grandiosity men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny npc reddit

Far freakin out! MGTOW Timothy Leary gets high on his own misogyny

By David Futrelle

So it was a normal day on the Men Going Their Own Way, just a bunch of lady-obsessed, lady-hating dudes hanging out and talking about how they don’t even see women as attractive anymore, how do you like them apples, ladies?

Then one fella dropped in from some sort of MGTOW astral plane to offer his, er, perspective:

Iamverydrunknow 39 points 1 year ago 
I totally agree OP. I'm starting to feel detached from the species, in that I really am starting to see everything in society as animal interactions: pathetic attempts to display fertility, dominance struggles, insecurities and neediness. I dont even know what im trying to describe here. Its like i fell through the floor of a game and am waist deep in the ground. I can see under and i can see over. The npcs keep on truckin and fuckin but i dont feel it anymore.

Damn, dude. If you didn’t just eat, like, a pound of peyote, you should probably talk to someone about this — and I don’t mean other MGTOWs. Because if you’re not just bullshitting here, I’m pretty sure something is misfiring in your brain there.

Either that or you’ve just attained enlightenment, and enlightenment actually sucks.

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Cat Mara
Cat Mara
5 years ago

I’m just gonna leave this here… ?

5 years ago


Dude I love Emily Dickinson! That’s where I found my love of poetry at age 12. She remains to this day my favorite. Tbh there is no “true goth” people find their own spot and that’s about it. Also Nick cave! Fucking yeah. Your bringing back so many memories and nostalgia. I’m sorry to tell you my friend but I wouldnt classify you under any goth category. I would put you in a different type which is emo. And at age 33 that is kind of sad since most people leave that behind out of their teen years. Really you should lighten up.

5 years ago

@cat Mara

As Someone who is a goth and from Kansas I enjoyed that.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
5 years ago

Brimstone dude, this is not a dating advice site.

Nobody cares about your boner.

Cat Mara
Cat Mara
5 years ago


As Someone who is a goth and from Kansas I enjoyed that.

Glad you liked it. For thems that don’t know, ThouShaltNot were Alex Reed from Seeming’s (whom I mentioned on this thread) old band. Usually their songs were a bit less… tongue-in-cheek than that ?. They never seemed to get much of an audience– possibly because the atmosphere of detachment in their music was just too cold and alienating even for most goths, but that’s just a personal theory of mine– but they have an absolute banger of a cover of the old Rolling Stones song “Paint It Black” that uses a loop from Arvo Pärt’s “Cantus In Memoriam Benjamin Britten” that’s a piece of over-the-top melancholy brilliance:

5 years ago

I feel like brimstone missed the point with the music thing entirely, in that the point was the friends and fun.

I am restraining myself from a long post on why interpreting “playing music with friends is fun” to be “Making a band and doing sex/drugs/rock-n-roll is fun” is a seriously poor choice of interpretation.

There’s also another teal deer trying to escape the stable on the subject of why making yourself miserable because you don’t want to be “stupid” by buying into/enjoying “meaningless things” can oftentimes be stupider than just enjoying the stupid things to begin with.

Because I’ve been in both camps. Age 10? I sounded a bit like Brimstone with generalized pessimistic misanthropy but without the awkward referring to sex/attraction thing he’s got going. I grew out of it, but the 4 years of making myself miserable in order to foster an unrecognized desire for false intellectual superiority was SO NOT WORTH IT.

Dammit, the teal deer almost escaped there! That was a close one.

Anyway, the conversation on the various categories of goth culture is super interesting and y’all should carry on.