creepy dehumanization empathy deficit entitled babies irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny red pill reddit

Women are basically the creepy aliens from They Live, or possibly giant talking toad-snakes, MGTOW Redditor explains

Nice old lady buying booze … or malevolent space alien in disguise?

By David Futrelle

MGTOWs, like many in the manosphere, have adopted the “red pill” as their favorite metaphor for what it’s like to see the alleged hard truths about women through their misogynistic eyes. But one MGTOW Redditor recently reached back further in film history than The Matrix to describe what he feels it’s like to look at women through the lens of MGTOW.

“Anyone remember … John Carpenter’s movie [They Live]?” asked the MGTOW Redditor known as Lanjane.

When a common guy finds a special glasses which allow him to see what “the real” world look like. And to see that part of humans around him are not actually humans, but ugly aliens with faces like skulls and teeth like weird deep fishes have.

If you haven’t seen the film, this clip will give you the basic idea, at least if you watch all the way to the end:

Well, that’s what Lanjane says his life is like now that he’s wearing MGTOW glasses.

That’s exactly what is happening to me since I swallowed Red Pill. I look at beautiful woman and don’t notice her beauty, but instead I notice all those small details revealing her true nature; like tattoos on her neck … piercing on her belly button, her vicious smile and other signs of what an elite slut she is, and that is sometimes so disgusting that I even can’t stand near such ‘common women’ when using public transport, can’t seat near them without a feeling of an urgency to step back, go to another [car] or leave out.

Dude, you’re freaking me out a little. It would be one thing if you actually lived inside a science fiction movie in which all women were secretly aliens. But this is not a healthy way to react to other human beings.

Lanjane then traveled even further back in science fiction history, switching up his metaphors to some that are less John-Carpenter-ish than Lovecraftian.

I don’t hate them, I just feel the same as if faced a snake or toxic toad. Disgust, and an urgent need to just pass by as quickly as possible, avoid, avoid, avoid.

I kind of think maybe you do hate them. Just a wild guess.

Much worse, if such [a] being near you opens her mouth talking by phone or not; especially if talking to another toad like her, joking about their last night in the club, or recent sex events, or shopping or travels.

And then we’re back to They Live.

So I look at such women and feel myself like that man from “They live” movie… Although he could remove his glasses, and I can’t.

Actually, you could, if you were to simply recognize “red pill” ideology as the complete bullshit it is.

And sometimes you can’t just avoid such women because they are your colleagues at work. And you have to hear their dirty, foul laughs behind you, their vicious voices, to see their absolutely confident, imprudent look of a well-fed, well-fucked animal who feels to have all the cream and joy in life.

Goddamn, dude, you’re truly as fucked up as any incel.

I see how they prevail in this world, see through them how corrupted and sick this world is.

Here’s a picture of Donald Trump’s signing a global “gag rule” that prohibits international organizations getting any funding from the US government from even mentioning abortion.

And here are some of the people Trump consulted with about a healthcare bill gutting maternity care.

What I’m saying is that I don’t think women — whether they’re secretly aliens or not — are exactly “prevailing” at this particular point in history.

Lanjane continued:

It’s overwhelming and painful to have such point of view on this world. Sometimes I want to raise my head and cry, cry to the heavens that I have to live in the world like this.

Not only do you not have to live in a world like this, you actually don’t live in a world like this. All of this is just bullshit in your head. You’re the one in the matrix.

Especially when I remember my parents and my neighbours, who were honest, good people, with hard, but somewhat rewarding life of old ways, who sticked with one partner for an entire life – and strangely enough in this sick world – had happy families, from one of which I am.

Those “happy families” weren’t as happy as you thought. That’s why feminism arose in the first place.

I left my last toxic “long term relationships” just half of a year ago, completely ruined and knackered. And while reading MGTOW posts and comments, I was able to partially recover, to realize how pathetic were my tries to just have a good humble life my relatives live. It’s impossible, the world has changed.

You had a bad relationship, or maybe more than one. Most people, at some point in their lives, have bad relationships. Your bad relationship doesn’t mean that all women are secret space alien toad-snakes.

I have to move on …

Yes, yes you do.

… but first steps are so painful guys. So painful to leave illusions you used to have for an entire life, and to see harpies around you instead of good honest girls you have looked for before.

They’re not “harpies,” dude. They’re people like me and you. Some of them are assholes, sure, but trust me, some men are assholes too. Like, for example, every single man in the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, the group you’re now choosing to be a part of.

To have a MGTOW glasses you cannot remove after you first put them on. And to see that They Live.

Again, you absolutely can take them off any time you want. They don’t allow you to see the world more clearly. They distort the world, making other human beings look less than human in your eyes.

P. S. > Sorry for possible mistakes, English is not my native language, but I tried my best. And thank you for this community, for this hospital of truth.

If the MGTOW subreddit is any kind of hospital, it’s the kind that gives everyone who enters it a metaphorical staph infection.

Naturally, the regulars on the MGTOW subreddit responded to Lanjane’s post like the rational, mature, not-completely-mansterical men they are.

“It get‘s only worse as time goes by,” wrote someone called ImmortanV8.

As soon as the fear from societies sanctions was lifted in modern times, female ego‘s began to go rampant. We are witnessing the end of modern societies right in front of our eyes. Only divine intervention can save humanity, and I expect it to come crushing down with an iron fist. Nature is build on balance, and that pendulum will swing back hard

Someone called HorusEyeDrops agreed:

There’s actually orgies, mass legalized rape of children (by women), normalized sexuality of every destructive shade, blurring of science, and fact, destruction of meritocracy in favor of communism …

You reap what you sow, and millions of people are sowing shit.

DarthSchadenfreude added:

Innate female behavior of hypergamy and monkey-branching [i.e. dumping your partner for a better one] should not be encouraged in a civilized society, but that is exactly what happened in the 60’s and 70’s with no fault divorce laws and entitlement programs.

Modern society is in a death spiral. When it finally implodes, the producers will produce only for themselves, and the eaters will all starve.

What a healthy, happy, soul-nourishing place the MGTOW subreddit is!

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5 years ago

There’s actually orgies, mass legalized rape of children (by women), normalized sexuality of every destructive shade, blurring of science, and fact, destruction of meritocracy in favor of communism …

What, now?

5 years ago

What is it with these wienies and learning the exact wrong lesson from subversive works? Looking at an obvious critique of capitalism and coming away with…whatever that was is either a monumental feat of mental gymnastics or a sign he’s so far down the rabbit hole he can see the Earth’s core.

It’s like they want to jam everything piece of media into their round-shaped hole of misogynistic nonsense, regardless of what shape it is.

James Hutchings
5 years ago

I do not understand this bizarre obsession MGTOWs have with punk/goth/scene/subculture women.

MGTOWs, like sexist men in general, divide women into ‘pure’, virginal, sexless women and ‘bad’, sexual women, and put these women into the latter category.

‘Normal’ sexist men imagine that ‘bad’ women can ruin a man. But MGTOWs imagine that ‘bad’ women can destroy Western civilization.

So the cycle of desiring them, and feeling that they’re evil, and the desire is evil, and therefore that the desire is a form of evil power that the women have over them, and all this making it impossible to stop thinking about them…is probably stronger than it would be for a ‘normal’ sexist man.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

Orgies and mass legalized rape of children (by women) are happening everywhere, but also FACTS ARE BEING BLURRED.

Sometimes right under our very noses!

5 years ago

Man, none of my lady friends and I ever sit down and talk about “recent sex events.” My life is lacking.

5 years ago

@Not Edward

Not just you. Guy’s got my alarm bells ringing something fierce – and given the sorts David spotlights, that takes some doing.

5 years ago

@Moggie – “I wouldn’t call Roddy Piper an actor…”

Whaaat?! He has 161 acting credits to his name, per IMDB. Of course, I enjoy camp, so YMMV.

The interview he had with John Oliver was really heartbreaking.
The boy had a reason to be anti-capitalist.

*Summary – wrestling is physically punishing and offers no health insurance because the franchise owner is a creep.

Also, that clip is subtle as a brick to the head (or a plot for WWE). If OP misunderstood it, he was REALLY invested in doing it.

5 years ago

@ Cat Mara,

That interview was priceless. Thanks for the entertainment.

I went on many dates with women in their 40s, and what I found consistent between all of them was they were immediately looking to find out how I was going to hurt them, even from date one.

It’s called “experience”, bucko!

The third woman I call the “mercenary,” and she was the most dangerous person I think I ever met. She scared the shit out of me. She would say anything to make you think she loved you.

That last relationship actually destroyed my ability to trust…

Aw, is somebody jaded by life? It sounds like you’re bitter, from date one.

5 years ago

A considerable amount of acting skill is involved in the WWE regardless tbh.

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
5 years ago

Not to mention a considerable amount of physical skill and control. Making it look good while avoiding permanent damage is a very fine line.

5 years ago

Well, to be fair, women ARE aliens to them, like they are for most immature 13-year-old boys, which is about their mental age. They still have the “girls are yucky” attitude from childhood, but already have the the “how do I approach these strange creatures” view of teenage boys.

Nothing wrong with having that attitude when you ARE a boy or a teenager… just like there is nothing wrong with acting like a toddler when you are two years old. The problem is when 40-year-olds act this way.

5 years ago

Regarding pro wrestling, kayfabe is a fascinating concept.

“Eight O’clock in the Morning” by Ray Nelson, the short story that “They Live” is based on, is worth reading if you can find it. Stephen King has a grimmer take on the same theme in “The Ten O’clock People”.

Also, these miggies sound like very unhappy people. All of their misery is self-inflicted, but they refuse to see it.

5 years ago

Appropriating things is what these dipshits live to do. They fail far more often than they succeed, but they’ll keep trying.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
5 years ago


“Eight O’clock in the Morning” by Ray Nelson, the short story that “They Live” is based on, is worth reading if you can find it. Stephen King has a grimmer take on the same theme in “The Ten O’clock People”.

And Dean Koontz, “Twilight Eyes”. It’s one of his from before he turned into some sort of quasi-fundie.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I have to admit, I like old Dean Koontz books from before he started preaching right wing politics in an over the top way. I don’t think I read that one though. Never the best at characterization, but he is good at suspense.

Odd Thomas is one of the rare times the movie is better than the book because it has all the suspense without the insufferable moralizing.

5 years ago

Well, to be fair, women ARE aliens to them, like they are for most immature 13-year-old boys, which is about their mental age. They still have the “girls are yucky” attitude from childhood, but already have the the “how do I approach these strange creatures” view of teenage boys.

Nothing wrong with having that attitude when you ARE a boy or a teenager… just like there is nothing wrong with acting like a toddler when you are two years old. The problem is when 40-year-olds act this way.

I disagree. Teenage girls are not given a pass to treat half of the people on the planet as if they’re some kind of alien race. It’s not okay for (assumed) boys to be raised to believe this and it wouldn’t be okay for (assumed) girls to be raised this way, either.

And no, women are not aliens to them. We went to school alongside them, we work alongside them, and we exist in society alongside them. There is no excuse for dismissing us as not the same species as them.

5 years ago

Funny, that scene from “They Live” was pretty much my experience taking a women’s studies class for the first time.

Ann K
Ann K
5 years ago

He is not comparing women to those wonderful June Cleavers of the past, those understanding mothers and sexless bakers of pies who expressed their highest love by giving the husband a peck on the cheek when they come home. He is not comparing women to the playboy bunnies he furtively peeked at when nobody was watching the magazine racks. He is comparing imaginary women of today to imaginary women of the past, and the only thing that has changed is his own imagination.

It’s self-inflicted, buddy. Get over it.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Isn’t the cooties stage at more 5 or 6 years old anyway? 13 is young to start dating for most kids, and at the age, I was too embarrassed to even tell friends which boys I thought were cute (celebrities excepted) because it was embarrassing. But 13 is well past the exaggerated disgust for the opposite sex phase.

5 years ago


Recall it being more 7 or 8 (it were for our girls and their friends, at least). There’s none so prissy as an 8 year old.

Still well below 13.

5 years ago

I find it interesting that social conservatives, such as MGTOWs, think that society is in the brink of collapse. This attitude, or better, this delusion has been going on for decades.

They are very scared of change, even if it’s inevitable, and repat the same story that is said at least since ancient Greece: the generation before mine was the best and the one after is the worst. As many of you are aware, this has no empirical basis, only an emotional one.

So much for the rational right.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
5 years ago

And for extra irony points, the things actually threatening collapse of society are a) climate change and other ecological damage, b) wealth inequality, and c) the resurgence of fascism, and all three of these are the fault of conservatives.

Steven I Dutch
Steven I Dutch
5 years ago

The thing that struck me was how, when he looked at the Caribbean ad, he saw “Marry and Reproduce.” Because puritans in the audience would have gone ballistic if the sign had just said “Reproduce” without putting a ring on it first.

Prith kDar
Prith kDar
5 years ago

@ Lainy:

Your Towel Titanic story had me in stitches! It totally sounds like something I would’ve done. Thanks for the laugh, I needed it today.