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Men Going Their Own Way are as bad at Venn diagrams as they are at understanding women

By David Futrelle

The Men Going Their Own Way subreddit is filled with a lot of discussion that go something like this:

poopislube 112 points 1 day ago 
Why are women on a pedestal when we are the superior gender? How did this all get so backwards?


[–]Swami_of_Six_Paths 71 points 1 day ago 
Feminism and a bunch of retard males who allowed women to be viewed as some goddess.

Yet the level of discourse that goes on amongst MGTOWs on Reddit and elsewhere does not exactly provide robust evidence for the alleged superiority of men.

I mean, these guys are seriously obtuse, and not just about women.

Consider this attempt at a Venn diagram, posted to the MGTOW subreddit by a fellow with the lovely moniker “C*ntplainer,” and intended as a sort of funny overview of the relationship between women and assorted types of men. Then consider that this diagram got 100 upvotes from Reddit’s MGTOWs, with one commenter declaring that “this is gonna be a classic.”

As you no doubt have noticed, this Venn diagram isn’t actually a Venn diagram at all. It’s more like a cargo cult version of a Venn diagram. Sure, it’s got overlapping circles and captions like a real Venn diagram, but they don’t represent overlapping sets. I mean, Mr. Plainer surely isn’t suggesting that some Chads are also Tyrones, and that some of these Chad/Tyrones are also women.

No, as best as I can tell, the overlapping circles represent some sort of interaction, with captions showing what someone from one or the other group involved in the interaction might say about it, at least in the minds of MGTOWs if not in the real world.

But even then it doesn’t follow any sort of logic. Who is supposedly getting genital warts from whom? Are Chad and Tyrone having sex with the same woman, who’s screaming “fuck me, yes!” Or are they fucking each other, too, with either Chad or Tyrone doing the screaming?

Also, why aren’t the incels overlapping with school shooters? It’s all a bit confusing.

C*ntplainer also posted this Venn diagram that actually is a Venn diagram, more or less. Alas, it’s also pretty stupid, if not quite as monumentally stupid as his other contribution.

Still, I’m pretty sure that neither any robber nor any woman has ever uttered the sentence “I am strong and independent but you support me.”

All this reminds me of what may be the greatest Venn diagram of all time, which I believe was the work of comedian Joanna Bradley.

Absolutely nailed it. And, obviously, it’s equally accurate if you replace “Men’s Rights Activists” with MGTOWs. That’s just science.

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5 years ago

MGTOWs are kind to women, like when they 1) deny them professional and social opportunities by refusing to ever be in a room with them unless their wives can chaperone 2) tell a bunch of women they’ve just met that they’re not “marriage material.”

Should my wife die for whatever reason, there won’t be another one and my kids are with me on that one.

What the hell kind of a conversation is this to have with your kids??

Edit: Now I’m just imagining my stepdad sitting me down and being all like, “Hey, so you know how women all suck? Yeah. So if your mom dies, I’m not marrying another one of those harpies. Do I have your approval y/n. “

Rabid Rabbit
Rabid Rabbit
5 years ago


I’m imagining it more along the lines of “Yes, kids, I agree with you: your mother is irreplaceable. And if she dies, I’ll prove it by not replacing her, even if it turns out I can’t cook for beans.”

Of course, this version of the scenario presumes that 1) the kids are young and 2) that it’s a sitcom and therefore follows sitcom rules about marital roles and men’s abilities in the kitchen. Wacky hijinks ensue!

5 years ago

I wanna know what the discuss with western women is. I’ve been reading this blog for years and I still don’t get it.

Rhuu - apparently an illiterati
Rhuu - apparently an illiterati
5 years ago

@Lainy – racism. Not-Western women haven’t been contaminated by femmmminismmmmm, so they are the pure submissive women that all women naturally are.*

It’s bullshit, and assumes feminism doesn’t exist in other cultures. It does.

*Don’t mind the rules that keep them that way! Surely, patriarchy doesn’t exist to reinforce continually gender roles, otherwise women would realise they are fully capable of doing anything the men can??

@better safe than sorry –

You say this –

mgtow essentially puts men’s interests above anything else.

But then later say this –

they will never take a risk that the opposite gender in anyway will take the men’s earned wealth as hostage.

And this –

I also know the Pence rule and as a conservative (!!) married man, I follow that rule pretty much.

Do you not see how your own two statements show that your first was a lie? Mgtow has nothing to do with men’s independence, and everything to do with keeping women In Their Place.

The first is presuming that women don’t actually bring anything to a marriage/relationship. While we are trying to shift the balance of cleaning, house management, and child rearing so that both genders (in a cis het relationship) take the labour equally, we aren’t there yet. Women do more of that, and did much more when alimony was a more common thing.

They also weren’t allowed to work outside of the house to earn their own money, all of their education was geared towards keeping house and child rearing. So when they suddenly needed to care for themselves after getting a divorce, what were they supposed to do??? The men in the relationship benefitted from the labour in the house for *years* in a typical relationship, but still gets to keep all the money? How much less would he have had if he needed to pay for a cleaning, cooking, ear-to-listen, comforter and manager of emotions, and child rearing service? Daycare is expensive AF.

So giving someone who he at one time professed to love money so she could live, update her skills, and find a job when her resume has a gap from graduation-now doesn’t seem bad. It probably sucked for him, because now he’s needing to pay for all the services she did before, or do it himself, or re-marry, but??? She’s probably got the kids, and is now needing to be the main wagewinner in a family.

TL;DR – Men didn’t ‘earn’ this money with no help from anyone. Their partner helped *a lot*, but people (for some unkown reason???) like to devalue traditional women’s labour.

Your second point, about the ‘pence rule’, actually ties in to the first. Say a woman *does* have a job. Say the men higher up in the power structure go out for a lunch meeting. She’s not invited, because she’d be the only women and none of their wives are there, this is a work thing silly! Wives don’t work!

I don’t know if you’ve ever actually worked, but there is a shit tonne of networking that happens at these things. A metric shit tonne. Without the ability to be invited to the ‘not-work’ events (golfing, drinks, whatever) the women have a HUGE disadvantage in actually networking?

Like, most people hate networking. But shooting the shit over some drinks is a nice way to get to know the outside-of-work sides of the people you work with, which lets you go “how’d that ballgame that you were taking your kids to go?” which lets *them* know that you listened to them, remembered what they said, and then wanted to follow up.

They think better of you.

People who are excluded from these events don’t get that opportunity, probably because *this is what women are socialised to do*, so would be better than the average man at it.

TL;DR, your statments proved that your first was a lie, and it was just *fingers kissing motion* beautifiul.

Also, I know that I am talking about white, middle class, neurotypical, and abled women here, and that WoC have other problems and experiences. Just to acknowledge that!!

Eta: also i know how bad it is that these events often take place after work, over drinks, and how that excludes people! It’s not good.

Jesalin: Clit-o-centric Lesbian Goddess
Jesalin: Clit-o-centric Lesbian Goddess
5 years ago

Seems like lot of people do not understand what mgtow implies.

We understand just fine.

mgtow essentially puts men’s interests above anything else.

Yes, the narcicissim and entitlement come through loud and clear

Men do their own things, be independent (from government or any other entitity), have a lot of friends, do a lot of hobbies, stay away from crime and be helpful to society. While they are friendly to the opposite gender (as they should)

LOL, no. That might be the theory, but in practice they spend the vast majority of their time and energy complaining about women. This is exactly the opposite of ‘going their own way’

they will never take a risk that the opposite gender in anyway will take the men’s earned wealth as hostage.

Speaks absolute volumes about their character

the laws of the land are stacked against men, should the relationship go south. And another thing, mgtowers don’t care what others think of them in spite of the negative rhetoric out there. You agree with mgtowers? Fine. You don’t agree with mgtowers? Fine. Because…they go their own way!

You’re funny, have you ever considered going on the comedy circuit?

5 years ago


That’s actually really funny because all the women I know from the international house at my school hate American men. I’m good friends with one from China and Japan and they both agree that American men don’t have any values they would want for a husband.

Better safe than sorry
Better safe than sorry
5 years ago

@Rhuu an others.
Please mind your language. No need to use black gang street languages. I am trying to make an explanation and you all are raving…
My statements are no lies. If a man puts his interests above anything else, then he will make sure that it cannot be grabbed away through the feminist western court system. That means no cohabitation and no marriage with a western women. No contradiction, just common sense. A sensible well off bachelor does not believe in NAWALT stuff.

The prime role of a woman in the family is to take care of the kids, which means civic education, moral values and prepare them for their adult live. I will put it very blunt here: A woman who does poor in her career but has educated her children as role models in society, has been successful; a women who has excelled in her career at the expense of her children, has been a failure.
That’s my opinion and it will remain so. You don’t like it? Too bad.

You think that women can do anything a man can? OK, then make the Selective Services and the draft mandatory for men and women, like in Israel or Norway. Right now in many nations, including the US, women do not have to sign up for the draft, and feminists are very reluctant to address this great injustice. As long as this injustice has not been rectified, spare me the sobbing.
First wave feminism has addressed some very important balance issues regarding gender. But feminism has gone a dying path now and it hurts society and there are more and more women who have come to realize this. And as to how and why I ended up with a wife and can deal with her (as I don’t deserve one?) is very simple: She is very humble and most of all God-fearing, something I am pretty sure you are not.
We will never come to an agreement, so let’s just accept that.

5 years ago


Youre right. We will never come to an agreement.

I think you are a complete piece of shit. You dont like it? Too bad mother fucker.

Your weak ass attempt to rattle the commenters is fucking pathetic.

5 years ago

comment image

Rhuu - apparently an illiterati
Rhuu - apparently an illiterati
5 years ago

wait wtf, my dude….

No need to use black gang street languages.

I re-read my response, and I think he might be referring to when I used ‘AF’? I just… I can’t even…

The prime role of a woman in the family is to take care of the kids, which means civic education, moral values and prepare them for their adult live. I will put it very blunt here: A woman who does poor in her career but has educated her children as role models in society, has been successful; a women who has excelled in her career at the expense of her children, has been a failure.
That’s my opinion and it will remain so. You don’t like it? Too bad.


You think that women can do anything a man can? OK, then make the Selective Services and the draft mandatory for men and women, like in Israel or Norway.

Ladies, Gentlemen, and all other folxs, we have a reference to the Draft!!! Who has that in their bingo cards? ‘Cuz you can fill in that box!

Right now in many nations, including the US, women do not have to sign up for the draft, and feminists are very reluctant to address this great injustice. As long as this injustice has not been rectified, spare me the sobbing.

WAHHHH men have to sign up for the draft, a thing which hasn’t been used in years and will most likely not be used, wahhhh! This is completely comparable and totally worse than the wage gap! The pink tax! The horrific amount of sexual assaults! Intimate partner violence! The fact that traits that are associated with feminine people are, by their very definition, considered lesser!!!!

Won’t someone think of the draft-registerees????

First wave feminism has addressed some very important balance issues regarding gender. But feminism has gone a dying path now and it hurts society and there are more and more women who have come to realize this.

OMG what this is a two-fer??? If you have “third wave feminism has gone too far, unlike first (and/or second wave)” on your bingo cards, fill that one in too!!!

And as to how and why I ended up with a wife and can deal with her (as I don’t deserve one?) is very simple: She is very humble and most of all God-fearing, something I am pretty sure you are not.

That definition is the worst, and so are you. <3

Is this tantrum because you've had your ass handed to you in multiple threads? Because i think it's because you know you can't win, and all of your arguments are weaksauce that the people in here have refuted approximately eleventy billion times.

I was honestly expecting more from you, but here we are. I'm not mad, I'm just… disappointed, really.

5 years ago

No need to use black gang street languages.

That’s a pretty fucking racist statement buddy. Mind your fucking manners.

5 years ago

Please mind your language. No need to use black gang street languages.

Hahahaha what? We’re going to need some quoted examples, because I can’t even tell what you’re being racist about!

A sensible well off bachelor does not believe in NAWALT stuff.

I mean.. you did? You got married??

The prime role of a woman in the family is to take care of the kids

Some people structure their families this way. I’m not sure why you feel the need to prescribe this structure to every since m/f marriage in the entire world, but, yeah, it exists. Here’s the thing, though: You don’t get to on the one hand say men’s money belongs to them and then on the other hand say women have to stay home not earning money. Like, if you want to keep all your loot, then you’re going to have to have a partner that also makes decent bank. And also no kids, because kids need to eat, the li’l scamps.

Lumipuna (formerly Arctic Ape)
Lumipuna (formerly Arctic Ape)
5 years ago

Literally a couple weeks ago I received the latest issue of Finland’s leading feminist magazine, which argued (and not for the first time) against conscription.

And no, merely having to register for draft is not a major injustice. The real draft in US is for poor people, seeing how they end up dying in pointless foreign wars, while the concept of civilians dying from war in their own home is alien to most Americans.

5 years ago

So better safe then sorry is fucking trash. Lol like the whole world couldn’t already tell. Don’t fuck with me right now asshole. I’m fasting and pissed off because of it.

5 years ago

Better safe then sorry is basically like MGTOW doesn’t women. And now I will come into a feminist space to tell you how trash women are, why can’t you just agree with that? you can’t let these men not wanting you be?

Even though they basically just shout at you that they don’t want you and how horrible you are instead of actually going their own way and leaving you the hell alone. This fucker couldn’t even do it right. He got married! failure right there.

5 years ago

Ironically, there was a lawsuit in 1981 challenging the fact that women are excluded from the draft.

Was it MGTOWs?

Nope. Feminists.

Wanna know who kept women from being drafted?

Dudes who didn’t want them in combat positions. Literally, that was why the Supreme Court ditched the case: because they thought drafting women who weren’t allowed in combat roles anyway was ridiculous.

Know who actually do work to try to eliminate the draft, seeing as an effort to make it not so sexist failed? Oh, and have worked and succeeded (in part) to make it so women can serve in (some) combat roles?

Still feminists. Not MGTOWs.

I know there’s a lot more to unpack in the troll’s comments, but kinda wanted to get the stupid stinking “BUt ThE DRafT” out of the way first.

5 years ago

I don’t know how the word “since” got into my last post. Sneaky words.

Anyways I forgot to say that All Women Are Like That, if by “like that” we mean “require money to survive.”

5 years ago


Is this tantrum because you’ve had your ass handed to you in multiple threads?

I think it’s because a 20 year old woman had to tell him how to act, like he’s was a fucking toddler and he didn’t like that.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Well, I’m completely shocked that a misogynistic conservative Christian is also racist. I mean, that almost never happens!

Interesting how he thinks all slang that originated with black people must be gang speak, huh? Personally, my approaching middle aged white self mostly hears slang for the first time on Rupaul’s Drag Race, but whatever.

Better safe than sorry
Better safe than sorry
5 years ago

If there are still people that believe that three women together don’t form a minefield for men, you all proved it wrong today. Thanks for the fun today!
I am going to clean the dishes now, while my wife makes me a cup of tea. Peace!

5 years ago

Racist boring troll go fall down a hole

5 years ago

Ah, yes, the old, well-known aphorism, three women together make a minefield for men. I remember when my grandpapy used to say that, sitting by the fire.

(Dude what are you even talking about)

5 years ago

This guy is a sock. One of our sanctimonious coservative pearl clutching trolls usually stops commenting at night to go be with his super christy wife.

He has a holier than thou attitude, says a lot of insulting things, claims we’re all too sensitive, says he has to go to bed with his wife. Rinse repeat.



5 years ago

His wife is probably actually a couple pairs of panty-hose stuffed with cotton batting. With a face drawn on.

5 years ago

The one who got his sorry ass banned a few months ago? The one who kept talking about how he’d only leave if “Mr. Futrelle” said he should leave, and then David dropped the banhammer on him?