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MGTOW Redditor wages tireless struggle against Women’s Rights by using the word “WHAMYN,” like, a lot

Someone’s got to do it I guess

By David Futrelle

Not all heroes wear capes. In the case of the Reddit user called IntrovertedMagma, I’m going to assume, it’s more like a stained Rick and Morty t-shirt, some cargo shorts, maybe a MAGA hat? I’m just guessing, really. And for all I know he does actually wear a cape.

In any case, IntrovertedMagma is a Man Going His Own Way who has been waging a brave and tireless struggle for Men’s Rights on Reddit, up until about six months ago anyway, when he evidently left to concentrate on what I assume were even more heroic pursuits. His weapon of choice in the struggle for men and against women?

The word “WAHMYN.”

You may be saying to yourself, “that’s not actually a word.” True, but that is the brilliance of InvertedMagma’s strategy. “WAHMYN” (he always puts it in all caps) is a variation on the 40-year-old joke of sarcastically calling women “womyn” to make fun of radical feminists. But then it’s got that “WAH” at the start, to suggest that the womyn in question are also crying like babies! Obviously that makes it twice as funny. And twice as powerful.

Just watch him at work here, as he muses on the impending collapse of civilization because women won’t have sex with him, sorry, I mean, with the 90 percent of men who aren’t Chads.

IntrovertedMagma[S] 5 points 11 months ago 
at some point, society will reach a state of complete degeneracy.. WAHMYN sleeping exclusively with top 10% (don't forget about the 13 year old WAHMYN seeing all this degeneracy, they will be 10x worse than current WAHMYN).. single motherhood in turn will prevail.. and your average beta male will literally face two choices: raise chad's kids or no sex at all.. why would the new generation of WAHMYN sleep with any guy uner 90th percentile?

of course, betas are still paying all the taxes which will go to single mothers who are the majority.. How long can you sustain a civilization like this? not long. they will speak up.. no body will listen to them. they will stop working, then the cunty government will make laws to force them to work.. then the beta males will fight the government at this point.. break it down and build it with patriarchal laws (the only way any successful civilization can thrive!)

and this is what I meant with force. I give it 50 years max. The islamic empires had fallen in under 100 years because their princes stopped ruling and focused on pussy and drinks and WAHMYN made the decisions behind the stage and of course degeneracy took over.

So I would say since feminism started in the 60s, another 50s from now would be the last years of this gynocentric civilization.

In this thread, he thoughtfully suggests that women — sorry, WAHMYN — shouldn’t be allowed to vote. Or work. Or remain single and/or childless after the age of 25 without paying a penalty.

Women are narcisstic sociopaths, they will only accept social norms, if they can profit from it.

Well, modern WAHMYN are more miserable than ever.. dude, look up catfood/antidepressant stocks..


this is the mistake we are making, we are expecting WAHMYN to accept. WAHMYN shouldn't make a decision.. we fucked up big time when we allowed them to vote.

That's how society get's fixed.. somehow take voting from them (even if you have to use force), push laws to stop them from working (this will actually makes everything cheaper again, and people won't be slaves to corporations) and laws that somehow penalize them if they have no children/husband after the age of 25, and believe me WAHMYN will be so happy they will forget about feminism and they will be grateful wives.

Of course WAHMYN won't accept.. Would you expect a child to give up his chocolate bar he wants to eat before dinner? no, you don't give to him in the first place

Here he weighs in on the critically important Men’s Rights issue of some random woman who flashed her tits at a hockey game, thus proving that all women are “complete trash.”

man, what makes me angry after taking the red pill is that the concept of "decent lady" is all fucking imagination..

but fuck, this is what WAHMYN are.. complete trash. Completely disgusting..

I don't know if WAHMYN in the 50s were decent ladies like we see in old movies, it sucks planning your whole life around something imaginary.. that's why the red pill fills you with anger

huh, WAHMYN literally whore themselves just to get a free dinner.. I don't know how PUAs fuck those trash

69 upvotes, nice!

But for all his vitriol, IntrovertedMagma is willing to admit that while men are stronger than women WAHMYN, they can be, if not smart exactly, then at least cunning. And they stick together, like bees.

We are stronger but you forgot something very important here: WAHMYN are cunning and work as a collective; we, on the other hand, have an idealistic approach to life (WAHMYN are cute and innocent) and we don't support other men for no reason unlike WAHMYN.

That's how WAHMYN passed feminism on society, they manipulated men using equality bullshit and used their collective hive-mind to make it happen. Look at rape accusations, all WAHMYN support the female; look at males, some of them support the male and most support the female!!

That's it, we refuse to shatter this idealistic/imaginary approach to life and we are too competitive ("I am alpha and he is a beta loser!", unless we realize that this alpha/beta bullshit is enslaving us to pussy we will stay weak.)

Now, I should note that IntrovertedSmegmaMagma is not the only, or even the first, MGTOW to have embraced the brilliant strategy of calling women WAHMYN — there are plenty of others who have gone the WAHMYN route, sometimes impressively so, like this fellow, who has some very interesting thoughts on how wahmyn shouldn’t have any rights at all because

Wahmyn’s rights are the worst thing in human history. Wahmyn should not be allowed to have “rights.” Wahmyn’s rights my ass. They don’t deserve rights. Wahmyn are THE MOST PRIVILEGED CREATURES ON EARTH AND THEY ARE EXTREMELY PRIVILEGED IN EVERY SINGLE ASPECTS OF LIFE. Every. Single. Aspects. No exception. Women are garbage, the most useless, worthless, incompetent and unproductive thing in the universe.

But IntrovertedMagma has been the most enthusiastic. And he’s the only one who remembers to do it in all-caps.

Truly a hero for our times.

PS: Did I mention that this guy is a fan of Stefan Molyneux? Because of course he is.

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5 years ago

Pious Muslims do not drink.

5 years ago

Well someone’s pumpkin is a little frosted don’t you think.

5 years ago

I need an explanation about how removing women from the workforce “makes everything cheaper and people won’t be slaves to corporations”.

Also, if he wants to read some good Alpha/Beta(/Omega) fanfiction I can recommend a few titles.

Rabid Rabbit
Rabid Rabbit
5 years ago

“Wahmyn” also sounds a bit like “whamming,” so subliminally it suggests you should hit women, right? Or is it that the existence of women means that men are continually getting whammed?

5 years ago

[CN: violence, self-harm]

So often, when these guys are so prolific for so long but then they disappear, I’ve wondered if they’re the ones who’ve gotten themselves arrested shooting up some yoga studio or such.

This type of hatred/fascination with misogyny doesn’t just dissipate or wear off. They don’t just decide to shut up about it. They love to rant online and berate women (and the men who disagree with misogyny), and their only friends are the other ranting misogynists in their little reddit forums.

Or it could be suicide too. They really set themselves up for that needless level of misery over obsessing about their perceived enemies — WAHMEN.

5 years ago

I remember when stereotypical parodies of rabid feminists would feature gender related words renamed to things like “womyn”, “womexxn”, maxxle” and I was supposed to roll my eyes at it…

5 years ago

My brain won’t let me read the word Wahmen. It keep just reading it as Wham. Like the band. These people aren’t friendly to reading disabilities at all.

“I’m never gonna dance again. Guilty feet have no rhythm. though its easy to pretend, I know your a foooooooolllll”

Rabid Rabbit
Rabid Rabbit
5 years ago

No, no, people: It’s “WhamYn,” not “WhamEn.”

Which is quite right, as I think we all know that the wah-men (or, rather, WAAAAAAAAAAAAAH-men) are the MGTOWs. Wah-wah-wah, all the day long.

Bookworm in hijab
Bookworm in hijab
5 years ago

@Lainey, me too! Now I have that song stuck in my head!

@ Rabid Rabbit, YES.

5 years ago

“Freedom” is my Whamworm – currently, thanks to Rabid Rabbit, being sung by Charlie Brown’s teacher.

Need more sleep.

Rabid Rabbit
Rabid Rabbit
5 years ago


You’re welcome! :ppp

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
5 years ago

Oh, if only we actually had a cunty government. That would be so great!

Prith kDar
Prith kDar
5 years ago

@ Lainy:

Well, even Dave apparently got snagged by that, since he used “WHAMYN” in the title of the article (or maybe that’s why everyone’s brain fixed on Wham! in the first place?).

As for that perfect Man’s Life cover in the banner, the articles in that issue include:

New Orleans: PICKUP PARADISE The Shocking Story of “nice” girls

The Big Cat Clawed My Guts (Weasels Ripped My Flesh was a couple issues later)

I Wouldn’t Marry an American Girl

The Island of Man-Eating Rats

(All titles are in all caps, except for the “nice” girls subtitle.)

At any rate, it seems like incels and migtoes issues haven’t changed at all over the last 70 years. I suppose they might worry less about being attacked by animals…

5 years ago

What is this business of purposely misspelling ‘women’, ‘whamen’ or ‘wimmenz’? I don’t get it.

5 years ago

That spelling just makes him sound like Waluigi. WAAAAHmyn.

5 years ago


Nah man, Wario for sure.

5 years ago

@Prith kDar

At any rate, it seems like incels and migtoes issues haven’t changed at all over the last 70 ~300 years

“Since she is fause whom I adore
I’ll never trust a woman more;
Frae a’ their charms I’ll flee away
And on my pipes I’ll sweetly play,”
Excerpt from “O’er the hills and Far Away”, collected ca. 1698

“Keep bachelor’s hall for I think it’s the best
Go home drunk or sober, lie down, take your rest
No wife there to scold you, no children to squawl,
Always stay single, keep bachelor’s hall.”
Unknown, variants date to at least 1798.
Indeed, that one appears to be ar least partially a parody of “The Ladies’ Case” (ca. 1730), which goes
“How hard is the fortune of all womenkind,
They’re alway contolled, they’re always confined,
Controlled by their parents until they’re made wives,
Then slaves to their husbands for the rest of their lives.”

So, not only have manurespherians not changed their complaints, they were already comparing their ‘opression’ to that of women all the way back in the 18th c.

Eta: I almost forgot “House-Husband’s Lament”:
“I am a young man from the town of Kiandra
I married a young woman to comfort my home
She goes out and she leaves me and truly deceives me
She leaves me with a baby that’s none o’ me own
Oh dear, I rue the day ever I married
How I wish I was single again
With this weeping and wailing and rocking the cradle
And rocking the baby that’s none o’ me own”
Beta bux, anyone?

5 years ago

I, too, wonder how literally banning half of the workforce from doing their jobs would lead to economic prosperity. To me that sounds like a great way to precipitate a labour crisis, particularly in jobs that require extensive education. Losing the vast majority of healthcare and education and administration workers overnight would be GOOD for society because… cooties I guess?

I know this is “they took our jobs” on steroids but it’s almost like MGTOWs haven’t thought this one through… unlike all their other, well-reasoned, logical conclusions.

Cat Mara
Cat Mara
5 years ago


(Internal Grammar Nazi’s eyelid twitches involuntarily)

5 years ago

This is even more hilarious when you consider that MGTOW’s actually believe this stuff is “philosophy”. I’d love to see the academic paper with WAHMYN capitalised in every other sentence.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
5 years ago

They [women] don’t deserve rights.

You’d like to take away our rights because (you claim) we have privileges? Rights are not privileges. You need a better argument. Also, you do realize, don’t you, that you are the wah-man?

Cat Mara
Cat Mara
5 years ago

I’ve just realised that WAHMAN is a rather good representation of Animal from The Muppet Show’s pronunciation of “woman” and now I can’t unhear it ?

5 years ago

I wish they would tell me how to get these beta bux. I’ve been a single mom since my 12 year old was 1. And my almost 10 year old son’s dad hasn’t been around since my son was conceived. I mean, in the last 3 years the youngest boy’s dad has paid me a total of £75… is that the money these guys are resentful of?

Maybe I need to start crying in the street like that old troll suggested. But with working full time and doing a degree part time and doing volunteer work and being a single mom to 2 kids who are both currently being assessed for ASD, there’s only so much time left over for crying in the street ya know?

Anyway, it’s been a couple of years since I was a regular poster but I’ve lurked off and and and I’ve missed you all ❤

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
5 years ago

Nice to hear from you, NicolaLuna!

Victorious Parasol
5 years ago

Welcome back, NicolaLuna!

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