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Gillette ad features an unapologetic fat woman in a swimsuit; heads explode

Gillette model “celebrates obesity” by existing while fat

By David Futrelle

A couple of months ago, Gillette infuriated Men’s Rights Activists and other terrible people with an ad challenging toxic masculinity and suggesting that maybe it wasn’t such a good thing for men and boys to go around bullying and harassing people.

Now Gillette has a new ad out that seems designed to enrage, well, pretty much the same exact mob that came after them then. The ad, promoting Gillette Venus razors for women, features Internet-famous model Anna O’Brian — a.k.a Glitter and Lasers — posing triumphantly on a beach in a two-piece swimsuit, arms raised to the sky.

This isn’t the first time a Gillette ad has featured a woman in a swimsuit. But this particular woman happens to be fat, and so a vast horde of angry men (mostly) have gone online to attack Gillette for “glorifying obesity” and surrendering to the cuck soyboy hairy feminist woke SJW overlords. These health-conscious gentlemen and ladies have also mocked the model herself, calling her a predictable assortment of names, suggesting that she smells, and predicting that she’ll die soon.

On Twitter, quite a few decided to play the role of a “concerned” doctor:

CryptoNoobGirl ? ?
Follow Follow @CryptoNoobGirl
Replying to @GilletteVenus
99% sure the woman in the photo is on an anti-depressant and/or statins. I have several loved ones that are obese. I'm all for making ppl feel comfortable in their skin, but let's not glamorize obesity, please. It is NOT healthy.  Supportive is fine. Encouragement is cruel.
Alvaro Gustavo
Follow Follow @TheKingKratos
Replying to @LittleMissLizz @GilletteVenus
No doctor needed to see that she obviously lives an unhealthy lifestyle,  it's sad to know the fact that she just gave up on herself and avoids hard work to become a better version of herself. Even sadder to see people like you supporting her weak habits.
Vinay Shaw
Follow Follow @shaw_vinay19
Replying to @TheKingKratos @LittleMissLizz @GilletteVenus
This ?. Fat acceptance is cool but this Gillette ad just glorifies obesity and ill health.
Follow Follow @Petrel49
Replying to @avonandsomer
Gillette making headlines again unfortunately for this woman she is making her own her vital organs under threat from visceral fat too many repercussions to list here her heart will stop unable to cope end of
Jeremy Fichaud
Follow Follow @FilmJunkie82
Replying to @ItsGoneAwry
The picture isn't but their follow up tweet definitely is. Nobody w/ eyes & who's being honest thinks that person is physically beautiful. She's gravely unhealthy. Gillette is actively perpetuating the lie that being that overweight is fine & I find that profoundly irresponsible.

Never mind that fat does not automatically mean unhealthy. Never mind that thin people can be unhealthy. Never mind that diets can be so unhealthy as to be dangerous. And never mind that fat shaming is not only not an effective way to inspire people to lose weight — and often causes its targets to gain weight — it’s also a threat to their health, both mental and physical.

Of course, quite a few of the commenters didn’t even bother to pretend that their complaints had anything to do with health. Most were not terribly original with their insults.

Follow Follow @AdamGlover1872
More ADAM  ? Retweeted Gillette Venus
Imagine finding a whale washed up on the beach and taking photos instead of trying to help it. Shameful from Gillette
Autism Caliphate
Follow Follow @autismcaliphate
More Autism Caliphate Retweeted Gillette Venus
Wow really insensitive of Gillette to show this poor beached whale in their advertisement. We have lost this endangered species too many times to this kind of neglect.

Other commenters pulled out all their favorite right-wing buzzwords for the occasion:

Andrew Breitbart’s Ghost  ??
Follow Follow @SteveTheBear3
Replying to @shy_ferg @GilletteVenus
This is unhealthy. Period. But nice virtue signaling there @Gillette. How many Soy boys and Feminist with armpit hair do you employ nowadays??? Asking for my Liberal friend.
Follow Follow @EpsilonLyrae2
Replying to @GilletteVenus
Wow. This is pathetic. Gillette gone full SJW. Wonder how the looks in your marketing department think they can survive with soy boys and whales as their core demographics
Seems that after trading male customers for hairless soyboys and  unshaving feminists, #Gillette has decided to focus on female customers who will die young.

Get woke, go broke

Some thought that this new ad, like Gillette’s “toxic masculity” ad in January, was really just a sneaky way to attack … men.

Follow Follow @GovMegachrisPct
More Governor-Megachris-Percent Retweeted Andy Warski
It's at this point I feel like Gillette is just making these stupid ads to screw with men.  Critique the video of "toxic" masculinity = "misogyny," critique obese women bring promoted as "healthy" = "also misogyny."  Apparently only women are allowed to have opinions.
Federico Bezzi
Follow Follow @Fede_Bezzi
Replying to @GilletteVenus
Gender equality according to Gillette:

Men: change, you are a bad person

Women: you're obese? You're just perfect

Over on the always despicable Breitbart, which noted that in addition to Anna, Gillette has also used trans activist Jazz Jennings in recent ads, the commenters were a bit blunter.

StopCallingMe Shirley • 4 hours ago
How do you shave body parts you can't see?

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Wouldn't it be nice  StopCallingMe Shirley • 3 hours ago
....or reach.

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EricNV  Wouldn't it be nice • 3 hours ago smell, of course.
Bob Wesley • 3 hours ago
Vomit on Gillette.
A pitiful company run by fagg0ts and other debris.
phillyguy • 3 hours ago
This is how communist poison is destroying America
jabba dabba • 2 hours ago
Goin from massive market to tiny niche market in a year. Grotesque pandering to the sloth and lustful degenerate scum of the earth. Hope they take the fat trans retards for all they’re worth just before the stock tanks and the company goes under.
Chip • an hour ago
No, there is NOT an issue with “toxic masculinity.” Masculinity is not toxic.

On the other hand, there IS an issue with liberal mental illness...which includes glorifying morbid obesity and the trans agenda. (Jazz’s parents should be thrown in prison for child abuse, and HE should be put in therapy in a mental hospital.)

I will NEVER buy a Gillette product again.

Well, I guess Gillette has started another “conversation,” as they like to say whenever they do something they know will provoke an angry mob. So sad that all it takes is a picture of a fat woman unapologetically wearing a bikini to unleash a wave of hate.

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5 years ago

I like how that one guy specifically mentioned feminists with armpit hair, as if they’re the ones trying to sell razors to women

Also while I’m glad to see more bodies like mine being unapologetic, I can’t help but feel like gilette is using obese women to poke a hornet’s nest just for attention. It’s not gonna be helpful in humanizing us.

tim gueguen
5 years ago

If a woman in a swimsuit who isn’t a size zero in an ad upsets them wait until they hear that Casimir Pulaski, Polish hero of the US Revolutionary War, was apparently not a cis man. I’m sure they’ll rant and rave about it being part of the plot to destroy masculinity.

Mexican Hot Chocolate
Mexican Hot Chocolate
5 years ago

I wish these douche bags would stop pretending their fatphobic attitudes have anything to do with health. They’re mad because Gillette hired a model who doesn’t fit their standard of beauty or get their dicks hard.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
5 years ago


This is how communist poison is destroying America

I … I …


A giant megacorp spends on an advertisement in order to sell stuff, turn a profit, and make investors and shareholders filthy rich, and this is your response? Do you even know the meaning of the word “communist”?

Meanwhile, you’re playing right into the hands of the very corporation you hate. Obviously they’re saving on advertising dollars by making ads that will trigger right-wing snowflakes so that you lot will froth and foam all over the Internet generating tons of link traffic and extra publicity for their ad. So they get to spend on a small ad campaign but get the attention of a large ad campaign, saving a buttload of money and turning the lot of you into unpaid volunteer publicists for their brand. “There’s one born every minute”, according to the saying, and the right wing especially seems to be full of gullible easily-manipulated people.

5 years ago

Just out of curiosity, I looked up Gilette’s stock. I know very little about stocks logistically (haven’t thought about it much since an 8th grade social studies project), but fortunately Google is kind to people who don’t follow economics particularly well and has a variety of charts. The stock is going up and has been steadily for a while, with a few dips that look fairly normal for comparable stocks that soon go away again.

Not that Gilette suffering financially would make these guys right, but I do like fact checking these things periodically, just because they tend to assume they’re right about such numbers and proceed as though they were. That’s why we’re still hearing that the yucky girl Ghostbusters failed even though it did perfectly well for a goofy summer action movie.

Rabid Rabbit
Rabid Rabbit
5 years ago

@Surplus to Requirements

Do you even know the meaning of the word “communist”?

In a word, no. In the same way that most people in the US don’t seem to know what “socialism” means, beyond “I heard it was bad!” Hence why they’re willing to agree that all sorts of socialist ideas sound great, so long as they don’t have to hear the word.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I think in the US it’s come full circle. The right has called the slightest bit of regulation and any government program that helps people “socialism” for so many years that young people have positive associations with the word. For people too young to remember the cold war, red scares mean absolutely nothing. By hyping up the fear of “socialism” long after the USSR broke up, the right has inadvertently made socialism popular.

comment image

5 years ago

After the original toxic masculinity ad, one asshat threw his gillette razor down his toilet, took a picture of it, and posted it.

I really can’t wait to see what they’ll do to protest this time. Throwing themselves down the toilet would be a nice start.

5 years ago

@tim –

Thanks for sharing the article about Casimir Pulaski. I never knew this, and between Pulaski County smack in the middle and Fort Pulaski at the mouth of the Savannah River I know a big swath of mid/south Georgia that won’t be happy about it.

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy

those user names, oh my

“Autism Caliphate”

careful there, lad – you’ll cut yourself on all that edge

5 years ago


On the topic of movies – you mean like the bad horrible terrible brie larson-lead captain marvel that they were crying about a few months back making an utterly surprising billion of dollars? Even though nobody in their right mind would want to see such feminist trash with its sjw-agenda! And clearly those super rational and not emotion-controlled men are the majority, so they constitute people in their “(alt)-right mind” and that’s why it hasn’t made any mon…. Wait. Oh.
They aren’t the majority? Most others people are actually somewhat decent at the very least?
Nah, can’t be right.

That being said – I like how one of the tweeters is so, so fucking close to the truth. “men – change, you’re a bad person, women – obese? You’re perfect”.
It’s almost like your body weight has nothing to so with being a good, worthy person with inherent value and instead it’s your personality that counts.
And it’s not like the last Gillette ad didn’t show men being kind. But of course they see it as behind “you’re bad”, because it’s their own behaviour that is being shown as bad.
Would a little bit of introspection be too much to ask?

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy


I like how one of the tweeters is so, so fucking close to the truth. “men – change, you’re a bad person, women – obese? You’re perfect”.

I had similar thoughts on reading the Breitbart comment from “Chip”:

No there is NOT an issue with “toxic masculinity”. Masculinity is not toxic.

We know, Chip… that’s why we say toxic masculinity? Did you not notice this use of modifying adjective as you were typing?

5 years ago

You wanna bet Bezzi stole his line from That Mitchell and Webb Look?

Knitting Cat Lady
Knitting Cat Lady
5 years ago


Intentional weight loss is impossible, not matter what you do.

Your body doesn’t know and doesn’t care that your calorie deficit is intentional and will do whatever it can to reduce energy expenditure.

And it’s known that there is a weight homoeostasis, and that each individual has a weight set point. And we have about as much control over this weight set point as our height. The weight we end up, barring disordered eating or metabolic diseases, is mostly genetic with a bit of environment thrown in.

The reason public policy is the way it is? The BILLION dollar weight loss industry. They do their damnedest to suppress the actual scientific findings in order to sell their products.

And they are killing people in the process.

Lurker LXVII
Lurker LXVII
5 years ago

Wonder how the looks in your marketing department think they can survive with soy boys and whales as their core demographics

Well I mean, depending on if a whale is someone who is obese, it’s 32% of the population. If a whale is someone who is merely overweight, the figure balloons (hah!) to 64%. Thems not bad demographic numbers to be targeting!

If we assume that soy boys do not overlap with whales, that just adds on even more, a full 22% of US men qualifying as soy boys. (source:

There may be some overlap between whales and soy boys, of course, but still, we are talking in the 100 – 200 million range for number of people in the core demographic. I’d take it, were I Gillette. 🙂

5 years ago

@ mish

Adjectives! How do they work?

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
5 years ago

So sweet of these fascists to be concerned about a woman’s health.

I’m sure they were just as concerned when the California wildfires were raging a few months ago and my lungs were suffering. No, they didn’t rage about my health on Twitter. But they sent me positive vibes and vitamin C, and texted me encouragement. Ha, ha.

5 years ago

@KnittingCatLady That’s so true, all this stuff is incredibly profitable. These guys tweeting about the Gilette ad, while believing they are so edgy and fighting against the times, think exactly how they have been told to think – but with perhaps a more extreme lack of basic human politeness.

I forget which huge corporation it is but one conglomerate owns both a major ice cream brand and Slimfast. “Enjoy food your evolution has defined as irresistible and then starve yourself in shame!!” It’s all so depressingly cynical.

5 years ago

Slightly off-topic, there is a group of street performers called “Ladies against Women”. They appear to be mostly men in drag, a la Monty Python’s “women” in their sketches. They satirize the anti-feminist rhetoric by taking it to its logical conclusion, organizing absurd “protests” “demanding” the repeal of votes for women, etc.

In Strang’s “High Weirdness by Mail” they are mentioned as a satirical group, and are now found on the internet. Like Stang’s own “church of the subgenius”, they are a joke – but they are not ONLY a joke. Their serious point is pro-feminist, of course.

5 years ago

Incidentally, if you don’t know, the whole “women’s razors” thing is a scam. Women can use “men’s” razors just like they can use “men’s” pens or legal pads. “Women’s” razors wre regular razors, at three times the price of the already ridiculously overpriced men”/ razors.

5 years ago


Human Body!


5 years ago

It is sad that there are so many people with nothing better to do than be enraged about a woman being fat in public.

5 years ago

The wildfires have already started up again. It’s going to be a hazy summer.

5 years ago

This is a great move by Gillette. Guess what guys, surprisingly they aren’t selling women’s razors to you paragons of masculinity. They are selling women’s razors to, gasp, women. Women, who because of social pressure like the kind you put out, are conditioned to think anything over a size 2 is monstrously overweight, so this would appeal to them even more. You caused this add to be extra effective, and your screaming about it means even more people will see it. Good job helping them out guys…

Jesalin: Clit-o-centric Lesbian Goddess
Jesalin: Clit-o-centric Lesbian Goddess
5 years ago

Would a little bit of introspection be too much to ask?

Pretty sure that’s a great big yes.

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