By David Futrelle
Remember this guy? Once upon a time, Paul Elam, founder of the misogynistic hate site A Voice for Men and once one of the world’s more (in)famous Men’s Rights activists, was a mainstay in the virtual pages of We Hunted the Mammoth.
Then the Men’s Rights movement in general, and Elam in particular, was upstaged by even more reprehensible misogynist movements from Gamergate to the alt-right. In 2016, having trouble raising money to keep his site and himself going, Elam naturally declared victory and announced he was retiring from the Men’s Rights activism industry.
In 2017, he unretired, but he’s never regained his former, er, glory. Still, he soldiers on. He continues to post videos on YouTube on his A Near for Men An Ear for Men channel. He offers $120 an hour “consulting” services via Skype to men on such subjects as “relationship issues” (he has no training as a therapist), “divorce strategies” (he’s not a lawyer) and “diabetes management” (he’s not a doctor). And he continues to share his “Red Pill” wisdom on Facebook and Twitter, the latter of which he’s returned to on a new account despite being permabanned some time ago.
So why am I even bringing him up? Well, I ran across this recent, uh, insight from him and I thought I should share it with you.

MRAs claim to care about abused men, but don’t actually do anything to help them in any tangible way, like setting up hotlines or shelters. (The only shelter for men in the US was set up by a feminist Domestic Violence organization that MRAs once tried to defund.) Instead, MRAs post shit like this, conflating actual abusive behavior by women with, well, women expecting to be treated with a modicum of consideration by their male partners.
But of course “wisdom” like this resonates with Elam’s remaining fans.

A veritable Algonquin Round Table here, huh?
I scrolled back a little on his Twitter, and found a couple more #RedPillRelationships pearls from ol’ Paul:
So thoughtful, so wise!
In case you’re wondering — I was — Elam’s A Voice for Men continues, though it’s not altogether clear who’s involved in running it these days. It squeezes out a few articles a week, which seem to consist of turgid exegeses of “gynocentrism” alternating with the sort of outrage-bait AVFM used to be semi-famous for.
Paul himself contributes from time to time. In February, for example, he wrote a 64-word post titled “A message to Democrats from Paul Elam and A Voice for Men” in which he declared that anyone voting for a Democrat is
literally voting for the murder of children. Given that, it is the editorial position of A Voice for Men that you should have been aborted, you degenerate Nazi fuck.
Other recent posts on the site have included such gems as:

And then there are all of … these.

I have no idea what’s going on with these, or why there are so many of them, but I don’t care enough to read any of them to find out.
So, big congratulations to Paul Elam and to A Voice for Men for continuing to exist, I guess, despite there being no real need for either or you.
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Men are the ones who have had and in places (like Russia iirc) still do have the sole right to beat their wives as a gendered law.
And almost assigned-female person and/or woman who had reported on a man who hit them can tell you – lots of people, especially people like cops, do not care or believe you
I’m sorry for what you went through, and I’m sorry about your son. Still doesn’t excuse your misogyny. TBH I think you should look for a trauma-informed therapist – good ones are hard to find, but worth it. It seems to me like you probably have PTSD informing your worldview towards women, in ways that are directly harmful to others, and you really need to start seeing and changing that.
And yes, I also have friends with BPD. Not everyone with it gets that abusive, or stays so. Like with bipolar disorder (which I also have rather a lot of experiences with), the experiences and the humans are all different.
BTW I notice you have a habit of using good things you’ve done to justify bad ones. Stop doing that. It is not a realistic way of looking at things, and it’s a very common and harmful behavior pattern for abusers.
If Doug is still here, I would be very interested to know *where* he “helped abolish the death penalty. Because with the references to an Ivy League school and then helping 300 prisoners on Florida’s death row, it sounds like he’s in the US. Which still has the death penalty at the federal level, along with a few states. Florida among them. My home state uses it on an all too regular basis.
They send birthday cards to death row inmates??
Is it weird that I find that… disturbing? “Hey, Happy Birthday, person who hasn’t been killed (yet) by the state!”
These two affirmations, though,
Are at odds! Plus the latter happens regularly to women.
Late to the party, but this drives me nuts.
No, narcissistic personality disorder is not the “male” version of BPD. They are two separate disorders, within the same cluster.
Why you need to paint people with BPD as dangerous, based on one bad experience, is beyond me. Seems to be popular with MRAs though, every “crazy” ex they ever had gets diagnosed with BPD.