By David Futrelle
Today’s insight into female nature comes from some doofus in the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit who doesn’t know anything about anything.
Take it away, Vraboxin:

Kind of ironic for a member of a group that basically believes that girls have cooties to accuse women of being perpetual five-year-olds, huh?
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I’m sorry to hear that. It’s tragic. I hope that you’ve been able to come to terms with such awful memories.
I honestly can’t remember being 25, let alone 5…
Let’s see
– constantly infantilized
– pain is ignored, brushed off as not that bad, or mocked
– displays of emotion are always treated as a lack of control and never as something someone else may have caused
– no bodily autonomy
– literally treated as property
– have to follow the orders of the bully* at threat of violence even though (because?) you know more than them
Yeah, I see some similarities
*The vast majority of bosses I’ve had have been bullies, and the ones who don’t threaten with physical violence will do so with financial violence
My grandmother collected porcelain dolls long before it became a massive horror movie thing. She past away when I was 9 and decided to leave them all to me, her only grand daughter. Forgot to mention she had one custome doll made to look like me when I was 7, it has my real red hair made into pigtail braids on it like how I used to wear it. Her dress is made out of one of my old dress and she has bandages on her knees and deep brown eyes like mine. For my grandmother this was a example of her love for me. For me, I now own this doll and it is the creepiest thing ever. I’ve told my fiancé when we buy a house we need an attic with a small little room I can lack them in because I’m pretty sure if it kills me it will take my soul.
That is the sweetest, creepiest thing ?
I know and I could never part with a single doll but they also creep me the hell out. a bunch of them are in these old Victorian wedding dresses, there is one she gave me to play with when I was a girl that wears a ladies tea outfit. the ones that wear the wedding dresses are in a giant locked class case. it actually has one of those like old fashion keys, my grandma kept it in her jewelry box and not it kind of scares me that she felt the need to lock up some of the dolls.
Where do you see these comments? Because I only see them in sites that are dedicated to toy collecting, from fellow toy collectors. Outside of those, all I’ve ever seen are the usual accusations of being a loser man-child living in his mother’s basement (see The 40-Year-Old Virgin for a classic example).
Or the website that included “has immature hobbies like toy collecting” on a list of “potential abuser red flags” right next to “has ever gotten angry and broken one of your possessions.”
Toy collectors get a ton of flack regardless of their gender, has been my experience. The flack they get is gendered, certainly (basement dwelling serial killer vs. crazy cat lady serial killer), but it’s hardly a hobby respected by the mainstream when men do it.
Are you sure about that? Funko Pop, for example, are extremely mainstream. And the only time I’ve seen anyone make fun of collecting action figures has been self-deprecating humor. Maybe it’s because I’m GenX? Action figures are seen as cool and barbies or polly pockets as vapid and childish.
Yeah but who doesn’t love a good bobble head.
I am pretty sure about my lived experience, yes.
I was born in 1979, so I’m on the cusp of GenX/Millennial, and I’ve seen nothing but grief over toy collecting except from other toy collectors. The stereotypes are alive and well.
As for Funko Pop, those are “collectible memorabilia” rather than action figures, which is somehow an important difference in the eyes of the general culture.
(Of course, I don’t understand how mainstream culture insists that this is an important difference, but that those of us distinguishing dolls from action figures are just engaging in semantics because we are insecure.)
Or how about also that sports and cars are Important Topics of Conversation, while women just gossip about frivolous stuff like friends and kids.
Hobbies, too. Golfing and fishing are Real, knitting and cooking are silly and childish, despite the fact that they’re often done for others.
Oh, and self-care. Going off into the woods for a weekend with buddies is Essential, because men need to relax and unwind from their difficult jobs. Yoga and baths are selfish because they take focus away from serving men, while chocolate is indulgent and bad for the waistline, totally unlike beer and potato chips.
Also definitely not childish: refusing to operate a washing machine, pick up stray socks, send birthday cards, or make a sandwich because that’s “woman’s work”, rather than just everyday stuff you do because you’re a grown-ass adult.
I’m sensing an ironic thought process here: “Activities that I don’t understand are childish.”
I’m sure that they would cite the fact that I’ve been doing my laundry and cooking since I was 12 as the reason for my lack of romantic success. It probably means I’m effeminate.
That’s definitely the thought process that I’ve seen.