/pol/ 4chan advocacy of violence Alek Minassian alt-lite alt-right andrew anglin anti-Semitism AntiFa empathy deficit enforced monogamy entitled babies evil sex-rejecting ladies gab harassment incels intellectual dork web ironic nazis Islamophobia jordan "slappy" peterson literal nazis mass killing mass shooting men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny oppressed white men playing the victim racism rape rape culture rape is good actually terrorism TROOOOLLLL?

“Jack Corbin,” online pal of the Pittsburgh synagogue shooter, wants to force “Attractive Left Wing Traitor Women” to pay “sexual reparations” to incels

CORRECTION: The original version of this post contained a picture of someone who was not “Jack Corbin.” I have removed it. My apologies.

By David Futrelle

Fascist shitposter “Jack Corbin” — a serial harasser of antifascist activists and a onetime online buddy of Pittsburgh Synagogue shooter Robert Bowers — thinks he’s found a solution to the problem of mass shootings by angry, bitter incels. At least the white ones.

He calls it “sexual reparations.” And he may have sort of stolen the idea from Jordan Peterson. Who may have sort of borrowed the idea from the incels themselves.

In a post on Gab today, Corbin spelled out the basics of his plan:

In a Gab post yesterday, “Corbin” — whose real name is
Daniel McMahon, according to Right Wing Watch — explored this lovely idea in more detail, suggesting that it would play a central role in his presumably never-going-to-happen run for the presidency in 2024.

A presidential run? 8-10 white children? Rapists allowed to sue their sex slaves if their perfume makes them sneeze? Is this all just one big shitpost?

Well, yes and no. We can dismiss posts like these as jokes only if we ignore the fact that Nazis and “edgy” racists use humor as a way to normalize their hateful ideas and make them go down easier, as writer Tauriq Moosa has noted. Daily Stormer publisher Andrew Anglin is a virtuoso shitposter who learned his craft on 4chan; he’s also deadly serious. Both the Toronto van attacker and the Christchurch mosque shooter made references to memes in the messages they left behind to explain why they decided to commit their acts of terrorism.

Another reason we can’t dismiss “Corbin’s” posts as jokes? Because his words online — however hyperbolic or ridiculous they may sometimes sound — have already been used to cause harm in the real world. He’s terrorized antifa activists with threats and by posting their personal information online.

And his words may also have helped to influence Pittsburgh synagogue shooter Robert Bowers in his decision to take his hatred offline, murdering 11 in a shooting rampage only a little more than five months ago. Bowers was a regular on Gab, and while he interacted with a number of well-known far-right figures on the site, the person he interacted most with was “Corbin.”

While “Corbin’s” rants are simultaneously horrific and ludicrous, it’s worth pointing out that his plan for “sexual reparations” is in many ways just a more carefully thought out version of the notion of “enforced monogamy” as a solution to incel killing sprees that was set forth last year by supposedly serious thinker Jordan Peterson.

In order to work as planned, both, er, “solutions” to the problem of incel violence would require women to be somehow compelled to have sex with the sort of men who think a killing spree is an appropriate response to not getting laid.

“Corbin” is fairly clear that these women would be literally forced to have sex, with an implicit threat of violence or jail hanging over their heads. Peterson, for his part, denies that his version of “enforced monogamy” would be, well, enforced in this way, but has offered no suggestions as to what non-coercive mechanism could somehow, er, inspire the women of the world to have sex with men who are presumably having some trouble getting laid now because women may just be able to sense that they have secret shrines to Elliot Rodger hidden in their closets.

Versions of the “sexual reparations” and/or “enforced monogamy” have been common on incel forums for years now. Now these incels have the explicit support of a dangerous self-described fascist with a direct connection to the man who carried out an anti-Semitic mass shooting that took eleven lives. No way this could end badly, huh?

H/T to @scottkernest and @AntiFashGordon, who highlighted “Corbin’s” Gab posts on Twitter.

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Nikki the Bluth Wannabe
Nikki the Bluth Wannabe
5 years ago

“Corbin”: “Incels are oppressed people, they have been denied sex, and therefore denied sanity…”
Uh, what? I’m a 20-something virgin, and I’m pretty sure I haven’t lost my mind.

5 years ago

No. No way. Just No…..

5 years ago

Every time I post here, I spend the first five minutes staring at the comment thing, because I cannot come up with any adequate response to this craziness.

5 years ago

And he wonders why he’s not getting any? Uh, I do believe the vindictive anger and ugliness in the soul are dead giveaways here, “Jack”.

Also, as for the 8-10 kids, how about NO?

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Right wing men have such a creepy fixation with conventionally attractive left wing women. Such as the longstanding MRA obsession with Jessica Valenti. Or the new Republican obsession with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. They hate them, but they so clearly want to be with them and be noticed by them and it just makes my skin crawl.

And we can laugh at Jack Corbin, but the way this fucking country is going, we’ll have an Anglin-Corbin ticket win the presidency within twenty years.

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That gif would go well on the other thread too 🙁

5 years ago

How would it even be possible for a woman to have and rear eight to ten children, since we all know these men wouldn’t take on any domestic responsibility, while also supporting them financially? There are only so many hours in a day.

5 years ago

Or, you know, we could expect men to behave like fucking decent human beings, a feat that somehow the majority of them manages without problems.

But no, rape is the answer. Obviously.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
5 years ago

Why just internally? If anything calls for making some actual noise, this “trend” (more like “moral nosedive”) does.

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5 years ago

Every time I read about incels I think why don’t you guys see a prostitute. But as it has been pointed out by others it’s not about sex, it’s about power and aggrieved entitlement. It about a toxic belief that someone had got it better than you and that someone should pay for that.

Rabid Rabbit
Rabid Rabbit
5 years ago

I can’t remember if we talked about this over in the slavery thread, but how are you supposed to sue your own property? Aren’t slave-owners supposed to be responsible for their slaves’ behavior? Surely you can only bring lawsuits between independent partners?

Look, if they’re going to be ridiculous, I don’t see why I shouldn’t be ridiculous back.

(Except for all the reasons it’s dangerous to minimize these people. But still.)

ETA: @gijoel

Yup. Paying would imply they’re not owed it. And even if they did, I shudder to think how they would treat the sex workers they hired.

I occasionally think it might be worth pointing out that not everyone can afford to hire a sex worker, but then I remember I’m thinking about decent people who would find sex workers who charged what they deserve to be paid, while these jackasses would find a $5 child on the side of the street.

5 years ago

I would die before I let a single one of these assholes touch my body. And if they think they can just take it their in for a surprise. I’m not afraid to bite and scratch and poke out eyes this time. There are several more women who are the exact way.

5 years ago

Women don’t owe you sex Jack Corbin you absolute creep.

5 years ago

At last! Someone is speaking out against the “Communist Feminist Terrorist mindset” in the US, which has resulted in such acts of terror as… umm… can anyone remind me?

Also, how is he going to stop the oppression of White Working Class Males (love all those caps), when his “program” will be open only to White Right Wing Non Jewish Males? I feel that this program really needs some Venn diagrams.

5 years ago

I would die before I let a single one of these assholes touch my body. And if they think they can just take it their in for a surprise. I’m not afraid to bite and scratch and poke out eyes this time. There are several more women who are the exact way.

Same. I’d straight up fight them to the death. And I don’t think Corbin has remembered that plenty of Left Wing Women have boyfriends who would probably assist in fighting off the incels.

Corbin, if you want less death in the world, your idea is probably not the way to go about it.

Lurker LXVII
Lurker LXVII
5 years ago

Also, how is he going to stop the oppression of White Working Class Males (love all those caps), when his “program” will be open only to White Right Wing Non Jewish Males?

Well everyone knows that only White Right Wing Non Jewish Males are Working Class. The Jewish Males are probably not right wing and in any case have all the money of Jewry at their disposal; the Lefty White Males are all Soy Boys who are Incapable Of Lifting a Finger to Work, dependent as they are on the Nanny State, and thus not Working Class; and do we even need to talk about Non-White Working Class Males? No, no we do not. Ergo, his program is perfect and will stop the oppression of White Working Class Males. /s

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
5 years ago

Jack, of course your plan makes total sense. A traitorous whore is definitely the kind of mother you, a right wing man of good character, want — and need — for your children.

5 years ago

But what if she indoctrinates those 8-10 White Children with Left Wing Traitor Communist Feminist Terrorism? Are you just accelerating the destruction of Western White Working Class Non Jewish Male Civilisation by breeding a new generation of LWTCFTs?

5 years ago

Someone should tell them the “It were only a joke” defense only really works if the post is funny.

Samantha Kaswell
Samantha Kaswell
5 years ago

Can you say S-T-U-P-I-D? Sure you can…And while we are learning new words, kids, here are a few more. Vile. Evil. Gross. Foul. Patriarchal Male Privilege.


5 years ago

I’m so glad I’m fat, and therefore don’t count as a woman or even a human to these awful garbage people.

Sofia van de Linde
Sofia van de Linde
5 years ago

It remains amusing that all these rightwing men do not want to government interference until it comes to women’s bodies.

They talk of the sexual market place, but they do not believe in the invisible hand as they do with all the other market places.

They believe in evolutionary psychology a.k.a Darwinism, but they do not accept the obvious conclusion that if women do not want them, that they should either adapt or accept that the gene pool is better off without them.

They scream to the marginalised that the world does not owe them basic respect while whining incessantly how the government and women owe them stuff.

Of course this is not surprising. They are entitled man-children who only believe in something to the extent that it supports their own sense of entitlement.

Women do not want to sit on your dick, Jack Corbin?
Well, then you should earn that privilege, my dude.
Take better care of yourself. Grow as a person. Get a better job if you can and/or an affordable hobby you genuinely enjoy. Have interesting things to say.

If you do not want to put in the work, my dude, then you get what you deserve: women not wanting to be near a whine emotionally immature slob.

I have had men whine about women not giving them a chance. I have pointed out to them that if a woman walks the streets as badly groomed as them that this would result in street harassment. Men scream “ugly” and worse at you for a lot less. The standards to which men are held and to which they hold themselves are frankly disgustingly low. Women are taught to put up with way too much. If you cannot even be bothered to meet that frankly abysmally low standard then you deserve to be lonely and miserable.

By the way, I think it is good thing if these pieces of human filth advertise what they are so women can steer clear of them.

5 years ago

Hey! Im an attractive leftie woman. If I sleep with you, I better be getting my reparations too. In the form of a huge bottle of gin, free therapy afterwards and 500,000,000,000 usd MINIMUM.

5 years ago

I’m fat and almost 50, so I doubt this would apply to me. However, just to rub it in – I have a pretty awesome sex life these days with my thin-wristed, geeky boyfriend. He not only does his share around the house, he also gives me a right good seeing to on the regular. And he is one of life’s genuine nice guys.

But then he is Jewish and a lefty*, so those regular payments from George Soros sure do come in handy. /sarcasm

*left wing, not left handed – I do have some standards.

5 years ago


Kinda off topic, but I’m glad you found someone decent.

5 years ago

And then when the Sexual Reparations cops come and all the women tell them “No, I’m a centrist/right winger”, then what?

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