alpha males bad history beta males chad thundercock drama kings empathy deficit entitled babies evil sex-having women evil sex-rejecting ladies incels mass murder is good actually men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny narcissism not a cult pedophiles oh sorry ephebophiles rape rape culture rape is good actually stacies

Creepy Incels agree: “If you’re old and never had teenager love, then you’re entitled to have a Jailbait”

Marilyn Monroe, a hideous old hag of 35, in Some Like it Hot

By David Futrelle

Self-described “involuntary celibates” want the world to pity them as decent men who have been cruelly denied sex by too-picky women who reject them for the tiniest of physical flaws. This is absurd in itself, but it’s made even more absurd by the fact that incels themselves tend to be pickier about women than any mythical Chad-chasing Stacy.

Incels don’t just want sex with any woman; they feel that they’re owed sex with women “in their prime” — that is, young, conventionally attractive, relatively thin and, oh, did I mention young? That is, not women at all but teenage girls?

Incels — not all of them but a lot — exalt “teenage love” over all other forms of love and sex. And if they don’t get “teenage love” when they they themselves are teenagers, they think they deserve it as adults. The very thought that a man in, say, his thirties should be having sex with “old” women close to his own age fills them with rage.

In a recent posting on, a prolific contributor to that site with a Dylann Roof avatar and more than 5000 comments to his name, asked angrily “How the fuck does society have the AUDACITY to tell oldcels to stick to older women[?]” In case you didn’t pick up on his bad mood, the poster, calling himself Turbocuckcel_7000, tagged his post with the popular tag “RageFuel.”

Turbocuckcel made his case:

And by the way, when he demands some credit for not “ruining someone else’s future wife,” he means by having sex with her, because in the incel brain any woman who isn’t a virgin when she marries is basically a used-up harlot.

In any case, a commenter called Cuyen, with more than 30 thousand comments to his, er, credit, quickly took Turbocuckcel’s argument to its logical conclusion, declaring:

If you are old and never had teenager love,then youre entitled to have a JB

Someone called Tempus Edax Rerum popped up with this bit of bad history:

The funny thing about this statement is that less than a hundred years ago this was actually how it worked.

Well, no, it wasn’t. In 1920, the median age of first marriage for women was 21.2, true, but the median from men was 24.6 — an age gap of less than 3 1/2 years. (Today, the median age is 27.8 for women, 29.8 for men, boosted slightly by the recent legalization of gay marriage, which meant a sudden rush of older couples marrying.) Looking this up literally took 30 seconds.

Turbocuckcel, naturally, agreed wholeheartedly with Cuyen’s rule, adding that the situation contemporary non-Chad men face is

a massive ripoff. like it’s not bad enough how you are likely to just be used for your money and divorce-raped as an oldcel loveless faggot anyway, you need to get the stinkeye from every sanctimonious fuckface in a 5km radius too if you have an age difference greater than 3-4 years in your favor. …

i’ll probably dream about dating and marrying a 20 year old girl even as they’re shovelling dirt over my coffin

Your dream is every twenty year old “girl’s” nightmare, dude.

Someone called Bernd worked himself into quite a lather:

I know, it’s always “ew grow up”, “immature”, “creepy” and “can’t handle an independent woman sweaty?”

It’s not like everyone can afford to live on 1000% of normal dopamine levels in their youths like females do. They live in some sort of hedonistic sinful version of the garden of Eden and fuck through waves and waves of Chads AND get stuff handed to them FOR FREE. This is somehow less big of a deal than men dating younger women.

It’s somehow “less big of a deal,” because the only place any of this happens is in your head, dude.

LMS-maxxed older guys [guys who’ve maxed-out their Looks, Money and Status –DF] fucking prime pussy deserve it. Because it is hard. Imagine through how much shit normies go to fuck 18-24 year olds that are below their looksmatch. Now picture it at 35+.

If you’ve worked your fucking ass off in life and got nothing to show for than a used up single mother wooing you with her requirement list, then it is not wrong to want even a tiny share of the enjoyment in life that foids get for free as a birthright.

Time to pull out this gif again:

that's not how this works. that's not how any of this works.

Incels: Using their delusions to stoke their resentment and justify their predatory desires.

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5 years ago


Lol I hate to ask but how old are you. Sounds like something I would have got caught doing in high school. In fact I did get caught in certain areas like that. But for me it was a baseball field stands around 10 o’clock at night. An hour before my curfew and it was the school’s janitor that caught us.

5 years ago


“Oldcel”? Does everything have “-cel” attached to it now? Is this like Male Chauvinist Pig Latin?

Yescel! Whycel docel youcel askcel?


Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
5 years ago

@Lainy – This was in the early ’80s, so…awhile ago. I don’t know what it is about gym equipment and athletic spaces that attracts rutting teenagers. More nooks and crannies, maybe? Baseball stands sound pretty uncomfortable…

Even though I was a late bloomer who hardly dated at all and spent most of high school feeling lonely, I didn’t feel like I was missing out on much. My peers weren’t having sex nearly as often as incels think (and that was a golden age of latchkey kids, just before the AIDS epidemic and well before social media). With a few exceptions, most of the male athletes at our school were too disciplined and focused on sports to waste time chasing girls. If they had girlfriends, they were usually steady long-term girlfriends. Same with the cheerleaders. If anyone was playing musical partners, it was the punks and the stoners.

If you’ve worked your fucking ass off in life and got nothing to show for than a used up single mother wooing you with her requirement list,

As if any single mom would be looking to take on another child. Especially one as spoiled and whiny as this.

fuck through waves and waves of Chads

I’m picturing the beach scene in “From Here to Eternity”, against a background of Chads pouring out of amphibious vehicles into the surf.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
5 years ago

All you do from 20 to 30-35 is this: working jobs, going to interviews, trying to self-improve, helping others, desperately trying to generate value and net worth… you are touching no women or close to none. You are not enjoying “your share” or ruining anyone’s future wife, nothing.
How the fuck does society have THE AUDACITY to then tell you that the time has passed for you to talk to young women and you need to be a serious man now and date single moms and wrinkly reformed sluts, when all you’ve had for the past 10 years is forced celibacy and running in a hamster wheel.

How the fuck is that audacity even possible, let alone something to be taken seriously.

So you’re a Boy Scout.

Oh wait, you’re a potential Don Juan — or maybe a potential rapist.

Oh no, all you want to do is talk to young women.

Oh my gosh, who has forced you into celibacy!

5 years ago


for one of my roommates there was a long hallway that teenagers use to have sex in. The baseball seats were not comfortable but they had locked up the track because people kept having sex on the football field. no lock for the baseball one though.

Gabriel Ratchet
Gabriel Ratchet
5 years ago

It’s so weird reading the kind of crap these chuckleheads claim to be the truth about women’s lives. It’s like reading mediæval travelers’ tales where someone will claim to have visited Cathay or Darkest Africa and report that they’re populated by people with dogs’ heads or faces in their stomachs or whatever. The stories were always complete bullshit, of course, but they could get away with it because the people telling them could be confident that no one who ever read them would ever go there and find out for themselves.

5 years ago

I wonder where these “waves and waves of Chads” are coming from. Are Chads the majority now? I thought they were supposed to be only 10% of men. They must be extremely busy on weekends.

occasional reader
occasional reader
5 years ago

So, after Mail Order Brides, they want Mail Order Jailbaits ?

happy cat
happy cat
5 years ago

I’m an “older lady” and I don’t want to have sex with that kind of guy. Ever. And I’m not being picky, I just cannot stand stupid jerks.

5 years ago

High school. ‘My stomach is churning and I have an urge to run away. This must be a high school.’ – Shrek. High school life can be unpleasant here, and really grim back in the 1970’s. Teachers on power trips or who prided themselves on brutality, rampant violent bullying. The all – girls high school down the road wasn’t so very different to my boys – only high school either. And incels have a thing about liking high school set ups ? On being told school was ‘the best time of our lives’ we were thinking ‘it gets worse ?’

Cat Mara
Cat Mara
5 years ago

I read “Turbocuckcel” as “Turnbucklecel” for a moment and now all I can think of is a tribe of incels who believe that it’s their fanatical attachment to professional wrestling that makes them unlovable…

Cat Mara
Cat Mara
5 years ago

@Buttercup Q. Skullpants:

I don’t know what it is about gym equipment and athletic spaces that attracts rutting teenagers.

The sweat-stank, maybe? ?

5 years ago

If everyone pinned their entire happiness on what happens to you between 13-19 years old then I would imagine about 95% of people would be racked with regret and misery. Being a teenager is awkward and boring, with fleeting enjoyment but rarely the “great love” you see in films. I can barely remember my teenage boyfriend, except that (poor chap) I was very much too immature to properly engage in sex and found the whole thing mortifying. I would hate to think everything was staked on that brief and weird window.

Also, interesting to note these guys have no qualms about ruining a young girl’s teenage years with their unwanted and resentful attention.

5 years ago

If you go back not 100 years but maybe 200, you will find an age gap of ten years or more between husband and wife not the norm but at least common. This was, to a large extent, because there were separate and opposite rules for men and women. A man was expected to be financially secure and established in his profession before he began a family. An unmarried woman was presumed to be financially dependent on her family, and thus basic fairness–and sometimes necessity–urged her to find a husband who could take up the burden instead. The men were encouraged to wait, the women to marry as soon as possible.

I’d be interested in the source for that as well. I was under the impression that the people who needed to become established in their profession were unusual, as the vast majority of all people worked on farms. From what I know from my grandparents who were farmers, if you inherited a farm you’d look for a good person to marry for the sake of the farm (not necessarily someone you felt especially attracted to) and if you were a farmhand and didn’t own a farm, you wouldn’t marry at all most of the time. As an example, my grandmother inherited her farm and got married when she was around 35, to my grandfather who was thirteen years younger than her because she thought he’d be a hard worker and good at managing the farm – and I don’t think this was seen as particularly strange. My grandfather didn’t inherit his family’s farm because he was the youngest child and it wasn’t big enough to divide up and allow all of them to make a living. If he hadn’t married my grandmother, he most likely wouldn’t have married at all and rather found work as a farmhand.
I mean this wasn’t even a hundred years ago, but I doubt these customs changed all that much. There were definitely different rules for men and women, but afaik the rules around marriage depended more on wealth and property than on gender (not that the distribution of wealth and property was equal among genders, but you know)
But maybe I’m wrong! In that case I’d love to learn more.

More on topic, the incels’ idea of what a teenage girl’s life looks like is just… bizarre. I cannot fathom how they have gone so far down their misogynistic rabbit hole that this seems like an accurate portrayal of what is going on in the world.

You are not enjoying “your share” or ruining anyone’s future wife, nothing

The dehumanization and misogyny in that sentence alone is …something. wow.

Samantha Kaswell
Samantha Kaswell
5 years ago

I didn’t know where else to post this, so here it goes.

27 year old Marshae Jones, an African American woman in Alabama, has been charged with manslaughter for being shot in the stomach during an argument with a friend and, as a result, miscarrying her five-month old fetus.

Here is a link to the story:

If anyone thinks that women are safe in this country, they are delusional. Men in power have scented blood in their power over and control of women and no woman is safe from their evil. Gilead, indeed!

Women of ALL ethnic groups, sexual orientations, spiritual beliefs, colors, ages and economic status must learn the lessons this teaches and stand together against male colonization of our bodies and lives. Furthermore, this is connected with the general patriarchal frenzy to bring all life on this planet – and the planet itself – under their rigid and violent control.

It is time that we, and those non-patriarchal men who really are our friends, take back this world, beginning with our own life and bodies, if we wish to survive.

David, if this is wrong place for this, please move it either to the right place or, and this is my suggestion, create a space for this kind of issue.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

It’s a horrible story. It won’t get the national outrage it deserves because the state government very diabolically chose a woman that won’t be sympathetic to a lot of white women to set the precedent for criminalizing a miscarriage. But make no mistake, this path eventually leads to people getting arrested for eating soft cheese or tuna while pregnant.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
5 years ago

Considering that about 25% of pregnancies naturally miscarry, that’s a hella large percentage of the population to incarcerate. The for-profit prison industries must be rubbing their hands in glee.

It sets a horrifying precedent. No woman is safe. Imagine a pregnant woman with an abusive spouse/boyfriend. The abusive partner could deliberately terminate the pregnancy through violence and then have her locked up. All he has to do is convince a few people that she started it. Same for a man who doesn’t want to pay child support. All he has to do is buy a gun, and then argue in court that the woman was being derelict in her duty to act as the sacred protective vessel for the fetus, by not being sufficiently bulletproof.

Pretty soon, women won’t even have to be pregnant. They can just be locked up for being unruly or disobedient, and we’ll be back to the days where women could be involuntarily committed by their husbands for any reason at all.

5 years ago

It’s not like everyone can afford to live on 1000% of normal dopamine levels in their youths like females do. They live in some sort of hedonistic sinful version of the garden of Eden and fuck through waves and waves of Chads AND get stuff handed to them FOR FREE.

There is just so much to tease out in this baffling concept. Just going by my own experience in high school and my early twenties, this isn’t based on any actual observation. It’s not like these incel dudes are actually going to a club week after week and seeing women they know dancing with a different partner on a regular basis. It’s entirely in their imagination. This is a concept that is birthed in media (beer commercials of partying ladies, obnoxious teen sex comedies etc.), then transplanted into the real world based on fleeting glimpses of couples holding hands or engaged in a public display of affection. They can’t seem to imagine that the relationships are either long-held, not actually sexual, or the sex that is happening is awkward as all hell.

As Buttercup said:

My peers weren’t having sex nearly as often as incels think

Bingo. Again, media portrayals of these instances make it seem like it’s a magical epiphany or rite of passage into “manhood”, when it’s awkward shit that awkward teenagers sometimes do. They really do need to stop grafting popular culture (or worse, porn) onto their idea of sex and relationships.

5 years ago

I just do not know. perhaps someone has explained previously but
WHAT THE HELL GIVES THESE ???????? THE IDEA THAT THEY ARE DUE A “SHARE” OF THE WOMEN?????? Isn’t that tantamount to slavery? Oh.
As to Jail Bait, I was 24 when I met my wife, She was 34. One of the best things about her was that she new what SHE wanted. I miss her dearly.

5 years ago

HOWEVER, the last speaker (after a week of brutally detailed trainings from experts of all sorts) repeated this exact myth (that it was once common for middle aged men to have sex with young teens) and theorized that those who sexuly abuse children now are really just some kind of genetic throwback.

comment image

5 years ago

When I was in high school, I deeply resented just having to attend Sex Ed classes, nevermind having actual sex.

…The, uh, revelation that I was asexual explained a lot of things in retrospect. I recognize that having a relatively robust sexual education is something that I was privileged to receive, now, but at the time it was gross and uncomfortable and I hated every second of it.

I’m pretty sure that the vast majority of my friends in high school also didn’t have any sex, though, and most of them weren’t ace.

5 years ago

OT, but I found it amusing:

Public Health Manager ‘Sorry’ For Giving B.C. Kids Graphic Sex Guide

I read over the guide and yeah, it’s unabashed in its description of various sex acts. Not the most appropriate thing for kids to be reading, but the focus of all the pearl-clutching is the images, which are entirely euphemistic and don’t show anything graphic. There’s a hippo butt, but kids see those at the zoo all the time. But HuffPost had a cap of the most “offensive” image:

comment image?cache=JEweE1ygSa&ops=scalefit_630_noupscale

Something about a fly whipping a kinky spider is both amusing and adorable.

5 years ago

This SF story was published nearly ten years ago and reality just keeps creeping closer:

Big Titty Demon
Big Titty Demon
5 years ago

@Samantha Kaswell

I’m glad you posted that, because I really wanted to ask Mammotheers advice on a situation arising from that story.

I know someone, that I cannot un-know (so that’s not an option), who agreed that yes, that’s terrible, and she should never be prosecuted for it.

They then went on to say that they were probably from “the underclass” (this is not code for poor, it’s code for black) and didn’t care that the baby was lost and may have started the fight with that express purpose in mind, even to possibly knowing that the other woman had a gun and would shoot her. Even so, they shouldn’t have been prosecuted, but it could have been the real intent all along!

I called this person the racism (this person grew up poor as dirt, so it’s racism not classism) and general horrible shittery, but this person is getting worse and worse in this way as they age and I seem to have no effect on it. I think part of it is cynicism born from having a very stressful job that cannot provide necessities to everyone where that person sees quite a lot of very awful horrible situations (we are talking babies with their thumbs cut off and child prostitution levels of horrible), and, because they work in a predominantly black community, it’s usually black perpetrators.

Should I start advising them to quit this job because it’s poisoning their whole worldview, or like… how can I help this person not be like this? They did not use to be like this.

Not Edward
Not Edward
5 years ago

@Turan, @Kupo, @Anyone else interested.
Here’s Wikipedia’s thing on marriage age (for Western Europe, anyway, since that’s all I could find.)