dude you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about empathy deficit homophobia lgtbq men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny

MGTOW Redditor: Lesbians can’t get men to provide for them directly, so they “compete in the victimhood Olympics for extra $$$$”

Lesbian enjoying her Victimhood Dollars

By David Futrelle

Men Going Their Own Way remain a bit confused about lesbians. In particular, MGTOWs have a hard time understanding how lesbians pay their bills. After all, according to MGTOW ideology, women don’t actually work, at least not at “real” jobs, and most of them make their real money by sponging off of men — their long-suffering husbands and/or boyfriends.

But what about lesbians, who don’t have husbands or boyfriends? Women can’t sponge off each other; that would make MGTOW heads explode.

Luckily one anonymous MGTOW Redditor has it all figured out: they sponge off of Big Daddy government by winning magical Oppression Dollars for themselves.

[deleted] 10 points 10 months ago* 
Lesbians can not get the men to "provide" for them directly so they're trying to use their political power to force us to do it for them in the name of their fake "equality". That's the only choice the lesbians have in the matter beside just living like the normal human beings. But why would they want that when they can constantly compete in the victimhood Olympics for some extra $$$$?

Apparently I missed the news about the government programs to provide wads of cash to lesbians for being lesbians. I know some women who’d definitely like to sign up for that!

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Ten Bears
5 years ago

Somewhat off-topic (oh, and longtime lurker first comment) but: elsewhere earlier today I mentioned how hard it is to find virgin sacrifices to the Volcano Dogs, and someone pointed out the incels! Wo-who, our troubles are solved!

In addition to reopening my witch-doctoring business I’m busy calculating just how many are necessary for tactical eruptions (you may want to move west).

Mabret (née Laugher at Bigots)
Mabret (née Laugher at Bigots)
5 years ago

Sign me up for the Lesbian Oppression and Victimhood Emoluments programme ASAP!

5 years ago

Once again, a migtoe makes me wish I could magically turn myself gay.

Not for the reasons HE thinks lesbians exist, mind you.

tim gueguen
5 years ago

Some of these guys sound they fit the original Japanese usage of otaku, guys who literally never leave their bedrooms. How else do you explain that anyone could believe the government gives lesbians money for nothing?

5 years ago

@tim gueguen: I think you’re thinking of “hikikomori”, not “otaku”. Unless the former has replaced an earlier definition of the latter which I am not aware of.

5 years ago

I’d like some government assisted gay cash.

5 years ago

I don’t even……..

Ok these guys are so delusional it’s not even funny. I wish that MGTOW would literally just go go their own way and leave women alone.

5 years ago

Last time i checked my sister managed a grocery store, and her wife worked for an insurance company, but i guess the government gives lesbians welfare for being lesbians? Not really sure how that works, but i guess in the deluded mind of a MGTOW it doesn’t really matter.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
5 years ago

If the only two choices are living like the normal human beings or competing in the victimhood Olympics for extra $$$$, then why aren’t these guys going for the gold? They’d be awesome at it, considering their rigorous training regime of mental gymnastics, self-serving spin, and moving the goalposts.

The only event they’d have trouble qualifying for is clearing the low bar.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
5 years ago

But why would they want that when they can constantly compete in the victimhood Olympics for some extra $$$$?


Rabid Rabbit
Rabid Rabbit
5 years ago

Eh. They’d just whine that it wasn’t real (liquid) gold.

And if it was real gold, they’d complained that it wasn’t gold foil covered chocolate.

5 years ago

TIL I am doing lesbianism all wrong. How do my wife and I stop living “like normal human beings” with our house and car and credit card payments and sign up for these free victimhood government dollars? Maybe we should have taken the lesbian victimhood course we inexplicably skipped in our required lesbian women studies majors in college.

5 years ago

@tim gueguen, @snowberry,

Hikikomori are people who completely withdraw from society and never leave their houses or even bedrooms, often as a response to too much societal pressure. They’re basically modern hermits. Otaku on the other hand describes people who are obsessed with computers and popculture to a degree where it negatively impacts their social skills. They rarely get out of the house anymore, because they’re glued to their computer screens. I’d say otaku is a much better fit for mgtows than hikikomori, since their entire shtick is ranting on the internet about how eeevil the feeemoidz are. They don’t seem to have much of a life or identity outside of that.

5 years ago

Do you guys know if the lesbian victimhood money is just for American lesbians? I just became an Israeli citizen, but I’m from America.

5 years ago

Well, given how badly lesbians and gays are treated even in the most tolerant part of Paris, I am pretty sure thoses would gladly exchange thoses “victimhood dollars” with actual security.

5 years ago

@Bina I wish more women were gay so they don’t have to put up with scum like them.

5 years ago

JS, don’t worry overmuch about the government victimhood money. It’s required to be spent on power tools and Subarus. 😉

5 years ago

@Nina: Okay, then. I was thinking of “otaku” in the broader sense of people who are fans of certain forms of pop-culture, as there are a lot of people who self-describe as “otaku” without being internet addicts who use “riajuu” (real-lifer) as a slur.

5 years ago

@snowberry: Oh, that’s definitely how most people use it (especially in the west). But as he said in his comment, tim gueguen was refering to the original Japanese use of the word which is a lot more negative.

epitome of incomprehensibility

I thought “otaku” was specifically for anime/manga fans, e.g. Otakuthon in Montreal.

That reminds me, there’s also the yearly ComicCon here this weekend. I don’t think I can go since I’m teaching 6 hours of group classes. 🙁

Mrs. Obed Marsh
Mrs. Obed Marsh
5 years ago

@epitome: It’s used that way in the English-speaking world, but the Japanese use it in pretty much the same way we use the words “geek” and “nerd.” For instance, a person obsessed with trains would be densha otaku, or “train nerd.”

Sheila Crosby
5 years ago

Now I’m half-remembering an article by a young African American woman who was applying for college. In the process she found a load of white people who were utterly convinced that the government paid college fees for all African Americans. Even after she told them, “No, I’ve saved for years and my parents have saved for years and I’m still going into debt,” several of them weren’t convinced.

Because who are you going to believe, Fox News or some nice young woman who happens to have a dark skin?

5 years ago

victimhood makes people so much $$$

how many of the world’s biggest dollar hoarders are lesbian women, or just trod-upon minorities in general?

Greebos Left Eye
Greebos Left Eye
5 years ago

I repeat, oh good grief.