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“Men know EXACTLY what it’s like to be a woman” because they’ve all been 5-year-olds, MGTOW lady expert explains

The woman-understander had logged on

By David Futrelle

Today’s insight into female nature comes from some doofus in the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit who doesn’t know anything about anything.

Take it away, Vraboxin:

Vraboxin 4 points 10 days ago 
That's interesting is that men know EXACTLY what it's like to be a woman. Think back when you were a 5 year old, do you remember what your mentality and priorities were? Yes? That's a woman.

Women can't comprehend what it's like to be a man, physically or mentally. Sure, men can't talk about what it's like to have breasts or wombs, but we are sure as shit qualified to talk about the female mind. We've all been there and grown out of it.

Kind of ironic for a member of a group that basically believes that girls have cooties to accuse women of being perpetual five-year-olds, huh?

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Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
5 years ago

Think back when you were a 5 year old, do you remember what your mentality and priorities were? Yes? That’s a woman.

Why yes, I do remember what it was like to be 5 years old. Two major priorities of mine were being very quiet and staying out of the way of my physically and emotionally abusive father, a 51-year-old man.

And I still do my best to avoid violent men.

So yes, point taken, Mr. Vraboxin.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
5 years ago

Following up on my original comment:

The Power of Women
Our Story

Supermajority is a new home for women’s activism, training and mobilizing a multiracial, intergenerational community that will fight for gender equity together.

5 years ago

Ironically everyone in MGTOW are still 5 years old. their whole thing is like a crying 5 year old threatening to run away or take their toys and go home because then you’ll be sorry and miss them!

Rabid Rabbit
Rabid Rabbit
5 years ago

Well, I mean, he’s got a vague hint of a point in the sense that the patriarchal view of women seeks to infantilize them as much as possible, but trust a MGTOW to reach the exact wrong conclusion from that.

Christopher Crosby
Christopher Crosby
5 years ago

Seems that MGOTW sure spend a lot of time thinking about women

5 years ago

Oh, come on. Who knows better what women are *really like* than 30-year-old male virgins?

5 years ago

Thinking might be a tad overgenerous a way of putting it.

16 Cats and Counting
16 Cats and Counting
5 years ago

There’s only one thing in his absurd post that’s true, we’ve all been 5-years-old. Judging from the rhetoric in most MGTOW sites they’re still emotionally in the toddler stage. Screeds, threats, personal insults and tantrums are the order of the day. No wonder a simple-minded woman such as I can’t rise to the level of their mature discourse lol!

varalys the dark
5 years ago

I have a nephew who is nearly five. He’s a fun kid, studious and creative (makes amazing LEGO things). He can name every country in the world which is something as sure as shit I can’t do and he’s got more fucking maturity than anyone defining themselves and MGTOW.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

MGTOW clearly have not ever worked with older people much. I have. The number of men over 60 who can’t manage their finances, health care/benefits or anything else about their own lives and have their wives do everything for them is just staggering.

Honestly, my experiences have made me pretty glad I never married and likely never will. I have no desire to have children. And being married to an old man is like having a child. Now, I think this is socialization and not anything inherent about men, but I just don’t have faith that my generation is that much better than boomers.

Amy E
Amy E
5 years ago

I’ll be in my playpen.

@Kat that Supermajority site looks fantastic

5 years ago

I had a good laugh reading what Vraboxin wrote(obviously, to mock what he wrote, not to agree with it). Such ridiculousness embodied in one comment.

Also, I swear, as more and more guys try to become Alpha Males/MRAs/PUAs/Incels, they become more and more like parodies of themselves and a lot more than that, also.

In all seriousness, though, the infantilization of women never stops…. Hopefully, it will do, sooner or later.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
5 years ago

@Amy E
I’ve already signed up to be a member of Supermajority. It’s free. I’m kinda jazzed about this new group.

5 years ago

Yeah, I remember when I was 5 years old… I was having a job and worrying about buying groceries and thinking if I should get a tertiary education or pick up a hobby.

5 years ago

Inject this hot take straight into my Ventricles.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
5 years ago

Yes, this is entirely borne out by the large number of adult women who crave Lucky Charms and Elmo.

That’s some 11th-dimensional Going Their Own Way, when they sit around fervently imagining what it must be like to be a woman.

footprints in wet clay
footprints in wet clay
5 years ago

Anybody know how well Supermajority meshes with trans people? I’m transmale but the cause of feminism is still near and dear to my heart because f patriarchy, I remember how I was treated before, and I’m also concerned about the possibility of supporting a bunch of TERFs who don’t think transwomen are women. I see they talk some game about acceptance of gender identity but at the bottom they still want your details to “connect with women across the country” and…. that seems a little exclusionist. How about “allies in feminism” or something?

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
5 years ago

This is a very new organization. I don’t know how good they are on trans issues. Maybe contact them and communicate your concerns?

Yutolia the Green Hash Pronoun Boner
Yutolia the Green Hash Pronoun Boner
5 years ago

@Lainy: exactly what I was going to say!

5 years ago

For one, I don’t in fact remember being five. I have solid memories of being six or older, but before then it’s so fuzzy it’s probably mostly just invented memories from stories.

I guess this means I’m not competent at telling women how to act? I’m ok with that.

5 years ago

*content warning- CSA

If they believe that all women are cognitively the same as five-year-olds, that’s a very convenient excuse for them wanting to rape young teens, isn’t it? Sure, a five-year-old can’t give meaningful consent to have sex with an adult, and neither can a 15-year-old, but women don’t emotionally or cognitively mature in any way, so coercing a young teen into sex is essentially the same as consensual sex with an adult woman, right?

Ugh, it’s so fucking disgusting.

5 years ago

As Buttercup, Weirwood, and Catalpa have covered the awfulest aspects of this nicely, I’ll cover a smaller dead-end to this logic. Because with the possible exception of the traumatized like Kat, no, no grownup has a clue what it’s like to be five. My sons are now 10 and 12, and they can’t remember what being five is like either. Stuff from a few years ago that’s nostalgic for me means nothing to them anymore. We change; we move on. We store facts and oversimplifications.

I don’t remember what being 5 felt like, but I know I was obsessed with drawing maps and learning foreign words from a polyglot dictionary that I read at school because the kids there made me nervous. I had a crush on Janice, the Muppet bassist; I can’t imagine what that felt like. My best friend was a very smart girl.

My older son at 5 was learning particle physics and making drawings of many-legged cats; his best friend was a very smart girl who still might be his best friend today, although a nearer-by and equally smart girl is also a possible nominee for the role. A lot of 5-year-olds impress me more than any forum incel ever has. They won’t remember themselves later, but if I taught them, I will.

5 years ago

Saying women are like 5-year olds is pretty rich considering all the childlike things men are allowed to do without criticism (or at worst, some mild joking about them) which women would be labeled insane for doing at the same age.

Like just take collecting dolls (or as insecure men call them, action figures). If a man collects all He-man or Star Wars figures, you see tons of comments jealous of him and praising his dedication, but women collecting Barbie dolls aren’t seen as much better than your typical “crazy cat lady”, and collecting porcelain dolls, well, immedeatly cue all the jokes that she’s a horror movie villain.

Or just take every single Adam Sandler/Seth Rogen movie in existence, and compare to how many comedies there are about women refusing to grow up, being chaotic and destructive and ending up being rewarded for it without undergoing a massive change and penance first.

5 years ago

I remember being 5, clear as day. I remember how I fell off a teeter-totter one time, and ended up with a red spot in the palm of my hand that stayed there for years (it finally faded in my teens). And I also remember just how childish I thought all those “you better do things my way, or I’ll take my ball and go home” boys in the schoolyard all were.

Yes, migtoes, you’re still all 5 years old in the head. You’ve never outgrown your playground-bully mindset. And you think we women are childish for wanting nothing to do with YOU?

Virgin Mary
Virgin Mary
5 years ago

I remember being 5 very clearly, as I was sick and was kept home from nursery school, but my mum had to hide me because my father woukd have gone nuts and probably beaten her up if he’d found me at home. She always had to have an egg on toast and a cup of tea ready for him when he came in for lunch (he worked nearby to where we lived so refused to eat at the factory canteen) and she was always submissive and subservient to him.