By David Futrelle
Today’s Deep Thought from the Incels.co forums. (Well, ok, technically it’s a Deep Thought from January but I just ran across it today.)

The rest of the thread is pretty bad but I’m too filled with existential dread to dig out the worst quotes for you all today.
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As the header says: Fucking yikes.
Incels (at least think they) want pussy, but they don’t want to deal with women as people. This poses a rather insoluble conflict.
15 minutes. I don’t get undressed for anything less then one 1 hour. 15 minutes you can jack yourself off, that’s not worth taking off underwear then showering for a second time that day.
No offense to any normal slimes or FBI who may be watching.
Congrats Brah! You just made all kinds of lists! Roasties? You’re now more popular than Arby’s!
But if some woman — this guy doesn’t even demand that she be beautiful! — would just give up 15 minutes of her time, then this guy would be OK FOREVER and NEVER, EVER HURT ANYONE.
Yeah, kind of, if you think about it in a certain way.
Incels: accepting no responsibility for their actions since, I dunno, the year 2000?
“Slinging pussy”? Imma be right back. Gotta get me some chaps and a cowboy hat. Meet y’all outside the saloon at high noon.
It takes me that long to take shower. If I’m gonna get more wet in the shower and be wet longer then when having sex, then that’s just not worth it at all.
I swear, these people think of their dicks as some sort of angry volcano god that must be constantly appeased OR ELSE. It demands that we all fling women, social norms, and civilization into the sacrificial pit.
How about no.
Why don’t they do it? First off, that would be appeasement, which is only a quick fix that sets a precedent for horny creeps to act like they want to shoot up a school so women are forced to have sex with them.
Second, it wouldn’t work. You don’t need to get laid. You need a therapist to banish the toxic masculinity from your psyche. That’s why the incels shun therapists. They would show you that the real source of your problem is your own faults that you steadfastly refuse to address.
Heard yous the fastest pussy slinger this side of the Mississippi, Prove your worth and draw.
It is a lovely offer but I think I (and most other women) will pass on the extortion threat.
How about insisting women change to suit you, you work on something you can actually control, Yourself!
Perhaps all incels would like to instead move to Snake Island instead. I hear it is beautiful this time of year. And you won’t have to deal with any of the nasty women. /s
I thought the (((Jooz))) did 9/11, or maybe it was a false flag op and the towers are really still there, or it was the (((J00z))) and the {{{Muzlimz}}} and they celebrated on the rooftops… you’re telling me it was WAHMEN all along!?
Totally OT, but where do people go to discuss anime? I have recently been getting back into it and I don’t know where to go that isn’t a huge dumpster fire.
I appreciate any help.
Anime Feminist (https://www.animefeminist.com/) is pretty good, but the comments sections of their articles aren’t exactly a hotbed of activity. If you can spare US$5 a month, their Discord is much more active.
Disclaimer: I am a $5/month supporter of Anime Feminist. I am not employed by Anime Feminist, nor am I involved in any capacity except as stated above.
This entire screed is at least extortion if not terrorism.
this person should be arrested immediately.
I find it odd how having sex is no big deal for the woman, a minor hassle at worst, while simultaneously being absolutely life-changing for the man. It’s almost as if there are two different standards being applied here.
How about not in a million years.
I wasn’t considering pity sex for an incel. But I clicked through anyway. And even though I’m jaded when it comes to incels (not to mention life), even I was shocked that he posted a photo of the young woman who he says was nice to him and had sex with him — but whose appearance wasn’t up to his lofty standards.
Man people will find any excuse to not actually blame like racism and shit for school shootings because like arn’t most school shooters not “Lonely outcasts” but like bigoted bullies?
The fact is, from the incel point of view, if some poor girl took them up on this they’d still act aggrieved and like the victim because it would be the wrong sort of pussy. Not skinny enough, not virgin enough, not pretty enough. Failure to perform, finishing too quickly, that would all be a tradegy too.
One incel, in a discussion on the shame of “looksmatching”, declared that you can’t help who you are attracted to (which us funny considering how in women this is the Ultimate Crime & Degeneracy) and unfortunately they are attracted to never-never, perfect teenage girls.
The usual response to that is that they can’t change their height, or wrist thickness, or canthal tilt, or whatever other body image issues they have, and you might have well suggested that they flap their arms and fly to the moon. Then they’ll go back to their forums and whine about how yet another stupid normie stupidly suggested self-improvement, which every incel knows is not a real thing.
“This guy might be a murderer so you should have sex with him.” Wow that is really an appealing pitch. Wait, I think I mean appalling.
That’s because women don’t enjoy sex anyway, whereas for men it’s a basic need, like food. FACT.
Ugh. I need chocolate.
@ Kestrel: OT
If the criterium of “not a huge dumpster fire,” which is very subjective, means you can tolerate some rightwingers and the occasional fevered lolicon apologist, animenewsnetwork.com has a decent forum, that’s pretty well moderated. It’s user base skews a bit older than most other sites, fwiw. Crunchyroll‘s forums haven’t been bad the few times I’ve checked in on discussions, and they get a reasonable amount of traffic. Haven’t been there in awhile, but forums.animesuki.com still has ok discussions going on and pretty decent traffic. fandompost.vbulletin.net (formerly animeondvd.net) is ok dumpster-fire wise, but it’s not a real friendly place for newcomers. If you can withstand the “trial period” while you get used to each other, you might like it. Whether you decide to post or not, it does have very knowledgeable people and some fun and useful sections like voice actors, disc glitches and the technical threads, so it’s a useful resource.
YMMV on any of them, so go lurk for awhile and see if any suit you.