creepy empathy deficit enforced monogamy entitled babies evil sex-having women evil sex-rejecting ladies incels irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA racism rape culture

“Incels deserve reparations just as much as African Americans,” galaxy-brained incel proclaims

Here are your reparations, sir!

By David Futrelle

It’s not just Men’s Rights Activists who’ve appropriated the language of the Civil Rights movement in order to further their reactionary cause. The incels do it too — though, incels being incels, they tend to be much weirder about it.

Take, for example, this dude on the forums, arguing quite sincerely that incels deserve reparations for being incels just as much as African-Americans deserve reparations for slavery:

[Serious] Incels deserve reparations just as much as African Americans.
 Thread starterEmergency Manual  Start dateMar 22, 2019
 Emergency Manual 
Emergency Manual
Hanging On
Joined:Nov 13, 2018
Mar 22, 2019
Some people believe African Americans deserve reparations for things that were done by peoples ancestors. 

These same people should support incels getting reparations for allowing our genetic trash families to reproduce. We were never asked if we wanted to be born and the actions of our ancestors has irreparably damaged our ability to be normal functioning human beings.

So I’m trying to follow the logic here:

If African Americans deserve reparations because of the legacy of 400 years of slavery, during which their ancestors were enslaved by the ancestors of others living in the US today …

Then incels deserve reparations because their own ancestors were allowed to have sex, and babies, for many generations, until their “genetic trash” mother gave birth to them.

Mr. Emergency Manual doesn’t specify exactly what sort of reparations he has in mind, whether he’s talking about bags of money or (presumably non-procreative) sex with some deeply unfortunate woman of his choice.

But, hey, the other incels responding to his proposal are ready to get on board regardless.

“We deserve it more,” writes Insomniac, “slavery is a thing of the past. No negro alive today has suffered from it.”

StoicNihilist, whose avatar is Nietzsche holding a gun, agrees:

No joke. I think that people like us (if you are a genuine Truecel) should be able to get financial aid from the government like disabled people. Being ugly in today’s world is effectively a disability. Most employers are biased as hell against ugly or otherwise unattractive people. My ugliness has without a doubt been the cause of me not being able to hold down a job and winding up homeless a few times.

A commenter called Wonder isn’t holding his breath.

Maybe we will in a few centuries. Families that had incels will recieve some sort of compensation. We won’t recieve anything.

Others are less interested in money than they are with being somehow provided with government-issued sex.

“I think the situation is slightly similar to the pre voting rights for black people era,” suggests Truecurrycel. “Sex should be recognised as a human right.”

Naturally, there are some incels convinced that they have it worse today than the slaves did. Adversor, who clearly wasn’t paying much attention during history class, asserts that

Many black slaves still had a black wife and kids. Sure, their lives were pretty shit but at least they had regular sex with the wife and were loved by their kids. Incels have absolutely nothing good in their lives. Slavery is nothing compared to a life of trueceldom.

In fact, slaveowners routinely raped female slaves and broke up slave families. And “not having sex” is hardly the same as the existential horror of literally being enslaved by another person. But you go ahead and feel sorry for yourself, dude.

Angrycurrycel, meanwhile, seems to have learned most of his history from PornHub.

“At least during slavery,” he whines, “white women still fetishized negroes.”

That might be enough internet for today.

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5 years ago

Anonymous, there are numerous modern legal precedents for compensation for unpaid wages, workplace death, trauma, loss of property, discrimination, survivors benefits, etc. It’s a valid suit, and claiming statute of limitations is a weak excuse to ignore the damage and ongoing crimes this nation commits against black people.

Lumipuna (nee Arctic Ape)
Lumipuna (nee Arctic Ape)
5 years ago


Maybe we will in a few centuries. Families that had incels will recieve some sort of compensation.

“I come from a long family line of genetically undateable misfits”

Just like David noted on this point on Twitter, incels don’t really bother to think about whether their arguments make sense, especially to the “normies”.

It’s all about looking for the best buzzwords to repeat the same, shared sentiment over and over again, in the most novel sounding and dramatic way compared to others. Hence the cargo cult use of “slavery reparations”, when they apparently just mean disability benefits.

5 years ago


Go. Fuck. Yourself.

You might think you have many people fooled but i can see your fucking racism. You might think people forgot your “trump is a good president” and your “there are no concentration camps at the us border”, but i didnt. Every word you type is tainted by your pro-trump bullshit.

Your callousness towards black americans is disgusting.

5 years ago

That’s what I thought too! You can’t have both “sex is a human right” and “you guys owe me for (your ancestors) not stopping my ancestors from procreating”.

5 years ago


Go fuck yourself. Your racism is showing again. It’s disgusting and so deep you actually started a sentence with “incels are right”

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I see Anonymous has continued to show his racism and complete ignorance of history.

Yutolia the Green Hash Pronoun Boner
Yutolia the Green Hash Pronoun Boner
5 years ago

JFC, Anonymous, really? Fucking blood guilt? Whites are ‘damned from birth’?

I just… just… can’t…

Not Edward
Not Edward
5 years ago

If anyone is due compensation for the existence of incels, surely it is everyone else who has the misfortune to encounter them?

5 years ago

Reparations for blacks are not “blood guilt”. They are a recognition of the fact that black Americans have been done grave wrong (by white Americans) for literally centuries. While any given individual white person alive today may not have had any part in actively oppressing black people, they must be cognizant of the fact that their statistically comparatively superior place in our society is the product of racism by whites against blacks over the generations. They may not have done it, but they have benefited from it, and it stands to reason that they should be obligated to pay back some of that benefit to the less privileged.

This isn’t about the culpability of any given white person. This is about the culpability of America as a nation, and our responsibility as citizens of the American nation to right the wrong we have done.

5 years ago

If you find yourself agreeing with incels on literally anything, you need to go sit down somewhere and seriously rethink your life.

5 years ago


But that’s the trick that the conservatives and fasicsts (but I repeat myself) always pull, isn’t it?
You give a critique of a system and how it affects the entirety of the population.
They get personally offended because “I am not a Klansman! And my good friend Redline McGentrification over here isn’t either!” and then it’s us who call everyone a racist because a system can’t be racist or something. End result is that the vicious racists get all the cover from the latent racists and their enablers.

Carolyn Wittier
Carolyn Wittier
5 years ago

It’s comical that anyone thinks they should be or will be receiving reparations for their lack of a sex life. On a planet with too many humans already and dwindling resources, any one “needing” sex so badly that it turns them into a crappy human being that wants to force others to have sex with them has outlived their usefulness to the biosphere–and society.

5 years ago

If sex is a human right then surely the issue of both participants being happy about it is relevant.

I think he really needs to rethink his position on the rights of humans. The UN recognises the right to a family life, sex is not mentioned.

5 years ago

>>>>>“Let me see if I got this straight. Your ancestors should have been prevented from reproducing because of the product before us today…”

By definition, every *ancestor*, all the way back to primordial bacteria, managed to reproduce.

5 years ago

Ellesar –

Rights come in two types. One is negative: the right NOT to be stopped from doing or having X. One is positive: the right to be provided with X.

In fact you have a NEGATIVE right to sex, which is part of the negative right to family life and/or privacy. I.e., you have the right to not have your family taken away from you by the government, and a couple has the right to have sex and privacy without the government spying on them or preventing it.

But you do not, of course, have the positive right to demand the government PROVIDE you with a sexual partner, much less a family, if you do not have one.


Of course this negative right to sex, like the negative (or positive) rights to anything else from free speech to property, may be limited, above all when it violates other people’s rights – this is why rape, libel, and theft are illegal.

But the point with the incels’ claim is not even that their positive “right” to sex harms others; it is that there is no such right at all.

Ann K
Ann K
5 years ago

I would love the title of “big tittie demon” except for the fear of producing an incel apparition. I have the basic requirements: they’re here…er…down here somewhere…er…I know I came in with them…

5 years ago


If sex is a human right then surely the issue of both participants being happy about it is relevant.

Are you assuming that the writer believes women are fully human? I wouldn’t be so sure of that.

In other news: Australia, are you feeling ok?

5 years ago

>>>>>I would love the title of “big tittie demon”

As I keep saying, the one good thing about incels is that they keep unintentionally producing great band names, like “the femoids” or “the big tittie demons”.

5 years ago

Don’t start in on that old bollocks, you mealymouthed crypto-fascist wankstain. Rights are what a society guarantees its members. The enforcement of any right compels certain actions on the part of all. And you fuckers just slip ‘property’ in there as a ‘negative’ right, as though keeping people out of your vacation home didn’t require someone doing violence on your behalf to those without a roof over their head, and as though your concern for said vacation home is equivalent to being yourself threatened with bodily violence.

As far as reparations, it would be a much longer post to cover how fractally wrong you are about that; perhaps later.

5 years ago

And now Anonymous has started lecturing us on the libertarian fantasy of “negative rights versus positive rights.” Because we clearly haven’t heard that one before.

I wonder if they’re going to explain the “non-aggression principle” next, where touching someone’s stuff gives them the right to kill you and somehow YOU were the one engaging in “aggression.”

5 years ago

Thank you for asking, Moggie, but speaking on behalf of the whole of Australia – no, we are really not okay. We have missed our last chance to have a prime minister who acknowledged the reality of climate change, in time to do something remotely useful about it.

Instead, we have chosen to continue with a professed ‘Christian’ who is not concerned with the environment, the poor, the aboriginal people who have been dispossessed from their land, or helping anyone seeking asylum – confident in his belief that he will be going to heaven, and that having money is the proof God loves you. It is, in his own words, “a miracle!” that he was re-elected.

The happy people today are the wealthy, the mining companies, fascists, Rupert Murdoch, and every other world leader who is rubbing his hands at the thought of more unrestricted exploitation of the environment.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Off topic, but has anyone seen See You Yesterday yet? It’s on Netflix. It’s really good. It’s like Back to the Future (complete with a Michael J. Fox cameo) meets Butterfly Effect but the protagonist is a black girl trying to save her brother from a police shooting. So far, it seems to be flying beneath the radar, but it shouldn’t. It’s great.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
5 years ago


The happy people today are the wealthy, the mining companies, fascists, Rupert Murdoch, and every other world leader who is rubbing his hands at the thought of more unrestricted exploitation of the environment.

It seems those fools won’t realize that they can’t drink oil, eat coal, or breathe natural gas until after there’s no more food, water, or clean air left. 🙁


So far, it seems to be flying beneath the radar

So much so that I must have missed its theatrical run. Or wherever it originated. Which, I guess, means those of us without access to credit will have to wait for it to show up on television (chopped up, full of ads, with the end titles butchered, and probably “edited for content” on non-premium-cable channels) or else resort to pirating it …

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I’m pretty sure it’s a Netflix movie and didn’t have a theatrical run. So, if you don’t have Netflix, go ahead and pirate it.

5 years ago

>>>>>In other news: Australia, are you feeling ok?

It seems that what happened in Australia is the same thing that happened in Britain (Brexit), much of Europe (populist parties), the USA (Trump), Israel (Netanyahu re-elected), etc. – all of which were total surprise to pollsters and the press.

The population is simply more right-wing than the press corps and intelligentsia, and – hearing from them constantly how anybody who disagree with them is evil – simply lie to pollsters and the press about their views.

As one Israeli voter, who voted for Netanyahu after telling pollsters he voted for his opponent put it, “the press lies to me all year, So I lied back”.