antifeminism beta males chad thundercock empathy deficit enforced monogamy entitled babies evil sex-having women evil sex-rejecting ladies evil sexy ladies irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny reddit the c-word woman's suffrage

MGTOW Redditor wages tireless struggle against Women’s Rights by using the word “WHAMYN,” like, a lot

Someone’s got to do it I guess

By David Futrelle

Not all heroes wear capes. In the case of the Reddit user called IntrovertedMagma, I’m going to assume, it’s more like a stained Rick and Morty t-shirt, some cargo shorts, maybe a MAGA hat? I’m just guessing, really. And for all I know he does actually wear a cape.

In any case, IntrovertedMagma is a Man Going His Own Way who has been waging a brave and tireless struggle for Men’s Rights on Reddit, up until about six months ago anyway, when he evidently left to concentrate on what I assume were even more heroic pursuits. His weapon of choice in the struggle for men and against women?

The word “WAHMYN.”

You may be saying to yourself, “that’s not actually a word.” True, but that is the brilliance of InvertedMagma’s strategy. “WAHMYN” (he always puts it in all caps) is a variation on the 40-year-old joke of sarcastically calling women “womyn” to make fun of radical feminists. But then it’s got that “WAH” at the start, to suggest that the womyn in question are also crying like babies! Obviously that makes it twice as funny. And twice as powerful.

Just watch him at work here, as he muses on the impending collapse of civilization because women won’t have sex with him, sorry, I mean, with the 90 percent of men who aren’t Chads.

IntrovertedMagma[S] 5 points 11 months ago 
at some point, society will reach a state of complete degeneracy.. WAHMYN sleeping exclusively with top 10% (don't forget about the 13 year old WAHMYN seeing all this degeneracy, they will be 10x worse than current WAHMYN).. single motherhood in turn will prevail.. and your average beta male will literally face two choices: raise chad's kids or no sex at all.. why would the new generation of WAHMYN sleep with any guy uner 90th percentile?

of course, betas are still paying all the taxes which will go to single mothers who are the majority.. How long can you sustain a civilization like this? not long. they will speak up.. no body will listen to them. they will stop working, then the cunty government will make laws to force them to work.. then the beta males will fight the government at this point.. break it down and build it with patriarchal laws (the only way any successful civilization can thrive!)

and this is what I meant with force. I give it 50 years max. The islamic empires had fallen in under 100 years because their princes stopped ruling and focused on pussy and drinks and WAHMYN made the decisions behind the stage and of course degeneracy took over.

So I would say since feminism started in the 60s, another 50s from now would be the last years of this gynocentric civilization.

In this thread, he thoughtfully suggests that women — sorry, WAHMYN — shouldn’t be allowed to vote. Or work. Or remain single and/or childless after the age of 25 without paying a penalty.

Women are narcisstic sociopaths, they will only accept social norms, if they can profit from it.

Well, modern WAHMYN are more miserable than ever.. dude, look up catfood/antidepressant stocks..


this is the mistake we are making, we are expecting WAHMYN to accept. WAHMYN shouldn't make a decision.. we fucked up big time when we allowed them to vote.

That's how society get's fixed.. somehow take voting from them (even if you have to use force), push laws to stop them from working (this will actually makes everything cheaper again, and people won't be slaves to corporations) and laws that somehow penalize them if they have no children/husband after the age of 25, and believe me WAHMYN will be so happy they will forget about feminism and they will be grateful wives.

Of course WAHMYN won't accept.. Would you expect a child to give up his chocolate bar he wants to eat before dinner? no, you don't give to him in the first place

Here he weighs in on the critically important Men’s Rights issue of some random woman who flashed her tits at a hockey game, thus proving that all women are “complete trash.”

man, what makes me angry after taking the red pill is that the concept of "decent lady" is all fucking imagination..

but fuck, this is what WAHMYN are.. complete trash. Completely disgusting..

I don't know if WAHMYN in the 50s were decent ladies like we see in old movies, it sucks planning your whole life around something imaginary.. that's why the red pill fills you with anger

huh, WAHMYN literally whore themselves just to get a free dinner.. I don't know how PUAs fuck those trash

69 upvotes, nice!

But for all his vitriol, IntrovertedMagma is willing to admit that while men are stronger than women WAHMYN, they can be, if not smart exactly, then at least cunning. And they stick together, like bees.

We are stronger but you forgot something very important here: WAHMYN are cunning and work as a collective; we, on the other hand, have an idealistic approach to life (WAHMYN are cute and innocent) and we don't support other men for no reason unlike WAHMYN.

That's how WAHMYN passed feminism on society, they manipulated men using equality bullshit and used their collective hive-mind to make it happen. Look at rape accusations, all WAHMYN support the female; look at males, some of them support the male and most support the female!!

That's it, we refuse to shatter this idealistic/imaginary approach to life and we are too competitive ("I am alpha and he is a beta loser!", unless we realize that this alpha/beta bullshit is enslaving us to pussy we will stay weak.)

Now, I should note that IntrovertedSmegmaMagma is not the only, or even the first, MGTOW to have embraced the brilliant strategy of calling women WAHMYN — there are plenty of others who have gone the WAHMYN route, sometimes impressively so, like this fellow, who has some very interesting thoughts on how wahmyn shouldn’t have any rights at all because

Wahmyn’s rights are the worst thing in human history. Wahmyn should not be allowed to have “rights.” Wahmyn’s rights my ass. They don’t deserve rights. Wahmyn are THE MOST PRIVILEGED CREATURES ON EARTH AND THEY ARE EXTREMELY PRIVILEGED IN EVERY SINGLE ASPECTS OF LIFE. Every. Single. Aspects. No exception. Women are garbage, the most useless, worthless, incompetent and unproductive thing in the universe.

But IntrovertedMagma has been the most enthusiastic. And he’s the only one who remembers to do it in all-caps.

Truly a hero for our times.

PS: Did I mention that this guy is a fan of Stefan Molyneux? Because of course he is.

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Bookworm in hijab
Bookworm in hijab
5 years ago

@ Alan Robertshaw, thanks; that adds info I wasn’t aware of. I’ve mostly come across the stories of the kids who are wrongly caught up in the net, so it’s good to hear another perspective!

@ Big Titty Demon,

I think the mocking humour IS what keeps me coming back to this site; frankly, I don’t know how else, except through mockery, we’d be able to read about the misogyny without feeling crushed.

5 years ago

I find it very amusing that “Raúl” has been popularized in the past years in Argentina to refer to dudes who just don’t get it.

One can be overtly “Raúl” but it works for guys posing as non-“Raúl” too.

I believe our Raul here is of the second kind.

Crip Dyke
5 years ago


The alternate spelling looks like an affirmation. “So it is written, so it shall be. World without end men, WAHMEN.”

Jeez, Buttercup, did you want to lose your SorosBux?

@Cat Mara:

the director of the Centre for Professional and Applied Ethics at the University Of Manitoba believes some of us will be having “great sex” without human contact¹ within the next six years, and this kind of thing will seem positively mundane by 2050.

Oh, dear. Sounds like yet another person is 150 years behind the invention of the vibrator. This couldn’t be a cis-guy saying this, could it? Could it???


Look at the response to wahhabism and contrast it with this, and it becomes obvious that this kind of hate is not being treated with the same seriousness.

Wait, what? Wahhabism is literally the national religion of an entire – and politically and economically influential! – country, fFs.

Is there a country where incel ideology is a national religion? No?

Also, don’t you think the white guy-dominant nature of incelism might have something to do with how many resources governments with english as an official language are willing to invest in opposition? Is it just possible that racism and religious supremacy plays a role in how much english-language governments are willing to spend opposing wahhabism?

So if the initial state of things leads us to believe
1. that the barriers to spending have something to do with white supremacy and sexism,
2. and that white supremacy and religious supremacy constitute at least significant factors leading to increased spending against wahhabism,

3. would the effective thing to do to increase the resources devoted to fighting incel ideology – in either absolute or relative terms – be to criticize the people who fight incel ideology for laughing at how stupid some of incels’ ideas are? Or would it be to recruit more people from the vast majority who would be against this shit if they knew anything about it and provide them with information?

Who knows? You might even meet people who hate incel ideology AND have no sense of humor. Then you could be right at home! Maybe you could even start your own website where humor is banned to make sure everyone knows how very, very seriously you take the philosophy that women don’t have a right not to be pregnant or the grammar in screeds that emphasize “Every. Single. Aspects.”

You need to stop trying to minimize [violent incels’] impact.

Except, if you read what anonymous actually said, anonymous did not once mention their impact. Therefore, ipsum lorem, hocasius pocasius, QED, it is literally not possible that anonymous was “trying to minimize” that thing that anonymous wasn’t discussing.

This website amply documents people like Moleneux so ignorance cannot be the answer,

Yes. that’s right. So any newcomers who showed up and started listing the harms done by incels wouldn’t appear smart or informed. They’d appear competitive and obnoxiously full of themselves.

You might think about what it means to write a rant on a blog where you’re well known (and know your audience) and what it means to write a rant on a blog where you’re entirely unknown. Is it possible that some of your actions might just possibly be interpreted as you being an arrogant, combative douche gabber telling women feminists they’re doing anti-misogyny wrong?

If so, can you think of any possible reason WHY some here might interpret you as an arrogant, combative douche gabber?

this willfull minimizing and immature mocking of other commentators suggests you are not here for good faith discussion.

Well, the willful minimizing didn’t happen, as we’ve established. As for the mocking, well, the word “commentator” means the same thing as “commenter”, but with the additional connotation

especially someone who is paid to give his/her opinions in the media about current affairs, sports, etc.

If you’re being paid by someone to write internet comments to increase the seriousness with which governments take incel violence, you’re doing a really terrible job (not least in picking your audience, who aren’t exactly a bunch of MPs and cabinet members), in which case the mocking is more than earned.

If you’re not being paid to write these internet comments, then your use of “commentator” means you wrote out extra letters to make yourself sound as if you just might be more important than you actually are, in which case the mocking is more than earned.

No one here has mocked efforts to stop incel violence, at least not ones that are reasonable or have any chance at success. We mocked the fuck out of the jackasses who insisted that we should pressure women to fuck incels in order to make sure that incels don’t kill random men on the street, because holy freud, the men who suggest, “There’s a one in a million chance an incel might kill me, quick, let’s provide societal support for a system that forces women to submit to sex with incels as the rape-ransom to return my sense of security,” are both cowardly and stupid. When has paying sex ransoms by using power to facilitate others’ rapes ever played out well? Fuck, just look at Genesis, fFs! Lot encourages neighbors to rape his daughters to keep safe the men who were staying at his house and he lost his home, his business, his wife, and his social position when all his neighbors died of some of the worst violence yahweh ever committed outside the flood.

If you can’t mock the stupidity, selfishness, and cowardice of such policy proposals, then you’re not the audience for WHTM.

Maybe, just maybe, instead of telling people who actually fight incels how very, very wrong we are in the tactics we use, you could just fuck off to Bouvet Island until your anti-incel masterwork is completed. You’re sure to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for your insights, judging on the ability you’ve shown here to win friends and influence people. And I’m sure the rest of the world will be so busy thanking you that you’ll forget all about the pain and disappointment you felt at the existence of a website on the internet where people fight the same problems that you do using a methodology that is, tragically, not the exact methodology you would use.

Not only do you stand to gain, but you might just be the last, best hope for humanity. I encourage you to act fast.

Crip Dyke
5 years ago


I think the mocking humour IS what keeps me coming back to this site; frankly, I don’t know how else, except through mockery, we’d be able to read about the misogyny without feeling crushed.

Well, you could try being a man who thinks that the only relevant threats of today’s misogyny are a few deaths a year from incel shooting rampages. That seems to work for a fair number of dudes.

Bookworm in hijab
Bookworm in hijab
5 years ago

@ Crip Dyke, I always enjoy your magnificent rants! This, however, I found chilling:

Is there a country where incel ideology is a national religion? 

Ugh. Shudder.

That said, I think a certain incel ideology-lite runs through most places, given how women are treated in the media, in law, in employment, etc… When I consider how much we have to fight just to get people to even see that yes sexism still exists, for example.

Oh, and at the intersection of Wahabbism and MRA, here’s a great song (I couldn’t embed a video link but the article gives a good, Google-helpful description):

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Speaking of guys who just don’t get it

Yikes. This dude is just embarrassing.

5 years ago

Shorter Raul:
comment image

5 years ago

Raul’s type, I recognise. Very common in some circles on the left in the Seventies – it’s where the trope of the humourless leftist (and humourless feminist, come to think of it) came from in the first place. Boring little shits, mostly, and too over fond of their own voices to do much beyond squabbling with each other. The actual work was left to those who mostly liked a pint and a laugh.

Having said that, I am mildly grateful for his appearance for giving Crip Dyke a shot at one of their lovely smack downs. Always a treat, those. Elegantly vitriolic.

Crip Dyke
5 years ago


That said, I think a certain incel ideology-lite runs through most places, given how women are treated in the media, in law, in employment, etc… When I consider how much we have to fight just to get people to even see that yes sexism still exists, for example.

Good point.

Frederic Christie
5 years ago

Raul has been appropriately dunked on. I can tell you, Raul, that in my experience about half of the articles on this site are serious and thoughtful attempts to discuss these movements. The other half actually go beyond humor: they catalog what the misogynists say without too much editorializing, which is a good weapon if you want to prove that the manosphere really is to its core misogynist and don’t want to be accused of using a site that poisoned the well against them.

My point would be this. As the anarchist wisdom went, a revolution without dancing is no revolution at all. It is not just that real humans need to use a variety of tactics both to keep themselves sane and engage with the opposition. It is also that the movement itself needs to embody values of a good society. I want a society where we can laugh heartily and experience joy. Satire, mockery, irony and humor today help keep that alive. Which is why it is overwhelmingly armchair extremist activists that think we should dispense with humor and it is the people in the thick of it who know otherwise.

I recommend you read about how humorous Dr. King could be, the way he could dance out of a room singing James Brown.

5 years ago

on a lighter note I wanted to tell you guys the good news. I have been granted a protection order against my ceeper co-worker so now he will hopefully stay away from my apartment and me. I also was able to prove that he was going into the women’s changing rooms and going through my bag in my locker so, even though his family owns the dance studio they had no choice but to fire him so I will no longer be having to deal with him everyday.

Big Titty Demon
Big Titty Demon
5 years ago

@ Bookworm in hijab

When I consider how much we have to fight just to get people to even see that yes sexism still exists, for example.

So much this! I went to grad school with a woman who, upon attending the first meeting that the ONLY tenured female professor in the department (of 16) kindly arranged for woman grad students in the department to provide us with things our male peers got automatically from male professors, commented snidely to me once the professor was out of earshot, “I don’t know why we have to have a “women in X field” group. It’s not like there’s discrimination anymore, I’ve never had anything like what she’s talking about happen.”

Then it turned out later that her first car that she bought at 16 with “her own money” despite never having a job was a Mercedes Benz, and she went to an all-female undergraduate school at which she, as a rich, stereotypically beautiful, white woman was at the tippy top of the student hierarchy, and there were no male students to discriminate in favor of.

Her entire time in that program, she could not and would not see any sexism ever. Then she went into the job market and it was VERY hard for me not to be spitefully gleeful when suddenly, she found out there WAS sexism in the workplace, and it could affect her! I may not have entirely succeeded. The pains I went to try to educate her and gently bring her around to the idea that sexism existed, only to be undermined at every turn… some people can only learn the hard way, when it happens to them or their relatives.


Yikes. That is embarrassing. And partly why I really hope Biden doesn’t get the nomination, so I don’t have to vote for the lesser of two evils. I’m sure he thinks the same thing.

I did like how the boo went on forever though, as one single, solid breath of disapproval lasting a full minute.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
5 years ago

@ bookworm in hijab

You might find this interesting (if Government reports are your idea of fun light reading).

It’s probably worth mentioning that Prevent is a general anti radicalisation programme; although referrals still skew more to ‘Islamic’ terrorism (44%) as opposed to right wing terrorism (18%).

A big problem is, I think, that people are too quick to jump the gun. So some student will make legitimate criticism of foreign policy; and next thing the school is on the phone.

Big Titty Demon
Big Titty Demon
5 years ago

@Bookworm in hijab

I think the mocking humour IS what keeps me coming back to this site; frankly, I don’t know how else, except through mockery, we’d be able to read about the misogyny without feeling crushed.

I forgot to add a second anecdote to the previous; in addition to helping us, the subjects of misogyny, to deal with it, humor can be effective as a Serious Tool that Raul would approve of!

There was a guy in my graduate program who would not stop calling this or that dude in the class (where I was the only woman, in 2018) a pussy. He knew it offended me, because I’d asked him to stop, and explained why, and he kept doing it and every time he would look at me to see if he got a reaction. In the department where I’m at, there is no solid process for forcing people to stop that shit and if there were and I used it, I would get a reputation as an oversensitive feeeeeeeeeeeemale, so I felt obliged to bide my time patiently.

Then one day another classmate came in with a huge gash in his face from lifting weights without a spotter, and, after some concerned inquiry from the rest of the class, it came to light that he had not seen a doctor for it or anything. Then the following dialogue took place:
Me: You should go to the health center! It could get infected!
Him: Oh, well, I don’t know… I’ll go after class.
Asshole classmate: Only pussies go to the doctor. You’re going to be a pussy.
And all eyes swung to me, to get my reaction. So I smiled as sweetly as could be and said, with honey dripping from my voice, “At least he won’t be a dick.” The entire class busted out laughing (except the pussy-dude) and I did not hear any more about pussies for the rest of the term.

Let this be a lesson to Raul about the Very Serious nature of humor.

Cat Mara
Cat Mara
5 years ago

Raul is basically the, “actually, it’s more of a statement” guy whose existence is the bane of question time at every talk and conference.

Cat Mara
Cat Mara
5 years ago

@Lainy, that’s great news!

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
5 years ago

Hi, Hezerpare Ahmed Pasha! Thanks for the historian’s perspective. I hope you stick around as a regular commentator!

@ Lainy – whew! Stay safe, okay?

Cat Mara
Cat Mara
5 years ago

O/T¹: Hilarious video of a fashy trying to destroy a Pride poster. Turn the sound on, it’s ??

¹ Or maybe not: it underscores the point several people have made in this thread that if there’s one thing the fashies can’t abide, it’s mockery.

John From Denver in Peace
John From Denver in Peace
5 years ago

Random dude shows up on a site full of highly informed women and starts ‘splaining them how they are doing feminism wrong, news at 11…

I have done this and again apologize! I am not on the bottom of the totem pole here, I’m not even on the totem pole here, so I’ll keep any assertions, factual or conjectural, to myself, unless specifically asked. I am confronting my participation in the manosphere and hope it’s OK if I ask the occasional question. (yes, I won’t speak unless spoken to outside of asking “why”)

What is incel ideology? How does it differ from “mainstream” manosphere ideology? It seems like it is just basic manosphere ideology of alpha fucks/beta bux brought to murderous conclusions due to a perceived inability to compete in either arena. Yet over and over on sites like this, it is pointed out that plenty of these guys could be redeemable.

What am I missing here?

5 years ago

I need an explanation about how removing women from the workforce “makes everything cheaper and people won’t be slaves to corporations”.

If he’s thinking only of house prices, then that’s a common MRA talking point: Now that it’s become not only possible but acceptable for women to earn income (and sometimes earn nearly as much as men do!) it’s become common for both partners in a household to work full-time in order to afford the mortgage. Then prices grow in response, and it sucks to be single (including MGTOWs).

5 years ago

Can I just say how much I love the commenter community here, even though I mostly lurk. Sometimes the only way to deal with the absurdity of it all is a good, healthy laugh.

Rabid Rabbit
Rabid Rabbit
5 years ago

@Hezerpare Ahmed Pasha

Seconding the welcome and thanks, that was great.

@Cat Mara

Ha! Brilliant.

@Alan Robertshaw

Just curious, as this ties into another interest of mine: do the 3rd generation have Yorkshire accents?

5 years ago

@Rabid Rabbit

Not Alan, but yes, they usually do. Not always a broad one – depends on home and social life more than anything – but it’s most definitely there.

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
5 years ago


Actually mocking such people like the alt-right or the Incels or the MGTOW or … hurts them probably more than anything else.

Indeed. It’s said that a sixteen-episode series on the Superman radio show, Clan of the Fiery Cross, was responsible for much of the post-war decline of the Ku Klux Klan by exposing a lot of their internal codenames and activities and opening them up to mockery based on just how ridiculous and self-important they sounded.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
5 years ago

@ rapid rabbit & shadowplay

It’s all quite fascinating in terms of accent and dialect.

First a little context; post WW2 there was quite a labour shortage, especially in the northern textile industry, so people from the commonwealth were encouraged to come over to work. Bradford, my home town, become home to a thriving Asian community. This was especially so after 1948 and partition.

So pretty much every Asian person under 60 sounds like me; with the occasional hint of Punjabi inflection picked up from older relatives at home.

What was funny was that in the 2000s younger Asian kids did start to sound more Asian, but so did the white kids. It was all part of that youth culture bangramuffin thing, innit.

But, whilst you may still hear the occasional Asian accent in Yorkshire; you’ll also hear every other conceivable Yorkshire accent too.