alt-right anti-Semitism literal nazis racism Uncategorized vox day

Can you find all the Nazi buzzwords in Vox Day’s recent denunciation of Jewish humor?

Vox Day performing at the Giggle Bunker in Berlin

By David Futrelle

Here’s a fun little challenge! See how many antisemitic buzzwords used by the literal Nazis you can find in this denunciation of Jewish humor from our old pal, racist, woman-hating fantasy author Theodore “Vox Day” Beale!

What passes for Jewish so-called humor isn’t funny at all. I’ve never found Mel Brooks, Jerry Seinfeld, Larry David, Sarah Silverman, Adam Sandler, Gene Wilder, or Lenny Bruce to be even modestly amusing. Jewish “humor” is nothing more than a degenerate combination of whining, moral and cultural transgressivism, narcissistic posturing, and sexual obsession. It’s so relentlessly stupid that it is borderline retarded. …

The reason that comedy is dying is because it was taken over by subversives, and subversives are intrinsically parasitical in nature. They can’t build, create, or even sustain anything on their own. It’s like trying to maintain the financial sector on the basis of nothing except finance.

I found “degenerate,” “parasitical” and “finance.” Did I miss any? How many did you find?

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5 years ago

Hasn’t comedy traditionally been subversive?

Brian M
Brian M
5 years ago

Does serious skepticism about the transformation of the American economy into a shell game of financial speculation make me anti-Semitic? Look at the ongoing retail apocalypse…in almost every case, it is private equity firms swooping in, extracting fees, loading the shell up with debt, then looting and liquidating.

The rest of Vox Day’s bullshit is just that. Antisemitic bullshit. It is not anti-Semitic, however, to be extremely skeptical of the Vampire Squid economy.

5 years ago

I may or may not want to know, but which comedians does he find funny?

Alexis Filth
5 years ago

You can include the sexual obsession thing. Nazis loved claiming Jews were sexual deviants IIRC.

Also, why the christ do all these scuzzballs change their names?

5 years ago

@Alexis Filth

Didn’t the Nazi’s use sexual torture a lot? Or am I thinking of something else?

5 years ago

Huh. The man has no taste. IMHO, Blazing Saddles is one of the funniest movies ever.

5 years ago

Sexual deviance and that very subtle reference to finance, as we’re all rolling in Jew Gold, you know. Narcissism, because we’re the Chosen People and thus think we’re superior to everyone else. Whining, especially for Jewish women, because Jewish women are supposed to be nagging, relentless bitches who are only interested in money and plastic surgery (see: narcissism). And not just parasitical, but the idea that Jews can’t create anything of our own, we just steal and warp Teh Brilliance of White Western Males. Cultural transgression, because we pollute the racial and cultural purity of white society.

When you’ve been treated like a dog your whole life, you know how to hear those whistles, loud and clear.

And all this the day before Pesach starts, no less. What a gift Pox Day is, truly. Maybe he ought to be on the list of plagues for our seder this year…

5 years ago

Brian M:

While it’s quite right to be skeptical of finance, antisemites frequently believe that “the Jews” are in complete control of the financial sector and essentially run the world’s economy for our own benefit. For the record, we don’t; Haredei Jews in America (the ones who are most obviously Jewish to random passers-by) are among our nation’s poorest demographics.

5 years ago

target in “scare quotes”


5 years ago

Blazing Saddles is one of the funniest movies ever.

Also the Inquisition number from The History of the World Part I.

5 years ago

There’s sort of a weak stereotype of Jewish women as lustful temptresses, so maybe “sexual obsession” qualifies. Also “subversives” as a noun.

I think that’s it. Vox is becoming a boring tryhard. I think he misses his glory days as a Hugo-Award-wrecker.

5 years ago

He’s degenerating in a certain sense. The Alt-Right people see a very short timeline for their ideas to be implemented. They kind of know their window of time is small, and that causes a lot of mental strain in my opinion.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
5 years ago

I may or may not want to know, but which comedians does he find funny?

Probably Dennis Miller or something.

Huh. The man has no taste. IMHO, Blazing Saddles is one of the funniest movies ever.

I’m more of a Young Frankenstein person, myself.

Rhuu - apparently an illiterati
Rhuu - apparently an illiterati
5 years ago

Omg but SPACEBALLS and men in tights!!!!!

I need to rewatch high an….xiety! Again. I’m not a huge hitchcock fan, so i think i just didn’t get it.

Also, i would like to rewatch silent movie.

Oh and i did love To Be Or Not To Be.

And the wedding singer from adam sandler, though i’m sure there will be bits that i rewatch and go ‘ummmmmm’???

Also, Gene Wilder?? Really??

comment image

5 years ago

I’m more of a Young Frankenstein person, myself.

That’s another of my favourites. 🙂

5 years ago

The evil jewish comedians are bankrupting the comedy sector. We need a stimulus package stat says Vox Day.

5 years ago

Whenever I’m depressed, I read Vox Day to remind myself how powerful we Jews are. But to all those world controlling Jews, where is my part of the action?!

5 years ago

Is it just me, or are Sandler and Sliverman the only vaguely current figures on that list? Half those comedians are dead, and the other half peaked 15-30 years ago. This is a chronic thing with nazis, whenever they rail against the supposed evils of the media, the media in question is wildly out of date.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
5 years ago

The reason that comedy is dying is because it was taken over by subversives

As long as sentences like this exist, comedy will never die.

I may or may not want to know, but which comedians does he find funny?

I’m guessing Carrot Top, Dane Cook, and “Man Getting Hit In Crotch With Football”.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
5 years ago

Put me down for ten bucks on Andrew Dice Clay.

Rabid Rabbit
Rabid Rabbit
5 years ago

There’s no open thread, so I’ll throw this request for elucidation here. I was reading an interview with Chloë Grace Moretz in which there’s mention of

a prank when she was 16 – someone left cutlets in her trailer – that led her to consider getting breast implants

I’m not always very good at working out how ridiculous gendered “jokes” work, and I’m not quire managing to parse this one, in that I don’t quite get the link between the “prank” and her reaction. Do the cutlets somehow imply that her breasts are as flat as they are? If so, how are you supposed to reach that interpretation? I mean, how do you make the leap from cutlets to breasts? Or do we have to assume there was some context, with people telling her she was small-chested often enough that the cutlets were clearly referring to that?

Seriously, I’m too baffled to even work up the energy to be outraged at someone doing that to a 16-year-old (or anyone). Assuming I’m interpreting it right, I don’t know what’s worse — that someone came up with such a bizarre idea of a prank or the fact it was successful.

5 years ago

@Rabid Rabbit

Cutlets are an informal way of referring to soft, removable breast “implants” that you can put on for a more ample bosom.

5 years ago

I don’t know if Vox considers himself part of it, but he has a number of writing friends who call themselves the “superversive movement” in opposition to all the subversion they think is ruining fiction. They’ve written a lot of articles on what that means (mostly right-wing, religious, anti-feminist, square-jawed heroics), but the media they claim is superversive reaches a point where it’s just “this is what I like.” I mean, I’ve seen someone on Vox’s Castalia Press claim Netflix’s A Series of Unfortunate Events program is superversive when the books were all about subverting children’s literature.

All the superverse guys tend to sound like this, although they usually try not to sound this antisemetic.

5 years ago


writing friends who call themselves the “superversive movement” in opposition to all the subversion they think is ruining fiction. They’ve written a lot of articles…

I guess writing actual books that are better than the ones they’re complaining about is too hard, or something.

reggie, the neighbour's cat and rare mutant
reggie, the neighbour's cat and rare mutant
5 years ago

@Rabid Rabbit

Cutlets (or chicken fillets) is the term for bra inserts to make your boobs look bigger. So someone left fake tits in her trailer, hence considering implants.

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