By David Futrelle
The Daily Mail is famous for its uniquely British mixture of judgy prurience and good old-fashioned xenophobia. So naturally the comments section of its online edition is home to some of the worst takes the internet has to offer.
The other day I was introduced to a Twitter account that catalogs the worst of these terrible takes. Specifically, to this tweet, which I obviously needed to share with you all:
Bad science and racism, two terrible tastes that taste extra terrible together! And the misspelling of “testosterone” as “tostesterone” is … chef’s kiss!
Also, I’m pretty sure most French people aren’t vegan.
But this tweet is only the top of the iceberg. Here are some other, well, illuminating insights on assorted gender-related issues that The DM Reporter has plucked from the vast wasteland of the Daily Mail comments.
This final tweet really doesn’t have anything to do with gender but I feel sort of bad for the Daily Mail’s Russian Misery correspondent
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1. This is the most narcissistic paragraph I’ve seen in my entire life.
2. You might want to read the recent threads. Including this one. We’ve had a whole parade of trolly types.
3. Unless someone’s post either specifically calls you out by name or references something specific that you said, consider the possibility that it’s not about you. Of course, by immediately melting down into a puddle of rage, you’ve actually shown that it is about you. But I highly doubt that Eddie had you in mine while typing his post. You’ve really done a self own here, champ.
I suppose you guys are already looking for a way to pin this one on me too.
Whatever they said about you, I guarantee that what the crew here is saying about me is ten times worse.
I made a relatively harmless quip about Andrew Anglin two weeks ago and the response of the commentariat here was basically to accuse me of everything short of first-degree murder.
I remember. It’s true about the not caring, though. ?
You call a blatant and intentional defamation campaign nothing?
Lolololol. Dude. You need to take a deep breath and remind yourself that you are not the center of the world.
I mean that in a true, non bs way. Saying you just HAVE to defend yourself is untrue. Nobody HAS to say jack shit on here. None of us.
A man just shot up a college prolly due to toxic masculinity bc he, too, just HAD to “say something”. Im NOT saying youre a spree killer, but your weird “theyre mean and disrespecting me” is some toxic shit brah. Take some time off to self reflect.
Not the only one. XD
I’ve read through what Eddie said three times now, and I’m virtually certain that when he said “it is all men”, he meant it’s the responsibility of all men to change the language surrounding intimate relationships so as to not give cover to abusers.
Perhaps I’m missing some underlying meaning, but I just don’t see where Eddie even came close to saying, or implying, that all men are abusers.
Well I wouldn’t if that what was happening but really sugar your just having a melt down. I recommend drinking some tea, take a bath. Come back when your a little hysterical, m’kay?
The hell you’re not.
You clearly weren’t paying attention, then. He WAS making me out to be an abuser, and anyone who suggests he wasn’t is kidding themselves.
Trust me, if you were on the receiving end of all this garbage you’d be having a meltdown too.
Male privilege %10000.00
Sugar I’ve been on the end of real horrible stuff and did not freak out the way you are lol. Again bubble bath and tea.
Lololollll chris, oh Chris. That’s right, i’m so sorry!! You only went against the comment policy, but how could you have possibly know about it? I mean, it is yellow and the link is right below where you type all comments, but one little mistake? How could we be so mean?
It wasn’t only once, was it? (thanks to Ariblester for compiling these.)
Oh. Cool. So you have been making these comments for a while, now, and are told “not cool, read the comments policy” a bunch.
Not a smear campaign of there are links, m’dude.
And we’ve had other peeps to talk about. Everything isn’t always about you.
Lol someone has a really fragile narcissistic male ego
It’s not about “male privilege”, it’s about being subjected to constant unprovoked cheap shots by people who clearly have a personal vendetta against me.
@hambeast –
No disagreement about how easy it is to operate firearms. I merely pointed out that to make a bunch of people with guns into an army is a lot more difficult than these far-right guys realize. They are a threat, yes, as individuals. Not as group planning a military uprising.
As for not being able to parse my first paragraph… I can’t blame you.
BTW to the original point of this thread. Take John here. He states opinions that many (me included) disagree with and even find ridiculous. But you can hardly claim he is impolite, or violates the blog’s terms, or personally attacks people. And you cannot say he doesn’t stimulate the discussion.
Disagreement can be real, even extreme, and yet the discussion can remain civil and to the point. This is the kind of discussion comment boards and blogs should tolerate.
Mofo, PLEASE. This has been specifically and solely targeted against me from the word go.
You’d be fragile too if a bunch of total strangers were ganging up on you for no reason whatsoever.
I was being honest and not trying to be a smart ass to you. You are so defensive that you didnt even read the rest of my paragraph. I was keeping my tone in a light hearted, casual way in hopes of calming you and giving you some perspective.
When everybody says to stop and breathe, even us smart asses mean it in a sincere way.
Chris… I know that when we read stuff, we always interpret it in how it relates to us. I think it’s just a human thing. But this honestly, truly, was about how the dominant people in culture need to work on their language choices, re: a word that John chose. Unless you are also John (who knows! It’s the internet) it was not about you.
I’m a rape victim that been very public about her experience in an effort to help others and works on things to help others. I get strangers sending me things telling me to go kill myself and how I deserved it all the time. Seriously grow a thicker skin if this shit that isn’t really is bothering you. Jesus.
Since when is defending yourself against a blatantly false accusation “narcissistic”?
@Chris Oakley
No one else thinks anything that’s been said outside posts @’ing you or quoting you are about you except for you. You really need to take a break and get some distance and perspective. I’ve let David know what’s up, as well, because I have a feeling you’re going to keep escalating.
But seriously, give yourself a break from this place, it’s obviously distressing you, and that doesn’t sound healthy for you.
Because it was neither Blatant or a false accusation. you just think your the center of this thread and that eddie couldn’t possibly be talking about someone else or a group. No it has to be you, oh so special snow flake.
Chris, just fuck off already.
Not only do I say “all men” when I mean Chris Oakley, but I also say “Chris Oakley” when I’m referring to all men. This confuses my friends and family, but I am deeply committed to the bit.
When the “accusation” was a clearly general comment and not about you?
Ok so im gonna say something that is relatively meaninglesss, but has anybody noticed that our non-troll tantrum meltdowns have been by men? I remember a few flounces here a there by all genders, but the most extreme and ANGRY have been dudes. But i could be wrong.