creepy empathy deficit enforced monogamy entitled babies evil sex-having women evil sex-rejecting ladies incels irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA racism rape culture

“Incels deserve reparations just as much as African Americans,” galaxy-brained incel proclaims

Here are your reparations, sir!

By David Futrelle

It’s not just Men’s Rights Activists who’ve appropriated the language of the Civil Rights movement in order to further their reactionary cause. The incels do it too — though, incels being incels, they tend to be much weirder about it.

Take, for example, this dude on the forums, arguing quite sincerely that incels deserve reparations for being incels just as much as African-Americans deserve reparations for slavery:

[Serious] Incels deserve reparations just as much as African Americans.
 Thread starterEmergency Manual  Start dateMar 22, 2019
 Emergency Manual 
Emergency Manual
Hanging On
Joined:Nov 13, 2018
Mar 22, 2019
Some people believe African Americans deserve reparations for things that were done by peoples ancestors. 

These same people should support incels getting reparations for allowing our genetic trash families to reproduce. We were never asked if we wanted to be born and the actions of our ancestors has irreparably damaged our ability to be normal functioning human beings.

So I’m trying to follow the logic here:

If African Americans deserve reparations because of the legacy of 400 years of slavery, during which their ancestors were enslaved by the ancestors of others living in the US today …

Then incels deserve reparations because their own ancestors were allowed to have sex, and babies, for many generations, until their “genetic trash” mother gave birth to them.

Mr. Emergency Manual doesn’t specify exactly what sort of reparations he has in mind, whether he’s talking about bags of money or (presumably non-procreative) sex with some deeply unfortunate woman of his choice.

But, hey, the other incels responding to his proposal are ready to get on board regardless.

“We deserve it more,” writes Insomniac, “slavery is a thing of the past. No negro alive today has suffered from it.”

StoicNihilist, whose avatar is Nietzsche holding a gun, agrees:

No joke. I think that people like us (if you are a genuine Truecel) should be able to get financial aid from the government like disabled people. Being ugly in today’s world is effectively a disability. Most employers are biased as hell against ugly or otherwise unattractive people. My ugliness has without a doubt been the cause of me not being able to hold down a job and winding up homeless a few times.

A commenter called Wonder isn’t holding his breath.

Maybe we will in a few centuries. Families that had incels will recieve some sort of compensation. We won’t recieve anything.

Others are less interested in money than they are with being somehow provided with government-issued sex.

“I think the situation is slightly similar to the pre voting rights for black people era,” suggests Truecurrycel. “Sex should be recognised as a human right.”

Naturally, there are some incels convinced that they have it worse today than the slaves did. Adversor, who clearly wasn’t paying much attention during history class, asserts that

Many black slaves still had a black wife and kids. Sure, their lives were pretty shit but at least they had regular sex with the wife and were loved by their kids. Incels have absolutely nothing good in their lives. Slavery is nothing compared to a life of trueceldom.

In fact, slaveowners routinely raped female slaves and broke up slave families. And “not having sex” is hardly the same as the existential horror of literally being enslaved by another person. But you go ahead and feel sorry for yourself, dude.

Angrycurrycel, meanwhile, seems to have learned most of his history from PornHub.

“At least during slavery,” he whines, “white women still fetishized negroes.”

That might be enough internet for today.

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Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
5 years ago

Oh, for pity’s fuckin sake… those idiots deserve exactly what they’ve got… THEMSELVES

5 years ago

No, I’d say they’re actually being treated too well. They need to be shown exactly how much of what they are is their own damned fault.

5 years ago

Yeah I got what incels need, a smack up the head.

Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
5 years ago

There is a segment of the population that believes the world is run by an invisible cabal of Jewish bankers, funded by the Lost treasure of the Knights of St. John (Knights Templar)… and that any evidence to the contrary is fabricated by those Jewish bankers.

The incels don’t (necessarily) hold this view, but they have a similar mindset in that any evidence which contradicts their world view is fake.


5 years ago

Incels have absolutely nothing good in their lives?

That’s fantastic.

Rabid Rabbit
Rabid Rabbit
5 years ago

I was under the impression that all sex was a transaction for these chucklefucks, in which a man gives a woman a bit of mammoth, or some bonbons, or whatever, and gets sex in return.

Incels, of course, have been prevented from participating in this sexonomy.

But that means that they still have the mammoth and bonbons and whatever. So what shape could these reparations possibly take?

If anything, the incels owe the world their mammoths and bonbons and whatever, since they’ve been selfishly hoarding those riches for themselves instead of investing them in the sexonomy. A mammoth-and-bonbon tax should be levied on them to rectify this. And no, they won’t get sex in return, since they’re the ones in arrears.

Of course, they will argue that being incels, they’re not allowed to participate in the sexonomy, but since by their own argument, all women are whores, we know that their claims of not being able to get laid are actually false; they’re just not willing to pay the price.

5 years ago

Dear incel fuckheads:

Your ancestors were not dragged out of house and home and into slavery. You are actually free. You are merely inconvenienced.

Nobody owes you money for that.

Also, nobody owes you sex.

But if you want it so badly, hey — you can always just go fuck yourselves.

No love,


weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

“slavery is a thing of the past. No negro alive today has suffered from it.”

I can’t even count the number of things wrong with this sentence.

I just can’t even today.

comment image?w=474

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
5 years ago

Good news, incels: you may after all be able to have sex with a beautiful, uh, partner:

Reddit Magicians Are Fiercely Debating How to Summon a ‘Big Tittie’ Demon

Some are drawn to the dark mystic arts in a search for ultimate knowledge. Others, out of desire to impose their will on the world. Some folks, however, are just trying to get laid.

Late last month, a lusty Redditor using the handle Tacodirtshield1 posed a simple question to Reddit’s r/occult community: What’s the best way to conjure a hot, sexy demon to have sex with?

“How do I summon a succubus,” Tacodirtshield1 asked the subreddit devoted to all things metaphysical. “I wanna fuck a hot demon. I don’t care if it kills me or takes my soul or whatever I wanna fuck a demon.” . . .

“[Y]ou need to apply a dollop of good sense,” read a typical response from Jawn_Bartlebee. “Who told you or showed you that ‘fuck a demon’ was something good or pleasurable to pursue?”

“You’re the same dude who is intensely scared of the dark according to one of your other threads,” wrote another user. “WTF do you think you’re gonna do when you encounter a fucking succubus?”

Read the entire story:

Naturally, incels, there will be work involved — but not the usual, boring stuff (take charm lessons; pursue a hobby that women are attracted to, such as knitting or ballet; brush your teeth regularly). No, I think that you’ll enjoy summoning a demon. Good luck!

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

‘Big Tittie’ Demon

*Looks at self in mirror*

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5 years ago


When I was a teenager I used to go out to the woods near my home in a pretty dress and hope that a fae prince would take me away. Naturally I knew this wouldnt happen ,but I was so depressed with the life I had , I was hoping at least a little that it was real.

5 years ago

Sure, their lives were pretty shit but at least they had regular sex

I am not a violent person but when a statement as stupid as this is made, it is normal to want to punch these guys. Right?

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
5 years ago

@Weird Eddie:

There is a segment of the population that believes the world is run by an invisible cabal of Jewish bankers, funded by the Lost treasure of the Knights of St. John (Knights Templar)

Hold on — they think that Nicolas Cage is a Jewish banker?!

5 years ago

Huh. I never heard about the Templar angle of the whole Jewish conspiracy before.

But then, I don’t voluntarily go into those parts of the internet, so that’s not that surprising

5 years ago

TBH, I’m just impressed that the OP of the incel thread said African Americans and not a racial slur and wow is that a disappointingly low bar.

5 years ago

For once the incels are right. Neither group deserves any money. The incels for obvious reasons, Blacks because this is a modern version of blood guilt, of the idea that because the whites owned slaves, or the Jews killed Jesus, or Adam sinned, all their descendants are forever guilty.

It also, as usual, comes bundled with the convenient financial arrangement that allows you, damned from birth for being human / jewish / white, to assauge the guilt. You can always pay the church to baptize you, or the Musilm/Christian authorities the special jewish tax, or vote money for reparations. Or, in other words, it’s just the latest incarnation of an ancient extortion racket.


5 years ago

Anonymous, fuck off.

5 years ago

Even the sex robots will say “no fucking way, put your penis in a light socket”

Lukas Xavier
Lukas Xavier
5 years ago

We were never asked if we wanted to be born and the actions of our ancestors has irreparably damaged our ability to be normal functioning human beings.

But, if incels are irreparably damaged, what reparations could possibly be given?

And if the damage was done by their ancestors, aren’t they the ones who should pay the reparations anyway?

Moon Custafer
Moon Custafer
5 years ago

@Weird Eddie, @Surplus, @Tovius—

Having recently read Ivanhoe, I wonder if they did and completely took away the wrong message (the correct message, of course, being “Rebecca is awesome and deserves better” and “It turns out the real love story was between Aethelstan and food”).

Citerior Motive
Citerior Motive
5 years ago

Incels really are the worst of the communities that make up the manosphere, aren’t they?

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
5 years ago

slavery is a thing of the past. No negro alive today has suffered from it.

Come back to us when you’ve been redlined into an incel-only food desert neighborhood with substandard schools.

Come back to us when you’ve been tased, beaten, and murdered by cops simply for driving while incel.

Come back to us when you’ve lived under 60 years of Pepe Crow laws, where you and Chad have separate schools, swimming pools, and drinking fountains. Come back to us when you’ve been denied the right to vote and the right to own weapons. Come back to us when your people are getting systematically lynched.

Oh that’s right: YOUR people are doing the lynching, of innocent schoolchildren and shoppers and concertgoers. YOUR people are stockpiling weapons like there’s no tomorrow. YOUR people are calling for violence and second-class citizenship for women.

The only reparation incels need is to repeat the history class they obviously slept through.
comment image

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
5 years ago

Let’s not forget the most glaringly similar thing, disproportionate incarceration combined with forced labor in the prisons.

Lumipuna (nee Arctic Ape)
Lumipuna (nee Arctic Ape)
5 years ago

And if the damage was done by their ancestors, aren’t they the ones who should pay the reparations anyway?

It’s official. Masturbation is now called “paying sexual reparations to yourself”.

5 years ago

“Let me see if I got this straight. Your ancestors should have been prevented from reproducing because of the product before us today…”

Incel: “Yup.”

“And I see here you’re also anti-birth control and abortion…”

Incel: “Mostly just hate the foids controlling their bodies and making choices, but yeah.”

“Ok. Ergo, the only way to prevent these “trash genes” you claim to be the culmination from being perpetuated to future generations would have been to ensure they were not free to engage in procreative sex. Society failed to do that, hence why society now owes you reparations.”

Incel: “Um…. Huh. I guess so?”

“Just to clarify, society is supposed to contain certain genes, your genes, through mandatory celibacy, shunning and possibly government intervention rather than sitting back and allowing people to freely choose partners to mingle genes with, and you are demanding the situation be rectified at once.”

Incel: “Yup!….hey, waaaaaait a minute! No! The state should provide female slave for me to impregnate at will! I should be allowed to fuck my mom and double down on those genes! Foids are baby machines! Warglebargle!”

“Too late. The verdict has been reached.” *bangs gavel*

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