By David Futrelle
A couple of weeks back, you may recall, our old friend Roosh V complained, in a tweet, that Satan was giving him boners by making women in his vicinity all sexy and stuff. At the time I wondered if the aging libertine, who now spends much of his time fulminating like a fundamentalist preacher, had truly found God, or if he had just decided to namedrop the Biblical villain for, well, the hell of it. I was skeptical.
But maybe my cynicism was unwarranted? The world’s skeeziest alleged pickup artist has now come out as a brand-new Christian. For real.
In a post on the Roosh V forum, he offered some more details on his conversion.
If you’ve been following my work for a while, you’ll notice I’ve been warning up to faith in God over the years, especially the past year. This is due to witnessing the growth of evil in society, my personal experiences with unbridled hedonism, and my sister’s death.
And no, I wasn’t kidding about the shrooms:
This reached a climax when I received a message while on mushrooms which cemented that faith further, an experience which I will share in the future after I’m done processing it. Sure of my path, I decided to publicly “come out”.
Far freakin’ out, Praise the Lord.
While the shrooms might have triggered his “come to Jesus” moment, Roosh apparently had been heading that direction for some time, fed up with the nihilism of “the black pill” — by which he seems to mean his depression as an aging pickup artist who had gotten as tired of “the game” as most of the very young women he tried to pick up had, I suspect, gotten of him.
I believe that remaining black pilled is unsustainable because of the high degree of despair, meaninglessness, and hopelessless it requires, which goes beyond the human ability to handle. …
The God pill does feel like the final destination, where life becomes about asking Him for help and performing His will in a way that embraces good. My mind is currently buzzing with this new perspective, and I wouldn’t be surprised if much of my new work will be framed around it.
So this changes everything, right? Roosh will stop teaching men how to “bang” women even if they physically push you away and literally tell you “no” thirty times? He’ll renounce the pleasures of the flesh and take up the life of the mind, possibly becoming the next Thomas Merton or Teilhard de Chardin?
Well, not so fast. I mean, first of all, Roosh is an idiot, and his theological speculations are likely to be a mixture of the blindingly obvious and the incredibly dumb.
Second, it turns out Roosh’s vision of Orthodox Christianity is a tad unorthodox. His recent “critiques” of hedonism only seem to apply to women, for one thing. Roosh continues to sell the pickup manuals that many see (not without reason) as date rape how-to guides. And he’s still offering “game” advice on his blog.
No, his newfound faith seems to mainly be providing him with more excuses to rail against the alleged evils of the very same “slutty” women he teaches guys how to “bang.”
Here’s his Satan tweet, as mentioned above:
But there are so many more:
And apparently, in Roosh’s eyes, fat women are also an affront to God.
Roosh continues to rail against LGBT people and the “globohomo agenda.”
And he seems to be turning into quite the anti-Semitic conspiracy theorist.
Indeed, he’s become such a devoted Jew-hater that he’s managed to get one of his Tweets banned in France for promoting the world’s most anti-Semitic ASMR video. Which, yes, is a thing.
Unlike most conservative Christians, Roosh is a big fan of Islam, or at least of those varieties of Islam that treat women and LGBT people as badly as he would like to see them treated.
So maybe I was right to be cynical about Roosh’s newfound interest in religion. The new “Christian” Roosh looks an awful lot like the old awful Roosh, except that now he sometimes makes references to Satan when he spews his hate.
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I would be astounded if Roosh even knew the difference between Orthodoxy and Roman Catholicism.
Roosh is starting to remind me of Kendra Vaughan Hovey, who has gone from being a Wiccan high priestess to a nondenominational Christian minister to a practicing Jew, to …. I think she’s a calligrapher now. A lot of seeking that just happens to require being in charge of things.
It reminds me of a Swedish saying;
När fan blir gammal blir han religiös.
If I were to translate; when the devil gets old, he gets religious. (the word “fan” is a name for the devil, but can also mean a person who’s a bastard or an a-hole). I think there’s much truth in that saying, and that them suddenly finding religion is less about any attempt at redemption and more about them discovering that their vile views are seen as a lot more legit if they can find ancient texts written by older and even more bigoted men than themselves to back them up, akin to how snake oil becomes ancient miracle medicine in the eyes of hippies if you say you got the recipe from the ancient Chinese/Egyptians/native Americans.
I really feel like this guy is just trying to stay relevant with something out rages. Being the abusive rapist he isn’t it just getting him money or attention anymore so he needs to throw in other bullshit along with it. If this guy could even recite a single prayer I’d be surprised.
Roosh has basically morphed into famed former WHTM troll NWOslave.
Hey, guess what, the big man Jesus himself offers a solution to this problem of yours, Roosh!
Matthew 5:27 – 29 “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart. If your right eye causes you to sin, tear it out and throw it away. For it is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body be thrown into hell.”
Ever notice how it’s the people who have the most to personally be ashamed of that become holier-than-thou born agains? Like, “I was a complete turd before I latched onto this, I assume that’s the case for everyone.”
No, it’s not normal. You just suck.
Wait, there was this Roosh nonsense:
and also this Roosh nonsense:
And now this fresh, new, extra-nonsensy Roosh nonsense?
I officially can’t keep up. Wonder if Roosh himself can.
He’s moving into middle age, so no. He probably can not. 😛
A good half of all whining, complaining, and “get off my lawn” shit is caused by the thought “I wish I could still do that.”
Now that he’s Christian, do you guys think he’ll renounce his misogynist, racist, hateful beliefs and become more loving of his fellow man?
Yeah, I don’t think so too.
He proposed pretending to be Mormon some years ago to pick up women and made a hilariously crude patchwork Photoshop of himself in “traditional Muslim garb”, for some typical Roosh reason which I forget. I’m almost certain his new coming unto Christ will tie in to picking up chicks somehow. Or rather more likely, finding a good, submissive Christian housewife.
Does… does he not know about belly dancing?
Beata Maria…
You know I am a righteous man
Of my virtue I am justly proud
Beata Maria,
You know I’m so much purer than
the common blue-pilled cock carousel crowd
Then tell me, Maria!
Why her leggings make me stare
Why her outlined thighs still scorch my soul…
Okay so now he’s a Christian misogynist and rapist.
Since he’s going for Orthodoxy, presumably he’ll become a Khlyst at need. I mean, that way he can still bang women (if any will have him), because hat sort of thing is the precondition for repenting, and he can claim his unwashed ass is due to being a religious ascetic.
The most gullible and easiest marks are always the religious. Much of modern right wing media and advertisers are founded on this fact, as extensively and fascinatingly documented by many.
Roosh is just going where the credibility bar is perpetually lower.
Talonknife, I honestly don’t know if he knows the difference between Oriental Orthodox (the church he was baptized into) and Eastern Orthodox. He talks about the first in his tweet and in his forum post, but then (in a different thread on his forum) he linked people to a website connected to the Eastern Orthodox church.
I mean, sure, I don’t understand the theological and other differences between the two but I don’t claim to be an Orthodox Christian.
A Roosh parody of “Hellfire”?! OMG, that’s amazing!
(Puzzled look) in any case, isn’t Roosh – the son of an Iranian father and Armenian mother – probably Muslim?
BTW the view that women are the tool of Satan IS rather common in Christianity. One early sect declared only those “not defiled by women” can go to heaven, which presumably also means they cannot BE women.
Oops, missed Futrelle’s post about Roosh being born an oriental orthodox Christian.
The difference between them and eastern orthodoxs (and also catholics and protestants), going back to ca. 450, seems to be that Jesus does not have two seperate natures – fully god and fully man – in one substance (his body), but one nature mixed together *from* those two natures in that body.
No, don’t ask me, I don’t get it either.
Great, now I have pictures of guys sending a whole bunch of helpful eyeballs to women, which float around and do the dishes or whatever. THANK YOU ROOSH!
1. Somewhere in Heaven Jesus is thinking, “Great. Like my fan club didn’t have enough assholes already.”
And now Roosh is going for the Alex Jones crowd. Wonderful.
Did I miss something? Because IIRC the guy who got arrested had Trump worship all over him.
Following up on personalpest’s comment:
Yes, a mass shooting of New Zealand Muslims by an Australian white supremacist will definitely make New Zealand see Israel in a more positive light.
Right. Of course. No one must know that the shooter admired Donald Trump as a symbol of white identity.
Or else WHAT?