4chan alt-lite alt-right andrew anglin anti-Semitism bad history bad science crackpottery daily stormer dude you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about Dunning–Kruger effect eugenics irony alert literal nazis misogyny none dare call it conspiracy that's completely wrong

The Daily Stormer asks: Are the Jews secretly trying to absorb the DNA of CNN’s Brian Stelter?

Jamie and Brian Stelter

By David Futrelle

CNN media correspondent Brian Stelter, an amiable print-journalist-turned-TV-pundit, doesn’t seem like the sort of guy who would arouse a lot of public passion. But amongst those in Fox Nation and further right he’s hated for his (really rather mild) critiques of Donald Trump and his favorite TV network.

And so, as they so often do with many of the people they hate, Stelter’s anti-fans on the far right assume that he is both a radical and a Jew. The Right Wing blogger INCOG MAN has denounced him as a “total lefty idiot” and a “smiling Jew boy punk.”

On Gab, the Nazi-infested Twitter alternative, they are a little less polite, with one commenter classifying the CNN correspondent as “yet another Commie for Mommie Hillary” and another declaring him to be a “Conspiring Jew snake.”

Stelter, a moderate liberal who could only seem radical to someone whose mind is poisoned by Fox News or 4chan, was raised Methodist. But he got married to a Jewish woman in a Jewish ceremony, and the two are planning to raise their children Jewish. And while he hasn’t converted to Judaism, Stelter is now so steeped in Jewish culture that he has jokingly referred to himself as “Jew-ish.”

For some on the far right, that’s close enough to make it official.

“Brian Stelter is a Jew lover and most likely a k*ke himself,” a Gab user called Óðinn asserts.

Married to a k*kess and raises his kids Jewish. Says he was raised Methodist, but he looks ethnically Jewish. Lesson #1: If it looks like a Jew, acts like a Jew, and hangs around Jews, it’s most likely a Jew. Lesson #2: The media is comprised of mostly conniving k*kes who are either outright hooknosed rats, undercover Jews, or goys married to Jews.

Andrew Anglin, head boy at the Daily Stormer, has a rather more complex theory about Stelter. In a post today (link goes directly to the Daily Stormer) he ponders the marriage of this non-Jewish man with “one of the most Jewish faces I’ve ever seen” to a Jewish woman who Anglin believes is “completely out of his league.”

While Anglin thinks that Jamie Stelter, nee Shupak, a bubbly TV traffic reporter, “is not beautiful by any stretch, and … in fact very Jewish looking,” he’s also convinced that

her physical attractiveness level is quite obviously far beyond that of the gargoylesque Stelter, to the point where it is jarring to see them together as a couple.

Adding to Anglin’s puzzlement: Before he met his now-wife Jamie, “Stelter dated another Jewess, Nicole Lapin, who is also far outside of his own sex appeal range.”

Granted, Stelter isn’t what you’d call Mr. Glamour, but this seems a tad harsh. Regardless, Anglin sees this alleged huge discrepancy in what the pickup artists call Sexual Market Value between Stelter and his “Jewess” partners as something that needs an explanation, and he comes up with one. Well, two.

Either Stelter is a crypto-Jew or a partial Jew who ended up in a Christian family and then sought to reunite with the tribe, or he was picked out by the Jews to join the Jewish tribe because of his personal characteristics and behavior.

What Anglin is suggesting — as you’ll see more clearly in a moment — is that Stelter’s marriage could be, might be … part of a Jewish plot to incorporate the good DNA of successful goys into the Jewish bloodline. Naturally, Anglin is far more enamored of this explanation than he is of the boring old “crypto-Jew” thesis.

Western Jews have engaged in this practice of selective, strategic outbreeding for thousands of years, to the point where on average, less than half of their current DNA make-up comes from the Middle East.

For what it’s worth, while interfaith marriages between Jews and non-Jews have increased dramatically in recent years, historically they have been quite rare; a study of marriages in North America between 1654 and 1840 reported that only about 15 percent of the total were between Jews and Christians. The only “strategic outbreeding” going on is going on in Anglin’s fevered imagination.

Anglin continues:

Assuming Brian Stelter was a pure goy, he would be the perfect candidate for integration into the Jewish gene pool. He is relatively intelligent, he is ambitious and successful (he had started and sold a media company before he left college) …

If this all sounds a little bit gushing, especially coming from a Hitler-admiring neo-Nazin like Anglin, don’t worry, the anti-Semitism is about to return with a vengeance.

… and he is completely lacking in any kind of moral fortitude and is willing to tell destructive lies to millions of people for money without blinking or blushing.

Actually, that last bit is a much better description of Anglin’s idol Tucker Carlson than it is of Stelter. But never mind; Anglin isn’t done spinning out his theory just yet.

He is also physically repulsive.

And so you have the Jews sending him a series of Jewish women who are significantly beyond the level of attractiveness he would be able to achieve if he were simply out looking for women on his own. Eventually one of the women clicks, he is married, produces children, and now his genes belong to the Jewish tribe.

Wow. The people working for the Jewess Distribution Department of the Goy Gene Acquisition Division of the Worldwide Conspiracy of the Elders of Zion must be diabolically good at their jobs, because according to an article in Motherly, Brian asked Jamie out after seeing her do traffic reports on TV.

I mean, it’s kind of amazing that The Jews knew that by strategically placing her on a popular news program on a station reaching some two million homes she would be able to grab the attention of this one very particular viewer, and inspire him to tweet a note to the station’s morning news anchor asking if Jamie was single.

But hey, I’m sure that Anglin would readily admit that Jews are awfully clever, right?

Anglin finishes off his speculations with a nod to a couple of his favorite Nazis.

This process of absorbing the genetics of those they live amongst is fundamental to the Jewish people, and it is why while Adolf Hitler was referring to the Jews as a “race,” the more scientifically astute Alfred Rosenberg referred to them as a parasitic “anti-race.”

I don’t usually offer Truth Ratings for the nonsensical theories of neo-Nazis I write about on this blog, but I’m going to go ahead and give this one nine billion Pinocchios.

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Chris Oakley
Chris Oakley
5 years ago

@Paradoxical: Nope, pretty sure it’s Pie and Bakunin who are the bad guys here.

Full disclosure: I’ve been dealing with anxiety and depression for close to four years. So I’m not throwing anybody under the bus who doesn’t richly deserve it. And I think we can all agree alt righters deserve it.

I’ve been reading and posting here for….well, a long time with absolutely zero problems. So I find it disturbing– not to mention hypocritical –that I’m suddenly getting read the riot act.

5 years ago

@Chris Oakley, if it is still unclear, the issue seems to be that you recommended psychotherapy for Anglin, implying he is mentally ill rather than just an asshole. It’s a common way of thinking, that there must be something wrong with the brains of the evil, but it ends up contributing to the stigmatization of the actually mentally ill, so they are trying to break people of the habit here.

I was surprised by the vehemence of the response — The KND’s correction seems more appropriate — but it sounds as though you have done this before and have not taken the hint to modify your language. Hence people going straight for the throat. The escalation in your own response didn’t help.

Jesalin: Clit-o-centric Lesbian Goddess
Jesalin: Clit-o-centric Lesbian Goddess
5 years ago

@Chris Oakley: Uh, you DO realize we can go back and read what you said, right?

You keep violating the comments policy and throwing people with mental illnesses under the bus with bigoted assholes. That gets plenty of people’s hackles up, mine included as someone struggling with mental illness.

You’re not the victim here. You started this shit by attacking other people.

Your complete disregard for mentally ill people (and it IS disregard) is gross, it violates the comments policy, and is downright assholish.

You’re the asshole here. Not Pie. Not Bakunin. YOU.

I vote for David to ban your ass.


@Paradoxical: Nope, pretty sure it’s Pie and Bakunin who are the bad guys here.

Not in the slightest.

I’ve been reading and posting here for….well, a long time with absolutely zero problems. So I find it disturbing– not to mention hypocritical –that I’m suddenly getting read the riot act.

Zero problems, no. You’ve been told many times to stop linking garbage humans to mental illness. This is not coming out of nowhere.

5 years ago

@Paradoxical Intention – Resident Cheeseburger Slut:

Were is the panel from? It seems kind of familar.

@Chris Oakley:

This is not about trowing Andrew Anglin, Jordan Peterson, Donald Trump or Paul Elam under the buss. It’s about trowing mental ill people under the buss by trying to imply that those guys above are like them.

It is not that hard to understand.

One fuckof, doesn’t make a poster the vilain here. I find the reaction to Bakunin (not a nice post perhaps) exspecially strange, because imho there isn’t that much there, that was offensive.

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

Chris Oakley | April 14, 2019 at 10:21 am
@Paradoxical: Nope, pretty sure it’s Pie and Bakunin who are the bad guys here.

I mean, your bias would be strong here, but as someone viewing this from the outside: You are absolutely wrong, and your unwillingness to pull your head out of your own ass is really irritating.

Full disclosure: I’ve been dealing with anxiety and depression for close to four years. So I’m not throwing anybody under the bus who doesn’t richly deserve it. And I think we can all agree alt righters deserve it.

Newsflash: Being mentally ill doesn’t mean you can’t be an asshole, but someone who is an asshole is not automagically mentally ill. Which is the point we’re trying to make.

I’m someone who has been dealing with anxiety, depression, and PTSD for upwards of fifteen years, and I would think that someone with that mental cocktail would have a bit more empathy for others that share it, and would listen when they say something you said is harming them.

By insinuating that someone who is an asshole is mentally ill (especially when you’re not their personal doctor or know them personally and have spoken to this person about it) you’re “armchair diagnosing”, and that is actually quite dangerous.

You’re ignoring the bigotry, and just putting it on being mentally ill, which means that you’re insinuating that people who ARE mentally ill are also bigots, instead of attacking the bigotry and focusing on THAT.

That is where we take issue. That is what’s not okay. And that’s why I think you need to be banned, if only just temporarily so you can sort your shit out and maybe get some goddamn perspective.

I’ve been reading and posting here for….well, a long time with absolutely zero problems. So I find it disturbing– not to mention hypocritical –that I’m suddenly getting read the riot act.

You suddenly decided to break the comments policy repeatedly, double down on it, and you’re upset that people are calling you out for it???

How the fuck is that hypocritical that we would take issue with and call you out for saying gross shit now that you’ve decided to break the comments policy?

5 years ago

@Paradoxical Intention – Resident Cheeseburger Slut

Wow, that comic panel is like /r/beholdthemasterrace personified.

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

Who? | April 14, 2019 at 10:57 am
@Paradoxical Intention – Resident Cheeseburger Slut:

Were is the panel from? It seems kind of familar.

I believe it’s from a run of the comic Preacher. I couldn’t tell you what run or what issue though, I’ve never dipped into the series.

5 years ago

@Pie, that gif is great and it makes me happy.

5 years ago

Talonknife wrote:

I think Anglin just assumes that everyone else is secretly as destestable as he blatantly is, so any sort of couple must exist for political reasons because why else would two (in his mind) terrible people get together?

I’ve found that people who aren’t particularly self-aware or self-reflective tend to assume that everyone else is just like they are and so ascribe their own motives to others’ behavior.

Projection is a part of it, but it seems more overarching and fundamental to their understanding of the world.

5 years ago

@Chris Oakley
I’ve seen you do this repeatedly, and you’ve been referred to the comments policy everytime. And if there were any doubts, your response has cleared them right up.

I’ll admit it was aggressive, but not as aggressive as ignoring the comments policy, which is posted in a link above every comment thread you’ve done this in.

And I’m not your buddy

Cat Mara
Cat Mara
5 years ago

@Paradoxical Intention – Resident Cheeseburger Slut:

I believe it’s from a run of the comic Preacher. I couldn’t tell you what run or what issue though, I’ve never dipped into the series.

It is indeed from Preacher, from the story arc “Salvation” where Jesse Custer encounters a corrupt factory boss with Klan connections.

5 years ago

Okay, than I have probably only seen it somewhere, never have read Preatcher (Garth Ennis is not quite my cup of tea)

Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Intergalactic Meanie
Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen, Intergalactic Meanie
5 years ago


That panel – and the page it’s on – does get reblogged a fair bit, I’ve noticed. At least here on this blog, anyway. That may be where you’ve seen it before.

5 years ago

Brian Stelter doesn’t look like a gargoyle to me. Also he has beautiful teeth and smiles with them a lot. I bet Anglin doesn’t smile much.

Anglin is ridiculous and I can see how tempting it might be to think he has something wrong with his brain. But it’s not a mental illness it’s rampant Nazism and it was him who let that into his mind. He cultivated it by choice.

5 years ago

Well, if he’s married to a Jew and they have children, she *did* absorb his DNA. That is sort of the point of sexual reproduction. Everybody (except incels) had been doing it for about, oh, a billion years or so.

Citizen Justin
5 years ago

I don’t know anything about this Brian Stelter, but this isn’t the first time someone has exhibited frothing heights of rage over him, as this video demonstrates. It gets even more intense halfway in…


This link takes you to Salon BTW.

5 years ago

Cat Mara wrote:

It is indeed from Preacher, from the story arc “Salvation” where Jesse Custer encounters a corrupt factory boss with Klan connections

[TW for general sexual unsavoriness]

Is that the one with the giant sex doll made of raw meat?

Chris Oakley
Chris Oakley
5 years ago

@Deadstop: I didn’t escalate because I wanted to, I escalated because I had to. Pie and Bakunin left me no other options.

@Jesalin: They most definitely ARE the villains in this soap opera.

@Paradoxical: I’m not ignoring anything, dipshit.

@Bakunin: Quit trying to blame me for a war you and Pie started.

5 years ago


Is that the one with the giant sex doll made of raw meat?

Sure is.

5 years ago

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

Chris Oakley | April 14, 2019 at 2:06 pm
@Paradoxical: I’m not ignoring anything, dipshit.

Way to not read anything I actually wrote. Because I never claimed you were ignoring anything, dipshit.

Chris Oakley
Chris Oakley
5 years ago


@Nequam: I didn’t dig the hole, I was pushed into it.

5 years ago

@Chris Oakley
Stop digging. You started the aggression by saying something that stigmatizes mental health and by repeatedly ignoring requests to heed the comments policy. You were responded to in kind with mild aggression. You chose to escalate. There were many other options available to you, including following the damn comments policy.

5 years ago

Chris Oakley, ‘look what you made me do!’ is not a good look.

For what it’s worth, one of my sons was in therapy for ten years, and it wasn’t because he was an asshole. My other son is on anti-psychotic meds, and he’s one of the sweetest guys you’d ever hope to meet.

Anglin’s behavior can be adequately explained without recourse to ‘he needs psychotherapy’.

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

Chris Oakley | April 14, 2019 at 2:22 pm

Where did I do that? Quote me.