By David Futrelle
The Men Going Their Own Way subreddit is filled with a lot of discussion that go something like this:
![poopislube 112 points 1 day ago
Why are women on a pedestal when we are the superior gender? How did this all get so backwards?
[–]Swami_of_Six_Paths 71 points 1 day ago
Feminism and a bunch of retard males who allowed women to be viewed as some goddess.](https://i0.wp.com/www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/cxyurctiykvj.png?resize=499%2C633&ssl=1)
Yet the level of discourse that goes on amongst MGTOWs on Reddit and elsewhere does not exactly provide robust evidence for the alleged superiority of men.
I mean, these guys are seriously obtuse, and not just about women.
Consider this attempt at a Venn diagram, posted to the MGTOW subreddit by a fellow with the lovely moniker “C*ntplainer,” and intended as a sort of funny overview of the relationship between women and assorted types of men. Then consider that this diagram got 100 upvotes from Reddit’s MGTOWs, with one commenter declaring that “this is gonna be a classic.”

As you no doubt have noticed, this Venn diagram isn’t actually a Venn diagram at all. It’s more like a cargo cult version of a Venn diagram. Sure, it’s got overlapping circles and captions like a real Venn diagram, but they don’t represent overlapping sets. I mean, Mr. Plainer surely isn’t suggesting that some Chads are also Tyrones, and that some of these Chad/Tyrones are also women.
No, as best as I can tell, the overlapping circles represent some sort of interaction, with captions showing what someone from one or the other group involved in the interaction might say about it, at least in the minds of MGTOWs if not in the real world.
But even then it doesn’t follow any sort of logic. Who is supposedly getting genital warts from whom? Are Chad and Tyrone having sex with the same woman, who’s screaming “fuck me, yes!” Or are they fucking each other, too, with either Chad or Tyrone doing the screaming?
Also, why aren’t the incels overlapping with school shooters? It’s all a bit confusing.
C*ntplainer also posted this Venn diagram that actually is a Venn diagram, more or less. Alas, it’s also pretty stupid, if not quite as monumentally stupid as his other contribution.

Still, I’m pretty sure that neither any robber nor any woman has ever uttered the sentence “I am strong and independent but you support me.”
All this reminds me of what may be the greatest Venn diagram of all time, which I believe was the work of comedian Joanna Bradley.

Absolutely nailed it. And, obviously, it’s equally accurate if you replace “Men’s Rights Activists” with MGTOWs. That’s just science.
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@Better safe than sorry
I don’t. And now I know your that little shit who had talked about his wife waiting for him in bed and was calling us harpies. Also fuckwad I wasn’t the one who talked about modern day feminist other then 70’s. That was someone else. But your a misogynist so I’m not surprised you can’t tell us apart. And you really need a link for the tattoo one? it’s in recent April shit and you already commented on it saying tattoos on a woman are poor choices. Your suppose to not give a shit about women but you have a lot of opinions on their body and career choices. I tell you to get lost because your insulting and hurtful and I had enough of you so yeah I fucking curse you piece of fucking shit. If you don’t like it you can get out.
Did you just do a “I won’t leave until Mr. Futrelle bans me” AND a “My, my! An F word, how uncouth” at the same time?
I’m not convinced you are our old friend DA, but if I had a bingo card of all his tells I’d be about one square from “Bingo!”
Maybe that should be an indicator of about how novel and unique your demeanor is, my internet-acquaintance.
I have thoughts on why Pre-K can be totally awesome, and might type up something later, but I really ought to start paying attention to lecture now.
Also @ fucking bettering fucking safe then fucking sorry.
here is your fucking link to the tattoo thread.
Here is your fucking comment about women’s fucking bodies that doesn’t concern you fucker.
Then it started talking about how tattoos are helpful for rape victims, like myself, to reclaim our bodies. you then stayed the fuck out of it probably because your a piece of shit that knows you’ll get banned from that.
Yeah the precious snowflake can’t take seeing the F word. -_-
Let me guess, it’s women’s fault because they work right. Not enough pieces of the pie for the man? All women should just be depend on a husband right?
Right because if the kid spends a few hours away from mommy it’s totally going to ruined the child, you against schools then? should all children be homed schooled? Also yeah do kindly fuck off. I’m going to be a mother one way or another and both me and my husband will work and yes the kid will spend time in daycare or with one of the many family members to take care of. my fiancé is way better off at taking care of a child then I am, I know nothing about taking care of children while he is the second oldest in a very large family and knows a lot more about babies and small children then I do. For example how to hold one properly and change a diaper. By your logic he’s a failure for not being a stay at home dad but a doctor instead right?
I can be a good mother and a fantastic archaeologist you know fuckwad. It’s 2019, I can do both and both be fine. Also that statement fucking applies to me who is going to be both. This is why I tell you to get lost because your an insulting piece of shit about things that don’t apply to you.
I wasn’t the one who said that, learn to read.
And the father is blameless in this scenario? And what do you mean by “at the expense?” Your only example was daycare, and that’s hardly harmful to children.
I went to daycare even though my mom stayed home until she went back to school when I was maybe 7 or 8. Was she a failure? Personally, I think it was a good thing for me because it gave me opportunities to learn how to socialize and get used to group settings. It was also good for my mother who got some valuable time to herself.
I think parents are more successful if they’re not miserable.
Anyway, I do think it’s pretty funny that BSTS is pretending like he won’t share his economic theories with us because they’re too complex for us to get our frivolous lady brains around. In reality, I think he knows we’d run circles around him and his fragile little boy ego couldn’t take being schooled us.
WTF is this? The entire country of Sweden? The entirety of European tax codes????
Wow, glad you have such great references, I certainly learned a lot from this conversation.
Lol, you. You’re confusing what people are saying. We know you were a jerk in the tattoos thread, because you posted there *with this ‘nym*. You’re also hitting a lot of the beats that Desperate Ambrose hit. Weird how trolls are so similar, isn’t it??
You are an abhorrent piece of filth. You have the life understanding of a 5 year old, or an MRA. When challenged on your claims, you give no rebuttals, but rather try to redirect the conversation. Lainy can say whatever she wants.
Lainy said this –
And I wonder, how does your ‘elaborate’ point square with this one? Why is it that children need to be glued to a mother’s hip for their entire childhood, or civilisation as we know it collapses??
@WWTH – lol, I think you’re right, he knows that all the people here would just laugh and pick it apart, and his pet theory would just be ruined.
Lol no one tell him about after school activities, they keep a child away form their mother for even more time then an 8 hour school day! the horror!
Yeah same. I started going to a day care with a very nice woman when I was 3 or 4. Met one of my longest friends there. Friends all through grade school, middle school and high school. Friends now. I value her more then anything and we bonded because I was shy and she was determine to make friends with me. Quite frankly, if I had to think about like 10 people who have put a big influence on my life it would probably be her. I would not be the person I am today if I had not met her and developed the relationship I had with her before school.
Definitely taking parenting advice from Mr. I-talked-to-my-children-and-we-agreed-I-shouldn’t-remarry-if-my-wife-dies.
If I were his kid, I would agree, too. Just not for the reasons he thinks.
omg that was in THIS THREAD??? ahhhh
Here’s a link, for anyone else who forgot just who this particular troll is
He’s also tried to explain what MGTOW is (and failed), OH and there was this beautiful bit of racism
I still don’t know what ‘black gang language’ I used! I try to avoid using AAVE, actually, because I am very white, so I’d be interested to see just which expression I used.
I really hope it was ‘a metric shit tonne’.
Good trip down memory lane. And by good, I mean not.
I’d also be curious of the love of traditional families that BSTS has would extend to aristrocratic/upper class families back in the days before feminism.
Because “good” families mostly left their children in the care of governesses, tutors and other domestic help.
And of course, working class women always did, well, work.
The mother who spends all her time doting on the children and meticulously keeping house was never the norm. Only a narrow subset of women ever lived this way. And enough of them hated it so much that the 2nd wave of feminism ended up happening.
Lol other things BSTS must hate because they take the child away from the all superior company and safety of their mother and there for are form of terrible parenting.
Day camp
Sleep away camp
After school activities
Sleep overs at a friends house
Birthday parties
Part time jobs
Letting a child have a bed away from their parents
All of these show that a mother is a terrible parent if she allows her child to do them. your child from the time it’s born till it’s 18 should not stray more then 20 feet away from a mother’s arms.
Hey fuckface. Fuck you.
I noticed you answered many people except me regarding child support and custody. Is it cuz youre full of shit?
DING DING DING!!! your troll mask is slipping.
BSTS is one of those dudes that if I was alone with him on a bus or just in a room somewhere I would have my hand in my bag and around my pepper spray at all times lol.