By David Futrelle
I‘ve got a piece up today at NBC News THINK explaining how one of the most toxic ideas popularized by the Men’s Rights movement has helped to fuel the hateful ideology of the alt-right.
Specifically, I look at the way the misogynistic notion of “hypergamy” — as defined by a white nationalist, popularized by Men’s Rights Activists, MGTOWs and “Red Pillers” generally, then fed back to the right — underlies the alt-right’s obsession with, and insecurities about, “cucking,” both on a personal and cultural level, which the alt-right weaponizes in its attacks on immigrants. Misogyny feeds into racism, and vice versa.
From the article:
This fear of female sexual “disloyalty” has its roots in the notion of “hypergamy,” a discredited evolutionary psychology theory promulgated by Men’s Rights Activists and similar anti-woman communities convinced that women are biologically wired to abandon loyal “beta males” as soon as an alpha walks by. Men’s Rights Activist Paul Elam several years ago wrote that it drives “women outside their marriages for more sexually exciting adventures … with physically superior male specimens” who can provide both better sex and more masculine genes for her offspring. Elam, like many other proponents of the spurious theory, is convinced that a huge percentage of married men are unknowingly raising children that aren’t their own. (Multiple studies, meanwhile, suggest the actual number is around 1 or 2 percent and has been for hundreds of years.)
“Alt-rightists” have taken [this] notion one step further, attacking white women not only for allegedly cuckolding their husbands but also for cuckolding their race by dating and having children with non-white men. In a 2015 post on The Daily Stormer, neo-Nazi polemicist Andrew Anglin denounced what he called “the greasiest cuckolding of all,” declaring, in all seriousness, that “[t]he White European female’s craving for Black d— threatens to collapse civilization itself.”
There’s a lot more to the piece, but that’s the key argument. You can read it here.
The piece has already inspired some deep thought and introspection among right-wingers.

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I thought MRAs were just a subset of the alt-right, or basically started it. I don’t see them as separate. Not arguing with your overall point, just saying I don’t see them as necessarily separate groups.
Good summary for people catching up. One nit though — I get really frustrated that Andrew Anglin/weev gets to code switch his names.
Whenever we see that name we should remember that he pioneered the misogynistic harassment campaign, threatening tech journalist Kathy Sierra with violent and personal threats and prompting her to leave the industry. He later, after coming out of prison with a fresh swastika tattoo, mentored Milo Yinnopolis and Steve Bannon in the same techniques, punishing women for being involved in video games in the campaign known as GamerGate.
And now he works to keep Stormfront online.
The rageful harassment of women in public spaces isn’t just a side show of the alt-right — it’s baked in; and master chef Andrew Anglin/ Anonymous imp weev has been at the mixing bowl.
That last tweet by TruthSpeech, has me confused. Irresistible, but ALSO irresistible?
Waaahh? Help me out here peeps. I’m working on a migraine and my brain gets cloudy. I don’t understand it.
Having just read the article, can someone point out the bit where David goes on about how irresistible he is? I seem to have missed it.
Da fuq is the Twittiot on about?
Why aren’t conservatives capable of reading for comprehension rather than projection?
Yes, that is exactly what he wrote.
They’re two separate people. weev’s real name is Andrew Auernheimer. Yes, I know it’s difficult distinguishing two such pieces of shit: that their initials are both AA is probably the root of the confusion. Also, I think Auernheimer has written for the Daily Stormer from time to time and helped out on the technical side of things.
@rabid rabitt
Well, by saying that what they claim isn’t true he says that he hasn’t experienced it which means he must be irresistible to women because women not behaving like hypergamous assholes towards you means you’re so irresistible they want you more than random alphas that cross their path. And of course he’s only writing that article to promote himself and his dicks magic attraction powers, because that’s the only reason people would ever write something.
It couldn’t possibly be that hypergamy is absolute bullshit (as an evolutionary concept) and that most men aren’t obsessed with constantly proclaiming their own greatness to compensate for their insecurities. No way would David write an article because he’s an expert on the topic and because he wants to make the world a better place.
On the 29th of March, PROOF of the incel platform – a genuine black pill nuke – was posted on a mainstream news site, with data draw from a reputable aggregator.
Now you can’t claim you haven’t seen it, even though you will. Reality is gradually revealing itself to be in league with the incels, and (therefore) the enemy of SJWs and neutered white knights such as yourself.
Do you even have the balls to engage this at all? How do you respond, David? Show that you have some balls, however shrunken.
No? Yeah, I thought so.
Blackpill nuke: March 29th, 2019.
@ Incelsior
That article suggests the main reason for the statistical off in sexual activity is older people are a growing demographic, and that’s a group that has less sex generally.
Secondary reasons are:
1. Fewer young people can afford their own accommodation, so there’s less opportunity to live with partners than there used to be.
2. People have less money to spend on going out; so there’s fewer opportunities to meet potential sexual partners.
3. There’s more stuff to do now, like video games; internet, streaming movies at home; so people are less reliant on sex as entertainment.
Don’t see how any of those support the incel hypotheses about hypergamy or whatever is you’re whinging about this week.
So, same kind of logic as anti-vaxxers, pointing to rising autism rates and claiming it’s proof positive that vaccines are the cause. Gotcha. Very impressive, totally connected with reality, no conclusions jumped to at all.
And I can think of a lot of genuinely good reasons young men might be having less sex. Things like, you know, more women feeling empowered to say no, instead of just go along with it out of fear and exhastion. And maybe, just maybe, more men being willing to take that no for an answer. Also maybe less social emphasis on sex as a right of passage, better sex ed, less peer pressure, greater awareness of STD risks, and more relaxed attitudes towards non-PIV sex acts that “don’t count”.
@Incelsior – How about how maybe now men are finding it more socially acceptable to admit to not having sex? These statistics are all *self reported*, and I’m pretty sure I’ve seen an article talking about how women round *down* the number of sexual partners (and perhaps also how often they have sex) and men round *up*.
Women round down because they don’t want to be considered sluts.
Men round up because they want to be considered studs.
There’s a weird thing going on here… What would one call it? Oh right, a double standard. Now, typically I would use the same bullshit you were saying to put this back on you, and ‘call you to action’ (as it were) in the same way, hoping to goad you into a response.
But, frankly, I have too much class to refer to someone specific’s genitals without a pre-existing agreement. (which we do not have, rando on the internet)
Also, wtf my dude, why would small testicles mean you have courage? I can’t wait for your response explaining how it’s totally cool to police people’s bodies, maybe in a way that would make the people being policed (ones with testicles) to feel like they need to exaggerate about them.
Almost like how men feel like they need to exaggerate about sexual partners and instances of sex…..
It’s getting to be more acceptable for men to just *be*, and not need to be the ultra-masculine leader of a household who is bangin’ chicks left and right because THAT’S HOW WE SHOW THAT WE ARE MEN, AMIRITE?????
With your references to small testicles, and the inferrence we are supposed to make on how that makes the person you are addressing less of a man, I am left to wonder something. Could… Could it be that you are part of the problem, here?
I was just wondering if you knew you left these two paragraphs in the same comment.
Oh goodie, our first troll challenging David to a debate. L-fucking-ol. Incelsior must be new here. So cute when they’re young and full of bravado.
I had a feeling this would article would attract a new flock of seagulls (and I guess now a pod of lobsters too!).
My fiance and I always wonder where he would fall in on the alpha beta thing. First he’s a huge nerd who plays magic the gathering and rpgs and he’s under 6ft tall. But then he’s also a marine and in the best shape of his life. We’ve done the whole I’ve sat on his back and watch him do 50 push up sort of thing. Also he’s very attractive (to me he’s the most gorgeous man I’ve ever seen. Sorry Tom hiddleston) and yet instead of spending his 20s sleeping around with ever woman he can he met me and decided he wants to get married and have a family with me. Its almost like the alpha beta thing is bullshit and doesn’t actually exist in reality as we know it and is just a thing some sad misogynist made up to explain why no one wants to touch them or be near them.
@ lainy
Like anyone wants to go out with Andrew Anglin or Christopher Cantwell anyway.
@Meteor given the paranoia in extreme right circles some extreme right women may not want to get involved with the big names, out of (unwarranted) fear of being with them when someone tries to assassinate them.
You have not offered proof that men are involuntarily abstaining from sex (i.e. that they’re not volcel), nor that they are doing so out of a sense of helplessness (i.e. that they are being blackpilled).
Sex is great but you ever have a pie. A pie with a good scope of home made vanilla ice cream on it and black bate sprinkles.
@ Lainy,
Every comment of yours I read, I go “I’d totally hang out with her!” And the way you talk about your fiance is lovely. I feel the same about my husband. We’ve also wondered where he’d fall on the (bullshit) beta/alpha thing; he’s a farmer, so pretty fit and stereotypically manly…so, alpha?
But he also works off-farm helping people with developmental needs…so, beta? He’s also a big nerd, so…more beta? He’s also Muslim, which seems to make a lot of alt-righters get all paranoid in terms of “their” women being seduced away by “those” men…so, alpha again?
All in all…could it be…that this whole ranking and rating system is a total crock?!
PS, Lainy, now I want dessert!
Like, if there’s a significant segment of the male population that wants sex with a partner but isn’t getting it, so what? I’m not getting any, either, for reasons beyond my control. Whoop de doo.
Ah, but Muslim men feel they have to keep their women all oppressed and concealed and locked up, so clearly they’re not secure about them, and built up this whole oppressive system to keep their women with them instead of relying on their innate alphaness to keep said women tied to them, so, institutionally more beta again.
BUT! At the top of that system, they were alpha enough to have four wives and tons of concubines, and to have actual eunuchs (as opposed to mere betas) guarding them, so alpha as hell!
Except — wait. They had to use eunuchs, because otherwise the wives and concubines would cuck them with the beta guards. So insecure betas again. Plus the critical system failure that such men would be alpha enough to get that many women, except then it turns out to be mathematically impossible to keep that many women sexually satisfied at the same time, unless you let them be lesbians with each other, which is really hot except that (again, mathematically, which we know these guys are good at) sometimes they might lez it up when you’re not around to watch. Which means that they’re… um… uh…
Yeah, I’ve got no idea how things turn out in that case.
(By the way, I mentioned this in an older thread, but it may have slipped by you at that point — were you aware of this just being published? https://www.theguardian.com/books/2019/mar/26/its-not-about-the-burqa-muslim-women-faith-feminism-sexuality-race-essays-mariam-khan-review)
David was TOTALLY bragging about being a pussy magnet if you read between the lines and apply simple, twisted logic. He wrote an article critical of MRA / alt-right / incel “culture”, thus implying that he himself is not a whinging nazi who can’t get laid. Not an incel = irresistible to women! Eureka!