empathy deficit entitled babies foids incels men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny reddit violence against women

Incels are now mad about women smiling at them

Typical day in the life of an incel

By David Futrelle

It’s hard to keep track of all the myriad ways incels are oppressed. Here’s a new one I discovered today in the Braincels subreddit:

Do You Hate It When Women On The Streets Smile At You Knowing That They Are Only Being A Tease And Would Never Give You The Time Of The Day (self.Braincels)

submitted 2 months ago by GuineaIncel

I prefer women on the streets not smile at me and even better if they do not make any eye contact with me at all because atleast they are not leading me on. In the past when I would approach woman who smiled at me I would still get a 100% rejection rate. But now I have been black pilled about female smiles just being another form of teasing. Now I just respond to female smiles with an angry stare.

Not all the commenters agreed with GuineaIncel’s assessment of Smiling Women.

“If they can look at you without involuntarily grimacing, it’s life fuel,” wrote someone called nwrktg8841.

I’m not saying they’re gonna fuck you, but it’s better than knowing you’re deformed beyond existing in polite society

ADepressedVirgin, taking the opposite position, suggested that GuineaIncel take things a step further.

“Giving the death stare is such a good cope,” he began.

[I] started off … glancing away at first sign of eye contact, but ive gotten good enough to the point where i can just gaze into peoples eyes as they walk by and not give a fuck.

These days, he added, he’s started to literally ram into women — sorry, “foids” — who accidentally get in his way on the sidewalk.

Also whenever im walking down a crowded sidewalk in a city or something I make sure to walk aggressively and if a foid stepped in my way or something she would get body slammed to the ground, when I was in NYC some stupid bitch didn’t know where she was going and stepped right in front of where I was walking, but I kept my pace and ended up body slamming her almost to the ground and she just started yelling “Fuck you!” lifefuel tbh

Let’s just hope this one is just a fantasy, or that it happened just that one time. Because, seriously dude, what the fuck?

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Mexican Hot Chocolate
Mexican Hot Chocolate
5 years ago

Man, incels have some issues. Women are socialized to smile when they make eye contact with people they pass on the street, it’s a reflex. In the same manner most men, in the U.S. at least, reflexively give the head jerk and say “hey” or “what’s up” at the people they pass by. Second, the comments of the death stare aggressive walker don’t dissuade me from my belief that incel celibacy isn’t involuntary, it’s because they’re such big, self-absorbed assholes that women voluntarily stay away from them.

5 years ago

I am so glad that my fat, middle-aged invisibleness makes my smile or lack of one a non-issue. Women are supposed to feel bad when men don’t notice them, but it’s such a relief, really.

5 years ago

Maybe one of those women can ask incels if they think she is beautiful.

5 years ago

That guy who body-slammed a woman might someday meet someone who is not so apt to just fall down. Lotsa people pack stuff on ’em. You know what I mean.

5 years ago

Crab-bucket loserwankery at its finest.

Keep it up, incels…and keep asking why nobody wants you. Don’t ever look critically in the mirror or have any epiphanies, now.

5 years ago

Some things that I was told by the manosphere make women bad:
– Smiling
– Not smiling
– Being pretty
– Being ugly
– Being average
– Being an adult
– Having sex
– Having sex with men
– Having sex with women
– Having sex with animals
– Enjoying sex
– Refusing to have sex
– Masturbating
– Not doing the science
– Doing the science
– Not fighting in wars
– Trying to fight in wars
– Playing video games
– Trying to change the video games they like
– Making their own video games
– Having tattoos
– Having short hair
– Using makeup
– Dressing sexy
– Covering up
– Having babies
– Not having babies
– Raising children on their own
– Raising children with the help of men
– Voting
– Running for office
– Having a job
– Relying on men for their income
– Working
– Not working
– Not doing dangerous jobs
– Trying to apply for dangerous jobs
– Having authority
– Being married to someone who has authority
– Not paying for dinner
– Paying for dinner
– Looking for attention
– Wanting to be left alone
– Flirting with random men
– Refusing flirtations from random men

Actual Human Bean
Actual Human Bean
5 years ago


It’s almost like the issue with femme-read persons is that they dared to exist in the first place.

Knitting Cat Lady
Knitting Cat Lady
5 years ago

I often play a game called ‘patriarchy chicken’.

AFAB people are socialized to not take up space. To move out of the way. So AFAB people moving through a crowd end up going in a zig-zag line.

Whereas cis white men walk a straight line.

No more. I have sufficient body mass that people walking into me will lose most of the time*.

As for smiling… it’s entry bajillion in the damned if you do, damned if you don’t category.

*One day I was standing on the platform, in an out of the way gap between a pillar and the schedule display. Teen girl decided to use this small gap to go to the other side of the platform. She obviously wasn’t looking where she was going as she was doing stuff on her phone. Skinny teen girl who’s about 1/3 of me walking into me at high speed? Might as well run into a bouncy wall.

5 years ago

This is also part of the “leading him on” story of emotional coercion, they’re just approaching it from the other side.

– went on a few dates but didn’t want a relationship? Leading him on
– went on a date but didn’t have sex? Leading him on
– chatted with him but didn’t want a date? Leading him on
– smiled at him but didn’t want to talk? Leading him on
– didn’t smile at him? What a bitch

Basically, if you smile at him you’re committed to having his babies. But also you should smile more.

Note: This logic is *never* applied to how men treat women. If he moves on, it’s her fault for not keeping him interested.

5 years ago

I have to smile at people. its my job. Wonder if any of the customers are incels? hmmmm

5 years ago

Yeah, body slam guy is bullshitting. Guy tries that in a city, he’s getting his nose broke within days.

5 years ago


I’m assuming if he really does to that it’s to really skinny 14 year old girls, very clearly disabled women, or like elderly women with canes. Guys like that if they do anything, they don’t do it to grown women because grown women will either beat them up or have someone that will beat the guy up.

Big Titty Demon
Big Titty Demon
5 years ago

@Knitting Cat Lady

? I do the same thing! I also play a variant of this game with respect to elbow rests and especially knee space on airplanes. I once had a ripped dudebro in the next seat over try to manspread into my space, and he was shocked when I forced his knee out with mine and then successfully kept it out when he tried to consciously put it back. I was all like, do you think this mass walks around without any leg muscle to support it? Do you think fat people never go to the gym and use the thigh machines? I own that exercise, I can do 100 reps at 150 pounds! You ain’t shit!

He kept at it the whole flight though, heaving great sighs at my rudeness at not letting him do what he wanted, when all I did was keep my knee at the line of my seat.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
5 years ago

Do You Hate It When Women On The Streets Smile At You Knowing That They Are Only Being A Tease And Would Never Give You The Time Of The Day</blockquote>

Don’t be silly, braincel from the quarantined Reddit community. I would definitely give you the time of day. In fact, it’s 2:00 a.m. (my time) right now.

That said, braincel (I’ll bet you’re super smart, huh), once I figured out you are a twisted, hateful hater (psst: that’s why your “community” is quarantined), I would remember the twisted hateful haters I have known and walk away quickly. I know, I know, I’m a total bitch.

PS: I’m also smarter than you.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
5 years ago

Sorry about my formatting issues. The Editing Mammoth prevented me from editing the formatting (or the time). No, I really am smart.

Citerior Motive
Citerior Motive
5 years ago

By “smiling” I think they mean “existing”.

16 Cats and Counting
16 Cats and Counting
5 years ago

I have to say I think Vaiyt nailed it. The mantra of these guys is pretty basic; we hate women whatever they do (or don’t do). I find this especially interesting because feminists are often accused of trying to find things to get offended about. While I feel this can be true I also believe the Incel crowd leaves everyone else in the dust when it comes to taking the most basic human interactions and somehow transforming them into cruel oppression!

sly fawkes
sly fawkes
5 years ago

“I am so glad that my fat, middle-aged invisibleness makes my smile or lack of one a non-issue.”

Hell yes! Me too! That is my “lifefuel.”
It’s nice to have it be known for a fact that resting bitch face is my natural state.

sly fawkes
sly fawkes
5 years ago

RE: the “body slammer” and elderly women with canes
Just remembering my late maternal grandmother. She would have taken up her cane and whaled on his ass. Where my grandmother went to school, they had outhouses, and there was a knothole in one side of the girl’s outhouse. There was a boy who would stick his John Thomas through the knothole to make the girls scream.
One day my grandmother was in the outhouse when he decided to do his thing. She whacked old J.T. smack on the head with a ruler. The exhibitionistic young fellow ran off screaming and never introduced John Thomas into the girls’ outhouse again.
My grandmother was raised as a fire-and-brimstone Baptist Christian, but she was no stranger to raising some hell when it was called for.

Lumipuna (nee Arctic Ape)
Lumipuna (nee Arctic Ape)
5 years ago

Not all the commenters agreed with GuineaIncel’s assessment of Smiling Women.

“If they can look at you without involuntarily grimacing, it’s life fuel,” wrote someone called nwrktg8841.

This is pretty much what I’ve long suspected about incels. Like many clueless guys, they generally feel entitled to random women’s smiles and attention. But when you walk past them on the street minding your own business, displaying your “resting bitch face”, they take it more personally than most men.

Depending on how attractive they find you, and how self-loathing they feel at the moment, they might interpret it as “she can’t hide her disgust when she sees me”. Because, supposedly, smiling is the normal state of attractive women, as seen in media imagery.

And who knows, maybe some of these guys look at attractive women in a creepy enough way that it makes you visibly scared or disgusted just from walking past.

Errols friend (formerly Nanny Oggs Busom)
Errols friend (formerly Nanny Oggs Busom)
5 years ago

It’s times like these when being fat has its advantages. Incel twerps don’t notice me. Although, the way some people act when they see a fat (sort of-)woman in shorts (very fetching denim ones, at that), I’d appreciate it more if no one ever noticed me.

Turan, Emissary of the Fly World
Turan, Emissary of the Fly World
5 years ago

Vaiyt’s comment reminds me of this, which is always worth re-watching:

5 years ago

I have hit the wall about 3 times now as I am 54. I am quite friendly with young men because my sons are and so are their friends. As a result I often randomly talk to young men.

I can accommodate all sorts of issues but any boy that tries to barge me will be sorry.

Like Big Titty Demon I am a big strong woman, also tall, I am certainly stronger than many of the young men at my gym.

Mr Bitter Incel will be targeting 100lb waifs, if anyone. 100% sure that he is a coward who would never risk a woman hitting him back.

5 years ago

Awww! Woman smiled!! Bwhaaaaa

5 years ago

Women should lower their eyes when men pass?

Maybe they should do something that hides their eyes altogether? Y’know, veils, or bonnets with deep rims that hide their expressions?

Or perhaps they should kneel down when any man hoves in view, waiting with gaze averted to find out whether the man wishes to make use of them in any way.

Sounds like a society that works for everyone, doesn’t it?