abortion alt-lite antifeminism creepy empathy deficit entitled babies evil sexy ladies homophobia incels irony alert Islamophobia male supremacy mansplaining men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny MRA oppressed white men patriarchy patronizing as heck playing the victim racism rape reactionary bullshit sexual abuse transphobia

The priest having a Twitter meltdown over women’s sexy shoulders also hates “sodomite homosexualists,” “so-called trans” folks, and cute lady feet

Bare shoulders: Not ok for women, fine for Son of God

By David Futrelle

There are a lot of guys out there who not-so-secretly resent women for having bodies that get them all hot and bothered.

Warren Farrell, the intellectual grandfather of the Men’s Rights movement, famously warned men to beware of the “cleavage power” and the “miniskirt power” of young women. Incels and MGTOWs today rail against women “torturing” them by wearing skin-tight yoga pants. Hell, last week I wrote about one horny Redditor who blamed women for tempting men by showing their arms in public.

So what about in insidious threat of shoulders, which in addition to being “the laterally projecting part of the human body formed of the bones and joints with their covering tissue by which the arm is connected with the trunk” are also sometimes nice to look at?

Enter Father Kevin M. Cusick. On Sunday, the priest and former military chaplain caused a bit of a stir on Twitter after he suggested that women shouldn’t show their bare shoulders in church lest the sight of such a tempting bit of skin cause the men and boys to suddenly start feeling a bit funny in their pants.

Ladies, a priest I know was forced on Sunday to ask a woman at Mass to cover her shoulders. Please help the priest to protect the purity of the men at holy Mass by choosing to dress modestly. The alternative is awkward for all involved. Thank you.

Naturally, more than a few Twitterers took issue with Cusik’s stance. And so he doubled down, and doubled down again, launching into a full-on meltdown that lasted until this morning.

When we are attacked and reviled, spat upon and calumniated we have an opportunity to be configured to Him.
Guess I triggered ‘em. What button should I push tomorrow? Suggestions? They probably need something else to occupy their time.

But he topped even those tweets with his final comment on the subject, in which he compared himself, and the treatment he’d gotten from critics on Twitter, to Jesus getting nailed to the cross. No, really.

As it turns out, Cusick’s not just worried about sexy lady shoulders; he’s also worried that women’s bare feet could give priests boners. Several years ago, you see, the Pope said it was ok to include women and girls in Holy Thursday foot-washing rituals. But Cusick worried that foot-washing priests might get turned on by “cute” lady feet.

No man should deign to wash another man’s wife’s feet, it is unseemly at bes
The spectacle of prelates running around begging Protestants and women for the opportunity wash their feet is disgraceful.

That last tweet about washing men’s feet seems just a little bit ironic when one starts poking around a little more in Cusick’s Twitter history.

Because, as it turns out, shoulders and feet aren’t his main obsessions. For every tweet he’s written about the dangers of improperly exposed female flesh, there are dozens (hundreds?) of tweet about the evils of gay men and their dirty doings — both in the Catholic Church and in the world at large. (He has much less to say about lesbians.)

In Cusick’s mind, the Church doesn’t have a pedophile problem; it’s got a “homosexual problem.”

The sexual scandal in the Church is homosexual in nature.
The only structure that enables abuse is the homosexual network. 

Which has absolutely nothing to do with Christ, the Church or Christianity.

Not only is this “homosexual network” intent on sexually abusing boys; it’s also, in Cusick’s mind, “perverting” the Church’s teachings in order to promote the mortal sin of sodomy.

Praying for faithful Catholics who are hated and shunned by family members for not caving to the agenda of homosexualism and same sex marital simulation.

Apparently the only way to ward off this “homosexualist” menace is with the magic of Latin.

He’s a bit obsessed with the whole sodomy thing.

Sodomy, the use of the sexual faculty outside of sacramental marriage between one man and one woman, open to new life, exclusively and until death, is intrinsically evil.
Rampant sodomy at all levels of society was a harbinger of the downfall of the greatest civilization of the ancient world & can do same now

He also has some, well, interesting views on “so-called ‘trans'” folks. Here’s his reaction to a news story about a trans woman teacher.

And here’s his, well, novel theory about the nature of transness.

The only "trans" every human person needs is the Transfiguration in Christ through His Church from sin to holiness and from death to life.

Needless to say, he won’t be celebrating Pride month.

Here’s my statement:

#Pride events are toxic and immoral. No one should take part in any way.

Have a good day.
Wrong: No priest who wishes to be truly Catholic and in good standing with the Church can promote pride month with its attendant displays of nudity, simulated sexual activity, suggestive and provocative clothing and worse. Children should never be exposed to these sinful events.

But Cusick isn’t just obsessed with sex. His Twitter history is a virtual smorgasbord of unhinged takes on almost every hotbutton social issue. He thinks abortion leads to “bloodthirsty mobs on the streets.”

He regularly links to alarming “news” articles on the alleged evils of migrant Muslim “invaders,” including at least one article from rabid far-right Islamaphobe Pam Geller. His own opinions on the subject are only slightly less rabid than hers:

Just because we've voluntarily laid down our arms in total self-defeat with the loss of hope through an eclipse of faith does not mean the Muslim incursion is not an invasion.
What an inversion today signifying massive societal disorientation: invasion of raping, plundering, non uniformed military age men is now labeled "immigration". Laziness, surrender or fatal ennui.
The French are being slaughtered by the invaders. Is it not time to vote for their self defense?

Needless to say, Cusick also hates feminism, especially when it involves young boys being taught that women’s suffrage was a good thing.

But the strangest thing I found in Cusick’s Twitter history? He’s apparently afraid of being enslaved — by Beto O’Rourke.

Crying out for enslavement to the next tyrant in succession

It’s a weird and more than slightly unhinged reaction to a young man standing on a car spouting vaguely lefty political platitudes. But, hey, anything to get Cusick’s mind off of sodomy, I guess.

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5 years ago

This is sadly not even that far right in the large Catholic universities and seminaries. The US clergy is incredibly reactionary, terrified of the gays, the trans, the womens. Everybody. I was at the main Vatican-overseen university and seminary in America, and I heard this shit every. fucking. day. There are some priests and members of the magisterium pushing for reform, acceptance, openness, awareness of science and sociology and human nature, but sadly, they’re a minority. There’s a big persecution complex amongst devout Catholics, especially young people, and they want to retreat into the Latin Mass, Catholic insular communities, and creating a weird hybrid of Evangelical-levels of display and pre-Vatican II levels of identity. I’ve studied this for a few years, and it’s a concerning trend.

This dude is saying stuff that is common in many, many devout Catholic circles. And sadly, most of it is stuff that Pope Francis echoes, even if he makes a nod to not being a total asshole occasionally. (He equated transgender folks like myself to nuclear holocaust on humanity. Super great, totes liberal. Yuppers.) There’s two Catholic communities in America — liberal-leaning cafeteria Catholics who identify with being Catholic, but are incredibly critical of the current teachings, save for social justice stuff; and these folks. And sadly, these folks have more people in the clergy, in the magisterium, and filling the pews every week.

5 years ago

“Sodomy, the use of the sexual faculty outside of sacramental marriage between one man and one woman, open to new life, exclusively and until death”

Longtime lurker here.

He probably intended this to include MUCH more than just gay people. This could also cover:

– all non-PIV sex between a married man and woman (“open to new life”)
– married men and women using birth control (“open to new life”)
– sex between people not married by clergy…MAYBE even between people married by anyone other than a Catholic priest (“outside of sacramental marriage” – marriage isn’t a sacrament in Protestant churches)

So probably lots more “sodomy” going on in this guy’s mind than the usual definition…thus probably why he thinks it’s “rampant” “at all levels of society.” Then again, this is pretty standard for extremist traditionalist Catholics in my experience.

Have loved the blog for years, BTW. Laughing at this stuff is so much better than descending into anxiety over it.

5 years ago

He seems to spend all his waking hours thinking about penii.

5 years ago

BREAKING: Voluntarily Celibate Man Has *OPINIONS* About Women’s Sexuality. Depth of experience in question. News at 11.

5 years ago

Methinks he should be reading his Bible a bit more. From Matthew 5:29:

If your right eye causes you to sin, tear it out and throw it away. For it is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body be thrown into hell.

I’m not saying that he should actually blind himself, but if Jesus approved of it then who is he to argue?

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
5 years ago

*Content warning for rape; ED; Suicide*

This is unbelievable; but of course, all too tragically true. I don’t know whether to be sad, or incandescent with rage at those responsible.

5 years ago


Matthew 5:30 is actually one of my tattoos.

5 years ago

Dude talks like he grew up with Judge Claude Frollo as his role model.

5 years ago

Would not surprise me if this guy was part of the Make American straight again thing that is happen in Orlando on the anniversary of the Pulse nightclub shooting.

5 years ago

If by “the French is being slaughtered by the invaders” he means we are mildly irritated by the transparent attempts of the US right to meddle in french politics, yeah, sure.

(though despite the money, “expertise” and media attention they lavish on our local fascists they’re doing a pretty bad job of it fortunately)

5 years ago


Oh my gods. That… is thoroughly enraging on so many levels. It’s just such a complete failure of society, and I know it’s not unique to the Netherlands either – the US medical system would be happy to do the same, if it were legal.

Fuck patriarchy. So much.

Rabid Rabbit
Rabid Rabbit
5 years ago

But Jesus was all right with having his feet washed by a woman. Was he just too holy to get a boner from it?

I see this fellow is going for the older definition of sodomy as any “unnatural form of sexual intercourse,” as the OED has it, rather than anal sex specifically. Though I always thought that meant anything non-procreative, as opposed to “not married.”

5 years ago

How exactly will the Latin Mass stop us queers in our quest to destroy Catholicism again? I’m not really seeing how it would change anything.

5 years ago

A small, nasty inner voice is muttering “So how many children has this one raped?”

Michael Long
Michael Long
5 years ago

Death rattle of a dying institution, killed by it’s own hubris, corruption and arrogance. Fuck the Roman Catholic Church.

tim gueguen
5 years ago

Going back to the Latin Mass will chase off a bunch of people. Which is probably the point. The congregations will probably end up being a bunch of conservative old timers who remember the era before Vatican II, and some young fanatics who wish they were born then.

Same sex marriage simulation sounds like some variation on one of the Japanese dating games, except with cute guys instead of cute girls.

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
5 years ago

The moment I saw ‘endless Vatican II style debate that […] ends up nowhere’ my brain went “Oh good lord, one of those.” (And I’m not even Catholic. Grew up Anglican/Episcopalian, or as a friend of mine put it, ‘Catholicism-lite: all the ritual, half the guilt.’)

@Rabid Rabbit:
Was thinking of that myself. There must be some sort of religion version of Dunning-Kruger, where the ones loudest about their religion also seem to understand the least about it.

Dang it, Fred Clark at Slacktivist found an animated gif of ‘Come down off the cross, we could use the wood’ being written in a cross shape some time back, and I can’t find it now. It would be just so appropriate here.

5 years ago

Rabid Rabbit, you’re right – the medieval church did define any non-procreative sex as sodomy:

As far as legalized abortion goes, when he’s talking about

bloodthirsty mobs on the streets, threats of further violence, intimidation of all kinds

does he mean Operation Rescue?

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
5 years ago

@tim gueguen:
Actually, I’d be rather surprised if there weren’t yaoi dating sims…

(*risks typing ‘yaoi dating sim’ into Google*)

Yep, there are. Even was an English one called Seiyuu Danshi on Kickstarter last year, with the player character being an aspiring voice actor.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
5 years ago

Practically every Catholic church in the world has a nearly naked man with a six pack hanging on display up front, and this guy is worried about the effect some lady’s bare shoulders is going to have on the flock?

5 years ago

@Michael Long

Don’t hold the funeral just yet. It hasn’t survived 2000+ years through dumb luck alone, and as long as there a few people who follow its traditions it’ll keep on going through sheer inertia. Which, incidentally, is also why it’s been so slow to change- inertia is the thing that keeps it alive most of all.

Gwen Katz
5 years ago

Laziness, surrender or fatal ennui

The holy trinity.

16 Cats and Counting
16 Cats and Counting
5 years ago

Just ran across this, “As Christianity became more widespread so did head coverings, later medieval woman covered their ears with crespines as it as said the ear was a sexual organ because it was where the Angel Gabriel whispered into Mary’s ear to let her know she was going to give birth to Jesus.” Those lascivious women and their sexy ears!

5 years ago

Interesting reading on a related topic: The Atlantic recently published a cover story by former priest James Carroll titled “Abolish the Priesthood“. Men like Cusick are the ones Carroll was thinking of when he wrote these lines, which sum up his argument:

Clericalism, with its cult of secrecy, its theological misogyny, its sexual repressiveness, and its hierarchical power based on threats of a doom-laden afterlife, is at the root of Roman Catholic dysfunction.

occasional reader
occasional reader
5 years ago

The French are being slaughtered by the invaders.

I’m not dead !
Ah, but i forget you mean “white” French. My bad.
By the way, yesterday was the Aïd el-Fitr here. We are bound to have some pastries today, at work, brought by our “invading” muslim colleagues. Depending from their origins, we are going to be “assaulted” with kaʿb al ḡazāl or tcharek…

Anyway, those kind of extremist priests should be defrocked. The multiple scandals involving the Catholic church are leading to a wave of renunciations of baptism among the fidels. Those kind of priests just throw more oil on the fire, and the Vatican usual discourse does not help.

Have a nice day.

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