By David Futrelle
It’s not just Men’s Rights Activists who’ve appropriated the language of the Civil Rights movement in order to further their reactionary cause. The incels do it too — though, incels being incels, they tend to be much weirder about it.
Take, for example, this dude on the Incels.co forums, arguing quite sincerely that incels deserve reparations for being incels just as much as African-Americans deserve reparations for slavery:
![[Serious] Incels deserve reparations just as much as African Americans.
Thread starterEmergency Manual Start dateMar 22, 2019
Emergency Manual
Emergency Manual
Hanging On
Joined:Nov 13, 2018
Mar 22, 2019
Some people believe African Americans deserve reparations for things that were done by peoples ancestors.
These same people should support incels getting reparations for allowing our genetic trash families to reproduce. We were never asked if we wanted to be born and the actions of our ancestors has irreparably damaged our ability to be normal functioning human beings.](https://i2.wp.com/www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/2019-05-17_18-32-57.png?fit=600%2C804)
So I’m trying to follow the logic here:
If African Americans deserve reparations because of the legacy of 400 years of slavery, during which their ancestors were enslaved by the ancestors of others living in the US today …
Then incels deserve reparations because their own ancestors were allowed to have sex, and babies, for many generations, until their “genetic trash” mother gave birth to them.
Mr. Emergency Manual doesn’t specify exactly what sort of reparations he has in mind, whether he’s talking about bags of money or (presumably non-procreative) sex with some deeply unfortunate woman of his choice.
But, hey, the other incels responding to his proposal are ready to get on board regardless.
“We deserve it more,” writes Insomniac, “slavery is a thing of the past. No negro alive today has suffered from it.”
StoicNihilist, whose avatar is Nietzsche holding a gun, agrees:
No joke. I think that people like us (if you are a genuine Truecel) should be able to get financial aid from the government like disabled people. Being ugly in today’s world is effectively a disability. Most employers are biased as hell against ugly or otherwise unattractive people. My ugliness has without a doubt been the cause of me not being able to hold down a job and winding up homeless a few times.
A commenter called Wonder isn’t holding his breath.
Maybe we will in a few centuries. Families that had incels will recieve some sort of compensation. We won’t recieve anything.
Others are less interested in money than they are with being somehow provided with government-issued sex.
“I think the situation is slightly similar to the pre voting rights for black people era,” suggests Truecurrycel. “Sex should be recognised as a human right.”
Naturally, there are some incels convinced that they have it worse today than the slaves did. Adversor, who clearly wasn’t paying much attention during history class, asserts that
Many black slaves still had a black wife and kids. Sure, their lives were pretty shit but at least they had regular sex with the wife and were loved by their kids. Incels have absolutely nothing good in their lives. Slavery is nothing compared to a life of trueceldom.
In fact, slaveowners routinely raped female slaves and broke up slave families. And “not having sex” is hardly the same as the existential horror of literally being enslaved by another person. But you go ahead and feel sorry for yourself, dude.
Angrycurrycel, meanwhile, seems to have learned most of his history from PornHub.
“At least during slavery,” he whines, “white women still fetishized negroes.”

That might be enough internet for today.
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Whoops, it seems I posted one of my comments twice. My mistake, I thought it didn’t go through the first time for some reason.
Agreeing with Weird Eddie – they’re mildly entertaining trash at best. Not the worst thing you’ll ever catch on TV, but not worth shelling out for a ticket.
Not that there’s anything wrong with a revenge fantasy – I’m a huge fan of Westlake’s Parker series – but there does have to be a bit of meat in the stew.
@A Different Anonymous
Name changes tgrow ypu into moderation temporarily.
No question about it, that’s not just TERFy but anti-medication (probably with an ableist slant that mental illness and/or chronic conditions aren’t properly treated by taking medications and only yoga or whatever will truly fix you).
Now the fucking troglodytes are trying to stop survivors from reclaiming their scars:
When will the people rise up en masse and put a stop to all this Repug evil?
Wow. Not even coming up with a fig leaf of “health reasons”.
@Citerior Motive
Yeah, I pay (or paid, I hit my deductible) ~$80 USD for a three month supply. Compare to patented drugs, and I think the conspiracy fails as far as pushing HRT for profit
By temporarily boosting the economy… one of the market fluctuations Surplus mentioned was a huge drop right after the latest China-trade-war news, followed the very next day by an even bigger rally when… Trump started implying there would be war with Iran. The military-industrial complex is huge and, it feels at times, unstoppable.
Dear Incel:
You have “absolutely nothing good in your lives” because you are complete pusbags of humanity with terrible attitudes. Maybe if you stopped behaving like walking trash fires, people might not treat you like trash. Just sayin’.
@ Surplus:
re: tattoo ban
FYI, your link throws up a spamwindow. The ban smacks of “evangelicals gone wild” to me. I think we’re seeing and will see a lot of this shit, especially in the Southeast at least until we get rid of the dompster-fire-in-chief
Regarding the “Secret cabal of Jews financed by the Lost Treasure of the Knights Templar”, I got that from some “discussions” with trumplings about the Illuminati, according to some strains of fantasy, that’s how they’re financed.
Apparently it’s been picked up by some igno-right to explain how Soros can be financing all he’s supposed to be financing and not be broke by February of ’17
The treasure, you understand, is quite endless…. It’s like arguing with a 5-year-old;. every argument is met with ever-more fantastic strains of nonsense.
@Weird Eddie
Probably one of the best known things people cover up with tattoos are scars from breast cancer mastectomies. I don’t think this is a coincidence – it strikes me as very specific, calculated, and deliberately cruel misogyny, and I doubt cis men harmed by the ban are being considered more than (acceptable) collateral damage.
@Bakunin, Criterior Motive, Kupo: Thanks. I wasn’t sure, and wanted to run it by people here.
@Rabid Rabbit: To be fair, I didn’t see it so much as preachy as a mildly humorous look at an alternate reality where mystical forces are literally woven into the social fabric. It wasn’t until late last year, when the on-and-off SWERF storyline reached a fever pitch, that I started to realize what it was really saying, and that this may actually be a heavy-handed metaphor for what Ishida really believes. Again, I can be pretty bad with subtext, plus I don’t read webcomic message boards. At this point, I’m seriously considering tossing it into the trash heap, as I can’t help but wonder if the seemingly not-terrible parts are somehow also terrible and I just haven’t figured out how yet.
@Surplus: Oh, come on. Is this another step in the seemingly overall agenda of stripping away bodily autonomy from everyone except *some* white men, fetuses, and corpses?
Re: reparations – would they actually paid personally by every white person to every descendent of slaves? I would have thought it would be more efficient for the government to pay them, or something like that.
Re: TERFs: the worst part of the “allowing trans people to exist reinforces strict gender binaries” argument is how obviously untrue it is. Trans folks who don’t at all conform to any sort of patriarchal binary are commonplace. But they keep telling the same old lies…
Well, the money has to come from somewhere, though I note that if it comes from government funds (yeah, like this administration would even consider that) then essentially it’ll be forcing them to pay for their own reparations (via taxes and the like)- which of course makes no sense.
On the other hand, having every white person pay makes no sense either given how a sizeable fraction would have been descended from immigrants who wouldn’t have benefited from slavery themselves…and trying to figure out which people who are alive now did have ancestors who benefited from slavery would be a difficult task in itself.
@A Different Anonymous
No, white immigrants still benefited from slavery, albeit less directly. As do all white people currently living in the US, to be frank – prison labor is a form of slavery and mostly targets Black people.
And yeah IMO the biggest burden for reparations should definitely be on wealthy white people. Our wealth is by definition stolen (like all individual and inherited wealth IMO) and our goal should be to make that inherited advantage eventually disappear.
@A Different Anonymous
You have a good point. We definitely need to tackle the existing systems: either change them to lessen their bias or remove them and replace them with new, fairer systems. However, as I understand it (Mammotheers who know more about the study of reparations than me, feel free to correct me if there’s anything I missed here), that’s more of a long-term solution; so reparations as either a short-term solution or a supplemental solution alongside systematic change would be a good idea.
Actually, I really like the arguments Ta-Nehisi Coates laid out in that famous The Atlantic article. Reparations could be to people still living (or immediate family, I suppose) who have been directly harmed by such things as redlining and land seizures (in our lifetime) because the paper trail for such injustices is a goddamned megahighway even in the face of evidence tampering/destruction. It would definitely be a government program rather than levied onto individual white citizens. And I have seen proposals for such things as free college tuition for black students across the board. The Movement for Black Lives lays it all out quite well: