By David Futrelle
Today’s Deep Thought from the Incels.co forums. (Well, ok, technically it’s a Deep Thought from January but I just ran across it today.)

The rest of the thread is pretty bad but I’m too filled with existential dread to dig out the worst quotes for you all today.
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they continue to radically overestimate how much sex anyone else is having, and with how many partners.
It ain’t the speed, it’s the accuracy.
*dons hat, plants dancing pole in the ground, then slings around it*
I hate the “I can’t help who I’m attracted to” excuse for shitty behavior. No you can’t help it, and nobody is obligated to have sex with someone they don’t find attractive. However, one can help making derogatory comments about people they aren’t attracted to or preying on minors. And incels, nice guys and assorted other sad boner bros have got to realize that it’s their own choice to have extremely rigid standards for attractiveness. The consequences of that choice is that it’s harder to find a partner. They don’t get to blame the rest of the world for that choice.
Well, THIS is even dumber than “shelter in place”…
Wow, that is ingenious! Imagine the potential applications of this method! We could eradicate rape by simply forcing women to have sex with potential rapists!
Hark! I think I can hear Ross Douthat’s keyboard clacking away right now seconding Mahlo’s suggestion…..
Nothing hotter than coerced sex, amirite?
Yeah, seriously. I get that hormones are raging at high school age, and when I was the awkward pimple-faced dork I believed every story that “the cool guy” told about all the “tail” he was pulling in and we’ve all been conditioned to believe sex is some kind of life-changing event, but it’s really not. You’re the same person before and the same person after. It won’t change brain chemistry, it won’t cure mood disorders and it certainly won’t curb antisocial behaviour. It’s total bullshit and I think they know it’s bullshit, they’re just trying to push the unpalatable into the conversation.
Food for thought?? More like food poisoning for thought!!
Hi, *very* long time lurker, first time commenter here.
This people are absolutely insane. Not that, after having read since the site was called ManBoobz, I really doubted that. Still, I felt the need to public reiterate it.
I spent some time in the inceltears subreddit recently after this site mentioned them, and Oh My God do the Incels (even on Reddit, which theoretically has standards) say so much absolutely horrifying things. I’ve seen things on inceltears that eclipse even what I’ve seen on this site, which I didn’t think was possible.
Thank you, David, for your hard work documenting all if the shades of horror of the MRA/Incels/whatevers. I wouldn’t have known they existed without your site, and I was once slightly sympathetic to some MRA rhetoric many years ago, though I’m loath to admit it. Thanks for setting me straight.
Also, no incel could possibly have an altruistic motive. This particular disgusting ass just thinks that he’ll be one of the ugly losers that women might sleep with in his fantasy.
As an aside, is there a way to create a permanent profile? I seem to be dumb.
I can’t list everything that’s wrong with this post because I’ll be here all day
But I remember when I was a kid and the World Trade Center went down, nobody suggested Bin Laden should get laid and everything would be perfectly balanced
I may sound Draconian here but I’m in favour of treating incels like any other type of terrorist .
@Dan Kasteray
A number of incels have explicitly supported Elliot Rodgers and suggested that somebody should “go ER”. They’ve also been quick to try to claim any mass shooter as one of their own, an incel who finally “went ER.” They’re not – mostly – terrorists per se, but they’re definitely terrorist sympathizers. The FBI should be all over them, but unfortunately I don’t think the FBI really cares about people who aren’t brown supporting terrorists these days.
“Women ignore us, the good men!” says group of men who need to be bribed not to commit murder. “How can we make them pay for ignoring us, the good men?”
“I know!” says one of the Very Best Men Of All. “We’ll force them to choose between their bodies and their lives!”
The Good Men nod sagely. They wish women wouldn’t make them do this, but it’s so difficult being a Good Man when women refuse to reward them for being Good Men. Sex is no big deal for women, after all (while somehow simultaneously being a life-defining event for men).
Well, that was thoughtful of this guy to take time out of his busy schedule of endlessly spewing misogynistic bile and talking up school shootings to pause for two sentences, and pretend to be concerned about stopping school shootings. Did that count as 15 minutes?
If it’s just about tab B/slot A, then why isn’t he volunteering to “take one for the team”? I mean, his preferences don’t matter. The important thing is an incel gets to have sex.
Dude, just invest in a fucking Fleshlight already. The last thing any woman wants to have sex with is a dude with a violent hate-on for her, and for the world in general.
And, given the changes to a lot of abortion laws recently (very much for the worse), the next-last thing we want to do is get pregnant by a violent hate-wanker.
And also! In many parts of the world, there are just as many dudes not getting laid, but they’re not shooting up schools. Know why that is? BETTER DAMN GUN LAWS THAN IN THE US OF FUCKING AMNESIA.
I mean, it’s absolutely amazing what you can do when you don’t have a gun manufacturers’ lobby to kowtow to…
Right. So if sex cures would-be incel murderers, how are we supposed to prevent church/mosque shooting race war fuckstains? Eradicate all black and brown people?
Dan Kasteray,
I actually have seen the argument that Islamic terrorists are just sexually frustrated. Bill Maher pushes that one.
From the sounds of it, he thinks sex would cure them too:
@Dan Kasteray
The problem with that narrative is that everyone knew bin Laden had several wives, so it would have been hard to justify. Not that I disagree about treating incels as terrorists.
Meanwhile, for just a little bit of money, these people can have a new place to rant where they can be safe in the knowledge that they’ll never be banned unless a US court says so. Jordan Peterson promises!
Yes, of course the first person he went to was fuckin’ Sargon of fuckin’ Akkad.
I particularly like this bit:
I beg your pardon, did you just say this was an anti-censorship site?
Jordan Peterson: terrible at logic since… well, forever, really.
This thread made me wonder if incels deep down are aware that some nookie time won’t cure them of their inadequacy and self-loathing, even if it is with a ’10’.
@Jackson Ayres
Welcome! Since you’ve been lurking since the manboobz days, I’m guessing you don’t need the welcome package. 🙂
You are not missing anything; there’s no way to create a permanent account. But you can get an avatar to display by going to gravatar.com and creating an account with the email address you use for posting, then uploading an image.
And just a minor side note: please refrain from using “insane” to describe incels/MGTOWs/PUAs/etc. The comments policy explains it best, under “crazy talk.” Thanks!
Apologies. Abhorrent would be more accurate
If I’d ever been told that I needed to service an incel or people could die, I’d like to think I would’ve told said incel, “Go fuck yourself, because I won’t.”
Ah threats, that’s totally gonna bring all the gals to the yard.
I’ve always found the whole “if you don’t do X. then I’ll do [insert horrible shit here] ! ” type of argument completely baffling, as its entire premise rests on the warrant that the person threatening to do horrible shit has any credibility.
If someone’s threatening to shoot up a school, then they’re the sort of person who – on a fundamental level – doesn’t have much of a problem shooting kids. And while I recognize that there’s a world of difference between shooting kids and keeping your word, I don’t think people like that deserve the benefit of assuming that even though they’re a murderous shitstain, they’ll definitely keep their promise not to shoot up a school if we just give them what they want.
And if we can’t trust that they’re not going to shoot up a school even if we meet their demands, then why bother?
Look, I just don’t find abhorrent, murderous scumbags appealing, and if I ain’t getting summut out of the transaction, it ain’t happening Mahlo and other incel twerps. Get a Fleshlight, I , and every other woman on the planet, ain’t things for you to use and Granny told me the golden rule: sin is when you treat people like things. Including yourself. You might want to consider that.
I disagree with the effortless part. I mean, even getting in touching distance, much less actually touching, requires that the martyr/victim continually suppress all their self-preservation and survival urges. Not to mention the consequences of such selflessness/forced labor–feeling unclean for a lifetime.
Also, of course we could totally trust the goalposts to remain firmly planted in such a society-held-hostage situation. Simple, really. Uh, I am not convincing myself here.