'bating #gamergate alt-lite alt-right anti-Semitism bad science crackpottery crank magnetism cuck entitled babies evil fat fatties homophobia infowars irony alert Islamophobia literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny NoFap none dare call it conspiracy oppressed white men rhymes with roosh soyboys transphobia

If you liked Roosh V’s “globohomo psyop” tweet, you’ll love these 22 OTHER tweets blaming “globohomos” for everything from the “trans agenda” to killer fungus

Roosh has become galaxy brained

By David Futrelle

Twitter is abuzz today with talk of “globohomo psyops” after discovering a tweet from our old friend Roosh V, the rapey pickup-artist-turned-crackpot-moralist, claiming that the first-ever black hole photo that took over the internet yesterday was some sort of “globohomo” hoax designed to make women look good.

No, really.

Roosh deleted this tweet, though he explained his, er, logic here in another tweet that’s still up.

But a screenshot of the “globohomo psyop” tweet has made it’s way around the internet, and quite a few have become instantly enamored of the phrase.

This is hardly the first time Roosh has inveighed against the alleged evils of globohomoism.

Sometimes he mixes and matches his conspiracy theories. Here he claims the Christchurch mosque shootings were an Israeli false flag designed to benefit the Jews and the globohomos at once.

In fact, Roosh has been going on about globohomoism for years now; I’ve even written about his globohomo fiaxtion a couple of times.

But the idea that evil globohomo forces rule the world is older than that. I’m not sure who originated this unique portmanteau word — a mashup of anti-Semitism and homophobia that supposedly stands for “global homogenization” — but I first ran across it on Chateau Heartiste, a blog written by an exceedingly racist pickup artist who’s been a friend of Roosh’s for something like a decade now — and who’s utterly obsessed with all things globohomo.

Now the term has been picked up not only by Roosh but by a wide assortment of alt-rightists and other shitposters.

So without further ado, here are are a bunch of other things that weirdo right-wing shitposters blame on the globohomos.

Killer fungus:

Wars to spread sodomy:

Fat women:

The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965:

High interest rates:

Poor character design in the videogame Borderlands 3:

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization:

The thwarting of this woman’s dream of living amongst goats:


Gay marriage, trans bathrooms and boycotting the NRA?

Socialism, yet also libertarianism:

Vegetables as food:

Soy lattes, and somehow also PayPal?

I guess this guy thinks that “lattes” rhymes with “states?”

Pot-smoking hippies:

“Homo harassment” and other gay stuff:

Garfield (the cat, not the president):

I have no idea what is even going on here:

I hope this all clears things up for you.

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5 years ago

I feel like I can almost understand that last tweet, but I still don’t get why the giant cube ship is landing on America.

Chris Oakley
Chris Oakley
5 years ago

Off-topic, but one of my local news stations just reported that an incel in Salt Lake City has confessed to plotting a mass shooting:

WHDH: Man angry about virginity pleads guilty to threatening women

Cat Mara
Cat Mara
5 years ago

@Chris Oakley: Having read that article, right now I am oscillating between weary horror, relief that an atrocity was averted, and sardonic amusement at the fact that the guy’s name is Chad, of all things.

Prith kDar
Prith kDar
5 years ago

@ Cat Mara:
That right there is going to make some incel heads explode. How can they throw all the praises at a Chad? I guess it helps them that he failed.

The golden cube up there reminds me of the alien landing on Tokyo in the anime Kado: The Right Answer. The yellow paper version over the US reminds me of the cheese in Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Neither really carries the sense of doom the author was going for I think.

5 years ago

So the first trailer for Star Wars ep IX was released today. I guess we’ll be seeing a lot of white man tears.

5 years ago

@Tovius: It’s supposed to be the New Jerusalem as described in Ezekiel and Revelation. The placement on the globe must be for scale. I have no idea WTF the tweet is supposed to be trying to say; it’s just word salad as far as I can tell.

Yutolia the Green Hash Pronoun Boner
Yutolia the Green Hash Pronoun Boner
5 years ago

@Cat Mara:

The guy’s name is actually Christopher W. Cleary. He’s from near where I live, so I’ve been hearing about this asshole a lot. But the prosecutor’s name is Chad, which I think is just as amusing, but in a different way.

5 years ago

“Globohomo psyop tweet” reminds me of “Hobo Humpin’ Slobo Babe” by Whale.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
5 years ago


In this secenario, is Globohomo the equivalent of “Notme,” the phantom responsible for all muddy footprints and broken knickknacks?

Aha! I KNEW there was a connection between NATO and the grape jelly dripping down the cabinets.

Re: pot smoking hippies, nobody tell SoCalMike that Marlboro was originally a women’s brand marketed to flappers, that more women smoke Marlboros than any other brand, and that real cowboys don’t even smoke cigarettes (they chew tobacco).

The pot smoker looks like he’d be much more fun to hang out with.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
5 years ago


I feel like I can almost understand that last tweet, but I still don’t get why the giant cube ship is landing on America.

The world’s largest military is located there, so obviously the Borg want to eliminate the greatest threat of potential resistance first.

5 years ago

I have watched the video of the song by whale a few times now, and I still cannot figure out what the hell most of the lyrics actually say…I think there’s something about being left for dead and eating candy? I could be completely wrong though.

Merely seeing an image of Roosh gives me the creeps. Trying to read the words he’s posted gives me a headache, none of it makes any sense! Globotechnosocial-missioncontrol please give the world away to filter out this kind of arglebargle!

5 years ago

I think Stiernburg is trying to claim his favourite (appropriate conspiracy theory ‘villain’ here) is trying to achieve some kind of apocalyptic vision of the New Jerusalem by encouraging the people of Somalia to relocate to the USA. I have no idea why, but since when have such ideas made sense to anyone except a conspiracy theorist ?

5 years ago

We’re pinheads now
We are not whole
We’re pinheads all
Globo Homo

Are we not men?

Cat Mara
Cat Mara
5 years ago

@Simon: WE ARE DEVO!

(That song was going through my head too)

OT: Great Philosophy Tube video on Jordan Peterson has just gone up, a worthy companion to ContraPoints’ one IMO:

Crip Dyke
5 years ago

So I watched the trailer for Borderlands 3

Every fucking character, every single one has that look. The globohomo style, that faggy soy appearance that liberals have in one way or another

It’s not the “punk” or “alternative” look anymore, it’s super fucking queer and cringe

Sure. That’s it. I can picture it all now:

PR Photographer: Right, ladies! Arch your backs. Can I get a little more moisture on the breasts? I want to see those nipples through the bikinis. Selene flip that hair over your right shoulder. Good. Now, I want all the men topless. Right away. No, we decided against shirts, Andrew. As if I’d let you wear that atrociously boring polo in my shoot anyway! Alright, one step left, T’reessa. No, a half step back, you’re out of the light. Okay. Oh, that’s good.

Jeremy, reach over and fluff up Andrew’s curls, will you? No, one more. No, I want it bigger. One more. That’s right. Light! I need the center light up a bit. 10% maybe 20. No, that’s good. Wait, that’s perfect. Right there. Good. We need more oil spritz on the men. That’s right. No, more. Lots of oil. Our models are gods. Make them look like the Greeks have anointed them. That’s it.

Now, everyone, look at the Fayette’s umbrella. It’s over to your right, Xanthe. Your right, not my right! Okay, but I need Andrew to look back up at Lin. That’s right. Like you adore her. Lin, you’re distracted from the spectacle everyone else is looking at by Andrew. I want you to keep your eyes moving back and forth from the umbrella to Andrew, umbrella to Andrew. No, let your head swivel. Swivel up and right to the umbrella, then left and down to Andrew. Up first, then right! Okay, now left first, then down. That’s it. Keep that up.

Where’s my fan? I need my breeze. That’s it. Someone grab that paper, what’s that doing in my shot? Smooth out the sand behind you when you take that thing away. Okay people, this is it. We’re going to shoot. We’re counting down from 5…

5 … 4 … 3 … Now everyone super-fucking queer, super-fucking queer, super-fucking queer, and … CRINGE!

That’s it. That’s the shot. Let’s do it again. Super-fucking queer and… CRINGE! Beautiful. Beautiful. Beautiful. Everyone is Beautiful except Xanthe. Xanthe, don’t smile so much your teeth are ugly. I don’t want to see your teeth. I want a cringe.

One more time, this one’s for twitter: Super-fucking queer and… CRINGE!

That’s how it went.

Citizen Justin
5 years ago

In case anyone’s wondering where Stiernburg got the the last picture in his tweet, it’s Mega-City One from the movie ‘Dredd’.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Whale and Stereolab in one thread!? I’m having such a nice college flashback.

5 years ago

@ Cat Mara, I don’t know if you watched the credits at all, but Contrapoints did Thorn’s makeup for that episode!

5 years ago

@Karalora, someone in the comments for Ollie’s video referred to it as belonging to the “Contrapoints Extended Universe”, which I think is a great concept.

Gender Superposition
Gender Superposition
5 years ago

Hah! Your god is already dead, Roosh! We, the transgenders, killed him with our dreaded BATHROOM IDEOLOGY.


Thank you for that Peterson comic from the nib. It brings me great joy.


A+ pun, well done, have my gay blood.

@Cat Mara

I’m debating saving this video as a treat for later, but it looks so tempting..

5 years ago

>>>>Possible example of “Satanic” inversion as @realDharmakirti describes it: globohomo hears the prophetic notion of the “New Jerusalem” as a massive cube, decides to immanentize the eschaton, believes heaven can only be attained by a continent-sized Babel-favela tiled with Somalis.

No, I don’t get it either. But it sounds rather threatening towards Somalis.

5 years ago

I just wanted to be a good wifey with a wraparound porch, some jumpy goats & a doggo in the country but instead I’m a wage slave surrounded by fucking wimps in globohomo hell being told it’s all good because equal rights and soyboys sending me half naked pics so fuck this world.

Well jeez, Louise, you could have done all that if you were really of a mind to. Nobody’s stopping you except the silly menzers you’ve aligned yourself with. And that’s who’s sending you the dickpix too, because men who actually respect women know better. Have you ever considered deleting your accounts?

Also: That pic of Roosh up top reminds me of the cover art from this record…

5 years ago

Just when I think Doouche V had finally faded into the obscurity where he belongs, he comes back in a new flavour of creepy grossness.

I just wanted to be a good wifey with a wraparound porch, some jumpy goats & a doggo in the country but instead I’m a wage slave surrounded by fucking wimps in globohomo hell being told it’s all good because equal rights and soyboys sending me half naked pics so fuck this world.

Urgh, there is nothing more pathethic than women blaming their problems on feminism. Objectification and creepy sexual propositions still happened before the women’s rights movement, the only difference was that most women couldn’t openly complain about that back then. And complaining about having a wage? Having income of her own is the most important freedom a woman can have, for without it all other freedoms are practically nullified. Like for example, it doesn’t matter if a woman has the right to divorce a man by law if she can’t provide for herself without his income and when women lack economic independance from their husbands, way too many of said husbands will leverage that dependance to get away with cheating and abuse, confident their women won’t leave them if leaving them makes them broke and homeless.

A woman thinking going back to a way of life before feminism will in any way improve her life is no less deluded than a black person thinking that reinstating Jim Crow laws will improve their life.

5 years ago


…I think there’s something about being left for dead and eating candy?

Maybe? I don’t know. It’s really weird. The video is even weirder.

Gender Superposition
Gender Superposition
5 years ago

A woman thinking going back to a way of life before feminism will in any way improve her life is no less deluded than a black person thinking that reinstating Jim Crow laws will improve their life.

Speaking of Candace Owens, how great was it when Lieu played the video of her praising Hitler?