CORRECTION: The original version of this post contained a picture of someone who was not “Jack Corbin.” I have removed it. My apologies.
By David Futrelle
Fascist shitposter “Jack Corbin” — a serial harasser of antifascist activists and a onetime online buddy of Pittsburgh Synagogue shooter Robert Bowers — thinks he’s found a solution to the problem of mass shootings by angry, bitter incels. At least the white ones.
He calls it “sexual reparations.” And he may have sort of stolen the idea from Jordan Peterson. Who may have sort of borrowed the idea from the incels themselves.
In a post on Gab today, Corbin spelled out the basics of his plan:
In a Gab post yesterday, “Corbin” — whose real name is
Daniel McMahon, according to Right Wing Watch — explored this lovely idea in more detail, suggesting that it would play a central role in his presumably never-going-to-happen run for the presidency in 2024.
A presidential run? 8-10 white children? Rapists allowed to sue their sex slaves if their perfume makes them sneeze? Is this all just one big shitpost?
Well, yes and no. We can dismiss posts like these as jokes only if we ignore the fact that Nazis and “edgy” racists use humor as a way to normalize their hateful ideas and make them go down easier, as writer Tauriq Moosa has noted. Daily Stormer publisher Andrew Anglin is a virtuoso shitposter who learned his craft on 4chan; he’s also deadly serious. Both the Toronto van attacker and the Christchurch mosque shooter made references to memes in the messages they left behind to explain why they decided to commit their acts of terrorism.
Another reason we can’t dismiss “Corbin’s” posts as jokes? Because his words online — however hyperbolic or ridiculous they may sometimes sound — have already been used to cause harm in the real world. He’s terrorized antifa activists with threats and by posting their personal information online.
And his words may also have helped to influence Pittsburgh synagogue shooter Robert Bowers in his decision to take his hatred offline, murdering 11 in a shooting rampage only a little more than five months ago. Bowers was a regular on Gab, and while he interacted with a number of well-known far-right figures on the site, the person he interacted most with was “Corbin.”
While “Corbin’s” rants are simultaneously horrific and ludicrous, it’s worth pointing out that his plan for “sexual reparations” is in many ways just a more carefully thought out version of the notion of “enforced monogamy” as a solution to incel killing sprees that was set forth last year by supposedly serious thinker Jordan Peterson.
In order to work as planned, both, er, “solutions” to the problem of incel violence would require women to be somehow compelled to have sex with the sort of men who think a killing spree is an appropriate response to not getting laid.
“Corbin” is fairly clear that these women would be literally forced to have sex, with an implicit threat of violence or jail hanging over their heads. Peterson, for his part, denies that his version of “enforced monogamy” would be, well, enforced in this way, but has offered no suggestions as to what non-coercive mechanism could somehow, er, inspire the women of the world to have sex with men who are presumably having some trouble getting laid now because women may just be able to sense that they have secret shrines to Elliot Rodger hidden in their closets.
Versions of the “sexual reparations” and/or “enforced monogamy” have been common on incel forums for years now. Now these incels have the explicit support of a dangerous self-described fascist with a direct connection to the man who carried out an anti-Semitic mass shooting that took eleven lives. No way this could end badly, huh?
H/T to @scottkernest and @AntiFashGordon, who highlighted “Corbin’s” Gab posts on Twitter.
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Hmm, I’m fat, old, and disabled. They wouldn’t touch me with a barge pole!
Well, incel old. I’m 36. Which is positively ancient, according to incels. I’ll shuffle off my mortal coil any day now!
I love how proponents of sexual extortion rackets always act so totally unaware of their role in mass killings. “Believe me, ladies, I would love to end mass killings too! But I don’t see how I, a man with a social media platform and thousands of violent followers with guns, could possibly put a stop to them!”
It’s not as though these people would become less violent and stupid if given what they want. What incentive would they have to change?
Anyway, why would we want to repopulate the human race with the genes of angry, repellant dregs who can only get a mate at gunpoint, refuse to have any involvement with raising their kids, and can’t even do basic reparation math (women are supposed to turn over their money to White Working Class Men but also magically have enough $$ for 8-10 kids and perfume)? That’s not a direction humanity should be going in, collectively.
I mean the worst part is that forcing women to be with the incels will do nothing for their horrible self-images. They’ll still know no woman was willing to have sex with them, and that will still grate at them and cause them to be violent shits.
Like I haven’t had sex either, but I’ve also not really tried. I’m not super social, most of the things I like are pretty boring in an objective sense, and before I came out to myself as trans my body image was absolutely horrid. On top of that stressful situations can leave me very unpleasant to be around and I don’t know that it’s fair for someone else to have to deal with that. And none of it is anything other than my problem to try and work through.
okay but am I the only one who got to the point of it being *gentleman’s choice* about which orifice to use and was *extra* horrified????
Sometimes I kind of skip ahead in sentences, so I know the gist of what is coming, but not how we’re getting there. I did there, and (for some reason unknown to me) thought “oh, they’ll let the woman choose how to deal with this state induced rape scheme they are pushing. So if she doesn’t want children, that’s possible.” (in a horrifying thing, I know this is all horrifying, but sometimes you need to follow their logic just a little, y’know?)
Anyway. Gentleman’s choice. And I was all “WHAT??????” And my face made that involuntary horrified disgusted expression and I physically moved back from the computer.
It was all awful. But that was a level of sheer* awfulness I did NOT expect.
*OT but I was unable to resist the urge to make the bitter jokes of both ‘Scheer’ and about being ‘open for business’, but really… I’m so worried about the upcoming and past elections and the cons are a nightmare and and and….
The very fact that this asshole wants to rape and violate “left wing women” as opposed to seeking out right wing women for mutual oppression of the Other and consensual fun times speaks horrifying volumes.
One problem: that’s not McMahon/Corbin in the photo. That is in fact a leftist activist who McMahon hates.
The idea of rape as punishment is never far below the surface in authoritarian circles.
I’ve wasted so much of my attention on incels that not only have I grown completely numb to their attempts to be shocking, I could produce imitations of their shitposts that would be both indistinguishable from the real thing more offensive, coherent and well thought out than any of what any of them put out.
This is the strangest thing about incels to me. They are in constant competition over who can come up with the most vile way to dehumanise women, but also of who can make the least sense and be least coherent while doing it?
That right wing women won’t have anything to do with him either does rather speak volumes about stiff socks up there.
Man Jack Corbin is sick.
ok first of all Philly Antifa exposed Jack Corbin as Daniel McMahon, not right wing watch or anyone else.
more importantly, the person pictured in this article IS NOT jack corbin, but an anti-fascist who Corbin/McMahon has been harassing for years. I don’t know why you would put their picture with a caption that says “Jack Corbin” without any other real context.
Ick ick ick ick ick ick ick!!!!!
@Rabid Rabbit
I’ve certainly seen how Augustus Sol Invictus treated his former dominitrix. It certainly wasn’t pleasant… he’s still attacking her.
I’ve seen other examples.. I was in the WN movement over a decade… but that is one of the more openly known examples. Others are just anecdotes.
Yeah… white nationalists/incels are horrible towards sex workers.
I’ve been dealing with Danny for 6 years now.
Probably shouldn’t let my last comment through moderation, it was probably against comment policy. God I hate this jack corbin so much.
Can anybody explain to me what’s the deal with Peterson? Seems like a standard-issue self-help psychologist who makes tons of money giving people the same advice mom gave for free.
Shadowplay – it’s not left- or right-wing women who will have nothing to do with him, it’s women, period, who will have nothing to do with him.
>>>>>>>>They’ll still know no woman was willing to have sex with them, and that will still grate at them and cause them to be violent shits.
So… No change then?
Yeah, he gained fame by being horribly anti-trans and deliberately misinterpreting a law, and since he was spewing the same hate some awful people felt in their hearts, and also has a phd, so has the semblance of authority, people glommed onto him. Pretty much the same way any bigot gains popularity.
I’m another White Left Wing Woman who’s unapologetically fat, tattooed, short-haired, and closing in on fifty, so I wouldn’t have to report for sex duty. They’d probably just shoot me.
I’ve always felt that conservatism at its most basic is “The world owes me someone to step on!” With Drumpf in office they just feel safe enough to come out and say it.
I miss the days when grifters had to be charming to succeed. Least it were more interesting than pure hate and spite.
Apart from all the other wrong, wrong, wonrg with this, I can’t see this regime providing health care while you have the kids. so after the first 9 kids I suspect they’d lose interest.
Hopefully much sooner.
It’s so transparent that if these execrable scum somehow were able to meet a person who became their actual girlfriend, or someone who would agree to have sex with them for any reason (be it money, be it “saving lives” as per their ugly fascist-appeasing myths) it wouldn’t make them happy at all.
They don’t want sex at all except as a means of hurting someone by raping them; if it’s not against the other person’s will, it’s not what they want. That’s how they “win”.
So, basically what Corbin wants is a combination of the Republic of Gilead and Serbian rape camps. Charming.
Kupo –
Some context: I am asking b/c I checked out his “12 rules for life” book because it was recently translated into Hebrew in Israel and made a bit of a stir.
I was very much underwhelmed. Nothing in the book is anti-trans or anti-anything much, because it’s just bland advice (“stand up straight”? OK, he means it metaphorically, but you pay money for *that*?)
Am I too cynical to suppose his non-book antics are motivated by money, i.e. to please a target audience (for his future books and lectures) he happened to stumble upon?