alt-right anti-Semitism literal nazis racism Uncategorized vox day

Can you find all the Nazi buzzwords in Vox Day’s recent denunciation of Jewish humor?

Vox Day performing at the Giggle Bunker in Berlin

By David Futrelle

Here’s a fun little challenge! See how many antisemitic buzzwords used by the literal Nazis you can find in this denunciation of Jewish humor from our old pal, racist, woman-hating fantasy author Theodore “Vox Day” Beale!

What passes for Jewish so-called humor isn’t funny at all. I’ve never found Mel Brooks, Jerry Seinfeld, Larry David, Sarah Silverman, Adam Sandler, Gene Wilder, or Lenny Bruce to be even modestly amusing. Jewish “humor” is nothing more than a degenerate combination of whining, moral and cultural transgressivism, narcissistic posturing, and sexual obsession. It’s so relentlessly stupid that it is borderline retarded. …

The reason that comedy is dying is because it was taken over by subversives, and subversives are intrinsically parasitical in nature. They can’t build, create, or even sustain anything on their own. It’s like trying to maintain the financial sector on the basis of nothing except finance.

I found “degenerate,” “parasitical” and “finance.” Did I miss any? How many did you find?

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5 years ago

What comedy does he like?

5 years ago

Hey, don’t talk shit about Man Getting Hit By Football! It works on so many levels!

Not familiar with Carrot Top and Dane Cook – are they bigoted assholes? Or just plain not funny?

5 years ago

@Brian M:

The rest of Vox Day’s bullshit is just that. Antisemitic bullshit. It is not anti-Semitic, however, to be extremely skeptical of the Vampire Squid economy.

If one were writing about the economy, sure. But this was a piece about comedy. The analogy about the finance sector was not a natural fit. It was clumsily shoe-horned in there, so why do you think he chose that particular analogy?

5 years ago

I like how he talks about Jewish humor as a monolith then lists a bunch of comedians with fairly different senses of humor mostly linked only in the fact that they are Jewish.

5 years ago

@Rabid Rabbit
In this context, I think cutlets might be referring to breast pads. They’re called cutlets cause they kinda look like chicken cutlets, and it makes more sense that they’d be in a Hollywood setting, and that the target would link them to being “small-breasted”.

5 years ago

@ Pie

I guess writing actual books that are better than the ones they’re complaining about is too hard, or something.

Ha! Unfortunately, some of them do try to write, such as the anthology Forbidden Thoughts.

Rabid Rabbit
Rabid Rabbit
5 years ago

@Silky, reggie, Bakunin

Thank you. That makes a great deal more sense. I was quite unaware of that meaning of the word.

I suppose that if I’d thought a bit harder about it, the fact she didn’t specify what type of meat the cutlets were might have made me think to look the word up. I did wonder about the smell…

5 years ago

Is it weird that I’m vaguely (and vicariously) insulted that Vox didn’t include Jon Stewart in his list?

5 years ago


which comedians does he find funny?

2006-era Michael Richards?
Bernard Manning?
Jim Davidson?

5 years ago

Mel Brooks? Gene Wilder? Theo’s comedy sense is broken. Also, how did Woody Allen not make the list?

5 years ago

Nazis dislike Jewish comics who punch up. No surprise there.

Here’s a piece about Kurt Tucholsky in the NYT: Giving a Satirist of the Third Reich the Last Laugh. Tucholsky was an influential journalist and satirist in Weimar Germany, who warned about the rise of Nazism, and was an early victim of their censorship. The end of the article is poignant:

After taking power in 1933, the Nazis burned Tucholsky’s books and stripped him of his citizenship. When the Institute for the Study of the Jewish Question published “The Jews in Germany” in 1935, Tucholsky rated 23 pages, more than any other writer. That year, living in exile in Sweden, he took a fatal overdose of drugs, despondent over the collapse of democracy and his own lot, at 45.

“I am slowly going crazy from reading how I have ruined Germany,” he wrote to a friend. “For 20 years, I have been pained by one thing — that I have not been able to succeed in removing one policeman from his post.”

So maybe VD and his ilk should take heart. While “degenerate” and “subversive” comics might appear to be thorns in the side of authoritarian regimes, it’s not clear from history that this does much to brake their progress.

5 years ago


So I read up on the Superversive movement, and what qualifies as Superversive, and, uh, you guys want Tolkien. Like, that’s basically what they’re angling at. Not that there’s anything wrong with that! I personally love Tolkien and his ilk. But let’s not pretend “superversive” (i.e. epic fantasy and prose) is some new much-needed genre. There’s still a plethora of it out there, I promise you.

5 years ago

Blazing Saddles is one of the funniest movies ever.

Yes. One of them.

Personally, I’d rank it at not quite the level of The Producers.

Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
5 years ago

nothing more than a degenerate combination of whining, moral and cultural transgressivism, narcissistic posturing, and sexual obsession. It’s so relentlessly stupid

I would suggest that this quote characterizes every mainstream white male comic I’ve heard for three decades.

I’m really not a fan of comedy, at least not mainstream comedy. I do like comedians who punch up, tho.

I have an interesting relationship with Blazing Saddles… I saw it at the drive-in when it was new, laughed till I cried. Saw it again a couple years ago at the oldies theater… it seemed to be a monument to jokes that are only funny once….

Moon Custafer
Moon Custafer
5 years ago

@Buttercup, Cindy:

Hey, don’t talk shit about Man Getting Hit By Football! It works on so many levels!

George C. Scott was a genius!

5 years ago


I think he misses his glory days as a Hugo-Award-wrecker.

Good point. The Manosphere movement has been around long enough that it’s spawned a whole bunch of has-beens: Vox, Roosh, Milo, Paul Elam, Aurini & Owen, and probably others I can’t remember. Once prominent, they’ve all either vanished from the scene or are still piddling around on the margins, pathetically scrambling to regain their relevance.

Eldridge the Cleaver
Eldridge the Cleaver
5 years ago

Vox Day is the quintessential example of a political anti-semite, namely a mediocre middle-class white guy with way too much time on his hands that can’t seem to accept his mediocrity.

Actual writers that have succeeded (Scalzi, Martin, Jemisin, etc.) don’t generally spend hours upon hours a day ranting about how Jews are demeaning them. They actually work and produce real stuff.

Lyndon B. Johnson’s quote about the very best coloured man is applicable to Voxie.

Professor Fate
Professor Fate
5 years ago

Rather surprised he left the Marx Brothers off his list or perhaps doesn’t he watch Black and White movies. Still it’s an uncountable lapse of bad taste.

Crip Dyke
Crip Dyke
5 years ago

Jewish “humor” is nothing more than a degenerate combination of whining, moral and cultural transgressivism, narcissistic posturing, and sexual obsession.

Transgressing moral and cultural norms just to be seen transgressing them?
Narcissistic posturing?
Sexual obsession?

I know that he’s referencing some specific Jews by name, but isn’t this the entire schtick of shock jocks like Howard Stern? Why didn’t he start and end his list with Stern? Let me guess: that’s the one Jew whose jokes he likes.

5 years ago

They seem to think the *subject matter* is what makes fiction good – that writing about epic space battles between galactic empires is *better* than writing about one man’s life, or about what one woman thinks during a visit to the hospital to see her boyfriend. Their mental age, as far as literature is concerned, seems about 14.

5 years ago

They actually work and produce real stuff.

I mean, Beale does regularly publish books. I doubt they’re particularly good (though honesty compels me to admit that I’ve obviously never read any of them), and he doesn’t appear to sell all that many, but I’ll give him credit for being a fairly productive person.

He’s a weird guy. I suspect he would be considerably more successful if he wasn’t such a repulsive personality.

Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
5 years ago

middle-class white guy with way too much time on his hands that can’t seem to accept his mediocrity

“… Lord, give me the mediocrity of a mediocre white guy”

5 years ago

I’ll go out and say it, I don’t find Adam Sandler movies funny either, but that’s exactly because he stopped trying to be subversive and relied on the same tired and demeaning stereotypes in all of his movies. Though you’d think these types would like movies that glorify a guy acting like an obnoxious manbaby yet still always lives a luxurious lifestyle and gets rewarded with a hot woman at the end of the movie.

5 years ago

Scanisaurus – well, in fairness to Sandler, that seems to be the story of many Hollywood celebrities in real life….

Seriously, though, no fan of Sandler, but at least the man-child who gets the girl and the money inevitably turns out to be only *superficially* a jerk, and underneath it a decent person.

Unlike incels, who might look like misogynistic jerks b/c they are.

MissEB47 (Resident Rainbow Lorikeet and Beak Typist)
MissEB47 (Resident Rainbow Lorikeet and Beak Typist)
5 years ago

Silky, reggie, Bakunin-thanks for that information, I was confused as well. I literally thought they put lamb cutlets in her locker! I was thinking, why would anyone do that and how would that lead to her getting breast implants? Now that I know what they are, I know how cruel that ‘prank’ was. That poor girl. ?