/pol/ 4chan advocacy of violence Alek Minassian alt-lite alt-right andrew anglin anti-Semitism AntiFa empathy deficit enforced monogamy entitled babies evil sex-rejecting ladies gab harassment incels intellectual dork web ironic nazis Islamophobia jordan "slappy" peterson literal nazis mass killing mass shooting men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed white men playing the victim racism rape rape culture rape is good actually terrorism TROOOOLLLL?

“Jack Corbin,” online pal of the Pittsburgh synagogue shooter, wants to force “Attractive Left Wing Traitor Women” to pay “sexual reparations” to incels

CORRECTION: The original version of this post contained a picture of someone who was not “Jack Corbin.” I have removed it. My apologies.

By David Futrelle

Fascist shitposter “Jack Corbin” — a serial harasser of antifascist activists and a onetime online buddy of Pittsburgh Synagogue shooter Robert Bowers — thinks he’s found a solution to the problem of mass shootings by angry, bitter incels. At least the white ones.

He calls it “sexual reparations.” And he may have sort of stolen the idea from Jordan Peterson. Who may have sort of borrowed the idea from the incels themselves.

In a post on Gab today, Corbin spelled out the basics of his plan:

In a Gab post yesterday, “Corbin” — whose real name is
Daniel McMahon, according to Right Wing Watch — explored this lovely idea in more detail, suggesting that it would play a central role in his presumably never-going-to-happen run for the presidency in 2024.

A presidential run? 8-10 white children? Rapists allowed to sue their sex slaves if their perfume makes them sneeze? Is this all just one big shitpost?

Well, yes and no. We can dismiss posts like these as jokes only if we ignore the fact that Nazis and “edgy” racists use humor as a way to normalize their hateful ideas and make them go down easier, as writer Tauriq Moosa has noted. Daily Stormer publisher Andrew Anglin is a virtuoso shitposter who learned his craft on 4chan; he’s also deadly serious. Both the Toronto van attacker and the Christchurch mosque shooter made references to memes in the messages they left behind to explain why they decided to commit their acts of terrorism.

Another reason we can’t dismiss “Corbin’s” posts as jokes? Because his words online — however hyperbolic or ridiculous they may sometimes sound — have already been used to cause harm in the real world. He’s terrorized antifa activists with threats and by posting their personal information online.

And his words may also have helped to influence Pittsburgh synagogue shooter Robert Bowers in his decision to take his hatred offline, murdering 11 in a shooting rampage only a little more than five months ago. Bowers was a regular on Gab, and while he interacted with a number of well-known far-right figures on the site, the person he interacted most with was “Corbin.”

While “Corbin’s” rants are simultaneously horrific and ludicrous, it’s worth pointing out that his plan for “sexual reparations” is in many ways just a more carefully thought out version of the notion of “enforced monogamy” as a solution to incel killing sprees that was set forth last year by supposedly serious thinker Jordan Peterson.

In order to work as planned, both, er, “solutions” to the problem of incel violence would require women to be somehow compelled to have sex with the sort of men who think a killing spree is an appropriate response to not getting laid.

“Corbin” is fairly clear that these women would be literally forced to have sex, with an implicit threat of violence or jail hanging over their heads. Peterson, for his part, denies that his version of “enforced monogamy” would be, well, enforced in this way, but has offered no suggestions as to what non-coercive mechanism could somehow, er, inspire the women of the world to have sex with men who are presumably having some trouble getting laid now because women may just be able to sense that they have secret shrines to Elliot Rodger hidden in their closets.

Versions of the “sexual reparations” and/or “enforced monogamy” have been common on incel forums for years now. Now these incels have the explicit support of a dangerous self-described fascist with a direct connection to the man who carried out an anti-Semitic mass shooting that took eleven lives. No way this could end badly, huh?

H/T to @scottkernest and @AntiFashGordon, who highlighted “Corbin’s” Gab posts on Twitter.

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5 years ago


A persons’s body is their private property. So why should the rest of society get to decide that said person should not be allowed to rent their body to others if they wish to do so? Men buying sex are buying a service. When you rent something you don’t own it, you’re paying for permission to use it and the owner gets to decide at their sole discretion, the TOS and can refuse/revoke access for any reason they see fit.

I just want to say that if you want to convince people that sex work doesn’t lead to objectification of women, talking about their bodies as their “property” and comparing it to inanimate goods that can be rented and used isn’t helping.

If you want to say that people should be allowed to perform whatever services they want and do whatever life choices they want, you should stick to that, and avoid comparing human bodies to objects.

Regardless of what you all think of my other opinions, can we please all agree that comparing persons to inanimate objects is bad?

5 years ago

Stop continuing this argument. You’ve been asked multiple times.

5 years ago

No one cares about your fragile ego.

Dude, this isn’t about me, it’s about them. Vive la difference.

If you want to say that people should be allowed to perform whatever services they want and do whatever life choices they want, you should stick to that, and avoid comparing human bodies to objects.

You’re nitpicking about semantics because certain references, no matter how accurate, offend your sensibilities. If you feel threatened by a persons lifestyle that does not affect you, that’s your problem.

5 years ago

I’m not trying to continue it, but am I allowed to say Nowherepants argument that literally compared human bodies to objects was bad?


You’re nitpicking about semantics because certain references, no matter how accurate, offend your sensibilities.

I have done my best to change my wording whenever people have pointed out to me that they found the language I used dehumanizing, but does this rule not apply to all people here?

5 years ago


Nowherepants is a troll who just hasn’t been banned quite yet. We’ve tried to get them to stop being an ass, but trolls are impervious to reasonable requests. Don’t let them work you up.

5 years ago

Nowherepants is a troll who just hasn’t been banned quite yet. We’ve tried to get them to stop being an ass, but trolls are impervious to reasonable requests. Don’t let them work you up.


Yup! Anyone who dissents is a “troll”.

5 years ago

I see, thanks for pointing this out.
The fact that Nowherepants claim to be dissenting right after stating an opinion most here were already defending (and the whole comlaining about my sensibilities being too offended on a feminist blog) does support your point.

5 years ago

Anyone who dissents is a “troll”.

I just had a multi-page argument with Scanisaurus a few days ago and I still don’t think she’s a troll, so that’s clearly not true.

But if it makes you feel better to think that it’s your brave contrarian stance that’s making me call you a troll, and not your trollish behavior, then go off, I guess.

5 years ago

@Scanisaurus, I don’t even entirely disagree with your views on sex work.

But it’s obvious that this is not a productive line of discussion, and if I were you I’d just drop it. An inability to let go of personal hobbyhorses is, in my experience, the primary reason non-trolls get banned or put on moderation around here.

5 years ago

April 8, 2019 at 5:53 am
Hold up.

If the discussion is about Left Wing Traitor Women: wouldn’t that imply that the women at issue are no longer left wing or at least that they betrayed the left wing somehow?

I… ugh I am disgusted that I recognize this. But I think OP means “traitor” the same way white supremacists talk about white “race traitors” – white people who are opposed to white supremacy. So in the context it would be white women opposed to fucking incel men. IE the girls these dudes want to fuck, which of course he’s assuming are all left wing (because why else but left wing beliefs wouldn’t a woman want to fuck a seething ball of sexist resentment dressed in cargo shorts?)

5 years ago

Indeed, I agree with everything you just said and will do my best not to bring up this discussion more here.

5 years ago


I’m not sure that analogy helps clarify matters. A race traitor has “betrayed” their race. By extension, wouldn’t a Left Wing Traitor be one who has “betrayed” the left wing?

Or we may be looking for logic in all the wrong places.

As an aside: please don’t besmirch the good name of cargo shorts by association. They are the pinnacle of form and function. I can fit two 6 oz milk bottles, wipes, a changing pad, spare diapers in my cargo shorts and I AM NOT GIVING THEM UP! Its not their fault that sewer dwellers also recognize their glorious appeal.

5 years ago

It’s a left-wing person who is also a traitor (who in their minds is probably everyone who is left-wing)

5 years ago

OT (because I need to think about something not terrible), but I rewatched Top Secret! this past weekend and that movie is as hilarious today as it was the first time I saw it as a kid. It flabbergasts me that it wasn’t received as well as Airplane! when it hit theatres because of all the spoof films I’ve seen, it’s probably the one that best kept the humour free of dated references and made use of the tropes of the genres to the best effect, playing the film almost entirely straight, but peppering goofy sight gags during the serious parts or taking a cliche and playing it up to totally absurd levels.

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I get the impression that a lot of folks my age have seen it, but in case there are any younger folks that haven’t, it’s a sadly overlooked gem of a comedy.

This is still probably my favourite bit:

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5 years ago

I always felt like modern spoofs were unfunny parades of dated memes and random gross-out scenes, and these gif’s alone are funnier than many of these “comedies” in their entirety.

I definitively have to put Top Secret! on my to-watch list!

5 years ago


When I was a kid I loved the sight gags in Airplane!, but as I’ve gotten older it’s shifted to the linguistic jokes.

I think my favorite joke in the whole movie this gem that points to the innate ambiguity of the English language.

Dr. Rumack : Captain, how soon can you land?

Captain Oveur : I can’t tell.

Dr. Rumack : You can tell me. I’m a doctor.

Captain Oveur : No. I mean I’m just not sure.

Dr. Rumack : Well, can’t you take a guess?

Captain Oveur : Well, not for another two hours.

Dr. Rumack : You can’t take a guess for another two hours?

5 years ago

Katamount – great movie. My favorite? When the hero thinks he missed all his high school finals, and it turns out it was a bad dream: he wakes up and discovers that, in reality, he’s just being tortured by the Gestapo… (“Oh thank God!”)

Rachel B
Rachel B
5 years ago

Respectfully, I find Scanisaurus’ commentary to be interesting and thought-provoking. I have not found S’s discussion of sex work to be outrageously one-sided or disrespectful. I do not necessarily agree with everything said, but I believe it is worth saying, and discussing.

5 years ago

I hope this clown’s on a watchlist. Because wow.

Anyway IDK if anyone here follows WWE stuff but Bret Hart was attacked on saturday during his hall of fame induction speech

The attacker was identified and on twitter he posted a comment calling the fact that women were main eventing Wrestlemania (the biggest show WWE has every year) was a “major setback to the human race” so he’s a weirdo misogynist and well within this site’s wheelhouse.

5 years ago

This shit-for-soul is openly, literally, UNDENIABLY advocating FOR rape.

I know everyone else here is already saying this. But this garbage-human is very likely among the same garbage-humans who say that rape only happens when it’s a Black or Muslim guy being accused, that most rape accusations are FALSE rape allegations, and that “raped” women just regret the consensual sex they had and want to ruin the guy so she won’t look like a slut.

I’ve had this moronic argument with his type many thousands of times. They just refuse to comprehend that unwanted sex (without even semi-enthusiastic consent) IS rape, and IS terrible. And this fucko is brazenly suggesting it as a way to “prevent” the mas murders of his brethren.

Tosca, Chaos made Flesh, Servant of the Purring Jew
Tosca, Chaos made Flesh, Servant of the Purring Jew
5 years ago

So if we can identify potential shooters reliably enough to allow them to rape women…

…we can identify them reliably enough to jail them before they kill people. Which seems to me a better solution than allowing them to rape women. Just saying.

tim gueguen
5 years ago

The rise of Jordan Peterson is one of those things where you scratch your head and ask “Why him?” Canada has its share of right wing personalities, so why wouldn’t it have been say right wing radio call in show host Charles Adler they suddenly latched onto? Gavin McInnes helped create Vice Media, and used that familiarity to build his fanbase when he decided to become openly asshole. Before his 2016 screeds about Bill C16 he was pretty much unknown outside academic circles.

Of course this isn’t the first time Americans have latched onto something Canadian for unclear reasons. Just after the September 11th attacks a commentary called “The Americans,” written by Canadian journalist and commentator Gordon Sinclair, circulated in various quarters. What was odd was that Sinclair wrote it in 1973, and that he died in 1984. It had gotten quite a bit of American attention after its original appearance, but how it got revived almost years later, presented as a contemporary piece, is unclear.

tim gueguen
5 years ago

Ooops, that should be

Before his 2016 screeds about Bill C16 Peterson was pretty much unknown outside academic circles.

epitome of incomprehensibility

Jack, Jack, hate to break it to you, but I’m not sure you’re cut out for writing erotica. “Allowing yourself to get plowed” has all the allure of “getting run over by a tractor.” And I’m not sure I’d even recommend you to the Randomly Capitalizing Words genre.

@Katamount – Off topic, but that “Find Him and Kill Him” stamp made me giggle. Reminds me of the stamps my dad has – he’s a librarian, and while he hasn’t stamped a library card for 15+ years, he still uses stamps like that on new accessions.

I wonder if spy agencies still use physical stamps. You’d think they could take care of things like that digitally…but this is far, far out of my field of expertise. 🙂

5 years ago

@Rachel B
I don’t feel like I can discuss this further here when so many people have disagreed with me on principle and told me my opinions on the matter are unwelcome on this blog, but I’m glad you found my arguments worth reading at least.

@tim gueguen

The rise of Jordan Peterson is one of those things where you scratch your head and ask “Why him?”

My guess is that it’s partially due to him being a professor, and looking and talking like most people expect a professor to do, which gives him an air of legitimacy, combined with the fact that he’s been smart enough to wrap all his words into enough vagueness and metaphors to give him plausible deniability on anyone calling him out on being pro-fascist or sexist, unlike most other alt-right personalities whom almost invariably slip up and use awful slurs on the regular.

Simply put, he’s mastered the art of telling the alt-right exactly what they want to hear without being labeled alt-right by most of the mainstream himself.