
By David Futrelle
Sunday night Donald Trump Jr. retweeted a transphobic tweet from someone long familiar to readers of this blog: the racist, woman-hating YouTube “philosopher” Stefan Molyneux, whom the Southern Poverty Law Center describes, accurately, as an “alleged cult leader who amplifies ‘scientific racism,’ eugenics and white supremacism to a massive … audience.”
Molyneux, who first caught my attention more than five years ago for his open and often quite extravagant misogyny, has now taken to advocating straight-up white nationalism, albeit in euphemistic terms. While he doesn’t spew slurs like some of his alt-right brethren, he talks endlessly about allegedly intractable racial differences in IQ.
In one recent tweet, he asserted that
the devolution of the US from an Enlightenment Republic to a semi-banana republic … has a lot to do with racialIQ demographics esp permanent low Hispanic IQ
He’s repeated his claims about “permanant low Hispanic IQ” numerous times.
He has similar feelings about sub-Saharan Africans. In one tweet he accused those he feels are “ginning up racial hatred” against whites in South Africa of potentially killing off everyone in that country because, in his imagined scenario, “the blacks will kill the whites and/or drive them off. Then the blacks will starve” because, with their “Avg IQ low 70s” they will be too stupid to survive on their own.
He has, well, interesting thoughts on white women who marry the descendants of sub-Saharan Africans:
And he has many other thoughts about the allegedly insidious effects of “racial IQ differences” on western — “white” — countries.
His now infamous take on the Iraq war is truly galaxy-brained:
And if you don’t believe him, he may just have to get out his calipers!
Molyneux is convinced that “[m]ass immigration from the third world” is causing “falling Western IQ,” along with many other social ills, and has repeatedly fellow whites about what he thinks is a vast conspiracy to “replace” western whites with brown people from poorer countries — directly echoing the rhetoric of the neo-Nazis chanting “you will not replace us” in Charlottesville.
He also frets aloud about what he sees as a terrible shortage of white babies:
He’s also indignant that people look askance at racists crowing about the alleged superiority of “white culture” — that is, white people.
But as shitty as his racism is, we shouldn’t forget that Molyneux, a self-described Men’s Rights Activist who was once a featured speaker at a convention organized by Men’s Rights hate site A Voice for Men, is also a huge misogynist.
Indeed, he has repeatedly argued that it is women who are ultimately responsible for all the evil in the world. Sure, he acknowledges, there are men who do evil things — but the blame for their evil, he thinks, should rest at the hands (and the vaginas) of the women who bore them and most likely raised them.
He spelled this out in some detail in a ranting video several years ago — arguing that if women didn’t choose shitty men to have children with the world would be a wonderful place.
Women who choose the assholes will … fucking end this human race. … Women who choose assholes guarantee child abuse. Women who choose assholes guarantee criminality, sociopathy. Politicians, all the cold-hearted jerks who run the world came out of the vaginas of women who married assholes.
And I don’t know how to make the world a better place without holding women accountable for choosing assholes. … Women … keep the evil of the species going by continually choosing these guys.
If being an asshole didn’t get women, there would be no assholes left. If women chose nice guys over assholes we would have a glorious and peaceful world in one generation. Women determine the personality traits of the men because women choose who to have sex with, and who to have children with, and who to expose those children to. …
Stop fucking monsters and we get a great world. Keep fucking monsters, we get catastrophes, we get war, we get nuclear weapons, we get national debt, we get incarcerations … Women worship at the feet of the devil and wonder why the world is evil.
He’s still holding women responsible for all the problems in the world — and all the evil that men do.
It goes without saying that Molyneux is not a fan of feminism:
He also seems, well, a little bit uncomfortable with the fact that women have the right to vote.
As it turns out, he’s got a lot of advice for the ladies:
I dunno, that last one seems less like a warning and more like an incentive plan. (Does Stefan even know what cats are? Has he seen their gifs?)
But the sheer absurdity of many of Molyneux’s claims shouldn’t obscure the very real hatred and bigotry underlying them.
Which raises the question: How is it that the adult son of the president, heavily involved in his father’s political and business life, is even seeing Molyneux in his Twitter feed, much less using his own Twitter account — with its 3.6 million followers, at least some of whom are not bots — to amplify his voice (and not for the first time)?
Well, that would be the question if Don Jr’s last name were anything but “Trump” and if we lived in normal political times. These days, with Trump Sr. himself retweeting QAnon conspiracy theorists, Don Jr’s retweets of the racist, misogynistic, and just plain idiotic Molyneux are just par for the course.
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So vote for Republicans and cut out the middleman, is that it, Steffie-boy?
(How do you think he’d react to me calling him Steffie-boy? Not well, I’m sure. I’m-a keep doing it.)
If we had been allowed to talk about race and IQ, the invasion of Iraq would never have occurred, because no one would have been under the illusion that a Jeffersonian Republic was going to emerge from a population with an IQ in the 80s.
Opposing science got >500k people killed.
Well, would you look at that. Steffy’s stupidity destroyed so much of my brain that the Blockquote Mammoth went and ate me for supper. Sorry, y’all.
Stefan “literally everything ever is about my mommy issues” Molyneux.
I laughed so hard at your post I chocked on my future mother in-laws tamale.
Sometimes I wonder if “thinking women are the root of all evil” is the root of all evil.
Though really it must be just a special case of “treating people as things” — property to be claimed and owned and/or potentially hazardous wildlife to be tolerated, excluded, or exterminated. “Treating people as things” is a very strong candidate for “root of all evil”.
And yet those men choosing to be shitty get zero culpability? How odd.
Paging archaeology department. Paging archaeology department. Can you spare Dr. Jones for a short time? Some idiot needs it explained to him that black people in sub-Saharan Africa survived on their own just fine for tens of thousands of years before white people showed up there to
enslave“keep them from starving”. 😛Judging people by IQ tests is hilarious. Someone can be low intelligence for not knowing that talkative::loquacious because English isn’t one of the 5 languages they know.
The advent of trumpidity has really deep-sixed the idea that elected officials should even pretend to speak for all of the electorate. They’ve codified into law that the (former) United States is a nation of and for rich white xian men….
@Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Apropo of your comment and a favorite quote of mine.
Is… is Stefan under the impression that he’s one of those nice guys who women should choose?
The only thing IQ tests test is how good you are at solving IQ test.
The biggest factor in developing ‘intelligence’? Proper childhood nutrition and access to education.
My parents sponsor a SOS-Kinderdorf and women’s shelter in Indonesia. The women who go there learn a trade and the kids get to go to school. They also get enough food (calories, fat, and protein) to meet their actual needs.
My parents also sponsor a kid in Nigeria. He’s an orphan and my parents pay for his schooling. The kids at his school get a very energy dense meal and all children get to take as much clean water as they can carry home with them.
Those so called ‘racial IQ differences’ vanish when you take into account that you can’t learn properly when you’re hungry and stressed.
If by IQ he means intelligence/smartness, well, his knowledge about that is pretty weak. If someone can inherit some physical specificities from her or his genitors (including damn diseases), the spiritual/mental perks are not proven to be inheritable by now (as it was supposed to be, years years ago, though, like when alcoolism was supposed to be an atavism).
Wow, i know that i am a foreigner, but to me, this sentence does not mean anything (except maybe that women play some videogames where they can choose perks for some male charaters). Does he mean that men are so feeble that it is women who give them personality traits ? Or that only the women define the personality traits on a generic social basis associated to acceptable persons they could potentially wish to mate with (while it is well known that men never had physical and mental criteria in that domain, and that, as an example, the “no fat girl” claim is obviously part of some feminist psyop conspirationist cabal) ?
Molyneaux does realize that you learn IQ tests are basically useless in Psychology 101, right? It’s not even my field and I know that psychologists haven’t even reached a consensus on what IQ is.
I pay for my youthful exploits in cats?
Cats put the fun in fungible.
Molineux is scum, right enough.
Based upon Molyneaux’s reasoning I should have a lot more cats than the two that currently live with me. Clearly, I am owed cats. From whom do I collect? Do I also get an exemption from my lease’s provisions about pets?
I am ready and waiting to pay for my youthful sexual exploits if that price is multiple cats.
“Remember ladies, the price of a lot of men when you are young is a lot of cats when you are old.”
I don’t know how to do that italicky thing.
Why do men like Molineux not get that women with cats have chosen a life without men like Molineux? We already went our own way. We are busy living it. We don’t need to talk about it.
Every time someone tells me that I’m going to spend the rest of my life surrounded by cats, I thank them for their kind wishes.
@Weird Eddie
That was pretty much codified in the Constitution, really.
“Rich”, I’ll give you, given its focus on the rights of landowners.
“White”, I’ll give you, on the basis of the whole “a slave is 3/5 of a person” bit and the likely purpose of the Second Amendment in ensuring southern states could police their slave populations.
“Men”, I’ll give you, since as originally written it did not grant women equal voting rights and made various gendered statements.
But “Christian”? It explicitly calls for separation of church and state. The Christianization of the state seems to be a post-WWII thing, likely reactionary against the Soviet Union. That’s when “under God” got added to the pledge and “in God we trust” to the currency, along with the rising popularity of bibles and ten commandments plaques in courtrooms and other such bright-line violations of the First Amendment.
I take a certain amount of spiteful satisfaction in knowing that by my lily-white self will never have children and that this scares white nationalist assholes like Molyneux.
Also, even if IQ tests weren’t complete garbage, intelligence and basic human decency aren’t inextricably linked. Personally, I’d much rather live in a society of idiots who are kind to one another than in one ruled by asshole edgelords who think that their ability to memorize trivia makes them superior to other people.
Of course, intelligence isn’t a black and white concept like that, anyway, and there are multiple forms that intelligence and wisdom take.
Wait, wait. I know we’ve probably been through this before, but I thought cats were supposed to be for women who were stuck-up prudes in our younger days. Now you’re telling me we win them for promiscuity as well? Awesome! Cats for everybody!
I’m beginning to think it’s not a coincidence that members of the Trump family keep retweeting Nazis.
And as an aromantic type person, lots of men when I’m young followed by lots of cats when I’m old sounds utterly fantastic.
It’s hilarious how these guys think that women who have cats don’t actually like them, but reluctantly house them because they’re a replacement for men. I have cats because I like them. It’s got nothing to do with being single and over 30.
@Weirwood- It’s jealousy. I can say this with absolute confidence because my partner is very envious of the way our cat roomies clearly prefer me. That’s the sort of anecdotal evidence that is canon lore in the manosphere, so in the words of Jordan Peterson, that’s that.