a Tweet today, Foster said he was just following in the footsteps of Billy Graham, which really aren’t great footsteps for anyone to be following in but never mind. He also sort of suggested he might find it impossible to resist sex with Campbell and/or any other female person who wandered close to him unaccompanied by a man or men.
Clearly they aren’t thinking this through. If Campbell rode along with a male colleague in tow, wouldn’t people assume they were having an MMF threesome? I know I would.
Wait a minute, are there other men and women on this campaign bus or whatever it is that Foster is using to get around? DUDE IS TOTALLY HAVING ORGIES!!!1! ALLEGEDLY!1!
Still, in the odd moments when he is not having sex with ladies in his immediate presence (allegedly), Foster has found time to be mad online about the coverage of his not-sex-having policy with regard to Ms. Campbell.
I’ll give him credit for one thing: he can spell Mississippi correctly, despite all the sex thoughts about lady reporters and other nearby women he apparently has bouncing around in his head all day long.
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Same with the criminal justice system, and with immigration policy, and with… pretty much everything.
Liberals: “Better that a hundred guilty men go free than one innocent man suffer unjustly.”
Conservatives: “Fuck that! Better that a hundred innocent men be executed than one guilty man get away with jaywalking!”
And that’s how you get babies in concentration camps.
I just realized who Foster reminds me of:
“Beata Maria, you know I am a righteous man
Of my virtue I am justly proud
Beata Maria, you know I’m so much purer than
The common, vulgar, weak, licentious crowd”
With regards to things like the welfare system, I’ve also come to suspect that driving away legitimate claimants as well as spurious one is deliberate— there are more of the former, and think how much money the government doesn’t have to pay out if a substantial number of them can be disqualified, or discouraged from applying in the first place.
If an allegation takes place, whom do you think the media is going to believe? Exactly. And for those who say “Men, behave yourself and you’ll be fine”, I have this answer: The statement negates the idea that any false accusation can even exist, and that in itself is false. So any man in a higher position plays it safe. Of course, I am going to get a boatload of angry remarks, which is perfectly ok. I agree with the politician and I adhere to the Pence rule myself. My username says it all. Love it!
Oh great, the asshole is back. I have better safe then sorry attitude as well but it involves a panic alarm, a stun gun, and a switch blade knife on my person at all times because I don’t feel safe around men ever but sure buddy. you go on being you.
Oh and pepper spray which I did use on my co- worker. But was also shaking so bad I kind of got myself as well. But from his screams of pain and cursing it hurt him a lot more then me. So I recommend the pepper spray over the knife. I also got a big ass Skelton key key chain to jam in a eye if I need to. I know sound paranoid but I’m afraid in the world.
I follow what I call the Ted Bundy rule. If a man talks to me or catcalls me when I’m alone and out on the streets, I shoot him. I know that most men who approach strange women aren’t murderers, but hey, better safe than sorry! I’m sure BSTS could not fault my logic here.
I like the way you think
There was a case here in Florida a few years back where some middle aged white guy shot up a car full of black kids because they were playing rap music at the gas station and didn’t turn it down when he asked. One of the teenage boys died. During his trial, he claimed he was afraid for his life.
Given how often this sort of shit happens, I think the only reasonable policy any young black man should have is to shoot first whenever a middle aged white guy approaches, preferably center mass. Yes, you’ll go to jail, but as my sifu used to say: better to answer to the judge than to answer to god.
So many policies for BSTS to appreciate!
Sifu? BSTS?
BSTS: Better Safe Than Sorry, the troll a few comments up.
Sifu: Chinese for Teacher (roughly). Traditional appellation for the head of a Chinese martial arts school.
BSTS: So basically your low key implying that all women who put forth rape charges and accusations are liars and all men are rapists who have no self control; way to throw both men and women under the bus man.
Long time lurker, first time commenter but of all the bad faith comments I have seen by trolls and craven ilk on this site on these subjects (and it’s pretty bad seeing the kind of logic and morals they espouse); that one I had to really unpack….
@Lainy: ” I know sound paranoid…”. Well, there you go.
I’m not getting raped again. I don’t care how much you don’t like it. Men won’t stop pawing at me or stalking me and I won’t get raped again. I wasn’t strong enough the first time. Whats wrong troll? don’t like that I pepper sprayed a man who put his hands on me? don’t like that I was better safe then sorry?
@NonTactical non Progressive. All true rapists don’t have self control. I agree on that part. But not all people labeled as rapists are rapists. A woman who regrets her intercourse a week later falls under the category of “buyer’s remorse”, yet if she puts an allegation forward, the man is toast. The second problem in this society is that due process does not mean a whole lot anymore. Any allegation (whether right or wrong) is enough to end a man’s career, particularly if he is in a powerful position. The court of opinion will convict him before the court of law does. That’s a sad state of affairs. I know how to behave professionally but I have my reservations about the opposite gender. That’s not the same thing as saying that all women are liars, but women are believed more than men at this point, so being prudent is the way to go. You may not like it or agree with me, that’s perfectly fine.
@Lainy. Ofcourse I hope you never ever get raped again. But if you are paranoid, some professional help can go a long way.
Oh boo fucking who. People believe rape victims now. What an unfair world you live in asshole.
@Weirdwoodtreehugger. I don’t miss catcalling men from society at all. The less of these people, the better. One difference in your approach and mine: I don’t kill.
Fuck you. Fuck you with everything on this plant. It will never go away. There is nothing anyone can say or anyone can do that will ever make it go away. How the fuck could you even say something like that. Even if rape is over in a moment it stays with you forever. I do not feel safe in this world. And assholes like you that make it so. It took 4 years of professional fucking help just to be to fuck again. To be able to be touched again. To kiss someone and not cry. So go straight to fucking hell with your nonsense. You utterly piece of human filth.
So I have the right to act in violent self defense against a catcaller who hasn’t raped me, but women are bad if they report a rape? Legit logic you got there.
@Lainy. You may have noticed that I don’t call names, even though I am as anonymous as you are behind the PC screen. The world has been quite fair to me, but not to you, seems like? Yelling from your PC is not going to help you once you leave your room and go outside.
your telling me what to do after my rape. Go to hell.
“oh look I triggered a rape survivor, better call them emotional and show how oh logical I am”
Is that a common occurance, would you say? What percentage of rape allegations are made by women who regret **~*~*intercourse*~*~** a week after the fact? Please show your work.
Donald Trump seems to be doing okay for himself. Brett Kavanaugh’s career seems to have taken a bit of an upswing after he was accused of rape. Is it possible that you are an absolute pineapple and don’t know anything about anything?