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Reddit TERFs discover that one of the STEM School shooters may be trans, and it goes about as well as you’d expect

Collage of comments from the GenderCritical subreddit

By David Futrelle

Some TERFs — trans-exclusionary radical feminists — seem nearly as obsessed with “trans crime” as Trump is with “immigrant crime,” and as Der Sturmer once was with “Jewish crime.”

And so, when the GenderCritical subreddit – Reddit’s main hangout for TERFs — discovered that one of the STEM School students who shot up a Colorado high school earlier this week is reportedly a trans boy, it’s not surprising that the discussion there quickly turned ugly. And more than a little weird.

TERFs favorite targets are trans women — whom they describe, in their own perverse jargon, as TIMs, or Trans-Identified Males. But it turns out that TERFs are nearly as happy to attack trans men and boys — or so-called “TIFs” — even though “TIFs” are, in the minds of the TERFs anyway, still “biological females.”

Some “GenderCritical” Redditors blamed the shootings in part on the testosterone injections and/or surgery they assumed that Alec McKinney, the alleged trans shooter, had gotten, although there’s no evidence so far showing that McKinney, a juvenile, has had any sort of hormone therapy much less gone under the knife.

“Yeah turns out doing irreparable [harm] to your body and turning up your aggression right away leads to instability,” wrote a commenter called norris528e.

Several commenters shared allegedly true stories of trans men they know who turned violent after starting their transition.

“This might … be anecdotal.” wrote someone calling themselves NecessarySpeed4,

but one of my sister friends was a lesbian whose girlfriend decided to transition to male. Pretty much right away, the new “boyfriend” started acting like an asshole.

My sisters friend was struggling with to support “his” decision to be a man and this “boyfriend” according to my sister displayed signs of male chauvinism making crude and sexual remarks towards other women and had started a habit of slapping women on their asses a few months later “he” left his girlfriend because she was a transphobe who didn’t fully support “him”

There was dark talk about the pernicious effects the “trans cult” — and/or the “kweer kult” — allegedly has on the psyche of “transdelusional” young people who, as TERFs see it, decide to become trans.

“Being in the thrall of a cult can and routinely DOES lead people to commit acts of violence,” declared GCMadamXX.

That’s what ISIS is, and the KKK and Boko Haram etc etc etc. Many cults have lured members into self harm or mass suicide. A horrific cult in Russia required women to cut off their breasts and men to be castrated. Sound familiar?

You seriously think a cult that encourages teens to castrate themselves is not a danger to wider society? Is not churning out sociopaths? Is not ATTRACTIVE to sociopaths?

We can give you a long list of violent acts committed by people in the thrall of the trans cult. A long and growing list.

Sosososhocking implied that the shooting was the inevitable result of violent rhetoric from trans activists.

Trans people: fuck terfs we should kill terfs

Also trans people: shoots up a school

Everyone but rad fems: surprisedpikachu.jpg

Some managed to convince themselves that the other alleged shooter, identified as 18-year-old Devon Erickson, might actually be a secret trans woman still living as male — based largely on his hair color and his not-exactly-macho aesthetic.

A commenter called libfem_decline posited that Erickson is “(potentially) a closeted TIM. At least, he’s got purple hair and furry tattoos.”

GCMadamXX similarly suggested that

The adult shooter is likely in the trans cult too. In March he posted on Instagram with the hashtags #tumblrgirl #aestheticgirl #cuteaesthetic #pastelgrunge #softgrunge #softaesthetic . Also he either wrote or tattooed an acronym on his arm that has to do with furries. Unfortunately he was definitely part of the rainbow kids crowd. There’s a selfie overlaid with the Pride flag.

This one could be a wild ride, ladies. Buckle up.

While few in the discussion seemed to have any trouble attacking trans men, there were some who couldn’t help reverting back to the primary TERF obsession, the alleged villainy of trans women — sorry, “Trans-Identified Males.”

“I’m actually surprised we don’t see more TiM mass shooters,” wrote Mountains_beyond, “as so many fit the “aggrieved narcissist” profile.”

While libfem_decline thinks trans women get too much “attention and validation and special snowflake fuzzies” to become alienated enough to shoot up a school. other Reddit TERFs are predicting a coming wave of trans women mass shooters.

“[J]ust wait,” warned coppershrike.

Many of the more insane TIMs will go out shooting as they age and reality starts becoming something they cannot deny.

Jelliknight agreed:

Imagine when society wakes up and all their documents are set back to MALE and they’re banned from womens spaces and no longer have the right to sue for being called a man. That’s when we’ll start to see a lot more TIM shooters.

You almost get the impresstion that Jelliknight is looking forward to the coming age of “TIM” violence — much in the way that misogynistic Men Going Their Own Way look forward to the the social collapse they think feminism is about to bring about, because in the ensuing chaos, MGTOWs think, men will be able to put women back in their place.

Jelliknight seems similarly eager to put trans people “back in their place,” no matter how painful and messy this process could get.

That’s a rather disquieting response to news of a school shooting.

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5 years ago

This, plus a Constitutional crisis, in one day. I’ll be over here curled up on the floor trying not to throw up.

JFC though, I really will never get over how cis people are like “But not all men!!!” when cis men are caught being horrible, but as soon as a trans person turns out to be awful it’s like “ZOMG I knew it they’re all monsters!!!” Please grow some nuance before your scapegoating bullshit kills us all, thanks.

5 years ago

I’m so sorry for the trans community for the shit storm engulfing them. The fact that they’ve faced and survived many before is no guarantee and doesn’t make this one any easier.

I’m not a perfect ally, but I’m working at it. I need to read more stuff so I can deal with sisters who’ve been sucked in by a particular anti-trans rhetoric. Sport seems to be the issue of the day.

I keep coming back to the fact that, the longer cis women and trans siblings argue, the more the patriarchy wins. When we have a fair playing field (literally), that will be fine. But right now, why do the authorities focus on hormonal advantage, but ignore class, race, facility, nutrition, educational and any manner of other privileges?

Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
5 years ago


Some “leftists” believe that human rights has a termination point… and it seems to be “right after I get mine”

Jezebel has a cover story (no link, I’m on my fone) about TERFs allying with right-wing repugnicants, xian fundies and other dregs… apparently they feel their rights are strongly supported enough that the fascists won’t be able to destroy them after they’re no longer useful to them….

Me, I’ve seen all three Twilight Zone series (oops, 3 of 4)… I KNOW what happens when you make a pact with the devil.

5 years ago

“I’m actually surprised we don’t see more [trans women] mass shooters,” wrote Mountains_beyond, “as so many fit the “aggrieved narcissist” profile.”

I wonder if it’s because they… don’t.

Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
5 years ago

@ Tripoli:

It’s NOT the “aggrieved narcissist” profile that shoots up schools, it’s the “ENTITLED narcissist” profile.

Alexis Filth
5 years ago

I’m trans, and have had to deal with so many fuckin Terves it’s obscene (I’m currently serving a 7 day Twitter suspension for them mass reporting a gif I posted claiming I was being violent, which, uh, the gif wasn’t even violent or aimed at anyone)
They’re 100% projecting. All the talk about the “trans cult” is them projecting their own cultish behavior.

Amy E
Amy E
5 years ago

@Weird Eddie, is this the one you mean?

Also, totally unsurprised, albeit still horrified at the ability of humans to abuse our privilege, even when we have known what it means to be lacking it. One struggle against oppression may be different from another, but surely we can recognise and empathise with others facing the obstacles they do.

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent, Bard of the New Movement
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent, Bard of the New Movement
5 years ago

Almost forgot that we’re livin’ in the U.S. of A.
But what can I say
It seems we’re all gonna get our lead injection someday

And it’s never too soon for the gagglers to make up their mind
Against humankind
Who know they’re not what they’ve been assigned

Everyone needs their scapegoat
Every can needs its trash
When haywire notions can’t stay afloat
They do their best to clash
Every human’s a human
And humans have a chance to be
A bystander, saint, or a demon
It’s just the lottery
‘Course, it ain’t totally random
But correlation ain’t causation’s make
Some people are assholes sans abandon
No matter the phenotype they take

Wakin’ up in a world that I know’s swiftly fadin’ away
No price I can pay
And they won’t give me a word to say

The truer conflict looms above, I know it ain’t hard to see
It ain’t a mystery
Why the hell you gotta pin it on my friends and me?

Would you make the same claim about cis people?
Cuz y’all sure got your kicks!
One down here makes all of us despicable
And I can’t say the inverse without gettin’ licks
Every human’s a human
And one fault shouldn’t mean a burden borne
By everyone else doin’ what they’re doin’
Do you folks face the very same scorn
That’s faced for one of your own kind
Or is it just my friends and me?
Just the same double standard
That’s infected humanity
We got better places to be
And I still say,

don’t look at me

5 years ago

The new gravatar looks good! I remember you changed it a few months back but couldn’t remember if it was this same one (I know it was some of your pixel art, but you have so many great ones! ?). Either way, I like it!

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

So, according to TERF logic, trans men are violent because they’ve been turned into men by the trans cult, but trans women are violent because they’re also men?

Totally consistent and legit!

5 years ago

If it wasn’t clear that these are radfems a lot of this would fit right in with what misogynist right wing extremists say about transpeople.

Funny how that happens!

For the record I am a radical feminist. Old school, so all I really mean by it is that for me patriarchy is the problem : a violent and untenable system.

I can see how TERFs have come to be, but I hope there are many more radical feminists who are trans friendly.

5 years ago

I just don’t remotely have anything to say about any of that bullshit they’re slinging. It’s just, god damn.

Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
5 years ago

@ Amy:

That’s the one, thank. I guess TERFs don’t do intersectionality, cuz they sure have pigeonholed trans people into one big monolith of “trans people are….”

5 years ago

I haven’t skipped many posts here, but this is too much.

5 years ago

Weatherwas says: “I’m so sorry for the trans community for the shit storm engulfing them.”

I am sorry for the family who lost their son, the other injured children, and the fact that children in America are now performing active shooter drills in schools and living in constant fear of violence. This is not a trans/cis issue, it’s a violence issue. These fringe “feminists” are speaking gibberish and don’t deserve any form of acknowledgement.

Crip Dyke
Crip Dyke
5 years ago


There’s this Marxist-feminist group in the UK and a number of other places (it started in Italy), Wages for Housework. A friend of mine was involved in some political work there for a while and WfH would show up to all the same demonstrations that she would, but instead of providing support to the cause for which everyone else was protesting, they used the gathering to tell everyone how they were all wrong and WfH was all right and the only true path to glorious liberation was through WfH.

Needless to say, “intersectional” wouldn’t have begun to describe them even if Crenshaw had coined the term by then (this was 85/86, still a couple years away from intersectionality making it into the feminist lexicon).

In general, my experience with Marxist-feminism is that they don’t do intersectionality well, but WfH was the quintessential example (at least for my friend). Terese appears to provide evidence for the proposition that this failure continues.

But it’s not only Marxist-feminists who don’t do intersectionality well. TERFs are, as you say, extremely bad at it as well.

5 years ago

I “love” how they just assume that this man must have had testosterone injections or the top surgery or anything like that when your 18 you can barely afford gas and food. How the fuck are you suppose to afford something insurance won’t cover. Most young trans people don’t have hormones or surgery as even an option. Their bullshit just pisses me off so much.

5 years ago

A horrific cult in Russia required women to cut off their breasts and men to be castrated. Sound familiar?

Someone’s slip is showing.

There’s been way too much of this dividing to not be at the hand of a conqueror.

Seriously, eliminationists are on the march, and they intend the same fate for the trans and radical feminist communities. It’s entirely in their playbook to stoke an unnecessary fight between their enemies.

5 years ago

Oh boi I sure can’t wait to see Terfs exploit the traumatized and the dead to harm trans people /s

5 years ago

But I thought these guts were *for* shooting up schools, at least when “incels” do it. What’s the matter, they fear competition?

5 years ago

So, according to TERF logic, trans men are violent because they’ve been turned into men by the trans cult, but trans women are violent because they’re also men?

I assume this logic functions similar to the racist “just one drop” principle. Anyone who is exposed to maleness is contaminated, and those who engage in dangerous practices to spread the contamination beyond the “properly defined natural order” by miscegenation straying outside of the rigid gender binary will cause the downfall of society itself.

Though, honestly, I doubt that TERFs have probably thought much further ahead than just hating trans people and taking great glee in hurting them, even when being incredibly callous to the victims of an act of horrible violence.

5 years ago

@Yamara. She’s referring to Skoptsy movement. It followers believed that the original sin was the result of Adam and Eve having sex. I doubt they would be the least bit welcoming to trans and intersexual people.

Cat Mara
Cat Mara
5 years ago

@Catalpa: I think you’re right on that “one drop rule” observation. The bio-essentialism of the TERFs’ worldview is so extreme, it leads to an obsession with genetic purity that is indistinguishable from racism. Look how many of them include “XX” in their forum names: the significance the TERFs imbue it with, it might as well be a sig rune or the adoption of an obviously “Nordic” ‘nym.

(Of course, I imagine few, if any, of them have actually ever been genetically tested so they have no way of knowing whether they’re XX, X0, XXX, XY-with-androgen-insensitivity or any other karyotype found in humans with female external sexual characteristics; but “scientific” racists of any stripe are usually ignorant of the science they claim to profess)

5 years ago

@Cat Mara

Oh the racism connections go a lot deeper than that. There’s a reason a lot of these folks are also the ones demanding that Caster Semenya be put on antiandrogens. There’s a reason most TERFs are white.

Analysis of reactionary movements in feminism is lost without analysis of racism – the same notions of purity and protectionism that see the “Black virility” as the enemy of white women, inform the view of “the trans phallic nature” or whatever as the enemy of (white, pure) cis women. In this view it’s obvious how they wind up allying with white conservatives.

5 years ago

I wonder what Lady Mondegreen is doing right now. Probably right in the middle of the screeching TERF mob.

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