alt-right bad science butts dude you've got no fucking idea what you're talking about Dunning–Kruger effect empathy deficit entitled babies evil sex-rejecting ladies hetsplaining homophobia incels irony alert literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny transphobia

New incel theory: Gay men are just “beta orbiters” who worship women so much they want to become them

Beta males looking for a woman to orbit

By David Futrelle

Apparently not content with being completely wrong about female sexuality, incels seem to be working overtime on being equally wrong about male sexuality as well.

And they’re doing a bang-up job so far.

Earlier this month, a self-described IncelFascist calling himself NeetSupremacist offered his colleagues on his “theory” about gay men: that the vast majority of them are former straight incels who decided to “turn gay” because they couldn’t get any women to fuck them.

Oh, sure, he said, there are some guys who are born gay — or, as he puts it, guys who have “mentally [sic] disorders which makes them gay and having a preference to the same sex counterpart,” whatever that last bit means. But, as he sees it, these real gay guys are the exception, not the rule.

As Mr. Supremacist sees it, most of the non-real gay guys who choose to become gay do so in their “prime time” between the age of 16 and 23 when they “suddenly become gay and try to fuck guys.” Never mind that these are the years when most sexually active people, regardless of sexual orientation, become sexually active. In his mind this is PROOF his theory is correct.

How come so? My theory here is that they have no success with females and they want to get laid, so they start watching gay porn and other shit and suddenly they are attracted to gay people.

There are certainly guys who discover they’re attracted to guys by watching porn — and other guys who discovered the same thing watching Chris Hemsworth in The Avengers. But watching gay porn doesn’t turn you gay.

They go to gay bars and see that they have success and before they know they are enjoying anal penetration to it’s fullest. Anal penetration is better than vaginal penetration in terms of tightness. 

Er, not sure why we’re suddenly talking about anal sex but I’m pretty sure you don;t have to be a gay guy to be into butfucking. And you don’t have to be into buttfucking to be a gay guy.

Many people gay people talk very feminine because they’re naturally low testosterone, having low T comes with having a high pitched voice which gives that ‘gay vibe’ and-thus resulting in talking like a female.

None of this is true. Gay men aren’t gay because of a lack of testosterone.

Many gays are bad framed low T subhumans (incels) and they become gay voluntary to escape their inceldom.

[citation needed]

Ask yourself the following question when you see gay people, are there any Chads? Yes I’ve seen some Chadlites and Chads within the gay community, but it was a minority. Most gays are ugly manlets and soyboy looking geeks, they are average and below average looking without any chance on the current dating market. Current society + gay media halo is pushing ugly and average guys to become gay in order to enjoy a sex-life.

Even aside from the repulsiveness of defining groups of people as “subhuman,” the fact is that gay men are generally held to higher standards of conventional physical attractiveness than straight men, as evidenced by the higher percentage of gay men who have body issues. And also evidenced by, well, just take a look at straight men.

But seriously, as I feel compelled to restate pretty much every time I write about incels: plenty of the straight guys that incels deem “subhuman” somehow don’t have the problem that incels have finding sexual partners.

This may be related to the fact that most of these guys, unlike incels, don’t go around calling women “roasties” or “foids” on a regular basis.

The only thing in Mr. Supremacist’s analysis that even approaches truth is the fact that guys who consider themselves straight sometimes do have sex with other men, for all sorts of reasons, sexual frustration being one of them.

But sexual activities are different than sexual orientations. Sure, some self-identified straight guys may realize they aren’t really so straight after trying gay sex; maybe they’re gay, maybe they’re bi, maybe they’d rather classify themselves as “heteroflexible” or some other label.

But others, even if they enjoy the experience, will continue to see themselves as straight for the simple reason that their sexual and romantic desires are and remain centered on women. Gay sex doesn’t actually turn straight people gay (or bi, or whatever) any more than straight sex can turn gay people straight.

Oh, but we haven’t even gotten to the most, well, advanced part of Mr. Supremacist’s theory: that gay men are really just “beta orbiters” of women who’ve taken their beta orbiting to the extreme!

I may have to resort to reaction gifs to get through the next few, er, theoretical claims of his,

“Basically,” he hetsplains,

being gay is taking beta orbiting to a new [level]. Instead of becoming the cuckold slave of the girl you become attracted to a man just to become ‘friends’ with the girl.

You worship the girl and the worshipping of femoids has reached a [level] that you want to behave and act like a female, you also take female preference habits (and females prefer to fuck men over other females) so you as a man also want to fuck men.

Sometimes it takes more than one gif.

Oh, and in case you’re wondering, Mr. Supremacist does not approve of his fellow incels allegedly gaying it up to get sex.

Nope! The guy who spends his spare time posting hateful nonsense on a forum where the regulars call women “femoids” and fantasize endlessly about murdering people in large numbers considers gayness a “cycle of disgustingness and sickness” and thinks those incels who have allegedly converted to gayness should be converted right back.

“[G]ayness is an illness that we should try to cure,” he writes.

I really like the idea of Christian Americans and how they create camps and schools to cure gay people by teaching them about the moral wrongdoing of being gay. They basically approach gayness as a mental illness and many gays tend to change after taking these gay curing sessions within these American Christian communities.

No, these programs — based on bad science and homophobia — don’t work. They just make those who undergo them more miserable. Though I imagine that to Mr. NeetSupremacist, the self-described IncelFAcist, that would be an equally acceptable result.

Once again, the tl;dr is that incels are 1) terrible and 2) wrong about everything.

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Chris Oakley
5 years ago

You could fly a B-2 bomber through the holes in NeetSupremacist’s logic(and drive a Ford Escalade through the one in his head).

tim gueguen
5 years ago

This sounds like the old theory that women become lesbians because they’ve had a bad experience or experiences with men. If that were true there would be a lot more lesbians than there actually are.

Critical Dragon1177
5 years ago

So many questions. So does NeetSupremacist also think that Lesbians all secretly want to be men? I mean he doesn’t even mention women who are homosexual and its not like they don’t exist. I mean, seriously if gay men are all secretly trans women, why aren’t all lesbian women secretly trans men? Why do we even talk about LGBT rights, if every other group belongs to the T and what are bisexual men and women? Are they all non binary trans people, or is NeetSupremacist one of those people who insists that there are only two genders? If he’s the later, does he think that bisexuals are people who just can’t decide if they want to be a man or a woman?

5 years ago

So does NeetSupremacist think

Incels don’t think. They come up with nonsense and act like it’s fact. there’s your answer.

5 years ago

Paging Blanchard and Bailey. Seriously, this is half of their garbage, and I’m pretty this asshole would sign off on the other half.

Airis Damon
5 years ago

Did NeetSupremacist lift his theory from “gender critical” reactionaries or what?

Paging Blanchard and Bailey. Seriously, this is half of their garbage, and I’m pretty this asshole would sign off on the other half.


Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
5 years ago

In his mind this is PROOF his theory is correct.

To the igno-right this is what “proof” IS!

“My hypothesis is that all butterflies are blue. Since all butterflies are, in fact, blue, my hypothesis is correct”

That huge leap in the middle is what separates igno-right logic from, well, from logic. There’s no fact-checking involved, because the only way to establish if (in fact) all butterflies really ARE blue is to do research and investigation. Research and investigation ate liberal conspiracies run by the elites who control science, thus cannot be trusted.

Without the scientific method, the only way to explain anything is by using the old-fashioned method — make shit up.

5 years ago

That is not how gay.

paul Michael tidwell
paul Michael tidwell
5 years ago

I’ve long felt the reason this type can’t get laid is because they’re legitimately terrible human beings.

The whole “incel” label. I mean even labeling yourself that too seems to indicate you don’t want a relationship you just want sex.

pretty much.

5 years ago

Ask yourself the following question when you see gay people, are there any Chads?

This is my favorite part. I’ve seen some absolutely beautiful gay guys in my time.

Herbert West
Herbert West
5 years ago

These incel “essays” are always peppered with their silly terms and buzzwords. And they all basically say “I live in a parallel universe where such words describe actual things and I also reject reality”.
I don’t even know what a chadlite is.
And I thought for a long time that soyboy is supposed to be a slur for chinese.

5 years ago

Personally, as a gay guy, I think I’d probably have more luck at finding partners if I were straight. Being gay has not exactly done wonders for my sex life since I tend to relate much better to women than to other men (virtually all of my friends have been female since at least kindergarten).

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
5 years ago

you don;t have to be a gay guy

Another fan of the semicolon. We are indeed legion.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
5 years ago

Gay men are just “beta orbiters” who worship women so much they want to become them

I’m completely down with the idea of men worshiping me.

Lukas Xavier
Lukas Xavier
5 years ago

My theory here is that they have no success with females and they want to get laid, so they start watching gay porn…

Why? Why would a straight guy who’s not getting laid start to watch gay porn? How does that follow at all?

I know I shouldn’t expect too much from incel “theories”, but this is really quite silly.

5 years ago

Once again, every claim made by an incel/manospherian can be blanket-corrected by adding “NOT!!!!1!” at the end of what he says.

Judas priest already. Gay guys are less attractive than straight guys?? What of the actually not uncommon phenomenon of one gay/one straight twin? What of the lame, but oft-repeated claim from women about “all the good-looking [men] are either gay or already taken”? Gay dudes are *stereotypified* as much better looking than straight guys.

I stay up at night worrying what will become of society if these clueless manospherians keep promulgating their warped theories to the point that enough gullible twits believe it all. THEN what? They’ll crank up the incel mass shootings? They’ll commit more vehicular homicides against women (and gays for some reason only known to them)? The more mass-scale violent events we see, the more THOSE are normalized as well.

Arghhh. I’m cranky and my bones hurt. *Looking for my damned kitty to pet and feel better*

occasional reader
occasional reader
5 years ago

Concurrently being a supremacist and an asshole, here rises a new superincelhero : supremasshole. In this week edition, supremasshole discovers that person watching tentacle porn suddenly become Chtulhuian men in order to attract more Azathothian women. Will he survive ? Buy it and discover the incredible and horrifying truth !

Violet the Vile, Moonbat Screech Junky
Violet the Vile, Moonbat Screech Junky
5 years ago


I could sit here and dissect how ridiculous this is, but it’s so deeply stupid it’s going to take me ages and I just know Mr Supremacist and his friends will read my response and be all like “Yeah but I know I’m right so therefore I’m right. TAKE THAT, FEMOID!”

Frankly, I think my time would be better spent making another coffee and watching YouTube makeup tutorials. I’ll enjoy myself more, too.

John Rutherford
John Rutherford
5 years ago

Great dissection by WHTM. At root, this incelfascist weirdo is the flat-earther of sexuality, the anti-vaxxer of masculine identity. Sad.

Cat Mara
Cat Mara
5 years ago

@paul Michael tidwell:

The whole “incel” label. I mean even labeling yourself that too seems to indicate you don’t want a relationship you just want sex.

I don’t think that’s quite true, otherwise they’d just engage the services of a sex worker. They want relationships alright, just ones in which their partners have absolutely no autonomy of their own. Hence their fascination with the notion of sexbots IMO– the ultimate guarantee of control.

Cat Mara
Cat Mara
5 years ago

(Looks at header image) Sure, they look like some “low-T” individuals to me, alright! ?

I love Tom of Finland’s art. As a straight guy, I know I’m not the intended audience but I love his figure work. Also, it’s incredible to think how he was drawing those leather biker guys in the 1950s, a good 20 years before acts like the Village People made that look mainstream…

(A story I heard about him once, possibly apocryphal, showed he had no airs and graces about his work despite his skills: when he was asked by an interview how he knew when a new piece of artwork was turning out well, he’s supposed to have replied, “when it’s giving me a boner, duh” ?)

5 years ago

I don’t think that’s quite true, otherwise they’d just engage the services of a sex worker.

They won’t do that because they’ve convinced themselves that any woman who isn’t a virgin is irreversibly tainted.

(A story I heard about him once, possibly apocryphal, showed he had no airs and graces about his work despite his skills: when he was asked by an interview how he knew when a new piece of artwork was turning out well, he’s supposed to have replied, “when it’s giving me a boner, duh” ?)

Apparently that was the criterion that the former British film censor John Trevelyan used when determining whether a particular shot might be problematic. Although quite how this information made it into the public domain I’ve never been sure – it’s certainly not mentioned anywhere in his memoirs.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Aren’t Chads supposed to be a minority of the male population, the very best in terms of looks? Of course you can look at a group of gay men and see no one who looks like a model. You can do the same with groups of straight men.

It’s also likely that this incel is assuming the more conventionally masculine looking gay men he sees are straight.

Cat Mara
Cat Mara
5 years ago

comment image


Rhuu - apparently an illiterati
Rhuu - apparently an illiterati
5 years ago

It’s also likely that this incel is assuming the more conventionally masculine looking gay men he sees are straight.


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