alt-right andrew anglin daily stormer enforced monogamy entitled babies evil sex-having women evil sex-rejecting ladies incels irony alert literal nazis mansplaining men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny women shouldn't work women's jobs aren't real

Daily Stormer: Alyssa Milano’s #SexStrike proves that “women exist purely for the purposes of sex and reproduction”

The Daily Stormer wants women to be sex machines and baby factories

By David Futrelle

Earlier this week, I wrote about misogynists using Alyssa Milano’s proposed #SexStrike as “proof” that women are manipulators at heart, continually using sex — and the withholding of sex — to get what they want from men.

Now Andrew Anglin. head skinhead at the Daily Stormer, is offering a similar if somehow even worse take on the not-very-well-thought-out #SexStrike. As he sees it, the hypothetical strike — which no one is actually participating in, as far as I can tell — is “an admission that women are all prostitutes, fundamentally.”

In Anglin’s mind, Milano is “openly admitting that sex is a commodity that women trade for personal gain.” Women have such “low sexual needs,” Anglin mansplains, that they’re less interested in sex for pleasure — outside of the occasional romp with a convenient Chad — than they are in trading it

for various things they desire. This is literally the only logical thing a woman is capable of working out. And it isn’t really logic, so much as instinct.

Anglin imagines that, in the Good Old Days,

[w]omen would trade sex to men in exchange for marriage, which amounts to a man making a lifetime commitment to care for a woman materially. … The species continued and people were generally happy.

We’ll just have to set aside the fact this this is basically nonsense, because Anglin evidently believes it’s true. And, like all reactionaries, he also believes that society has degenerated from this Golden Age equilibrium. He blames this Fall on the fact that women today have money of their own, and don’t have to throw themselves on the mercy of the first man who proposes to them in order to survive.

Anglin is so extravagantly misogynistic that he thinks this money is basically stolen from men to give to women, paid out either “through welfare [or] by forcing private companies to hire women for jobs they are incapable of performing.”

Yep, in Anglin-world, the jobs that women perform are fake, make-work jobs. The woman who taught you history in college; the woman who drove the bus you rode to work this morning; the woman who drew your blood at the hospital — apparently they’re all just play-acting. If you’re a woman and you think you have a real job, you’re evidently just kidding yourself.

Oh, and apparently you working girls are all using “sex or the unfulfilled promise of sex for the purpose of manipulating men in order to fulfill [your] personal goals in the workplace.” At least until you realize your looks are fading, at which point you all glom onto the nearest beta male who will marry you and “pay for [your] life.”

Hey, I read it in the Daily Stormer; it must be true.

Anyway, after all this, Anglin gets to the crux of his argument, which is that women are basically useless, shitty people who are only good for sex and making babies.

Modern society has created a gigantic illusion that [women] are contributing through various affirmative action and welfare programs, but anyone who steps back for even a minute and surveys the situation will recognize that they are worthless.

Women exist purely for the purposes of sex and reproduction, and for assisting men in menial tasks, such as picking fruit, cooking meat and washing clothing. Modern technology has made most of their functions obsolete. And yet there they are in the workplace, doing nothing, looking confused, getting in men’s way, making outrageous demands.

The only way to fix these (completely imaginary) problems, Anglin suggests, is through his own version of “enforced monogamy,” pushing women off welfare and out of their workplace and forcing them back into traditional marriages with hard-working woman-haters like him.

Alyssa Milano’s protest draws attention to the fact that women’s only real commodity is sex, and the sooner we all admit that her instincts here are correct, the sooner we can get back to a stable society, where families are strong and children are raised in a safe and healthy environment ruled over by a masculine father.

It’s always a little amusing to hear Nazis going on about creating “stable societies.” The Third Reich lasted 12 years. I’ve got underwear that’s lasted longer than that. (Well, t-shirts, at least.)

And, I mean, say what you want about the tenets of National Socialism, Dude, at least the original Nazis had a slightly more reality-based notion of the contributions of women to society than Anglin, who’s going to have a hard time creating a stable anything with the motley assortment of delusional incels he’s going to draw to his internet Nazi club with posts like these.

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tim gueguen
5 years ago

Hell, the Nazis, for all their sexist ideas about women, were probably more open minded about women’s capabilities than Anglin is. Leni Riefenstahl was an important figure in shaping Nazi propaganda via her films. Hanna Reitsch and Melitta Schenk Gräfin von Stauffenberg were important test pilots.

Amy E
Amy E
5 years ago

Well, the Nazis were (and are) immeasurable hypocrites. The fact that they hired some women means next to nothing at all in terms of their overall policies.

5 years ago

It’s interesting how close Anglin is to the feminist critique of #SexStrike, which basically is “This implies women are for sex.”

Anglin interprets it the same way, to reach “See, the women know they are just for sex.”

5 years ago

If you’re a woman and you think you have a real job, you’re evidently just kidding yourself.

Oh, thank goodness. Does that mean I can finish up for the night? If the work don’t real and the deadlines don’t matter, I will go back to playacting my job tomorrow.

5 years ago

Yes the artifact I’ve been working so hard to clean because some idiot man decided to “fix”it by putting it together with masking tape isn’t really saving an artifact at all. Or cleaning off the fucking felt that some male! Collector decides to glue artifacts to mean a nothing and it didn’t compromise the artifact at all. If anything a bunch of men who were not trained properly got in my way to do my job properly.

Maybe they should go back to what their precious man brains are good for. Go slaughter me a cow and grill me a steak. While your at it build me a house and fix the stove since we all know those are the things men are goos for.

5 years ago

I don’t know what men are supposed to be for, but I do know that Nazi men are good for absolutely NOTHING.

How do I know?

I grew up German and heard alllllll the stories. From my dad who was born the year Hitler came to power, and 12 when the “thousand-year Reich” ended ignominiously in a bunker with a cyanide capsule in its teeth and a pistol at its own temple. And from my mom, whose family had to flee Serbia when the Russians invaded in ’44, and whose father was given the “honor” of “serving” in the Waffen-SS. (Note the quotes, there for a reason. Reason being that if he’d refused, he’d have been shot…and his wife and three small daughters would have been shot in front of him first.)

If there was one thing all the stories had in common, it was that the Nazis were brainless, gormless nincompoops who valued a suck-up more than they did an actual thinking person. And who valued obedience a lot more than they ever did intelligence.

So you’ll have to pardon me if I hold not only them, but their current crop of “alt”-right nitwits and every fuck-ass fool-jack of them between ’45 and today in deepest, darkest contempt. We don’t owe them sex, and we don’t owe them babies. We don’t owe them sweet fuck-all.

5 years ago

Women need STRONG, POWERFUL men to contol them – like, for instance, the unemployed dropouts that make up most of the American neo-Nazis.

Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
5 years ago


We don’t owe them sweet fuck-all.

I think we all owe them a Boot to the Head(TM). Again.

5 years ago

@Mogwitch. Someone who could really believe that all women are incompetent and pretending to work has either never participated in a real workplace, or is suffering from the Dunning-Krüger effect to the point of delusion.

Someone who could pretend to believe this is so morally bankrupt that he could run a Nazi organisation designed to profit from the stupidity, gullibility and startlingly high donations of his followers. I’m sure there is a reason Anglin has chosen to stroke the egos of rich white boys who secretly fear they only have money or a job themselves because of mummy and daddy.

It’s just more projection.

Alan Robertshaw
5 years ago

The Third Reich lasted 12 years. I’ve got underwear that’s lasted longer than that. (Well, t-shirts, at least.)

Well, to quote this chap…

“Our foreign policy was an improvisation. Like Schacht’s financial policy, it lacked foresight. The Nazis kept talking about a thousand-year Reich, but they couldn’t think ahead for five minutes.”

5 years ago

This whole sex strike has brought about some very unfortunate thinking, but nothing new from the Nazi boys, no surprises there.

I am sure Milano thinks that she is doing a good thing, but honestly, it is like something from the 50’s.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
5 years ago

It’s interesting how, when MGTOW threaten to quit women forever, the collective response from women is a yawn and a hopeful “bye, now.”

When women so much as hint at a sex strike, alt-right men go ballistic with fury.

It’s almost like one of these groups isn’t very necessary.

And yet there they are in the workplace, doing nothing, looking confused, getting in men’s way, making outrageous demands.

This strikes me as a perfect description of Andrew Anglin and his neo-Nazi followers (except for the part about being in the workplace, and they get in the way of men AND women alike). The modern world confuses them, human interaction confuses them, and all of them are just skin-covered grudges.

5 years ago

The fact that I generally work alone and unsupervised in a seperate office could be seen as my employer trusting me to get stuff done without anyone breathing down my neck and most days, not even checking in. But it could be translated by Anglin to mean “they just want to keep sunny out of the way.” OK. Maybe he’d like to explain where all those leaflets, rotas, data sheets and web articles come from then?

5 years ago

Why is Anglin such a piss-poor recruiter? I wouldn’t expect him to sound like a feminist, of course, but rants like this will drive away not only almost all women, but also most men who know some women. Appealing only to Nazi incels doesn’t sound like a way to build a strong movement. So, hopefully he’ll continue in this vein.

5 years ago

I grew up German and heard alllllll the stories. From my dad who was born the year Hitler came to power, and 12 when the “thousand-year Reich” ended ignominiously in a bunker with a cyanide capsule in its teeth and a pistol at its own temple. And from my mom, whose family had to flee Serbia when the Russians invaded in ’44, and whose father was given the “honor” of “serving” in the Waffen-SS. (Note the quotes, there for a reason. Reason being that if he’d refused, he’d have been shot…and his wife and three small daughters would have been shot in front of him first.)

This is why, although I’m no Catholic, I always bridled at those really stupid and ignorant jibes about Pope Benedict XIV being a Nazi, purely because he joined the Hitler Youth as was compulsory for all German boys of his generation. And even though he personally didn’t want to, his fervently anti-Nazi parents insisted that he join, because him not joining would have raised a massive red flag pointing squarely in their direction.

God knows there are a gazillion and one things that you can legitimately criticise the former Josef Ratzinger for, but that ain’t one of them.

5 years ago


Yeah, Pope Palpatine/Pope Maladict is vile in so many ways, but joining the Hitler Youth wasn’t something he had a choice about. Everything else is on him.

Christopher Green
Christopher Green
5 years ago

Hey David… you ever consider looking into some of the reactionary youtubers?
Thinking specifically of Nick Fuentas atm, but of course it’s a whole swamp of them; all advocating for forcing women out of the workplace and other horrors.

Christopher Green
Christopher Green
5 years ago

All this about how stupid irl Nazis were is almost heartening…

…but then I think of all the arguments lefties and liberals have “won” against conservatives, and remind myself that they will go ahead and do what they were going to anyway and have to be mobilized against properly.

Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Intergalactic Meanie
Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Intergalactic Meanie
5 years ago

OT: bad news for lovers of Internet cats: Grumpy Cat has died.

RIP in the best catnip ever, kitten. 🙁

5 years ago

Women need STRONG, POWERFUL men to contol them – like, for instance, the unemployed dropouts that make up most of the American neo-Nazis.

Underestimating our enemy is dangerous. The rise in hate crimes in the queer neighborhood in Seattle coincided with the gentrification of that neighborhood when tech giants started setting up shop and importing highly-paid software developers. That’s not a coincidence.

5 years ago

Just to echo what Christopher Green mentioned, I’ve encountered a couple of obvious alt-righters that try their best to hide their actual fascism, but let the mask slip fairly often that have recently started and somehow amassed huge followings very quickly (thanks Google). My favourite is probably John Doyle (his channel is “Heck Off Commie!” or something along those lines). Essentially he’s an even dorkier Ben Shapiro wannabe, complete with “ironic” 1950s opening. I think he’s 18 or 19, but frankly looks like he’s a 12-year-old whose mom dressed him up for picture day. In this video about school shootings, he manages to misread a bunch of articles and conclude that it was an over-reliance on prescription drugs like Ritalin that caused them, but that’s after openly admitting that “while I’m not a school shooter, when I was their age, I did research on the Columbine kids to understand their state of mind.” Yikes!

But despite the mask slipping, at least John Doyle has the sense that he has to wear one to hide the underlying fascism. Andrew Angelin has no such sense that maybe the Sieg Heiling and the swastikas aren’t exactly huge sells in countries that fought Nazi Germany.

Rhuu - apparently an illiterati
Rhuu - apparently an illiterati
5 years ago



mind the comments policy, please.

5 years ago

@Bina and @Weatherby –

The Waffen-SS was originally a volunteer force, but by 1944 it, as Bina points out, compulsory for those drafted into it (They were running out of manpower).

@kupo –

I must be missing something. Are you saying the employees of all people are reaponsible for anti-gay violence? Odd if true, since they are supposedly usually rather liberal and, in any case, not likely to be violent. Or did I misread?

To clarify, I am not saying you’re wrong, let alone lying, I am just puzzled and would like to know more about the story.

5 years ago

If women were biologically destined to only exist for reproduction, surely cis women would automatically die once they hit menopause? And they don’t, so clearly nature doesn’t give a shit about what women are “supposed” to exist for.

5 years ago


And even though he personally didn’t want to, his fervently anti-Nazi parents insisted that he join, because him not joining would have raised a massive red flag pointing squarely in their direction.

I never met my late father-in-law, but his mother and stepfather made him join as part of their campaign to not remind people about his Jewish biological father.

He ended up a fourteen-year-old child soldier who fell asleep at his post on the east side of Berlin and spent the next few years in various Soviet labour camps until they eventually handed him over to the Americans.