By David Futrelle
I‘ve got a piece up today at NBC News THINK explaining how one of the most toxic ideas popularized by the Men’s Rights movement has helped to fuel the hateful ideology of the alt-right.
Specifically, I look at the way the misogynistic notion of “hypergamy” — as defined by a white nationalist, popularized by Men’s Rights Activists, MGTOWs and “Red Pillers” generally, then fed back to the right — underlies the alt-right’s obsession with, and insecurities about, “cucking,” both on a personal and cultural level, which the alt-right weaponizes in its attacks on immigrants. Misogyny feeds into racism, and vice versa.
From the article:
This fear of female sexual “disloyalty” has its roots in the notion of “hypergamy,” a discredited evolutionary psychology theory promulgated by Men’s Rights Activists and similar anti-woman communities convinced that women are biologically wired to abandon loyal “beta males” as soon as an alpha walks by. Men’s Rights Activist Paul Elam several years ago wrote that it drives “women outside their marriages for more sexually exciting adventures … with physically superior male specimens” who can provide both better sex and more masculine genes for her offspring. Elam, like many other proponents of the spurious theory, is convinced that a huge percentage of married men are unknowingly raising children that aren’t their own. (Multiple studies, meanwhile, suggest the actual number is around 1 or 2 percent and has been for hundreds of years.)
“Alt-rightists” have taken [this] notion one step further, attacking white women not only for allegedly cuckolding their husbands but also for cuckolding their race by dating and having children with non-white men. In a 2015 post on The Daily Stormer, neo-Nazi polemicist Andrew Anglin denounced what he called “the greasiest cuckolding of all,” declaring, in all seriousness, that “[t]he White European female’s craving for Black d— threatens to collapse civilization itself.”
There’s a lot more to the piece, but that’s the key argument. You can read it here.
The piece has already inspired some deep thought and introspection among right-wingers.

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Prove otherwise.,
“If a woman masturbates in the forest, and there’s no man around to see it, does she still make a porn-like orgasm sound?”
KL you claim to parody incels and then go on to repeat all their talking points.
Dude, that’s not how parody works.
Also, only having sex with people you’re attracted to is not hypergamy. The survival sex and marriage you’re so keen on bringing back, that’s what encourages actual hypergamy.
I’m super confused about one thing. How us it that average women can only get average men but average men can’t get average women. That makes no sense!
I’m also wondering how stringing someone along is defined. Because breaking up with someone because the relationship isn’t working, being friends with someone but declining a romantic and using a soft no to turn down a man are all things that are not the same as deliberately stringing along a man. What’s gynocentricexpectations? Do you mean men paying for dates? Because I thought you wanted women to be unable to financially support ourselves so that we have to be with men we don’t like and aren’t attracted to? You can’t have it both ways.
Another thing, the financial issues mentioned are happening to nearly everyone. Because capitalism is failing. Yet it’s straight white men doing the vast majority of the rage violence. Turning back the clock on women’s rights is not going to make men healthier and happier, it’s only going to provide a punching bag for angry white men.
Lastly, fuck the male perspective.* The male perspective is everywhere. We know it well. No need to consider the needs of misogynists.
* The anti-woman perspective, which is what he really means.
Apparently, average men can only date mean women.
That is excellent. No being sorry for awesome stats puns. It nearly brought me to tears of laughter, and the dog is giving me funny looks.
Best way to start the morning! 🙂
@Lainy: Yep. Very creepy.
Your right i don’t care if 90 percent of the male population dies virgins having never even been kiss. None of them have rights to some one bodies. Thinking other wises is a rapist point of view you absolute fuck wank
Aslo KL
Go crawl back into what ever slime sewer pit you crawled out of. Your disgusting to think you should be allowed to uses someone else body for your pleasure because they need food and that you deserve this because of “hurt feelings”. I’ve been assaulted by one of your little “poor I’ve been rejected and not laid” type of guys. I will have to cary those scars with me for the rest of my life. I’ve talked with kids both male and female who have had more pain in their short lives then you have had in your entire life. If your biggest problem is no one wants to be with you or touch your penis you can get out of this thread right now, you wank. Come back with you’ve grown some real problems. No one wants to hear you complain about minor stuff that everyone single person that lives into puberty has to deal with.
Tl;dr Kl
I snorted.
I wish one of these asshats could give me a reason that I would even want to sleep with a guy I’m not attracted to. What am I getting out of it. Why would I be with someone that when I look at them I have the same sexual attraction to a peice of toast.
@WWTH: “sex with people you’re attracted to is not hypergamy.”
It is indeed hypergamy if you are only attracted to rich and famous. But incels’ complaint is not hypergamy; it is that economic liberation has raised the price of cheap women.
You can’t change hypergamous attraction any more than you can change attraction to youth, or dog’s attraction to fire hydrants. Hypergamy is even good, since it encourages hard work. Too bad so many men are attracted by superficial qualities.
I’m sorry to hear of @Lainy’s assault. My wife and multiple girlfriends were also victims, mostly by men. But I do not dismiss the perspective of all men or all lesbians just because someone hurt my beloved partners.
If you care about failure of capitalism to meet people’s material needs, then you should also care about fulfillment of emotional needs. Loneliness is an important problem in young men, women, or elderly.
Marriage rates are down, and celibacy is up. Remember, most of Elliot Rodger’s fatal victims were men!
Go fuck your self and keep your half ass apologies to yourself. Also who the fuck cares about marriage rates. Who the fuck cares about celibacy. these are issues. Your responsible for your own loneliness, not society. So fix it your fucking self. Even if you are lonely it doesn’t justify hurting people. CELIBACY IS NOT AN ISSUE. SOMEONE NOT TOUCHING YOU ISN’T AN ISSUE! Incels can go rot in a pit for all I care.
Y’all, I’m pretty done with KL. Using a reply to me to be super creepy to Lainy is just terrible.
Lainy, I’m sorry if you felt grossed out by that, I didn’t see it before now to comment on it.
Going to email David.
Unfortunately you get uses to it with creeps like this. I’m just a pretty little woman so obviously creeps think they can talk to me any way they like. I get refured to as a prop all the time. Notice he’s not even speaking directly to me. He talks to everyone else and uses me as a prop in his topic. I figured this would happy when I used my name with how female sounding it sounds.
Even when apologies about my rape you can’t fucking adress me? You can’t say
@Lainy I’m sorry that happened to you. No you said I’m sorry to here about lainy’s assault like your apologising to everyone else? Like I’m a pet that doesn’t understand something bad happened to me so you apologise to the owner like I’m sorry about your cat cancer? Are you fucking sierous breh.
KL is banned for being a creepy asshole and other comment policy violations.
Thank you Mr Futrelle
Thank you, David.
KL has yet to say anything to dispel my assessment of them of an awful person.
Cheap women? Cheap women? Where do you go to pick up cheap women? Is there a discount bin at K-mart? What makes them cheap? Did they cut off about 50% of the functionality of “ExpensiveWomenTM” models, and use reduced strength materials too reduce shipping weight?
Seriously, dude, women are not products where you can tally up every bit of their life history and settle on an appropriate price for relationship-having. They are humans.
It’s not that complicated.
And I still find your whole “but if only women were poor we wouldn’t have incels” absolutely repugnant. See earlier post about terrible human beings. Also, a bit pathetic.
Because, honestly, if incels really have such a low opinion of their own personalities that they would be willing to settle for a relationship where they feel the other person doesn’t actually have any genuine emotional investment and interest, and their partner ONLY has anything to do with them as a survival mechanism…
… any relationship they’ll ever have is going to be the most unfulfilling relationship imaginable, for both parties. I can’t see why any incel would actually WANT to be in a relationship where they know they’re not actually loved, or even liked, and are literally just being used as an economic buffer.
You know, unless they’re just really terrible people who don’t actually care about relationships, just about themselves and having power over another person.
Note: In the unfulfilling relationship described above, I am still solidly on the side of the “Person Who Wants To Live/Eat Food” I may think it’s awful to be in a relationship with someone who doesn’t care about you, but it’s even WORSE to be trapped because you just want to survive.
Ninja’d by David with the ban-hammer. Thanks, David!
Thank you, David!
Oh look, troll just told on himself for being a creepy predator.
@weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
He spent the one part of the thread where he said he’s upset that he can’t force a sexy, loud, 20 year old (me) to have sex in him for exchange for food. He already showed that.
True. I meant more predator as in predator of underage girls.
The reason incels have a problem finding women to date is they are explicitly assholes – they publicly say they will hurt/kill women who will not date them. And there are enough cases women take the threat seriously. If I walked up to you (I’m male) and demanded sex, and will hurt/kill you if you say no, I suspect you would fight back in whatever method you can – including running away.
I had a lot of success dating when I was single. I am coming back to dating because I am now single && I expect the same response – why? I treat women as people, not sex objects. I do not *expect* sex. And if/when we do have sex, I work hard to make it enjoyable for her. I make sure she gets off before I do. Pretty simple. I had several long-term girlfriends before I got married.
So – pretty simple rules. Don’t be a dick. Treat her like a person. Use protection for both STDs and don’t get her pregnant. Make it good for her. Pretty sad that incels are so bitter and clueless they cannot understand something pretty simple.
Jeeby creeby, I missed a fun one.
Dood is all “incels are a problem because they can’t afford to just buy women anymore” and can’t understand the pushback. Perhaps it’s ’cause women are done being treated as objects available for purchase, dood. If that bothers you, too heckin’ bad.
Work is busy you guyse! Hope you’re all doing well.