By David Futrelle
A couple of weeks back, you may recall, our old friend Roosh V complained, in a tweet, that Satan was giving him boners by making women in his vicinity all sexy and stuff. At the time I wondered if the aging libertine, who now spends much of his time fulminating like a fundamentalist preacher, had truly found God, or if he had just decided to namedrop the Biblical villain for, well, the hell of it. I was skeptical.
But maybe my cynicism was unwarranted? The world’s skeeziest alleged pickup artist has now come out as a brand-new Christian. For real.
In a post on the Roosh V forum, he offered some more details on his conversion.
If you’ve been following my work for a while, you’ll notice I’ve been warning up to faith in God over the years, especially the past year. This is due to witnessing the growth of evil in society, my personal experiences with unbridled hedonism, and my sister’s death.
And no, I wasn’t kidding about the shrooms:
This reached a climax when I received a message while on mushrooms which cemented that faith further, an experience which I will share in the future after I’m done processing it. Sure of my path, I decided to publicly “come out”.
Far freakin’ out, Praise the Lord.
While the shrooms might have triggered his “come to Jesus” moment, Roosh apparently had been heading that direction for some time, fed up with the nihilism of “the black pill” — by which he seems to mean his depression as an aging pickup artist who had gotten as tired of “the game” as most of the very young women he tried to pick up had, I suspect, gotten of him.
I believe that remaining black pilled is unsustainable because of the high degree of despair, meaninglessness, and hopelessless it requires, which goes beyond the human ability to handle. …
The God pill does feel like the final destination, where life becomes about asking Him for help and performing His will in a way that embraces good. My mind is currently buzzing with this new perspective, and I wouldn’t be surprised if much of my new work will be framed around it.
So this changes everything, right? Roosh will stop teaching men how to “bang” women even if they physically push you away and literally tell you “no” thirty times? He’ll renounce the pleasures of the flesh and take up the life of the mind, possibly becoming the next Thomas Merton or Teilhard de Chardin?
Well, not so fast. I mean, first of all, Roosh is an idiot, and his theological speculations are likely to be a mixture of the blindingly obvious and the incredibly dumb.
Second, it turns out Roosh’s vision of Orthodox Christianity is a tad unorthodox. His recent “critiques” of hedonism only seem to apply to women, for one thing. Roosh continues to sell the pickup manuals that many see (not without reason) as date rape how-to guides. And he’s still offering “game” advice on his blog.
No, his newfound faith seems to mainly be providing him with more excuses to rail against the alleged evils of the very same “slutty” women he teaches guys how to “bang.”
Here’s his Satan tweet, as mentioned above:
But there are so many more:
And apparently, in Roosh’s eyes, fat women are also an affront to God.
Roosh continues to rail against LGBT people and the “globohomo agenda.”
And he seems to be turning into quite the anti-Semitic conspiracy theorist.
Indeed, he’s become such a devoted Jew-hater that he’s managed to get one of his Tweets banned in France for promoting the world’s most anti-Semitic ASMR video. Which, yes, is a thing.
Unlike most conservative Christians, Roosh is a big fan of Islam, or at least of those varieties of Islam that treat women and LGBT people as badly as he would like to see them treated.
So maybe I was right to be cynical about Roosh’s newfound interest in religion. The new “Christian” Roosh looks an awful lot like the old awful Roosh, except that now he sometimes makes references to Satan when he spews his hate.
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As a Christian…
And you know he’s not the least bit repentant for raping women, either.
By the way, did anyone else see this article? I found it very… interesting :p
Early Church history is a bit of a hobby of mine. The history of the early church is basically one of controversies over the exact nature of God and Jesus: were they the same person? Was one subordinate to the other? Were they the one substance? What exactly was meant by “substance”? If Jesus was both human and divine, did he possess both a divine and human will? There was a lot of bickering between the various sects of Christianity, a lot of it violent, which led to a number of ecumenical Councils to define orthodox Christianity, the earliest and arguably most important one being the First Council of Nicea which defined the basic doctrine of the Trinity and the Nicene Creed. Subsequent councils built on the doctrine of the first: Jesus was described as having both human and divine nature, inseparable, the two mingled, his human nature described by one commentator as dissolved in his divine nature like a drop of wine dissolved in a cup of water.
Then some idiot in Constantinople had to open his big yap, basically saying, “wait, though, what if it was a drop of oil instead of wine, could you separate them, then what?” and the whole fucking shitstorm started all over again, and there had to be a new Council, the Council of Chalcedon to sort the whole mess out. The argument went back and forth, the Council’s conclusion was, “yes, but also no?” which pleased exactly no-one, till finally the delegates from the churches that made up what would become the Oriental Orthodoxy basically threw up their hands and said, “this is horseshit, we’re out of here”. And the rest of the delegates went, “well, do you have any better ideas?” and they replied, “well, no, apart from ‘not having an ecumenical council every time one of your theologians has a fucking brain fart’. Don’t call us, we’ll call you”. And that was that: the Oriental Orthodox Schism.
TL;DR So while the Oriental Orthodox church may have diverged liturgically over time from Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy, I think the original reason for the schism is pretty much regarded as political rather than theological (or, at least, the theological issues take a back seat to the political ones. If you read the Wikipedia article about the Council, there is a strong undercurrent of political lines being drawn between Rome and Constantinople one one side and Rome, Alexandria and Antioch on the other before the debate even started). Sometimes Oriental Orthodoxy is described as “Nestorian“, but I don’t think that’s strictly accurate.
Cat’s explanation should be in history books… so the two natures (divine and human) in one substance (Jesus) are inseperable, but the question is what exactly “inseperable” is?
Thanks, Cat Mara. There is always something to learn and something to teach here, yeah?
Has anybody been watching The Santa Clarita Diet on Netflix? It’s a really fun show. Drew Barrymore is a suburban mom who becomes a zombie. She targets Nazis and in the new season, an MRA because if she has to eat people, she’s gonna eat bad people.
It’s pretty awesome.
@ TheKND
Not a potential disciple of Blind Io then ?
Sorry, couldn’t resist.
(Sorry, that should’ve been, “Rome and Constantinople one one side and Jerusalem, Alexandria and Antioch on the other”)
Calvin Klein woman is beautiful. I want to see the rest of that promotion.
The homoousios vs homoiousios fight!
(I admit, I had to look up the spellings.)
Wasn’t the Council of Nivea the one where St. Nicholas started a bar fight?
@Moon Custafer:
Better get it right or you will be ANATHEMA!!!
Never heard that story!
According to Britten’s St. Nicholas cantata, yep:
He sat among the bishops who were summoned to Nicaea:
Then rising with the wrath of God
Boxed Arius’s ear!
Then Arius went outside and shat himself to death, but as the cantata was written for a bunch of children, that detail isn’t included.
It’s entirely possible I’m mistaken about the bar part, but I think he did lose it, punch Arius, and spent a night in jail.
@ cat Mara
There’s a YouTube channel called Extra Credits. They have a nice series of ten minute vids about early church schisms you might enjoy.
Sounds like *someone’s* figured out there’s a ton of money to be made out of “Christian” misogyny. Sigh.
The takes on this graph bug me for a few reasons. For one thing, they’re extrapolating an awful lot about the, uh, “quality” of men specifically in that age group. From the article:
Never mind that 28% still isn’t “most of the men out there,” but I just think that maybe it isn’t the greatest idea to suggest that women these days are willing to have sex with smaller proportions of men their age based on the “value” that they provide. (Surely at least this site can feel me on this one?) Some other takes I’ve seen are a little more explicit about this, saying things like, “Have you met men under 30?” and, “Excuse me for wanting to date a man with a job and non-disgusting apartment.”
“Kids these days are lazy basement-dwelling gamers” is not a great take and not something I particularly enjoy hearing from non-conservative non-boomers. But the graph itself only serves to facilitate such reductive conclusions because it only divides by binary gender and not by other things like race, other gender/sexuality identities, or ability. I mean, there are a lot of people who literally can’t participate in this workforce, and even more still who find it very difficult, but there’s nothing particularly stopping them from being better sex partners than the average 90s kid who does “have it together” by the standards of capitalism.
The other thing is, the data describes who is reportedly having sex at all, and not, say, how much sex they’re having. There’s nothing about the ability to sustain a long-term relationship. You don’t even need stable financial independence to clear the low bar of being a good candidate for having sex with at least once. None of the stuff I just talked about even matters. The actual data has nothing to do with any of this.
@Alan Robertshaw: Cheers, will check them out.
@Rabid Rabbit, @Moon Custafer: Oh, Arius: he must go down as the guy who started the most long-lived heresy of all. He didn’t shit himself to death, much and all that the orthodox Fathers would have liked him to have done so: he got banished, but he came back and in the end even Constantine himself got baptised by an Arian bishop.
FWIW, Arianism (nothing to do with Aryans BTW) is the idea that Jesus is subordinate to the Father– it was the idea I alluded to in my first post about the pecking order in the Trinity. The Council of Nicea was supposed to have stamped it out but it persisted for a long, long time afterwards. In fact, if you ever hear Catholics recite the creed, they say, “We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son“; that “and the Son” bit (the so-called “filioque clause“) was added because there was an outbreak of Arianism in the West at one point and they thought it best to stick it in there as the original Nicene Creed doesn’t have it. The Eastern half of the Church were like, “guys, we get what you’re trying to do here but you can’t just go unilaterally adding stuff to the Creed, c’mon”. It was one of the causes of the East-West schism between Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy, though things were so sour at this point that it was fairly small beans, especially when shit like the Sack of Constantinople went down.
You could argue that Arianism still exists to this day with modern Christian denominations like the LDS and the Jehovah’s Witnesses who subscribe to non-Trinitarian christology, though AFAIK they don’t trace their teachings through Arius directly.
@Cat Mara
Oh, I know he didn’t actually, but it remains one of my favorite slanders from the early church fathers.
@Rabid Rabbit: They’re very big on their scatology… isn’t there an apocryphal story too about Judas not hanging himself but swelling up and bursting and his bowels ending up all over the place? ?
I’m really glad to see all this early chiurch history stuff in the comments here because we just got done studying it in my World Religions class. We just finished up Christianity and moved into Islam this past week.
@Cat Mara
Not Judas. King Herod supposedly died that way.
@ cat mara and talonknife
It’s in Acts that Judas is reported to have his ‘bowels gush out’.
The Mary Sue article itself is (in my opinion) frankly stupid and thoughtless in a sort of obvious way (it smacks of filler turned in on an imminent deadline), but the data itself is interesting. it comes from this WashPo article, which itself draws from the General Social Survey, a very reputable data aggregator.
The most striking aspect is obviously the massive spike in young male sexlessness, which began around 2008. Why 2008? A glance at Twitter tells me that everyone has their own explanation: mainstream liberals point to the Great Recession, mainstream conservatives point to erosion of marriage and/or the demonization of masculinity, feminists point to rising standards among women, incels to OKCupid and Tinder, and so on.
Clearly, it’s because males were all stricken by depression-linked impotence on realizing their wimminz had metaphorically cucked them by voting for Obama.
@Cat Mara et al.
The early fathers really are fascinating. When you think of it, they’re the original MGTOWs — running off into the desert to avoid women but still spending all their time ranting about the evils of women and fornication, going on about how great it will be to be in heaven and laughing at the people in hell yet insisting that they’re the good guys and theirs is a religion of love, plus having Roosh-like levels of hygiene. I wonder if there was a WHTM-like tavern somewhere back in the day where people could get together to rant about them. “Oh for crying out loud, just go and survive by eating your own suppurating sores if you want to. Just stop yelling about how much holier you are than us!”
It’s always the assholes who stampede to this idea of Insta-Forgiveness in religion when it suits them. I mean, either full-ass being a piece of shit and own it, or don’t be a piece of shit at all instead of crying to your God to “forgive” you.
And I don’t doubt he’s faking it, even if it might be unconsciously. Didn’t he use to talk about how to pick up girls in churches because they were likely virgins???
Definitely misread the title as “Roosh V takes the “God Pill,” embarrassing Jesus.” This also seems accurate.