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QUIZ: Who called #MeToo accusers a bunch of “starf*ckers” — putative leftist Aimee Terese or professional misogynist Paul Elam?

Aimee Terese and Paul Elam: Bad Take factories

By David Futrelle

It’s getting harder and harder to tell the difference between a certain subspecies of contemporary leftist — the anti-“identity politics” types who take a naughty delight in dismissing their foes as “retarded” — and the pepe-posting assholes of the alt-right and/or the woman-hating dinguses of the Men’s Rights Movement.

Take, for example, the putatively leftist podcaster and Twitter provocateur/bad-take-factory Aimee Terese. Several weeks ago, you may recall, Terese caused a bit of a stir by suggesting that journalist Talia Jane, who had gone public about the skeezy sexual DMs she’d gotten from a male colleague, has such an unbeautiful face that she should have been flattered that any man would “even contemplate ejaculating on it.” (No, really, she actually said that.)

Today Terese is back at it again, posting comments about #MeToo that are virtually indistinguishable from some of the worst things that professional misogynist Paul Elam, founder of the hate site A Voice for Men, has said on the subject.

How indistinguishable, you ask? Well, see if you can distinguish them. One of the quotes below is from Terese; one is from Elam; and one I made up for this quiz.

1) “#metoo is [a] long awaited catharsis for ageing starfuckers everywhere. That time your naked 19 year old self gave a handy to a celebrity photographer is now your trauma ticket to the 15 minutes of fame you were denied back then.”

2) “Elderly ex-star fuckers have seized on #metoo both as a means to take down the alpha males they once idolized and to round up a white knight brigade of emasculated shitlib soy boys eager to tell them they’re still oh so pretty.”

3) “[Prominent celebrity’s] victims? Or just a bunch of drug whoring star fuckers?”

When you’re ready, scroll down for the answer.



The first quote is from Terese; the third is from Elam (and the celebrity in question was now-convicted-rapist Bill Cosby); the quote in the middle is my best approximation of the sort of rhetoric the two share.

In any case, the answer to the question in my headline is that both Elam and Terese have now publicly called #MeToo accusers “starfuckers,” the only real difference between their rhetoric being whether or not they put a space between “star” and “fuckers” or not.

Here’s the full quote from Terese, in a Tweet today:

Aimee Terese
Following Following @aimeeterese
#metoo is long awaited catharsis for ageing starfuckers everywhere.
That time your naked 19 year old self gave a handy to a celebrity photographer is now your trauma ticket to the 15 minutes of fame you were denied back then. He and the skin pics are finally going to pay off!

In addition to being a reprehensible thing to say about #MeToo accusers in general, Terese’s tweet seems pretty clearly to be snipe at one accuser in particular: model-turned-writer-and-podcast-producer Jamie Peck, who went public with her story of sexual abuse at the hands of predatory photographer Terry Richardson in 2010 — which was, incidentally, a full seven years before the #MeToo hashtag went viral. Not coincidentally, it also took seven years — and countless other women coming forward with similar stories about the powerful photographer — before publishing giant Conde Nast and several large fashion houses finally dropped him.

As for Elam, here’s a link to a post I did on Elam’s horrific take on Cosby. The quote in question was the title of Elam’s post, in which he also referred to Cosby’s accusers as

a bunch of greedy women who commoditized their bodies like groupies who managed to get backstage at a rock concert.

As it turns out — no great shock here — Terese has had quite a few other terrible things to say about #metoo.

Sometimes she makes an effort to drape her retrograde opinions in Marxoid buzzwords.

Aimee Terese
Following Following @aimeeterese
The neoliberal feminist girlbosses and their emasculated liberal men denied the fracture, leaning into gender reductionism, #metoo, abortion obsession & trauma porn.
They fetishised bourgeoise womens's rage to manufacture consent for a fantasy that male entitlement was to blame.
The hysterical discourses of our era -#metoo prime among them- adopt a patina of sexual moralism, but the sex is a mere cloak by which bourgeoise ideology propagates & reproduces itself. Discursive gasoline poured on a fire of neoliberal acceleration, atomisation and alienation.
Metoo is a self aggrandising project squabbling over scraps at the neoliberal table, framing justice as gender war (instead of class war) is retarded, and it merely props up the status quo by avoiding structural critique. I’m not imagining utopia, I’m pointing out a smug fraud.

When she’s not spouting buzzwords, she likes to present herself as the True Voice of working women — fighting against the rich ladies and the giant corporations (?) that are supposedly benefiting from the movement.

I've said it a thousand times, #metoo was a political weapon by which wealthy women leveraged career opportunities, it had nothing to do with justice, equity, or harassment.
#MeToo was never about justice, it was about power and ambition; public leverage for those whose delusions of grandeur had been thwarted by the ice cold corporate bog. The dirty little secret is that it was only ever available to women *already* in positions of relative power.
#metoo has done nothing for working class women, deprived pmc women of mentoring opportunities and made them feel less safe at work, but hey Oscar winner, Michelle Williams has been so moved personally and professionally to be a part of the conversation!
No. It isn't. 

Loving the immediacy of the #metoo content sponsored by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, really helps drive home what kind of 'movement' it is, Microsoft thanks you for your service.

Apparently #MicrosoftMeToo comes pre-loaded with Windows 10. But you can disable it in “settings.”

While Terese normally likes to pretend she’s pushing some uber-enlightened Marxoid philosophy when she attacks #MeToo, she sometimes forgets. It’s pretty hard to discern even a pretend progressive impulse behind a tweet like this:

Frigid Women May Be Killing Office Productivity ? #metoo

I dunno, it kind of seems to me that a joke suggesting that #metoo accusers are a bunch of “frigid women” isn’t really very funny, even with a a winky-tongue-sticky emoji stuck in the middle of it? But what do I know? I’m probably just some emasculated careerist shitlib soy boy who needs to read more Marx and 4chan.

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Big Titty Demon
Big Titty Demon
5 years ago

@Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy

I… uh, I have to admit I still don’t understand what “the fracture” is from those tweets, except that it’s probably not vaginas.

Rhuu - apparently an illiterati
Rhuu - apparently an illiterati
5 years ago

@Casta – you originally said:

Can someone confirm for certain that this individual is indeed a woman? I have my suspicions.

Asking if someone is, indeed, a women sounds REALLY REALLY TERFY to me, and I am strongly side-eyeing you.

Women can absolutely be sexist and terrible, BUT they don’t tend to insult other women the same way men do. For example, it is almost always the purview of men to insult a woman by calling her too ugly to be f*cked or sexually assaulted. I have never in my life heard an identified feminist (Marxist or otherwise) use such language. This trope is used almost exclusively by misogynistic men (see sargon of akkad) to insult women.

… What? No it isn’t, women are people who are in the same culture as the men are, and will often say the same types of insults. What even is this?

The language is the give away – the persona presented to us is not genuine, we are being trolled in a major way.


Why are you going here?

5 years ago

Can someone please explain to all the women who have told me I’m not rapeable because I’m fat and I should take unwanted advances as a compliment because I’m too gross to hit on that women don’t use that kind of language on other women?? Tyty

Rhuu - apparently an illiterati
Rhuu - apparently an illiterati
5 years ago

I *just* finished hate-reading a book written by a women who has written strong female characters in other books, and the only female ‘main’ character was protrayed as petty and jealous throughout.

Honestly, I want to read the story from her point of view, because she was fighting against something that was a hell of a lot more interesting than the main male character trying to figure out why she wouldn’t move in with him.

HINT TO HIM: it’s not the rough conditions you were living in – it’s that she knows what she is doing is important, and you’ve told her multiple times that it’s a stupid idea. She is Getting Shit Done, and you should really examine why you’re having such petty thoughts about her.

Not to mention the author should really have gone deeper into this, rather than ‘she’s ultimately not cut out to be a leader of people’, when all the other men in the original group she was part of somehow are. Even the incredibly shy one.


Sylvia Daniella Foxglove
Sylvia Daniella Foxglove
5 years ago

Wow, Vogon Poetry for conservatives and Reactionaries. Loved the fat shaming. It was the only part I really understood. I just love how people are overweight are somehow not allowed to have political opions.. Which I mean frell that since I’m over 260. I mean everyone here is definitely correct. I just think that using the term Vogon Political Poetry is a good term for what shes saying. It’s near impossible to understand, painful to read and I have not slept enough in 20 years to even begin parsing what’s she saying… Beyond I’m special and should be played attention to just like all the other White Male Alt-righters do… Truly exhausting.

5 years ago

OT, but just something neat from one of my cemetery crawls. Apparently one of the former Russian Grand Duchesses is buried in the York Cemetery right behind Mel Lastman Square (which for non-Torontonian Mammotheers is where the tragic van attack occurred last year).
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Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna, younger sister of Nicholas II, fled the Russian Revolution to Denmark, where she lived for about 30 years before fears of further reprisals from Stalin had her and her husband relocating to Canada, first settling on a farm in Campbellville until the work became too much for the aging couple, eventually settling in Cooksville, Ontario (now part of Mississauga).
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Despite having to put up with a rash of Romanov imposters over the years and practically every royal visiting Canada, Olga and Nikolai were seen regularly about town, shopping for groceries or receiving letters from all over the world. Olga was a prodigious painter and made money selling her works, mostly on name recognition alone. After her husband’s death in 1958, increasingly unable to care for herself, Olga moved in with family friends who lived in a Gerrard Street apartment, where she died in 1960.
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Quite the remarkable life story. Be sure to check your local cemeteries, there could be Russian nobility buried there that you don’t know about. O.o

5 years ago

“Frigid women may be killing office productivity ?”

Ah yes, that ultimate concern of the marxist left, *checks smeared note on hand*: corporate productivity.

She literally does just forget which side she claims to be on, doesn’t she.

5 years ago

Post-leftists are often worse than right-wingers.

5 years ago

Exactly, I don’t think she was ever left-wing to begin with, at least not outside using some cool and edgy vocabulary anyway.

People who actually care about left-wing issues would be more concerned standing up to corporations and abusers in power rather than victim-blame anyone complaining about bad corporate practices and abuse of power.

Anyone willing to bet that if she’d lived in the 1850’s she’d be spending all her days whining about all slaves secretly being uncle Toms whilst simultaneously accusing them of being too brash and uppity whenever they complained about slavery?

5 years ago


I have never in my life heard an identified feminist (Marxist or otherwise) use such language.

Might want to get out more.

Turan, Emissary of the Fly World
Turan, Emissary of the Fly World
5 years ago

This is absolutely the least important thing Terese gets wrong in her tweets, but as no one else has mentioned it two pages in, I might as well point it out: Michelle Williams is not an Oscar winner. She has had multiple nominations, but she has not won yet.

On the one hand, this is an easy mistake to make. On the other hand, it is also an easy mistake to correct, if one only takes a moment to read and think about what one has written before hitting “send.”

Alan Robertshaw
5 years ago

@ moggie, silly-bollocks, Vicky p, solecism, and gaebolga

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

They’re all such brilliant suggestions. I”m just going to relay all of them to the site admin and let her choose. But they’re all so clever. I think I’ll probably steal variations of them for future posts.

The next planned article is about protection for whistleblowers; so if you have any ideas on that I’d love to hear!

5 years ago


Cemetery crawl? Like you go to cemeteries to find famous people? Do you Google all the names? How do you know which names to look up or do you show up with a list of names in mind?

5 years ago

Be sure to check your local cemeteries, there could be Russian nobility buried there that you don’t know about. O.o

Dunno about buried Russians, but Princess Irina of Romania is in prison near here.

5 years ago

Come to think of it, I live within an hour or so of Emperor Norton’s grave, so maybe I should pay his Imperial Majesty a visit one of these days.

5 years ago

Reading her tweets make me feel like I’m reading the product of a neural network that was trained on alt-right/MRA content, and then had a bunch of Karl Marx fed into it.

Hypatia's Daughter
Hypatia's Daughter
5 years ago

Katamount, thank you for your posts. They are bringing back many nostalgic memories.
My parents lived in Applewood Acres from 1965. I went to Gordon Graydon High (Wally Ward, who was the principal then, died this year).
I have lived in the U.S. since 1995 but my daughter lives at Lakeshore & Cawthra.
I didn’t know about the Grand Duchess, but we kids had a rumor that Colonel Sanders (of KFC fame) had a house on our street where he stayed when in town. Probably it was just some guy with white hair & a goatee.?

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy

Aimee has weighed in on Kyle Kashuv’s rejection from Harvard:

comment image

It’s an absolute doozy.

Joan Pasley
Joan Pasley
5 years ago

Hello! Newbie here. I have seen some alt-right nonsense, but this takes the cake. This chick sounds like one of you tube boobs. Throwing out a lot of big words. Maybe her and bari Weiss should hang out together. They both have the same mentalty. I was referred to this site by angry white men.

5 years ago

1) What surveillance was he under? His classmates took screenshots of messages he left in shared documents used for schoolwork. Plus other students just reported what they remembered him saying. None of that is surveillance.
2) What shifting norms? Was it the norm to talk about making a map of your school to practice killing all the jews at some point?
3) Children can make private, offhand comments, still (though decent ones probably wouldn’t be spewing hate speech). These were made semi-publicly through a written medium. Just like a note I passed in class when I was 16 could have come back to bite me later, this came back to bite him because he used a medium that leaves a paper trail.

Big Titty Demon
Big Titty Demon
5 years ago


Haha, that is a perfect way to describe these tweets!

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
5 years ago

Frigid women? That was once a pet peeve of mine. I used to work in offices where the temperature outside would be in the 70s, 80s, or even 90s (Fahrenheit) — and inside, I would be wearing a wool jacket and my hands would be red with cold.

Because men preferred it chilly.

I haven’t experienced this recently, presumably because air conditioning is expensive and also consumes a lot of energy.*

A few years ago I worked in an office in an old, inadequately heated (but not freezing-cold) building. Then the company moved to a newer building with, miraculously, heat everywhere. In the air. All around me. Heat. It seemed to me to be a bizarre turn of events. Heat.


tim gueguen
5 years ago

A couple of days ago I commented elsewhere that there are probably Marxists who oppose the LGBTQ rights movement, because it’s a plot to weaken the proletariat, somehow. I suspect Terese might be pretty close to thinking that.

5 years ago

“Hey Siri, please define Panopticon.”

Honestly, as someone who didn’t attend post-secondary, the only good thing about Aimees tweets is that I’m learning so many new words. Now I just need to learn how to properly use the apostrophe (is it Aimees, Aimee’s, or Aimees’?). ?

Alan Robertshaw
5 years ago

@ silly-bollocks

I have a bit of an interest in penal policy; and all the Panopticon stuff iswell worth a read if you like that sort of thing. I used to have to go to HMP Pentonville a lot*; and that’s based on the Panopticon concept. It was pretty much the prototype.

(*which gives you an idea of my acquittal rate)