entitled babies evil sexy ladies men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW MRA warren farrell

MGTOW Redditor warns men to beware of women trying to hypnotize them with their sexy unclothed arms

Fishing for male attention?

By David Futrelle

Men’s Rights Activists — and their close cousins the MGTOWs — fret endlessly about what they see as the unfair power women wield over hapless straight men seduced by their sexy bodies.

MRA granddaddy Warren Farrell has been warning men for decades of women’s “cleavage power” and the apparently hypnotic spells wily women can cast with their asses; these days, MGTOWs and racist conspiracy theorists alike obsess over the evil effects of women wearing yoga pants on the fragile male psyche.

But one MGTOW Redditor wants his fellow lady-avoiders to be wary of another hidden tool women have in their sex appeal arsenal alongside their actual arses: their unclothed arms.

MGTOW Reminder: When spring hits with full force, keep your guard high, fellas. (self.MGTOW)

submitted 1 month ago * by 2MetresAbove

Spring has hit hard where I live: less clouds, more sun on the sky, less windy, 15+ C temperatures etc. Instantaneously, hordes of thots of all shapes and sizes have popped out like mushrooms from beneath the ground. You know what I am talking about: skimpy clothes revealing arms, legs and cleavage. They have been waiting for that for half a year ever since last summer. It is a time to start harvesting all the attention they can get from weak men, regardless if they are TRP or TBP. I remind you all, do not give them any validation. Keep your guard high. Conquer your lust and become master of your own destiny. A moment of weakness might cost you a lot. There is too much at stake. GYOW, gentlemen.

Damn these diabolical body-having ladies and their infernal … limbs!

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5 years ago

@ Bina, Diptych, Rapid Rabbit

I’m with the ‘protection from scuffing’ hypothesis, protecting the furniture from kitty claws too. I understand Victorian rooms were often over – furnished to the point of cluttering by early 21st Century standards, if the inhabitant could afford furniture.

It’s also possible, in case hard times came calling, the furniture might then be salable or pawnable for more money. Victorian – era folk might not be willing to admit that last one though, since for those ‘who’d made it’ any whiff of poverty in their past, present or possible future would be a huge taboo.

5 years ago

Is her left arm grotesquely elongated for a reason?

5 years ago

It’s also possible, in case hard times came calling, the furniture might then be salable or pawnable for more money.

Lot of people rented their furniture too, another good reason to protect it from scuffs and bashes.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
5 years ago

From MovieReviewMgtow in the same thread:

Good analogy on the mushrooms, it truly is amazing to witness in real time. I remember back when it was still winter and one thot just couldn’t wait any longer and wore the same skimpy short shorts and everyone was just eyeing her thinking she was crazy. Woman will scream at the top of their lungs that its not to attract male attention or gaze but we know better.

Oh yes, this is a very common occurrence. I see it all the time.

Billy beta cannot look or comment on it but chad and Tyrone are free to gaze and touch all he wants so its funny as a mgtow to see the insanity.

Another very common occurrence on the streets of the city where I live.

So much truth from MovieReviewMgtow.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
5 years ago


How Many Bones Would You Break to Get Laid?
“Incels” are going under the knife to reshape their faces, and their dating prospects.

So often outsiders exhort incels to improve themselves (get a degree, exercise regularly, brush your teeth) and the dates will follow. This advice — boring! — probably falls on deaf ears.

Some incels have decided to take a shortcut to success by getting plastic surgery. But only some of them — this type of procedure is very expensive.

Cat Mara
Cat Mara
5 years ago

@dashapants: I actually studied Russian in University¹ but I never noticed the resemblance of “blatnat” to a Russian word…

O/T: New study finds single women are happiest, longest-lived humans. I’m sure Stefan Molyneux will be along shortly to ‘splain why this cannot be because cat ladies or something ?.

¹ For some value of “studied” anyway: the goal of the course was basically to fit students with enough knowledge of the Cyrillic alphabet and basic Russian grammar that we could translate a technical paper with the aid of a dictionary. Actual ability to speak the language as a result of taking the course was a nice-to-have. FWIW, it did help me be a better Irish speaker as Irish has a similar palatal/velar distinction as Russian but it was never adequately explained by my Irish teachers; after learning the little Russian I have, the whole thing made much more sense to me…

5 years ago

My feeeemale arms are not only exposed, but tattoo’d, so MGTOW heads can explode with rage thank you very much.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
5 years ago

Oops! Ninjaed by Nequam — which actually has a certain ring to it. That said, although the topic is the same one (incels getting plastic surgery), the articles are different.

5 years ago

Is her left arm grotesquely elongated for a reason?

I’m pretty sure the photo is one of those “panoramic shot fails” that happens when people move when a panoramic photo is taken with a phone. There’s a whole bunch of them on the internet.

5 years ago

Is that a photoshop job removing an ex who’s actually holding the fishing pole?

5 years ago

@Rabid Rabbit

Both? Blat comes in both innate and delegated varieties. You can have it because you’re awesome and/or because you’ve got connections. In the case of “blatnat” I would go with spontaneous blat by definition, as Putin blat isn’t natural but contrived. It can also be viewed as mysterious force, as in “we came to the club with Vlad, and were an instant shoo in… such blatnat!!” wherein Vlad is suspected of having had something to do with it, but nothing is certain.

@Cat Mara

Well, as I have mentioned “blatnat” is not in fact an extant Russian word, though “blat” is; however, it is a slang word, so probably not something that is normally taught in class. I just sort of pivoted from existing slang to modified, using a common practice of shortening and stacking words together to create verbal shorthand. Largely, because I felt that it should be a word, and Russian (with its generous selection of prefixes, suffixes, endings, and other ways of modifying words) allows this on the regular.

5 years ago


Is her left arm grotesquely elongated for a reason?

To tempt MGTOWs and test their resolve, obviously!

@Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile

Good analogy on the mushrooms, it truly is amazing to witness in real time. I remember back when it was still winter and one thot just couldn’t wait any longer and wore the same skimpy short shorts and everyone was just eyeing her thinking she was crazy. Woman will scream at the top of their lungs that its not to attract male attention or gaze but we know better


Oh yes, this is a very common occurrence. I see it all the time.

When I was growing up, my dad pretty much lived in shorts and would only resort to long pants when it got to -15 C or so. I wonder whose attention he was desperately trying to attract. I also wonder what kind of mushroom he is. ??

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I admit, I haven’t read that incel cosmetic surgery article yet, but it’s sure interesting that it’s getting so much attention. It’s seen as completely normal for women. Not just normal, but in some subcultures, expected. Women are just supposed to go through pain and expense to be beautiful, but when men do it, it’s a sign that something is wrong. Men? Going under the knife to meet society’s beauty standards? Well, I never!

5 years ago

Another argument I can make in favor of “blatnat” as a valid, useful word is that the word “natural” is used much the same way in Russian as it is in English. So converting it to its adverb form “naturally” would carry the same double meaning of “by a natural process” and “obviously” in both languages. Thus, “blatnat” is not only natural blat but also obvious blat, blatant even to the oblivious, making this a nuanced concept rife with connotation. 🙂

Imma just gonna stop talking now.

5 years ago

Indel 1: When spring comes, bare-armed ladies pop up like mushrooms
Incel 2: Ah yes. I too have seen bare-legged ladies in winter. This proves your claim.

These guys are not very good at logic

5 years ago

it is time to start harvesting

5 years ago

Re: furniture — I’m also going with the “anti-scuffing” hypothesis. I’ve seen Victorian furniture – the legs don’t look remotely human.

Apparently, however, they did have a parlour game in which a gentleman would pretend to flirt with a chair, and a lady would comment something like “excellent performance, wrong audience,” and whoever could get through this without laughing was the winner – at least I seem to recall reading about this, I can’t find it now, just a bunch of Victorian parlour games that involved kissing somebody *through* the slatted back of the chair.

I feel as though the moral here is that Victorians were less repressed than people think and did not actually have to resort to ogling furniture.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
5 years ago

You gotta love this site. Come for the progressive discussions, stay for the Russian etymology, troll dismantling, and weird photomanipulations like that one that got Sebstian Gorka fired by Trump, not to mention yon shot of Reed Richard’s sister fishing!

Sheila Crosby
Sheila Crosby
5 years ago

Talking of panorama fails, I once managed to photograph a portal:

@Big Titty Demon I’m glad I wasn’t drinking anything when i read that.

Ingmar - damn that false negative canthal tilt!
Ingmar - damn that false negative canthal tilt!
5 years ago

big titty demon, btw wow Walter Sobchak really anticipated them on that 2nd emendament shit “I didn’t watch my buddies die face-down in the mud” rants about free speech.
Mgtow: Now what about men’s body positivity and men’s right to bare arms.
Feminist: You can bare your arms and even your whole chest and torso.
Mgtow: Yeah but it’s not considered elegant.

Feminist: Neither for us.
Mgtow: Don’t feign misunderstanding with me, you know the bitter red pill truth but you’re trying to dance around the issue.
Feminist: Which is.
Mgtow: Sure it’s even illegal to bare chest for women, in some places, but there’s reason for it, coz follow me, you women don’t desire men’s chests as much or they do only for Chads, perfect six packs and pecs dunno -throws smoked red herrings around – but but… see women bare arms are considered elegant, men in bare arms are considered skanky, tacky, even rude, shorts at most casual.
Feminist: I like men chests and i can settle for four packs and less barrel like pecs -kidding -,but beyond that the whole man counts, but I can only speak for myself unlike you, not other women. Maybe we don’t dream of making a guy cover just because some might catch our glance. I remember some of your pals complaining that we supposedly want you to wear shorts which are a smarter fit than cargos as being entitled to daring to suggest men might wear something more flattering to their nice legs. You protested these women were objectifying men. Did you reflect on wether such gender roles are enforced by patriar… ehm toxic mas.. er, I meant chauvinism or by feminism. The real equivalence would be with shaved or non hairy men legs or arms, try to compare how they are treated on men and women when as hairy.
Men: The usual lazy hairy legged feminist, I knew you wanted to hint at that, that’s even antihygienic..
Feminist ….

5 years ago


Apparently, however, they did have a parlour game in which a gentleman would pretend to flirt with a chair, and a lady would comment something like “excellent performance, wrong audience,” and whoever could get through this without laughing was the winner – at least I seem to recall reading about this, I can’t find it now, just a bunch of Victorian parlour games that involved kissing somebody *through* the slatted back of the chair.

Now imagining a Victorian PUA negging a sofa.

5 years ago

So, let me see if I’ve got this-

Woman trying to attract men- women bad

Man trying to attract women- women bad.

Is that the gist of it?

Ingmar - damn that false negative canthal tilt!
Ingmar - damn that false negative canthal tilt!
5 years ago

Ops sorry it wasn’t aimed at you as I overlooked your very comment on envying women’s bare arms apparently being more accepted, I wasn’t implying you were a mgtow at all, nevertheless it might contain the answer, though in a satire form.
I’m all for expanding fashion choices for men and I think with the right clothes even a guy can pull of a sleeveless top elegantly, it depends on how he carries it on and the attitude. Of course some people keen on traditional gender norms might curl their nose, but screw them. It’s just that since the 90’s mainstream men fashion stopped challenging established norms too overtly so it has to start over from scratch every time.
P.s. Am I in moderation? If the new (temporary) handle is inappropriate, I’m back on the old one, but seeing others, didn’t seem a problem 🙂

5 years ago

Also woman not trying to attract men – women bad ugly and unkempt frigid man hater
For these people, I think the compilation I saw on the other thread makes sense, seems to be just about women existing.
But I think in their mind it’s because they think men trying to attract women is linear, it’s just to get laid, otherwise they wouldn’t give what they deem as uninteresting beings the time of a day. To them women attracting men is to feet their ego without getting laid, which is the “money to pay” men with, they want to tease and attract any man.
They subscribe to that proverb for which men desire women body, and men desire men’s desire, I don’t know whose was this, oh I googled it, Freud, really?
I certainly desire a woman desire for me too and I’m sure it’s the same for other straight male friends of mine. That I know they are both necessary conditions to be met which together and not alone constitute desire, imho the passing desire a woman or a man might feel for another person they find attractive at glance =/= directly wanting to sex that person, which is an act of sharing which needs reciprocity. A woman or a man, well sometimes I mean, might even feel like masturbating thinking about them, but isn’t it a whole different level, well, to fuck with that person I mean. So I don’t get how finding an arm attractive is perceived as a tease!

P.s. If you somehow register me trying to send the duplicate comment, it wasn’t me trying to spam, but to verify if the comment is in the system albeit not yet visible.

5 years ago

This might just be me, but does anyone with depression. Does your depression get a lot worse during the winter when it’s cold. when I have to be under mountain of clothes and it’s cold out, mind get at least 40% worse then what it normally is. Normally I can handle it really well, but then my suicidal thoughts get worse (I swear I wouldn’t act on them) and I’m just in a tired, disinterest fog about everything. But then when there is more sunshine and I can wear the clothes I like, it gets a lot better. It’s like I can feel joy again.