alt-lite alt-right christianity empathy deficit enforced monogamy entitled babies evil sex-having women grandiosity male supremacy men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA rape rape culture reactionary bullshit rhymes with roosh volcels

Do Not Bang: Pickup Artist Roosh V embraces Jesus, bans talk of “fornication” from his web forums

Roosh V: 40-Year-Old Born Again Virgin?

By David Futrelle

A couple of months back, you may recall, the infamous pickup artist and ironic rape legalization proponent Roosh V announced that he had taken “the God pill,” embracing Jesus and Orthodox Christianity, after getting really, really high on mushrooms. (No, really.)

Turns out he was serious, and now he’s making efforts to bring his career, such as it is, in line with his new beliefs.

To some extent, he’s been preparing for this for years. He long ago gave up his quest for endless one-night stands and has instead been, at least theoretically, looking for a wife. Meanwhile, he had more or less abandoned pickup advice in favor of fulminating endlessly about the alleged cultural “decadence” of the Western world on his blog and on his now-shuttered site Return of Kings.

But now he’s actually stopped selling his “Bang” guidebooks, which many saw as little more than country-specific date=rape how-to manual.

And yesterday he took the radical — for him — step of banning talk of “fornication or pre-marital sexual activity” from his web forums, as well as all “pornographic or vulgar language.”

“Due to my recent turn to faith, my sense of morality is becoming based on the Bible,” he wrote in a forum post explaining the new rules.

I’ve stopped a lot of behaviors that I’ve used to do and am in the process of making other changes. I’ve also realized that the majority of my published materials and online platforms lead men into sin or enable them to partake in sin.

No, he hasn’t come to the realization that going ahead and “banging” a woman after she’s literally told you “no” thirty times is not what most people would consider consensual sex. He just thinks that if you do this without getting married first Jesus will be mad at you.

In any case, he’s decided to fight sin with two new rules for his forum, both of which will go into effect at the start of June.

1 .You can no longer discuss fornication or pre-marital sexual activity

Things you can discuss:

-Meeting women with the intention of entering a relationship with them
-Attracting women
-Going on dates
-How to enter relationships
-Using technology to meet women
-How to maintain relationships
-Sexual activity while married

Things you can no longer discuss:

-Meeting women with the intention of fornicating with them
-How to bang
-Physical intimacy with women you’re not married to beyond the act of kissing
-Maintaining relationships with multiple women (i.e. spinning plates)
-Cheating on significant others (adultery)
-Using technology to fornicate
-Discussion of travel destinations which are best for fornication
-Stories of sexual activity while not married
-Promoting masturbation, oral sex, anal sex, etc.

It’s all just a tad ironic, given that most of the things he’s banned people from talking about are exactly the things he wrote about and talked about for a decade in the self-published books, the blog posts, the public talks and the YouTube videos that put him in the spotlight and put money in his bank account.

Rule 2 is only slightly less sweeping:

2. You can no longer use pornographic or vulgar language

-Refrain from using terms like “I fucked her” or “I want to fuck her.” Do not describe sexual encounters or situations that are beyond the act of kissing unless you are married.
-Refrain from using profanity if a cleaner word would suffice.

Roosh is well aware that these new rules, and his new approach generally, could alienate a good chunk of his audience.

I know that I may lose some of you because of these rules, but I can no longer help men lead a life of sin, because doing so is weighing on my conscious. [sic]

I created this forum in 2008 to help men fornicate, so I don’t know if it’s possible to “retrofit” it for another purpose, but it’s worth a try.

So far, it doesn’t look like Roosh’s fans are exactly thrilled with the new direction. While some of his forum regulars are rallying around him, others are pretty far from fucking ok with it, a point they have reiterated in literally hundreds of comments they’ve posted in response to his announcement.

“Is this a hoax?” asked one commenter. (It sure doesn’t seem to be.)

“Your house, your rules,” wrote another. “But this makes Rooshforum kind of like non-alcoholic beer. Or a sex-free brothel.”

Still another commenter offered his own awkward metaphor.

As much as I love roosh, this is the male equivalent of a woman riding the cock carousel and then turning into a nun. censoring everything because she feels her new outlook is the best.

Others were a bit harsher:

I think Roosh has gone off the deep end with this religious BS. Religion once again has destroyed something good in this world (this forum). I’m out. In the end we all will die, rot and maggots will consume us. Enjoy church fellas. Feel free to ban my account.

I can’t say I’m convinced that Roosh is going to be a huge success in his new career as a sort of freelance fundamentalist fulminator.

But as radical as his new direction might seem at first glance, the New Roosh has a lot in common with the Old Roosh. Both versions of Roosh are misogynists through and through.

As a pickup artist, Roosh made clear that he had no respect for the opinions — or the objections — of the women he pursued. He encouraged men to lie and manipulate — and even to hide in bushes — in order to more effectively prey on women, and in one of his “field reports” he talked about using physical force to restrain one of his “conquests” when she withdrew consent during sex. His biggest complaint as a pickup artist in recent years was that women were getting wise to his PUA bullshit — getting harder to trick, and harder to control.

Roosh’s new “morality” is all about controlling women. Even as a pickup artist, he resented the fact that the women he spent his life pursuing were “sluts” with sex lives of their own; now he rails against society for “allowing” women to have this kind of sexual agency, hoping to go back to a world in which men like him are guaranteed young, virginal, “traditional” wives.

So I guess the question now is whether or not Roosh’s fans will appreciate his continuing misogyny — not to mention his homophobia, his anti-Semitism and his other assorted alt-rightish bigotries — more than they’ll miss his always rather rudimentary “dating” advice. We’ll see. However things play out, it’s pretty much guaranteed to be both weird and ugly.

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5 years ago

I’m starting to wonder if Roosh was secretly replaced by the Pod People when nobody was looking. Why they’d want to give him the Body Snatchers treatment, I’ll never know.

5 years ago

I find it kind of hilarious (I actually laughed out loud) that in the midst of all this “fornication” talk, one forbidden topic is still phrased simply and crudely as “how to bang.”

5 years ago

Of course he chooses one of the worst versions of christianity. No thank you, Roosh.

Mexican Hot Chocolate
Mexican Hot Chocolate
5 years ago

So instead of toxic sex and misogyny, he’s all about toxic Christianity and misogyny. A lateral move, really.

5 years ago

I suspect his is just his latest grift and I find myself wondering how long it’ll last.

5 years ago

I need a shower now.

5 years ago

@Mexican Hot Chocolate

Yes, but now he’ll be able to get in the good graces of the Bible thumpers. They do love them an example of a “converted sinner”, plus he’ll have tons of people to encourage his persecution complex to new heights.

I suspect now he’ll throw his former PUA supporters under the bus before they do the same to him. They may share his misogyny, but they clearly don’t have his inclination to playing the moral guardian.

5 years ago

@Mexican Hot Chocolate

So instead of toxic sex and misogyny, he’s all about toxic Christianity and misogyny. A lateral move, really.

I honestly can’t wait until either the unaffiliated population overtake the religious population under a Democrat government, or he’s goes (or is forced) to a more religious fundamentalist area and is stopped from speaking English or any other language that uses the Latin or Cyrillic alphabets. I’m sick of him and others like him.

I have been watching porn, because while I have read on a few places online about how it could be misogynistic, I don’t think especially religious opponents against pornography particularly care about women either – I wish the religious argument against porn was far less prevalent, less adhered to (nations and communities I believe that ban porn viewership would probably cite religious reasons against people viewing porn) and more unfounded. Roosh V is the perfect example of this.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I’m not sure the Bible thumpers will love him. He’s going with Orthodox Christianity instead of Evangelical Protestantism. He’s not white. He’s not clean cut. To me, whether this conversion is sincere, a grift, or mix of both, I don’t think it’s going to be as successful as sleazy PUA Roosh.

5 years ago

He’s just become a different slice of bread in the shit sandwich that is misogyny.

5 years ago

@weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Thankfully, since I can only barely speak Russian, much of what he’ll say will not make sense to me. Sadly, the fact I can still read Cyrillic will be a curse for me.

He would feel right at home in eastern Europe, which enthrones Christianity in the name of controlling women and establishing socially conservative regimes. I hope he stays there and doesn’t say a word of English ever again! I also hope that the soldiers and governments of eastern European governments pay for the violence they caused and for their misogynistic, homophobic, transphobic and overall gender-policing policies. Eastern Europe needs PROGRESSIVE politicians to lead the way.

5 years ago

I guess it’s an improvement.

99 more and he might be a pretty mediocre human being.

5 years ago

Mom must have kicked him out of her basement.

Next stop will be Roosh being a guest on “The Jim Bakker Show “or Dr. James Dobson’s “Family Talk” discussing his newfound faith with fellow misogynists.

Rabid Rabbit
Rabid Rabbit
5 years ago

Out of curiosity, what’s the Bible-thumping view on wiping your ass?

I suppose if he goes back to the Church fathers, as in Tertullian and the desert hermits, his festering unwashed body will feel right at home. How far is he from only eating his own pustules, I wonder? Maybe we could set up a GoFundMe campaign to buy him a stone pillar he could go stand on for the rest of his life, high enough that we couldn’t actually hear what he’s saying. (For those who don’t get what I’m going on about,


He’s just become a different slice of bread in the shit sandwich that is misogyny.

And as we know, his unwiped ass is helping to provide the shit.

(I apologize to everyone for the above comment.)

5 years ago

@weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Plenty of zealots of that stripe exist too. And grift doesn’t typically last for this long, let alone runs the risk of driving off the cash cows. At best, this is something like Poe’s Law at work.

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy

Roosh has always hated women and wanted to control them. He’s just found a new way to do it. He’s also always hated sex – as his detailed descriptions of “banging” make very clear.

But seeing the reactions of his followers has definitely been funny. It’s like some of them honestly thought it was all about Teh Game.

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent, Bard of the New Movement
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent, Bard of the New Movement
5 years ago

Make your U-turn, make it now, today
Bypassing all that you left to lay
Wonder what you’ve really got to say
Transmutation into another enemy

Documentation for a full decade
Say that you’re just tryna get men laid
But the truth has always been in shade
Somethin’ tells me that the truth’s all you forbade

The metamorphosis is complete
You wouldn’t have it any other way
Went from runnin’ soaked with beer into the street
To pinin’ for Judgement Day
Or so you say

But no matter what, you’re still the same man
The unable-to-go-out-with-a-bang man
The god’ll-make-everythin’-stay-the-same man
The fritterin’-away-the-whole-game man

Ain’t made any progress, ain’t done nothin’ I can see
To benefit society
Still boatin’, still a showman, still ain’t made a hit
And still don’t think women are worth shit

Won’t show no proof, but blows through the roof
With an alternate hypothesis in play
Say maybe that people like me exist
Or that likin’ women’s butts don’t make ya gay
Wonder what he’d say
Ain’t gonna win the day

Ann K
Ann K
5 years ago

Is one of his topics still going to be “how to plead with your mother to have sex with you because nobody else will”?

5 years ago

Hey, at least there’s the silver lining of Roosh no longer selling his rape guidebooks. Didn’t make him any less of a shitty person, but maybe this will limit his toxic influence a little.

5 years ago


Until he starts selling how to rape your wife handbooks. Or how to hit them in a way that doesn’t leave a mark. I’m willing to bet those are on the way pretty fast.

5 years ago

He said he was going into Ortodox, but he’s dropping Evangelical/fundamentalist shibboleths in everything he says. It’s entirely possible he isn’t aware those are different things, I suppose.

Crip Dyke
Crip Dyke
5 years ago

Mish is correct, and says what I was going to say earlier but didn’t then have time to write.

David says,

Roosh’s new “morality” is all about controlling women

While that’s true, Roosh’s OLD “morality” was all about controlling women. Roosh is neither better nor worse after this change, because it’s a change in tactics, not values or ethics.

5 years ago

The undying cynic in me says he’s actually just looking to destroy the evidence of his past as a self-admitted rapist, probably because the legal repercussions are about to catch up to him. (Not to mention anything that would put a serious marital prospect, if he ever finds one, completely off him.)

I’m sure that flagging sales have NOTHING to do with this recent (cough) epiphany, however.

Beyond Ocean
Beyond Ocean
5 years ago

@rv97, are you alright?

What’s up with this quasi-nationalistic rant that seems to equate English = enlightened; non-English = religious barbarians?

I somehow don’t think that language is the biggest issue with Roosh…

Big Titty Demon
Big Titty Demon
5 years ago

@Ann K

Ew! Did he really write about that?!

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