a woman is always to blame empathy deficit entitled babies evil fat fatties gender policing men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny racism

“Feminized vegans” leave the UK open to immigrant infiltration, and other barmy insights from Daily Mail readers

By David Futrelle

The Daily Mail is famous for its uniquely British mixture of judgy prurience and good old-fashioned xenophobia. So naturally the comments section of its online edition is home to some of the worst takes the internet has to offer.

The other day I was introduced to a Twitter account that catalogs the worst of these terrible takes. Specifically, to this tweet, which I obviously needed to share with you all:

Bad science and racism, two terrible tastes that taste extra terrible together! And the misspelling of “testosterone” as “tostesterone” is … chef’s kiss!

Also, I’m pretty sure most French people aren’t vegan.

But this tweet is only the top of the iceberg. Here are some other, well, illuminating insights on assorted gender-related issues that The DM Reporter has plucked from the vast wasteland of the Daily Mail comments.

This final tweet really doesn’t have anything to do with gender but I feel sort of bad for the Daily Mail’s Russian Misery correspondent

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5 years ago


It was tone deaf as fuck and entirely inappropriate for this space.

words mean things

I think if you really want to distance yourself from the toxic ideologies it would be a good idea to and drop some of the MRA jargon from your language. For example, words like “provoked,” “soyboy” “Chad” “game” etc. are always going to be red flags for people, especially in feminist spaces like this forum. It makes you sound like you think the ideas still have some legitimacy, even when you put them in quotes and/or claim to not agree with their premises.

5 years ago


I do think it is good for men to take care of themselves and “game” their wives to help maintain attraction.

is super gross. If you feel the need to manipulate your partner to convince them into having sex with you, there’s a serious issue.

Ops, I didn’t consider he could possibly mean that, but yeah, something didn’t sound good about “game” and “maintain attraction”, but I thought he was past that and maybe ingenuously I interpreted it as, well, ironic, once again and about feeling sexy and desired by taking care about oneself and not letting go, although it’s also great to do that for oneself first. So, in part, as a reverse stereotype, making an effort to make oneself attractive for his partner, maintain her attraction to him alive, at least in the look “department”. He could be meaning just that, then and it wouldn’t be manipulative, but the irony attempt might be a hidden need to find something vaguely positive in the wide meaning of the “game” concept.

Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
5 years ago

I do think it is good for men to take care of themselves and “game” their wives to help maintain attraction.

My take on this is…

“They say time takes a toll on a body
makes the young one’s brown hair turn gray
honey I don’t care, I ain’t in love with your hair
and if it all fell out, I’d love you anyway”

Chris Oakley
Chris Oakley
5 years ago

@Weird Eddie

Don’t you fucking dare lump me in with those abusers, you asshole.

5 years ago

@Chris Oakley
Are you #notallmen -ing up in here?

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

@Weird Eddie

Don’t you fucking dare lump me in with those abusers, you asshole.

comment image?itemid=4331503

Chris Oakley
Chris Oakley
5 years ago


C’mon, it’s not like I can afford to keep quiet when someone takes a blatant and unprovoked personal attack against me. This proves that I was right two weeks ago when I said escalation is the only appropriate way to deal with these situations.

Chris Oakley
Chris Oakley
5 years ago


He implied I was an abuser.

Crip Dyke
5 years ago

Do you think it’s okay to hit someone who used words in a way that hurt your feelings? It seems like you might believe that since you say this:

I was right two weeks ago when I said escalation is the only appropriate way to deal with these situations.

“Escalate” doesn’t have to mean from verbal argument to physical violence, but it sure seems that way from this context.

Chris Oakley
Chris Oakley
5 years ago

@Crip Dyke:

Eddie took a blatant, intentional, vicious, and unprovoked cheap shot against me. There was absolutely no way I could afford to let it go.

5 years ago


Could you please quote what weird eddie said that lumped you in with abusers, some of us are confused

5 years ago


Sugar what are you on about?

5 years ago

I’ve never heard this name, but Chris Oakley seems to be very worried he might be mistaken for an abuser. Odd.

Chris Oakley
Chris Oakley
5 years ago


Here ya go.


He may not have specifically mentioned me by name, but to anyone with two good eyes, half a brain, and a basic command of English it’s blindingly obvious this little gem was directed against me personally.

Chris Oakley
Chris Oakley
5 years ago


Once again, everybody and their second cousin around here is trying to make me the bad guy.


Well, who wouldn’t be defensive in the wake of that verbal assault Eddie threw in my face?

5 years ago


I guess a hit dog hollers

Jk, or not. Lol

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

He may not have specifically mentioned me by name, but to anyone with two good eyes, half a brain, and a basic command of English it’s blindingly obvious this little gem was directed against me personally.

How on earth is that blindingly obvious?

5 years ago


Do you think that statement angers the other male-identified people here? It DOES say ALL MEN.

Do you think that you are angry about something else and decided to cause a scene so that you can flounce? Perhaps telling us off instead of the person/people that upset you irl?

Chris Oakley
Chris Oakley
5 years ago


I’m guessing you’ve had it easy your entire life and never once had to put up with any kind of insults, because otherwise you’d know that I had no choice but to defend myself against Eddie’s attack on me.

Jesalin: Clit-o-centric Lesbian Goddess
Jesalin: Clit-o-centric Lesbian Goddess
5 years ago

TIL that “ALL MEN” specifically refers to Chris Oakley. Am…am I the only one just now finding this out?

Chris Oakley
Chris Oakley
5 years ago


Well, can you think of a single person here who’s had to put up with more rhetorical assaults than I have the last two weeks? He couldn’t possibly be talking about anybody BUT me. This is nothing more or less than a continuation of the smear campaign against me that started two weeks ago.

5 years ago


Yep. Never had it hard. Never had a barrage of insults by misogynistic men thrown at me almost daily my whole life.

I guess being called a stupid fucking cunt is a ok.

Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Intergalactic Meanie
Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Intergalactic Meanie
5 years ago

OT: shooting at the University of North Carolina. Two confirmed dead; three more critical as of right now.

Suspect in custody, but no word yet as to motive.


5 years ago

@Chris Oakley

I was right two weeks ago

Nobody knows what you’re talking about dude (it’s also possible nobody cares.)

5 years ago


Maybe go take a bubble bath or something. You kind of freaking out over nothing.