creepy cuck empathy deficit entitled babies evil fat fatties evil old ladies evil sex-rejecting ladies hypocrisy incels irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny pedophiles oh sorry ephebophiles

Should dudes attracted to older or fat women be thrown out of the incel club for having it too easy? An incredibly stupid debate

How incels view women over thirty

By David Futrelle

Incels spend a lot of time debating incredibly stupid things. Whether female sexual pleasure matters. Which mass shooters to embrace as heroes and which to dismiss as “amateurs” with insufficient body counts. Whether or not incels today suffer more than actual slaves did in antebellum America. Whether most women regularly have sex with dogs, or just some of them?

But in some ways the most stupefying debate I’ve run across on the forums lately is whether or not incels who are attracted to “older or fat women” should be thrown out of the incel club because they have it too easy when it comes to getting laid — at least when compared to your more “normal” incels, obsessed with having sex with virgins and underage girls.

Because, yes, in incel world, adult men fetishizing “jailbait” is seen as normal and natural, whereas being attracted to women over the age of, say, 30 is regarded by many incels as dangerously degenerate.

“I have noticed most users here are attracted to younger, virgin girls and jailbait,” wrote an commenter calling himself cookie33.

Putting all of the ideological considerations aside, like the importance of virginity, the cock carousel and the shame of being a cuck to a fat/older woman, there is a part of the population that is physically attracted to such a women. 

You can almost taste the disgust he feels towards all those “cucks” and “soyboys” who are actually attracted to adult women of average (or even — gasp! — above average) weight rather than model-thin high-school girls.

However, incels liking fat/old women obviously have it easier than other incels, since their sexual attraction enables them to jump the moral barriers and ascend easier with these women. Also, fat/old women have lowered standards, which makes ascending even easier.

Yeah, I somehow suspect there aren’t going to be a lot of women of any sort lining up to fuck dudes as creepy as you guys.

Therefore, in comparison with ephebophile incels, should they be considered volcel, and even fakecel? 

Or should ephebophile incels be considered mentalcels, and incels with an eclectic taste in women should be truecels, since the latter have still failed to ascend despite easier conditions? Your sexual drives are part of your personality/behavior, and your personality is part of what defines inceldom (mentalcels).

All this complicated and confusing terminology when the phrase “unfuckable creeps” works just fine!

Naturally the debate that followed in the responses to cookie33’s post was exactly as thoughtful as every debate on

“Ugly landwhales and fat old cunts still go for the best looking guys,” complained someone called Vermilioncore.

“But it is nevertheless a realistic scenario for an incel to ascend with a whale or a hag,” replied cookie44. “With Stacy, it’s not.”

“True,” replied Vermilioncore.

It’s sad that they are all we have a chance at. But as time moves forward and tinder shows to women all the viable options, even hags and landwhales will begin to disregard anyone who isn’t attractive.

Hate to break it to you, dude, but Tinder isn’t the issue here. Most women don’t even need “viable options” to turn you down; they would honestly rather die alone than date someone as creepy and hateful as you.

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5 years ago

@Weird Eddie

Yes, that is true but it hasn’t been like this for a long time. My area we normally deal with flooding. It’s been a while since we’ve been hit this hard. I’m fine but others aren’t as lucky as I am.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
5 years ago

@Lainy – Glad you’re okay! That was a pretty bad series of storms.

the shame of being a cuck to a fat/older woman

This is literally the opposite of what “cuck” means. Unless he means the fat/older woman is sleeping with his girlfriend.

Also, fat/old women have lowered standards, which makes ascending even easier.

They can never seem to get their story straight. Are fat/older women thirsty and desperate for sex like incels, or do they live life on easy mode because female incels don’t exist and fat/older women can roll in the hay with one of their thousands of beta orbiters any time they want?

Also, “ascending”? It’s not the Rapture.


Riding the dog carousel.

Next up: dogcels. They’ll be debating which breeds have the most golden ear ratio and which breeds have insufficient dewlaps.

I mean, they endlessly debate their own conformity with the unforgiving eye of Westminster judges, so this is the natural next step.

5 years ago

Sometimes I try to put myself back in my edgy 17-year-old Newgrounds shoes just to imagine how I’d react seeing this nonsense and even if I was cruel enough to overlook the rather cringe-worthy “hag” and “landwhale” epithets (and I wasn’t), I’d definitely be scratching my head as to what it was these clowns actually wanted. Purely from a utilitarian perspective, if sex was what you wanted, why wouldn’t you cast the widest possible net?

It’s almost as if it’s not sex that they want, but the social validation that comes with using a woman as arm-candy…..

Violet the Vile, Moonbat Screech Junky
Violet the Vile, Moonbat Screech Junky
5 years ago

Look, one of the best benefits of being 41 and overweight is the way the increasingly merging pool of shit made up of incels, PUAs, MRAs, Nazis, misogynists and the like (we really need a single word for these guys which they haven’t picked for themselves) have all started ignoring me.

Men flirt with me a little more rarely….but the ones that do are generally not burning piles of garbage.

Don’t be encouraging them to come around. Continue to ignore me. Please. I did my time fending off assholes already. (Also, after 30 years of telling dickheads to get lost, I’m pretty good at rinsing people out now. Don’t come at me unless you want the library to open)

Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
5 years ago

@ Katamount:

It’s almost as if it’s not sex that they want, but the social validation that comes with using a woman as arm-candy…..

That is exactly what they want. I’m sure there’s an understood promise of sexual intercourse with it, but the validation is what they crave foremost.

Wandering Jewterus
Wandering Jewterus
5 years ago

@Violet the Vile, Moonbat Screech Junky

Look, one of the best benefits of being 41 and overweight is the way the increasingly merging pool of shit made up of incels, PUAs, MRAs, Nazis, misogynists and the like (we really need a single word for these guys which they haven’t picked for themselves) have all started ignoring me.

Although not one word, I prefer to call them the “Deformia Meditari” (supposedly Latin for ‘disgusting’ and everything sounds cooler in Latin). I guess it could be shortened to ‘DM’ for brevity’s sake.

5 years ago

Who’s going to break it to these fools that women’s standards tend to go up with age and not down?

At my ripe seasoned old post-wall age of 33, I’d rather date a moldy bagel than go near any of these festering boils of hate and misery. Not likely to change when I’m 73.

dust bunny
dust bunny
5 years ago

@ Sarity

They know. That’s why they hate and fear older women so much.

5 years ago

You’d think getting kicked out of the incel club would be something to aspire to and not some kind of punishment. It would really mean that either A. they’ve had the sex they claim is denied to them and have met their stated objective, or B. they’re no longer an odious turd of a person, which would be a net gain for humanity.

5 years ago


You can read about sex until the proverbial cows come home, but absolutely nothing prepared me for my first direct experience of, say, cunnilingus – which is something else incels seem to find viscerally revolting as a concept, whereas for me it may be my single favourite sexual activity because nothing else directly stimulates all five of my senses in quite the same way. (The fact that my various partners seemed quite keen on it too was merely a happy bonus).

Uh, the pleasure of your sex partner shouldn’t be “merely a happy bonus” but kinda the point? I had a partner who loved cunnilingus for himself but with no capability to sense and respond to my desire/pleasure, and I tried to make myself available to him for it because I knew how much he enjoyed it, but it resulted in me trying to crawl up the headboard to get away because it was really icky and creepy when it didn’t really involve me as a participant but just as a sort of receptacle. Not a turn on. Recalling that experience still makes me shiver in horror.

So yeah, you might want to rethink your approach there. But otherwise, I agree with you about the value of learning from experienced sex partners with self-knowledge.

5 years ago

Mentalcels, volcels, truecels… what even is this nonsense hierarchy of -cels? I keep thinking I understand what I’m reading and then come across that nonsense and am suddenly lost.

Cat Mara
Cat Mara
5 years ago


Riding the dog carousel.

Now I have a mental image of a bunch of adorable puppers riding a merry-go-round, with their heads sticking over the edge and their tongues hanging out like when they stick their heads out a car window… ?

Cat Mara
Cat Mara
5 years ago

I don’t think they’ve thought this one through (quelle surprise): I mean, if an incel has lowered (sic) standards and still can’t get laid, surely this makes them Top Incel™? A veritable prodigycel whose Big D Incel Energy lays waste to even the mere possibility of human relationships; and before whom all other incels should bow in incel awe, and cast their waifu pillowcases in his path lest his feet touch the base earth? The fools!

5 years ago

So yeah, you might want to rethink your approach there.

As might you, since you’ve taken a completely throwaway quip and blown it up out of all proportion for the purposes of irrelevantly lecturing me about a bad experience that you had, as though your creepy partner who made you “shiver in horror” and I were essentially interchangeable.

So yeah, you might want to rethink your approach there.

5 years ago
5 years ago

Proud Boys? The “rally to complain about the media saying bad things about us” Proud Boys? The SPLC has to literally be sued for calling us a hate group Proud Boys?

Just making sure we’re talking about the same group of tender snowflakes.

Cat Mara
Cat Mara
5 years ago

O/T: Many moons ago, someone here mentioned there was fanfic of the copper dealer who was dissed on an ancient Sumerian clay tablet… now archaeologists have discovered what is believed to be the first “Dear John” (or maybe I should say, “Dear Jane”) letter in the same part of the world.

You have until the end of the month to pick up your flax shawls and sandals or else I will donate them to the temple of the moon god.

Harsh, dude.

I’m sure the fanfic writers are busy as we speak…

5 years ago

@ Cat Mara:

I’ve seen that article going around, but I’m afraid I must point out the date the article was originally posted.

Cat Mara
Cat Mara
5 years ago

@Moon_custafer: Hmmmm, good point

5 years ago

And back to horrible incels and the jackasses who enable them. :-/

Man who threatened to kill ‘as many girls as I see’ because he was repeatedly rejected set to be spared jail

I hate my country…

5 years ago


I’ve seen that article going around, but I’m afraid I must point out the date the article was originally posted.

And, you know, the prominent “tags: April Fools” below the article.

Cat Mara
Cat Mara
5 years ago

In my defence, if you’ve ever seen any examples from the Amarna letters, this April fool’s is not far off the kind of thing one would expect to be found sooner or later. “Hey, my esteemed brother, the Pharaoh of Egypt, you are so awesome! By the way, your Dad promised me some solid gold statues but when they arrived, they were gold-plated wooden statues! What gives, my man? Everyone knows you guys are loaded!”

5 years ago

Oh, manospherians. They want to simultaneously be the most entitled group and the most discriminated against group, so they end up saying a bunch of contradictory things like:

“Evolutionarily speaking, men are programmed to care a lot about looks, but women aren’t. Therefore, I’m entitled to be as much of a slob as I want, but it’s not shallow at all for me to be picky and judgement about the way women look.”


“Women are super shallow! They only want to fuck hot Chads! Only men are capable of love! The reason there are incels is because Western women are so entitled and shallow.”

Plus things like this:
“Even the fattest, ‘ugliest’ women can still go to the club and get laid, but if you’re a man who isn’t Chad-level, you don’t even stand a chance!”


“If you like older or fatter women, are you even an incel? It’s not hard for you to get laid if you’re standards are that low. They’re so easy and desperate, because they never get any male attention.”

5 years ago


you’ve taken a completely throwaway quip and blown it up out of all proportion for the purposes of irrelevantly lecturing me about a bad experience that you had

Point noted.

I am not suggesting you’re interchangeable with my ex. I’m suggesting if that throwaway quip reveals your actual unconscious attitude–your partner’s pleasure is a nice bonus, but not really essential–then maybe rethink it a little bit. If it’s not your subconscious attitude, then maybe reframe such a quip moving forward so it’s actually funny.

The personal anecdote is to point out the potential consequences of that attitude, not your actions in particular. You made it clear that your partners have enjoyed the experience. Good for all of you. But just stop and think about what that quip implies and the worldview it reinforces, where women’s bodies are there for male enjoyment primarily, and if the woman gets off, well, okay, but that’s not the point of the act.

sly fawkes
sly fawkes
5 years ago

This old fat broad is actually extremely picky about who is allowed near her cock carousel riding parts. Incels would not stand a chance.