By David Futrelle
As you may have heard, YouTube shitlord Carl Benjamin — known as Sargon of Akkad, though he’s actually from Swindon — recently made his debut as a candidate for the European Parliament running on the racist UK Independence Party (UKIP) ticket. And it went alt-great, by which I mean the opposite of great.
First “Sargon” — a genuinely terrible person who originally found internet fame as a #Gamergater — got into a bit of trouble when confronted about an old tweet of his suggesting that he “wouldn’t even rape” a certain female Parliament Member; instead of apologizing he responded to questions by calling the MP a “bitch.”
Meanwhile, freelance internet archivists have been digging up recordings of some of the terrible things he’s said over the years on Youtube, like this froth-mouthed rant blaming feminism for Elliot Rodger’s misogyny-fueled murder spree.
And this creepy defense of pedophilia “on a case by case basis.”
Oh, and Buzzfeed News reported that Mr. Akkad has been sending supporters who want to join his campaign online to a Nazi-infested Discord server.
It’s hard to imagine any of this winning over the voting public, but Sargon’s “bitch” comments are certainly playing well with the internet shitposter crowd.
On Gab, his fans are even less restrained.

And YouTube of course continues to be a cesspool. These are comments on a Sargon video defending his defense of his rape tweet and calling the press “dirty smear merchants” — a phrase many of his fans took to be a reference to Jews.

While Sargon of UKIP seems to be a big hit with the shitlords overall, ‘s still on the outs with a lot of alt-righists — at one point he started a feud of sorts with the more overtly Nazi types that involved him sending interracial gay porn to them — and so there are probably more posts out there describing him as a “cuck” than there are calling him a “chad.”
But hey, the campaign is still young, and he could well win over a portion of his neo-Nazi critics with some new unhinged rant.
Too bad for him — but good for the rest of us — that most of his online fans live outside the UK and can’t vote for him.
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Obviously, everyone needs to vote their conscience. But, anytime you refuse to vote for the lesser of two evils, you become much more likely to get the worse evil.
@Ooglyboggles If I had to vote anyone, I would only support two political parties from now on: Pirate Party UK (who have no presence where I live) and the Green Party, neither of whom have influence in mainstream politics.
Is it wrong that I’ve never heard of this guy?
Following their calamitous showing in the 2017 general election, UKIP is pretty much a busted flush in UK politics. They’ve had no fewer than four leaders since Farage quit after the referendum, most of whom became famous/notorious for reasons other than their stewardship of the party – for instance, the third one (Henry somebody) left his wife for a girlfriend who turned out to be a frothing racist, while the second one’s marked physical resemblance to Adrian Edmondson was gleefully exploited by Edmondson himself, who claimed that he was trying out a new comedy character but wasn’t sure whether or not he was especially convincing.
And now under Gerard Batten they’ve gone full-on racist/Islamophobic, forming alliances with people and picking Parliamentary candidates that even Farage wouldn’t touch. Which, given the kind of people that he actually did choose to associate with, is saying something. It’s worth noting that Batten, far from condemning Carl Benjamin’s comments, has been vigorously defending him.
So I’m pretty confident that they’ll be walloped by Farage’s Brexit Party at the EU elections, hopefully to the point where they fail to pass the threshold for getting any MEPs at all.
Must be a great day in British history when a real political party actually puts up as candidates a pair of obnoxious internet dipshits known primarily by stupid self-aggrandizing pseudonyms. I look forward to the candidacies of xXxKillLORD6669xXx and TheGalaxyBrainGamer.
Watching Kristy and Kevin Logan break down the press conference was surreal. It’s obvious that Benjamin has some serious baggage when it comes to the stuff he’s said on Twitter, but he’s still trying to do the Trump thing and intimidate the press. I have a feeling Carl will be in for a rude awakening on that score, because the British press is not as gormless and access-obsessed as the American press. They don’t have illusions of being Woodward and Bernstein; those were drilled out of them by umpteen Rupert Murdoch mergers.
Carl also lacks the honed swagger that Trump’s been channelling for decades. He just comes off like if the smug host of a WWII documentary got really whiny about video games.
Speaking of video games, I got the first half of my 7th Guest Let’s Play recorded. I’m going to finish it up either tonight or tomorrow night and do some sound editing to remove lip smacks, but I’ll keep my occasional ers and ums as the pacing allows it to be a little more conversational and “do this, do this, let’s go here.” I’ve also got some supplementary images to include. As I mention in the recording, I had to attempt the recording about 5 or 6 times after my cheap headset mic sounded terrible and OSB had problems recording the video on the game window, but I finally ironed things out and used my USB mic which sounds a lot better.
So stay tuned, folks!
Good grief.
Assorted reactions:
1. Carl Benjamin and his followers continue to suck.
2. Is Ashley Williams an NCP? Seriously, his tweet sounds like an AI took a bunch of manosphere/shitposter cliches and strung them together.
3. Does Gab has any rules or oversight? I know, they’re Nazi Twitter, but Amicus Tenebrous made a blatant death threat. The cops should talk to him before he can carry it out.
4. @Scanisaurus: Haven’t seen the Das Boot series (or the original movie for that matter), but it sounds like the writing is morally reprehensible and everyone involved should have known better.
One thing I forgot. rv97, which show are you talking about?
@personalpest Winx Club. There are other reasons why I like it though, and they’re usually outside the scope of the problematic seasons/episodes in many cases.
@rv97: Thanks! I did some research at TV Tropes and found this:
It’s back and arguably worse with an eighth season (currently only available in Italian), because of two of the main characters being whitewashed. I think the series went to shit for me since Season 5, as Nickelodeon didn’t seem to care for the show’s world building and character development IMO (they had part of the authorship rights to Seasons 5 and 6 of the series).
The press will eat Carl alive. Unlike Trump he doesn’t have the means to pay them off.
He’s a nobody who managed to catch the right reactionary wave (GG) that pushed him into youtube stardom.
But the vast majority of people had no clue who he is before he was announced as a UKIP candidate.
He has raked in a fair amount of cash so far, but I wouldn’t bet on there being much left.
Hence this desperate ploy to remain relevant.
@ Scanisaurus
That’s some awful shit. Thanks for the heads-up.
@ Anonymous
“Wouldn’t even rape you” is short hand for women are only good for sex and ugly women aren’t even good for that and should be grateful for any sex that they can get, even if it is rape. He’s basically saying that she’s ugly and worthless. Yuck.
The original 1981 movie (and the original TV series, which is essentially a significantly extended cut) doesn’t bear even the tiniest resemblance to the description above. This cannot be stressed enough, because the last thing I’d want to see is what is easily one of the most important German films of the last half-century tainted by association.
I agree, and I’m frustrated too that whenever I’ve tried to explain why I hate the new series, everyone go “What, the 1980’s movie?”.
Also, I tried writing another lengthier comment explaining more of my thoughts before, did it get eaten somehow?
My thoughts exactly, the shy doofus raping a sex slave and continuing being portrayed as just a shy confused boy rewarded with a pep talk afterwards, the resistance leader literally telling a german officer the only difference between them is that the resistance is on the winning side, and Jews asking germans to shoot them in a mainstream TV-series that got greenlit by multiple studios all feels like an insane joke, but it’s real.
None in my vicinity ever considered watching the show in the first place, but the few reviews I have seen online have been kind of alarming. From the reviews on IMDb the series actually got a 7.5 out of 10 score, several German TV awards and people praising it for it’s “realism” and those who didn’t were complaining that the series was pandering to SJW’s?!! because it featured female characters, never mind the fact that all said female characters were either there to show their boobs, get raped and die right afterwards, or part of a bad love triangle . Seriously, there is a lesbian romance between a female german and the female resistance leader, but the resistance leader is shown to be an unhinged and drug-addicted maniac who ends up killed thanks to her lover betraying her after thinking she’s gone too far, and added with the casual rape and killing of the Jewish refugees, this is not a progressive show!
I feel like I’m insane for being the only one who’s actually watched the full show and coming out thinking it’s the most misogynistic thing I’ve ever seen whilst everyone is either singing it’s praise or saying it was bad because it was too progressive. I’m actually thinking of posing a negative IMDb review, but at the same time, I’m worried that if I start a throwaway account, it won’t stay a throwaway and I’ll get sucked in wasting tons of time on writing too long post on every single movie I see (I’m already having trouble restraining myself here).
I’m also a bit worried of getting nasty replies from fanboys and anti-SJWs, and I’m wondering if anyone here has any previous experience with IMDb and can tell me weather people can PM other users or write comments on their reviews there?
So it currently seems like all the stuff I wrote did get eaten. Half an hour of writing in vain. 🙁
Just asking, am I doing something wrong on my part here or does anyone know why the comment I posted didn’t show up or why I couldn’t edit the one I just posted?
Contact david, sometimes he can find it. 🙂
Wasn’t Sargon supposed to be a “centrist”, “liberal” or “social democrat” or “fairly leftist” according to all those people who keep telling me he’s not like every other fascist-adjacent bullshit artist on the web?
He has often mentioned being a classical liberal throughout his videos, but has also mentioned about being ashamed to be one, because of “the regressive left”. Now, the last I’ve heard from him, the YT comments section was full of anti-Semitism for no clear reason (unless I’ve missed out some videos of him talking about Jews in any capacity).
Yeah, wordpress has been weird about long comments and edit windows this past couple weeks.
Email David and he can probably find it.
Maybe next WordPress behind the scenes update will help fix the comments?
Scanisaurus, sometimes the spam filter acts up and eats comments, and it ate yours. I let through the most recent one you posted as the others seemed to be the same.
Also I found some posts by other people in the trash even though I didnt put them there — yet another weird wordpress glitch. They should be up as well, tho a couple of them were a bit older.
If something you try to post here doesn’t go up, email me about it!
Sometimes WordPress seems to be like the old joke about the dancing bear in the circus. People don’t applaud the bear because it dances well, people applaud because frankly it’s amazing it manages to dance at all.
“Classical liberal”=crypto fascist.