'bating men who should not ever be with sexbots ever men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny sexy robot ladies

Have sexbots replaced human women? A Very Serious We Hunted the Mammoth Investigation, with silly videos

Dream on, dudes

By David Futrelle

I‘ve been covering the manosphere’s collective obsession with sexbots since the start of this blog more than eight years ago. Back then, some in this weird internet community were predicting the almost-imminent arrival of sexbots that were both affordable and (to these guys anyway) virtually indistinguishable from real women.

Indeed, some were saying that in as few as ten years, these sexy robot ladies would become so ubiquitous and so realistic that actual human women would go obsolete.

Well, it hasn’t been quite a decade yet, but I thought I’d go ahead and see how things were going in the worlds of sex robotics and woman obsoleting.

But first, let’s remind ourselves of what sexbot technology looked like way, way back in the dark age of the early 2010s. In March of 2011, I wrote about a sexy robot lady by the name of Roxxxy, put together by a company called True Companion LLC, and capable of what her creators thought were some truly seductive moves. Roxxxy, I wrote,

can turn her head like Linda Blair in the Exorcist and mechanically banter with non-robot men using a variety of canned phrases that sound a lot like what a perpetually dateless non-robot man might imagine a sexy lady would say if ever one deigned to speak to him. 

She could also wiggle a little bit in what Roxxxy’s creators evidently thought was a sensual manner.

There have been impressive, and sometimes terrifying, improvements in robot technology since then. Humanesque robots can now run and jump and pick up boxes and do a bit of light parkour.

They can even do backflips.

Some non-humanesque robots can bowl with stunning accuracy, if not in the conventional manner.

And this creeepy quadraped can get through doors, even if you, erp, don’t particularly want it to.

Meanwhile artificial intelligence and voice recognition technology has developed to the point that for a mere $30 (and the total loss of your privacy) you can equip your home with smart speakers that will converse freely with you on such topics as the current weather and how old Kirk Douglas is. (According to my friend “Google Assistant” he’s 102 years old.)

So how have the sexy robot ladies been coming along? Well, here’s the new, improved (?) Roxxxy, as of 2018. Her “conversation” still seems like a string of canned phrases.

And her allegedly human-like movements, well, let’s just say they have a way to go before they even reach the uncanny valley.

As for her sex moves? Well, if this inadvertently hilarious R-rated video of her on PornHub is any indication, they still seem to consist mostly of wiggling. (Then again, that’s also my signature sex move.)

Meanwhile,”Emma” here is definitely not ready for prime time.

There are some other “sexbots” out there that seem a tad more human-like than these two though they too have their, er, limitations.

Here’s one that was, I believe, designed to look like Scarlett Johansson, which she doesn’t quite pull off, though she is a good deal more human-looking than Roxxxy. But her mouth movements are scary and unsynchronized and her wink, well, let’s just say it could use a bit of work, unless you’re intending to use her to frighten small children and more sensitive adults.

She might also want to work on her posture, which currently resembles that of the marionettes from Team Amerca: World Police.

This sex robot head is probably the most realistic-looking of them all, at least if you’re really into rubber heads. But its “flirting” is more than a little bit mechanical. Also, it’s just a head, designed to be attached to an otherwise immobile sex doll.

So in conclusion:

Sexbots have not yet rendered women obsolete.

But if you’re a lady-hating man who nevertheless wants to fuck a lady RIGHT NOW, might I suggest a cheaper Do-it-Yourself alternative to the still-imperfect yet extremely pricey models featured above?

While lacking a little in the body department, this DIY model will answer simple questions while you go to town on its artificial vagina. All you need is a smart speaker, a Fleshlight or something similar, a roll of duct tape, and a sturdy stick. Just attach the speaker and the Fleshlight to the opposite ends of the stick with the tape, as shown below. (You can also swap out the Fleshlight with a dildo if that’s your preference.)

For added realism, you can print out a picture of your favorite celebrity lady and tape it over the speaker. Ta-da! The perfect sexbot.

Technology marches on. I’ll check back in another eight or nine years to let you know if women are obsolete by then.

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5 years ago

I’m sure someone has made something like the final design before. Not my thing, but hey, if Alexas mounted on sticks with Fleshlights are anyone’s fantasy, go ahead! No judgement.
And if any PUAs are reading this, please pick that thing up instead of bothering any more women.

5 years ago

It never ceases to amaze (and amuse) me how much these guys seriously expect us to get jealous of a glorified (and very overpriced) Fleshlight.

What really gets me, though, is how none of them have actually Gone Their Own Way yet.

5 years ago

I actually asked our Alexa if she needed a hug and she told me we’d be better off as friends. XD

5 years ago


5 years ago

It wouldn’t work, because these guys are sure they’re entitled to way hotter sticks than that.

5 years ago

Serious question; how much do people here actually think sexbots will have advanced, and how mainstream do you think they’ll be, in 10 years time? In 50? In 100?

5 years ago

Increased grip stick stain resistant. Can get things from behind the shelves with ease.

5 years ago

One time I had a fight with my fiancé that actually involved me yelling at him “why don’t you just go buy a sex bot then if you want something you can fuck that will always agree with you” Strangely enough that idea did not actually appeal to him. Turn out the mra are wrong about them replacing women.

5 years ago

Ha, that long-winded manifesto predicting that by 2020 men would rise up en masse and dump women for sexbots was my introduction to the manosphere a decade ago. A male relative emailed it to me because he thought it was “interesting” and the author “made some good points.” (When questioned further, male relative summed up said allegedly “good points” as “well if you follow his links he pretty much proves that people are basically shitty” or something along those lines. Weird conversation.) Absolutely disgusting to read that, of course, but it did jar me into realizing this was a Really Bad Thing I needed to pay attention to.

tim gueguen
5 years ago

OT, the Daily Beast is reporting Jeffrey Epstein has been arrested on sex trafficking charges.

5 years ago

@tim Yes, let’s hope there are no more sweet heart deals.

5 years ago

This instructional video will inform you of the latest sexy robot developments:

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

And Mike Cernovich is working overtime on Twitter trying to take credit for the arrest and doing everything he can to pretend like Trump could possibly be involved with the pedo ring.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
5 years ago
5 years ago

@WWTH, to summarise that Juicebro thread:

1. Me me me me
2. Also, give me money
3. It’s wrong to look for a political angle in pedo stories

How can he not self-combust when writing (3)?

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
5 years ago

I thought I was soooo smart. I thought feminism was the wave of the future. I thought we could defeat patriarchy. But no. They’ve got sex dolls now, ones that will say all the obsequious, not to mention risque, things a man wants to hear. Can you believe that it wouldn’t have occurred to me to ask a man I’d barely met how big he was!

Outsmarted and outmaneuvered by the patriarchy and a piece of plastic with a computer in it.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
5 years ago

@tim gueguen

That’s amazing news about Jeffrey Epstein. Thanks for that info.

Every now and again I think about the woman who alleged that Jeffrey Epstein and Donald Trump raped her when she was thirteen years old. As I recall — although I don’t see it in a Google search — this woman (name unknown) said that during at least one of these rapes Trump was brutal, slamming her head against the wall or the floor (I forget which). Chilling. I keep wondering whether it’s true. . . .

Cat Mara
Cat Mara
5 years ago

Is it just me or does “Harmony” have a Scottish accent?

(Also, the music they used to open and close that clip seems inappropriately poignant to me, like it was going to be a tragic piece about poor Harmony’s attempts to find love in this cruel world ?)

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
5 years ago


It wouldn’t work, because these guys are sure they’re entitled to way hotter sticks than that.

And they accuse us of branch swinging…

Interesting that the Epstein case is being handled by the SDNY Public Corruption Unit. That’s the division that handles government corruption at the federal level. Bet Acosta is sweating bullets right now.

Meanwhile, Trump will claim he never knew Epstein, followed by a series of deranged tweets about rats.

5 years ago

I feel like the robot would accidentally say something that sounds vaguely suggestive of cheating, then they’d swear that it was cheating on them with an ‘alpha’ and destroy it. Then demand they’re entitled to a new one.
Sort of like the Stardew Valley thing a few months ago.

epitome of incomprehensibility

I want the dog robot that opens doors! …Here’s a thought: what’s if the only thing men are good for is opening doors for women? If women get door-opening robots, then MEN WILL BE RENDERED OBSOLETE!

Wait, that’s incredibly stupid. (Also, automatic doors exist already.) 😀

On a more serious note, @Kat, I’d heard of those allegations before. I think SFHC (who used to comment here more often) brought it up. At first I just skimmed over them, but a few weeks ago it came up on a Twitter thread about E. Jean Carroll’s accusations and there was a link to court documents from the previous case.

Of course I can’t automatically know what’s true, but I feel bad for dismissing it in the first place just because it seemed unlikely and sensationalist. Epstein was already known to molest teenagers, Trump to be Trump.

There’s more on Epstein here and how he was threatening people, even the staff of Vanity Fair magazine, not to report on sexual abuse claims against him:

Battering Lamb
Battering Lamb
5 years ago

2 Things:
1 – I think the door-opening quadruped looks adorable when the annying human is obstructing its very legit desire to just go through a door dangit.

2 – Whenever sexbots get brought up, my first thought is: “Who cleans their bits after use?” I mean, I’m sceptical of these MRA-types devotion to cleanliness so I’d guess the bot would need a self-cleaning program. Would that be detachable naughtybits put in the wash or some kind of internal program/function? If the latter, I can’t help but imagine mangled genitalia caused by an error where the bot decides to initiate cleaning mid-use.

5 years ago


I want the dog robot that opens doors! …Here’s a thought: what’s if the only thing men are good for is opening doors for women? If women get door-opening robots, then MEN WILL BE RENDERED OBSOLETE!

Don’t be ridiculous!

There’s also jars.

On Epstein: wasn’t there a massive fire recently on his private island? It would sure be a shame if a lot of evidence had been “accidentally” destroyed.

5 years ago

Never understood the thing about jars. Butter knife under the rim of the lid, twist slightly until the suction is released, open. Takes 5 seconds and no effort.

5 years ago

Is it just me, or are the claims that these robot ladies “smile” a bunch of hooey?

Even if they manage to make sexiest sexbot ever, I won’t worry until they make one that can cook, do the washing up and laundry, too.

Not even then, though, because I’m not interested in anyone who thinks that robots and people are interchangeable.