By David Futrelle
A couple of months back, you may recall, the infamous pickup artist and ironic rape legalization proponent Roosh V announced that he had taken “the God pill,” embracing Jesus and Orthodox Christianity, after getting really, really high on mushrooms. (No, really.)
Turns out he was serious, and now he’s making efforts to bring his career, such as it is, in line with his new beliefs.
To some extent, he’s been preparing for this for years. He long ago gave up his quest for endless one-night stands and has instead been, at least theoretically, looking for a wife. Meanwhile, he had more or less abandoned pickup advice in favor of fulminating endlessly about the alleged cultural “decadence” of the Western world on his blog and on his now-shuttered site Return of Kings.
But now he’s actually stopped selling his “Bang” guidebooks, which many saw as little more than country-specific date=rape how-to manual.
And yesterday he took the radical — for him — step of banning talk of “fornication or pre-marital sexual activity” from his web forums, as well as all “pornographic or vulgar language.”
“Due to my recent turn to faith, my sense of morality is becoming based on the Bible,” he wrote in a forum post explaining the new rules.
I’ve stopped a lot of behaviors that I’ve used to do and am in the process of making other changes. I’ve also realized that the majority of my published materials and online platforms lead men into sin or enable them to partake in sin.
No, he hasn’t come to the realization that going ahead and “banging” a woman after she’s literally told you “no” thirty times is not what most people would consider consensual sex. He just thinks that if you do this without getting married first Jesus will be mad at you.
In any case, he’s decided to fight sin with two new rules for his forum, both of which will go into effect at the start of June.
1 .You can no longer discuss fornication or pre-marital sexual activity
Things you can discuss:
-Meeting women with the intention of entering a relationship with them
-Attracting women
-Going on dates
-How to enter relationships
-Using technology to meet women
-How to maintain relationships
-Sexual activity while marriedThings you can no longer discuss:
-Meeting women with the intention of fornicating with them
-How to bang
-Physical intimacy with women you’re not married to beyond the act of kissing
-Maintaining relationships with multiple women (i.e. spinning plates)
-Cheating on significant others (adultery)
-Using technology to fornicate
-Discussion of travel destinations which are best for fornication
-Stories of sexual activity while not married
-Promoting masturbation, oral sex, anal sex, etc.
It’s all just a tad ironic, given that most of the things he’s banned people from talking about are exactly the things he wrote about and talked about for a decade in the self-published books, the blog posts, the public talks and the YouTube videos that put him in the spotlight and put money in his bank account.
Rule 2 is only slightly less sweeping:
2. You can no longer use pornographic or vulgar language
-Refrain from using terms like “I fucked her” or “I want to fuck her.” Do not describe sexual encounters or situations that are beyond the act of kissing unless you are married.
-Refrain from using profanity if a cleaner word would suffice.
Roosh is well aware that these new rules, and his new approach generally, could alienate a good chunk of his audience.
I know that I may lose some of you because of these rules, but I can no longer help men lead a life of sin, because doing so is weighing on my conscious. [sic]
I created this forum in 2008 to help men fornicate, so I don’t know if it’s possible to “retrofit” it for another purpose, but it’s worth a try.
So far, it doesn’t look like Roosh’s fans are exactly thrilled with the new direction. While some of his forum regulars are rallying around him, others are pretty far from fucking ok with it, a point they have reiterated in literally hundreds of comments they’ve posted in response to his announcement.
“Is this a hoax?” asked one commenter. (It sure doesn’t seem to be.)
“Your house, your rules,” wrote another. “But this makes Rooshforum kind of like non-alcoholic beer. Or a sex-free brothel.”
Still another commenter offered his own awkward metaphor.
As much as I love roosh, this is the male equivalent of a woman riding the cock carousel and then turning into a nun. censoring everything because she feels her new outlook is the best.
Others were a bit harsher:
I think Roosh has gone off the deep end with this religious BS. Religion once again has destroyed something good in this world (this forum). I’m out. In the end we all will die, rot and maggots will consume us. Enjoy church fellas. Feel free to ban my account.
I can’t say I’m convinced that Roosh is going to be a huge success in his new career as a sort of freelance fundamentalist fulminator.
But as radical as his new direction might seem at first glance, the New Roosh has a lot in common with the Old Roosh. Both versions of Roosh are misogynists through and through.
As a pickup artist, Roosh made clear that he had no respect for the opinions — or the objections — of the women he pursued. He encouraged men to lie and manipulate — and even to hide in bushes — in order to more effectively prey on women, and in one of his “field reports” he talked about using physical force to restrain one of his “conquests” when she withdrew consent during sex. His biggest complaint as a pickup artist in recent years was that women were getting wise to his PUA bullshit — getting harder to trick, and harder to control.
Roosh’s new “morality” is all about controlling women. Even as a pickup artist, he resented the fact that the women he spent his life pursuing were “sluts” with sex lives of their own; now he rails against society for “allowing” women to have this kind of sexual agency, hoping to go back to a world in which men like him are guaranteed young, virginal, “traditional” wives.
So I guess the question now is whether or not Roosh’s fans will appreciate his continuing misogyny — not to mention his homophobia, his anti-Semitism and his other assorted alt-rightish bigotries — more than they’ll miss his always rather rudimentary “dating” advice. We’ll see. However things play out, it’s pretty much guaranteed to be both weird and ugly.
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Is he going to rename the site “Return of the King of Kings”
Live every startup that hits the rocks, the dude’s pivoting to a new business model.
Oh good. Roosh V will be touring the USA to celebrate the fact that he’s made it to 40.
“What I’ve Learned About the New Roosh”
Apparently climate catastrophe isn’t real to him even though he’s a scientist.
Apparently his books aren’t so awful that he’s not prepared to sign them.
Apparently he’s not ready to fall on his knees and beg forgiveness from all women for his unrelenting campaign of hatred and assault against us.
Apparently the New Roosh is the same as the Old Roosh — same old piece of shit. (My apologies to shit. You know what I mean.)
Trying every religion available at Sainsbury’s again, Roosh?
@Beyond Ocean
I have no issues with language. I just want to not be able to comprehend a single word he’s saying.
I’ve had enough of his ilk and want to see him in solitary confinement in jail, hopefully so his views are changed.
@Victorious Parasol
I want him to convert to Wahhabi Islam, Orthodox Judaism or something as fundamentalist. Just anything that allows him to be dismissed more easily, as by him converting to Orthodox Christianity, he will still be deemed credible by straight white Christian men regardless of denomination except the most liberal ones in a few cases.
Apparently, he wasn’t getting enough buck for his Bang.
I have nothing to comment, really. This is the kind of joke that already comes pre-written.
So I guess his only regret is that his rapes took place out of wedlock.
Nothing’s changed except the parameters of his hatred for women. Now, instead of slutty livestock to be manipulated and banged, women are harlots of Satan leading him astray from the path of righteousness. Case in point: the other day he tweeted a video of a man masturbating at the gym near an unsuspecting woman, and blamed it on the woman. Really Christian, moral behavior there. Notice how he’s banned talk of “fornicating”, but hasn’t banned demeaning, disrespectful language towards women.
So yeah, outwardly he’s converted, but it’s still misogyny as usual on the inside. He’s an alt-right, Deus Vult, “Christianity is important to the West” type of believer. He views Christianity as simply a cultural institution, a bulwark against evillll feminists, SJWs, and (((Globalists))). In his hands, it’s a weapon.
Roosh’s “conversion” seems like a perfectly natural progression. PUA is played out, but Dominionist Christians are easy to grift. They love a reformed sinner. No painful self-examination is required. He can slide right into the familiar role of authoritative cult leader and moral scold. Abuse and purity culture are baked right into the belief system. He’s probably angling for a young, naive tradwife.
At least now he has God to blame for his failures, being, y’know, too pure and righteous for the ladies now.
I popped by to his blog out of curiosity a couple of months ago and I think his sister died recently – which may explain this religious about-turn. And years ago I can remember him mentioning that actually his sister was really funny and good to be around because she had more “masculine” traits (in a typically boring and sexist discussion about women being humourless) – so I think however awful he may be he might have gone a bit off the deep end emotionally through grief?
Lollypop – while that may have something to do with it I tend to see it as more about him ageing and not wanting to admit that fewer women are attracted to him.
He has always advocated keeping women ‘in our place’ , he has just found a different tactic that suits his utter dismissal of the personhood of women.
I think it’s starting to dawn on him that he’ll die alone and no one will notice.
Or to put it in their own terms: he’s hit the wall and is no longer able to get alpha fucks from the young nubile Stacys riding the pussy carousel, so he’s hoping to marry and settle down with some beta orbiter Becky now. 🙂
If Roosh is going to join the Church then the appropriate place for him is a silent order so we don’t have to hear his drivel any more. The Carthusians would be best, as they live like hermits which means that the other monks wouldn’t have to put up with him either.
I tip my non-fedora hat to you, good Lumipuna. Well played.
“For the rest of 2019, I’m touring the USA by gasoline-powered motor vehicle to share 10 important life lessons I’ve learned.”

Maybe we could make Roosh a stylite?
How about an anchorite?
So he spends his 20’s and 30’s manipulating women into bed (or straight up raping them) and then writing (bragging) about it in his books. Now he’s 40 and he wants a traditional, virginal wife he can manipulate for the rest of his life. What a good Christian! Quick! Get Jim Bob Duggar on the line…Roosh has gone a courtin’! And what’s one more sex offender in the family?
@Buttercup Q. Skullpants:
“Case in point: the other day he tweeted a video of a man masturbating at the gym near an unsuspecting woman, and blamed it on the woman.”
He’s tweeting gay porn now?
He’s literally no better than those sympathetic to the Saudi regime. The kingdom there loves blaming women for men’s mishaps, too – it’s the reason why they make all women comply to a strict dress code in public, whether they like it or not.
Seems excessively contrived and a way to get back in the “news” which has worked.
I think one of his parents is Muslim.
Agreeing with lots o’you about Roosh (obviously) continuing with full-frontal-misogyny. And especially WWTH re: Orthodoxy vs Western “white” Christianity. To any fundamentalists who know of its existence as separate from Roman Catholicism (which is probably not many), Eastern Orthodox is still not “Bible-believing Christian,” and Roosh is still not white.
@Lumipuna: thank you for the giggle.
If you don’t mind a few nitpicks from an erstwhile scholar of Christianity and Judaism (who reads WHTM regularly despite rarely commenting):
1. Carthusians are RC. Orthodox don’t have religious orders in the same way that Roman Catholics do. No idea whether they have silent orders; the monks and nuns I’ve met certainly weren’t.
2. Dominionism is Protestant-specific theology. I don’t remember what the Orthodox equivalent is called, though it certainly exists, and is (afaik) strongest in the Russian church.
What the actual fuck. No. No this is not ‘gay porn’. A video
Is not ‘gay porn’. It is a video of a man sexually harassing a woman. It might be a video of a penis, that does not (and i want to be really clear here) make it gay.
This is feeding into the ‘gay men are predators’ trope, and i Will Not Have It Here.