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Men Going Their Own Way are as bad at Venn diagrams as they are at understanding women

By David Futrelle

The Men Going Their Own Way subreddit is filled with a lot of discussion that go something like this:

poopislube 112 points 1 day ago 
Why are women on a pedestal when we are the superior gender? How did this all get so backwards?


[–]Swami_of_Six_Paths 71 points 1 day ago 
Feminism and a bunch of retard males who allowed women to be viewed as some goddess.

Yet the level of discourse that goes on amongst MGTOWs on Reddit and elsewhere does not exactly provide robust evidence for the alleged superiority of men.

I mean, these guys are seriously obtuse, and not just about women.

Consider this attempt at a Venn diagram, posted to the MGTOW subreddit by a fellow with the lovely moniker “C*ntplainer,” and intended as a sort of funny overview of the relationship between women and assorted types of men. Then consider that this diagram got 100 upvotes from Reddit’s MGTOWs, with one commenter declaring that “this is gonna be a classic.”

As you no doubt have noticed, this Venn diagram isn’t actually a Venn diagram at all. It’s more like a cargo cult version of a Venn diagram. Sure, it’s got overlapping circles and captions like a real Venn diagram, but they don’t represent overlapping sets. I mean, Mr. Plainer surely isn’t suggesting that some Chads are also Tyrones, and that some of these Chad/Tyrones are also women.

No, as best as I can tell, the overlapping circles represent some sort of interaction, with captions showing what someone from one or the other group involved in the interaction might say about it, at least in the minds of MGTOWs if not in the real world.

But even then it doesn’t follow any sort of logic. Who is supposedly getting genital warts from whom? Are Chad and Tyrone having sex with the same woman, who’s screaming “fuck me, yes!” Or are they fucking each other, too, with either Chad or Tyrone doing the screaming?

Also, why aren’t the incels overlapping with school shooters? It’s all a bit confusing.

C*ntplainer also posted this Venn diagram that actually is a Venn diagram, more or less. Alas, it’s also pretty stupid, if not quite as monumentally stupid as his other contribution.

Still, I’m pretty sure that neither any robber nor any woman has ever uttered the sentence “I am strong and independent but you support me.”

All this reminds me of what may be the greatest Venn diagram of all time, which I believe was the work of comedian Joanna Bradley.

Absolutely nailed it. And, obviously, it’s equally accurate if you replace “Men’s Rights Activists” with MGTOWs. That’s just science.

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5 years ago

Oh, I remember that asshole. He kept going on and on about how he’d only leave if “Mr. Futrelle” tole him to, and then David dropped the banhammer on his sorry ass.

5 years ago

Sorry for the double post – I thought my first comment had been eaten.

5 years ago


It’s okay I enjoy seeing your dog photo when you do comment. <3

5 years ago

Oh, I remember that one! She’s totally waiting for him in bed but we’re perverts for thinking he means sex by that.

Crip Dyke
5 years ago



Daycare is expensive AF.
…I don’t know if you’ve ever actually worked, but there is a shit tonne of networking that happens at these things. A metric shit tonne.

Better Safe Than Sorry:

Please mind your language. No need to use black gang street languages.


I re-read my response, and I think he might be referring to when I used ‘AF’? I just… I can’t even…

Although I think that BSTS might not even know what AF stands for and might actually be referring to “metric shit tonne”, it’s also clear that BSTS is racist, in fact racist AF, for thinking that somehow Black folk are responsible for the ongoing use of the word “shit” in the english language. It would be just as racist to think that of the word “fuck” or the abbreviation “AF”.

Seriously, if I’m not proof enough that white feminists drop F-bombs like Republicans drop tax rates, you could always take it from Nomy Lamm in her essay Fishnets, Feather Boas and Fat included in the anthology “Body Outlaws” (originally titled, Adios, Barbie!):

Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuckaroo, fuckaroni!

While Lamm has written many things, that quote is by far my favorite and the most frequently quoted in my home.

5 years ago

I will put it very blunt here: A woman who does poor in her career but has educated her children as role models in society, has been successful; a women who has excelled in her career at the expense of her children, has been a failure.

As a woman who does not and never will have children (by choice), I’d like to say how absolutely heartbroken I am to hear that some random racist troll on the internet thinks that I am a failure. Truly. I may never recover from such a blow.

It certainly isn’t as though there is a vast wealth of experiences, causes, and goals that one may find meaning in outside of biological offspring. (Well, not for women, anyway. Men are certainly able to have rich internal lives outside of children, but everyone knows that a woman’s only purpose is one thing.)

I’m ever so glad you’ve come here to deposit such glistening turds of wisdom.


Better safe than sorry
Better safe than sorry
5 years ago

@Catalpa. If you don’t have children, then by all means, go as high as you can with your career.

Rhuu - apparently an illiterati
Rhuu - apparently an illiterati
5 years ago

Omg lololol was it ‘metric shit tonne’??? I sure do hope so!!! I can just imagine people saying tough language like that to show they mean buisnessssss!

@bsts – how high do men get to go in their career? If it’s different, why is it different?

Also i think you might be that troll that was horrified that we read the obvious conclusion into “going to go and sleep with my wife”. I had forgotten about you! How’re things?

Crip Dyke
5 years ago


In the same comment, before he mentioned his wife waiting in bed for him, he thanked the other commenters for the “online menage”.

It was after he declared he was leaving our menage for something better involving a “real woman” in his bed that he popped his monocle learning that we might believe he had made a coded reference to sex.

Talented with social interaction Desperate Ambrose wasn’t.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
5 years ago

I’m pretty sure “shit” has a long and storied history as an Anglo-Saxon cuss word, so the only freaking way black people are somehow responsible for it is if the word goes all the way back to Cheddar Man’s time.

5 years ago

I don’t understand why he freaked out about us thinking he was having the sex with his wife anyways. If my finance was home we probably wouldn’t leave our bed for much. I think it’s a pretty safe bet to think that married people have sex.

5 years ago

I’m going to have children and reach as high as I can in my career. My fiance and I want at least 3 kids. We might not be able to have biological kids and if we can’t that’s okay. I mean I’m sad about it but there is a world of children that don’t have families and need one. You bet your ass both my fiance and I will be working our asses off in our careers to give our kids everything they need.

5 years ago

If you don’t have children, then by all means, go as high as you can with your career.

Surely if a woman’s success is contingent on how well she raises her children, then I, as a person with absolutely no children, can have absolutely no success?

Rabid Rabbit
Rabid Rabbit
5 years ago


I don’t think that necessarily follows. It’s more a matter of establishing (well, reinforcing) a two-tiered system where motherhood is valued above childlessness, so you can be as successful as you like, but if you have a baby that’s what you’re judged on, and a relatively decent mother is superior to an absolutely brilliant career woman, because raising babies is inherently more valuable. Sort of like “You may be the world’s greatest cashier, but that’s still not like being even a middling nuclear physicist.”

It’s a shamefully false comparison that depends on completely ignoring context and wiping out massive numbers of women (one who can’t have children, etc.), and one that devalues/demeans/disaparages all working women, but it doesn’t mean you can’t be successful. Just that your success will never make you equal to Saint Mommy. (Or, of course, to a man, for all the usual reasons.)

Better safe than sorry
Better safe than sorry
5 years ago

“then I, as a person with absolutely no children, can have absolutely no success?” →I never implied that.
“motherhood is valued above childlessness, so you can be as successful as you like, but if you have a baby that’s what you’re judged on, and a relatively decent mother is superior to an absolutely brilliant career woman, because raising babies is inherently more valuable” → A mother that educates her children in the process of upbringing is superior to anyone in the family, that includes the father.

I find it preposterous that if a mother decides to leave her career to put all her attention to the kids, that she gets shamed by society, and by feminists in particular.

Regarding the “other” troll some of you are referring to, uhm no, that’s not me.

Rhuu - apparently an illiterati
Rhuu - apparently an illiterati
5 years ago

@BSTS – motherhood is a *choice*. As I said, if someone *chooses* to be a SAHM (stay at home mom), then more power to them. I wouldn’t want that job.

This –

I find it preposterous that if a mother decides to leave her career to put all her attention to the kids, that she gets shamed by society, and by feminists in particular.

I think we’ll need some examples of feminist theorists saying this. Modern examples, not something from the 70s.

Re – if you’re the other troll – ehhh. We’ll see if you make remarks that are obviously alluding to sex and then pop every last monocle when were are all “we don’t care about your sex life, my dude.”

Isn’t it interesting how it’s sometimes hard to tell trolls apart, though?


Also, for an example on how some people call themselves ‘feminists’ but really aren’t – see ALL the TERFs in England. Holy shit there are a lot of TERFs there. It’s pretty horrifying.

Freakin’ TERFs.

5 years ago

@Better safe than sorry

You said that a woman who does well in her career is a failure. That’s what you said, those are your words. And now your trying to back peddle like you didn’t just tell women with no children that they have no value. In many threads I have expressed great want to be a mother and not a single feminist on here has shamed me for it like you’ve implied.

I find it preposterous that if a mother decides to leave her career to put all her attention to the kids, that she gets shamed by society, and by feminists in particular.

That’s rich considered you just shamed a bunch of women for being mothers and having careers. Your really transparent. Please just gtfo. Your annoying, racist, and sexist. No one wants you here.

Also I noticed you stayed out of the tattoo thread since it started talking about tattoos becoming a way for rape victims to reclaim their bodies. Is that a shred of decency from you or do your know if you sexiest ass goes into that you’ll get banned? For someone who suppose to GTOW you have a lot of fucking opinions on how women should be and how horrible they aren’t when they aren’t your dependent housewives.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
5 years ago

I’m sure that since BSTS wants women to quit paid employment to raise their children, he is in full support of universal health care, increased wages and a more robust social safety net so that a single income household is actually financially viable for everyone?

We really need to stop pretending like most families even have the stay at home parent option available before we can even start discussing whether or not people should be staying at home.

5 years ago

A mother that educates her children in the process of upbringing is superior to anyone in the family, that includes the father.

What about a stay at home dad? Or aunt who took custody after the parents died? Or grandparents who take over childcare because the parent(s) can’t afford a home and move in, but still have to both work 2 jobs to put food on the table in this late-stage capitalist hellscape? Why the focus on the mother?

5 years ago

I guess it also wouldn’t be a big deal that, due to the event of a divorce, that child custody and support would greatly favor the mother. Automatic full custody and a HUGE amount of child support would be owed to her, and she should def keep the house and the big car. After all, she’s not supposed to work. Otherwise shes a failure. Right?


Rhuu - apparently an illiterati
Rhuu - apparently an illiterati
5 years ago

We really need to stop pretending like most families even have the stay at home parent option available before we can even start discussing whether or not people should be staying at home.

Good point. I almost put “I wish I could survive having a family on a single income” at the end of my post, and didn’t. I probably should have!

Who can afford to have a single income support everyone, anyway??? Sheesh.

5 years ago


Who can afford to have a single income support everyone, anyway??? Sheesh.

BSTS probably thinks they shouldn’t. Only rich, young, married white women should be having babies silly. If they aren’t their just being irresponsible obviously


Rhuu - apparently an illiterati
Rhuu - apparently an illiterati
5 years ago

Also, I’m sure there is a bit of the ‘damn millenials! Killin’ home ownership! And mc mansions! And mayonnaise! and diamond rings!’

Maybe not exactly in BSTS, but in that whole idea. “Why aren’t kids these days behaving like their parents and grandparents when it comes to spending money and consuming things?”

If i didn’t have so much food at home (long story, I’ll freeze the excess for later-Rhuu) I would stop and buy an avocado for avocado toast! mmmmmmm.

(I’ll never own a home anyway, might as well enjoy the finer things in life.)

5 years ago

Yeah probably. My engagement ring is a blue sapphire. Didn’t have time for diamonds. Just because we aren’t falling for the same racket. It’s high price for a gem stone that isn’t even very pretty.

Better safe than sorry
Better safe than sorry
5 years ago

@Lainy: “You said that a woman who does well in her career is a failure. That’s what you said, those are your words”. No, if a mother does well in her career AT THE EXPENSE of her children, is a failure.
If she has no kids, my statement does not apply.

“I think we’ll need some examples of feminist theorists saying this. Modern examples, not something from the 70s”. →Sweden, as well as other European tax codes, that disfavor traditional families with one working breadwinner.

The thread regarding tattoos, give me the link and I will show you I am not that troll.
Lastly Lainy, in addition to some poor word choices (f-word) in your arguments, you are in the habit of telling me to “get lost, we don’t want you here etc”, Too my understanding, you don’t own this website.

@Kupo: “What about a stay at home dad etc” Valid point. My point is that both parents working and kids thrown into daycare is NOT the way to go for family. The fact that both parents need to work to get food on the table in the current setting of economy, is a sad state of affairs indeed. I have my reasons for this phenomenon too, but that would be too elaborate to go into.