By David Futrelle
YouTube “philosopher” and erstwhile Men’s Rights Activist Stefan Molyneux has been an open white nationalist in all but name for some time now, ranting endlessly about race and IQ, spreading disinformation about alleged “white genocide” in South Africa, and wondering aloud why more countries can’t be like almost-exclusively white Poland, free of what he sees as the burden of diversity.
But he’s been curiously mum on what white supremacists call “the JQ” — the “Jewish Question,” speaking of Jews mostly in code — referring instead to “globalists” and insinuating rather than stating outright his belief (shared by most on the alt-right) that Jews aren’t really white. Despite his coded antisemitism, and all the defensive tweets he’s devoted to dispelling the notion that he is himself Jewish, Molyneaux has as recently as this past January even tried to pretend that he’s been some sort of bold fighter against antisemitism.
That all changed yesterday, when Molyneux launched a virulently antisemitic Twitter tirade against accused child rapist Jeffrey Epstein that stopped only half a step away from literal “blood libel.”
After complaining that he was “getting pretty sick and tired of white girls” — a group that for Molyneux doesn’t include Jews — “being groomed and abused,” he asked this not-so-innocent question:
To someone who suggested that Espstein’s alleged whites-only policy of child sexual abuse was motivated by “religious/ethnic malice” — that is, Jewish hatred of white Christians — Molyneux responded coyly:
The notion that Jewish men deliberately target white Christian girls for sexual abuse is only a step away from the classic antisemitic blood libel — that Jews kill “Christian children in order to use their blood [in] religious rituals.”
Molyneux went on to suggest that Epstein had been protected for years by, presumably, other rich Jews, even when this went against their own financial interests.
He even suggested that late-night comedians would stay away from the Epstein case at the behest of their Jewish media masters.
Actually, most late-night talk shows are in ruruns at the moment.
So why is Molyneux openly spouting antisemitism now after being so coy on the subject for so long? It’s not that his beliefs seem to have changed; the only difference is how explicit he is about it. In the past, one can only assume, he figured that open antisemitism would probably be bad for his brand, or that it might get him canned from Twitter. Now, in the wake of the Epstein arrest, he has evidently concluded that it’s open season on Jews — and that the benefits of open antisemitism, in attracting fans and donations, outweigh the risks.
It’s good — very good — that Epstein has been arrested and may finally face real justice. It’s distressing that his arrest has stirred up antisemitic hatred and convinced the always opportunistic Molyneux that spouting a newfangled version of blood libel would be a good career move.
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@Dreamer: I’m so sorry to hear this. Your situation sounds really scary. Hugs!
(Content warning: additional badness)
Epstein isn’t the only one I’ve heard about recently:
Back when I used to watch anti-theists and apologists go at it on YouTube (before ElevatorGate brought the reactionary streak of those content creators to the fore), this Mathew Bell guy was one of the more obnoxious Christian apologists. Only heard about this because I still follow a couple of those non-reactionary atheist YouTubers and this came up on my feed. YouTuber Skylar Fiction actually posted a clip of an interview he had with Bell where Bell kept trying to trap Skylar with the “you’re a moral relativist!” line by coming up with these bizarre “what if?” scenarios that always involved child sexual assault. Like “What if space aliens told you they’d blow up the world unless you raped a child? Would you do it?”
…not sure this guy could have projected harder if he grew a light out of his head. Ugh….
Wow, I couldn’t finish that article — but I sure get the picture. I’m surprised that a newspaper would go into the details in such great, horrific depth. Space aliens, huh?
The more information comes out of Epstein’s case, the more evident it is that conservatives love to project on others. The entire PizzaGate scandal was true, except it didn’t involve pizzas but it largely involved Donald Trump and his buddies.
There’s good reason why Epstein and Acosta were treated with kid gloves: look at all the names coming out of the little black book. From confirmed pedophiles such as Michael Jackson and Kevin Spacey, to people like Mick Jagger, and members of the British royal family.
However, precisely because it is such a big scandal and because it involves some of the most powerful men in the world, I am skeptical that anything will be done about it.
I am hopeful that this will help bring down the entire sex trafficking ring, but I remain skeptical. Last time Epstein got away with it and, from the looks of it, kept at it for another 10 years.
Epstein: pimp to the Bilderberg set.
Those “what if aliens forced you to do it?” scenarios are… a turtles-all-the-way-down farrago of “what if?s” Like, ok: the aliens have the technology to both reach Earth and potentially destroy it; they also know enough about us to know what kinds of acts most humans consider morally indefensible; what are they getting out of trying to force one random human to rape another? Are they just doing it for the evil lulz?
In which extremely unlikely case, they fall under the “anyone offering to spare your life or others’ lives if you comply has just demonstrated their willingness to use murder as a threat, so you have *no* reason to believe they’ll keep their side of the bargain once you’ve given them what they want” rule.
Protected, very likely: but by his money and his connections: Trump and Prince Andrew (neither of them notably Jewish) among others.
One problem with conspiracy theories (if we can leave aside the racism… and I’m not sure whether can) is that it taps into a feeling that, actually, the dice are loaded and the game is rigged
It’s a persuasive feeling, because the dice ARE loaded. But not by or for Jews (or women, or Muslims, or whoever).
By and for wealthy men (mostly) with power and influence using their wealth, their power and their influence to get away with what they want to get away with. For a sizeable minority this includes rape, sexual exploitation, and abuse of children.
I would bet Molyneux’s real beef is that he doesn’t have as much wealth, power and influence that he can get away with bad stuff too.
Oh, wow, the TERFs are joining in now with the, “akcholoooooi, it’s hebephilia” argument. I’m hoping that this convergence of loathsome will create some kind of singularity that’ll suck the lot of them clean out of our dimension and into one where Cthulhu and friends will wear them as hats, but I’ve been disappointed on this score before…
@Cat Mara
They’ve also decided that “native” is a better term than “cis” and claim that they’re being “colonized.”
@kupo: There’s… no bottom to this, is there? Like the sludge at the bottom of an anoxic lake. Absolutely no concern for women of colour who might find such terminology offensive. Peak White Woman Feminism™ at its best (sic)
Edit: I’ve just realised– they are actively becoming femin-Nazis with this kind of jargon, as if making cause with the theocratic Right wasn’t doing that already. I… need to lie down. ☹️
Lake? Try ocean.
(Not mentioned: the suffocating clouds of sulfur that can be emitted and choke life on land as well.)
The only question at this point seems to be which anoxic toxic sludge heap will get us first, the political one or the literal climate-change-and-agricultural-runoff-induced one. 🙁