grandiosity men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny npc reddit

Far freakin out! MGTOW Timothy Leary gets high on his own misogyny

By David Futrelle

So it was a normal day on the Men Going Their Own Way, just a bunch of lady-obsessed, lady-hating dudes hanging out and talking about how they don’t even see women as attractive anymore, how do you like them apples, ladies?

Then one fella dropped in from some sort of MGTOW astral plane to offer his, er, perspective:

Iamverydrunknow 39 points 1 year ago 
I totally agree OP. I'm starting to feel detached from the species, in that I really am starting to see everything in society as animal interactions: pathetic attempts to display fertility, dominance struggles, insecurities and neediness. I dont even know what im trying to describe here. Its like i fell through the floor of a game and am waist deep in the ground. I can see under and i can see over. The npcs keep on truckin and fuckin but i dont feel it anymore.

Damn, dude. If you didn’t just eat, like, a pound of peyote, you should probably talk to someone about this — and I don’t mean other MGTOWs. Because if you’re not just bullshitting here, I’m pretty sure something is misfiring in your brain there.

Either that or you’ve just attained enlightenment, and enlightenment actually sucks.

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5 years ago

(willfully pursues a course of deliberate alienation from others)

(winds up alienated from others)

5 years ago


Mrs. Obed Marsh
Mrs. Obed Marsh
5 years ago

Baby’s First Existential Nihilism

5 years ago

Are his eyeballs in his waist or…?

5 years ago

I was deeply confused at first, because I read the title as revealing Timothy Leary, the real one, to be a mgtow.

Anyway, as someone, who experiences a buttload of dissociation issues, his “fell through the floor, watching, nothing is real” sounds a hell of a lot like derealization & depersonalization symptoms. Just, you know, influenced by his festering misogyny.

Since dissociation is linked with anxiety, I guess it’s not surprising that a dude who’s terrified of roughly half of all humans could start dissociating.

(This is not a diagnosis or excuse btw. I just recognized his description immediately, minus the typical mgtow nastiness.)

5 years ago

Something tells me the poster might be very drunk at the moment they wrote their post.

Something… like their username.

5 years ago

Sounds like he’s mentally compromised by drugs and/or lack of sleep

S. P.
S. P.
5 years ago

It’s all in the hit new book “Superman 64 and Cosmic Awareness: How to Noclip Your Way to Enlightenment”! Available wherever fine despair is sold!

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
5 years ago


(willfully pursues a course of deliberate alienation from others)

(winds up alienated from others)

This is an unexpected turn of events.

5 years ago

This morning when I got my coffee, I tried to signal my fertility aggressively at the barista, but he dominated me with his superior coffee making skills.
Because that’s how life works. /s

5 years ago

Eh, as I often remind my brother, who has legit mental issues, whenever he goes on a “we are living in an indifferent mechanistic animal world!!!” diatribe – humans make art. It’s not all just eating, sleeping, fucking, and fighting. On a deserted island devoid of other humans and populated by snakes, a human will still make art. Why? For art’s sake.

Totally pointless endeavor, but we do it because we like it. A lot. Creative drive within human beings cannot be dismissed. They’ll keep at it even if there’s nobody around to impress.

Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
5 years ago

I guess I don’t study eastern mysticism enough, cuz it just looks like bullshitting to me….

eating, sleeping, fucking, and fighting

Reminds me of a song lyrics:

“… all we ever did was eat and drink and fuck and fight.”

5 years ago

What’s so bad about animal interactions, anyway? Cats and dogs are better people than most of us.

5 years ago

Heh, the guy seems thiiiiis close to becoming a Marxist. “I feel so alienated from everyone, man… wait… it’s global capitalism that has eroded all of my relationships! What the hell am I doing here? I gotta organize with my fellow proletariat!”

Naturally, this guy can only process the world through video games. “It’s like I’m glitching through the floor, man… movin’ like quicksand through the poorly coded sprites….”

And these jackasses have the gall to call the rest of us “NPCs”? I mean, I’m a pretty introverted guy myself. Just to explain a little bit about what goes on in Katamount’s head… I honestly find most people around me rather… dull. I always tell myself that I should probably learn a bit about the neighbours, starting with their names, but I really don’t have the interest. They’re pretty much the same X-ennial professionals with young children as everyone else in the neighbourhood. Straight. Mostly white. Commuters. Filipino nannies. Always doing obnoxious home renovations. It’s probably why I found myself so drawn to the furry fandom: they’re different enough to be interesting.

But I would never be so solipsistic as to refer to my neighbours as “NPCs” as if their lives were meaningless. I mean, how detached from the world around you do you have to be to see people that way?

At least I try to stay grounded by indulging in photography and exploring other neighbourhoods. Reminds me that there are folks out there other than the yuppies all around me.

Anyhoo, opened the morning subway paper and found this reprinted near the back:

I’ll bet she has a fascinating life story. 😀

Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
5 years ago

wherever fine despair is sold!

There seems to be a huge market for despair… and no end of people providing it

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
5 years ago

I’m a little confused. The people out there living and loving and working and dancing and contributing to the world in a million glorious technicolor ways are NPCs, but the detached grey rock on the sidelines sneering at the fakeness and futility of it all isn’t an NPC?

It isn’t the apathy and depression that’s the problem, it’s the fact that he can’t stop being superior and misogynistic even as the world crumbles around him.

5 years ago


Creative drive within human beings cannot be dismissed. They’ll keep at it even if there’s nobody around to impress.

YES! YES! YES! This is one the things that allows me to keep going. I am moved and inspired by stories about people in concentration camps where they were deprived of even the necessities of life who still found a way to make art. And people today in refugee camps and war zones and prisons — people in situations designed to dehumanize them — will persist. In some cases, what they have made will outlive them.

And you don’t have to be an artist to make art, right? I’m thinking of the kids in New Zealand performing the haka after the terrorist murders. That’s certainly more than “eating, sleeping, fucking, and fighting.”

S. P.
S. P.
5 years ago

There seems to be a huge market for despair… and no end of people providing it

Yes, but this is the finest despair. Grade-A. Distilled from people who have gotten so deep into bigotry that they can no longer see other humans as humans, but who still long for human connection. Hand-harvested by grifters and petty tyrants.

Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
5 years ago

@ Katamount:

I honestly find most people around me rather… dull. I always tell myself that I should probably learn a bit about the neighbours, starting with their names, but I really don’t have the interest.

I’m involved in a self-help program for recovering drug addicts, a few years ago I was doing some work on myself, and I had to talk about my relationships over the years with neighbors. At that point, I realized that in 40 years of active addiction, I not only had never known the names of any neighbors, I had never even had a CONVERSATION with any….

Will D.
Will D.
5 years ago

MGTOW are the worst.

5 years ago

The few times I’ve experienced depersonalization and derealization, were due to childhood fevers. Once at a girl scout meeting, and another time due to chickenpox, where I spent an entire night delirious. The vaccine didn’t exist back then.

Sometimes I wonder if all the time spent interacting within the cyber world might be leading to a greater occurence of derealization and depersonalization. Not really a deep thought, but anyway…

5 years ago

I’m not an MGOTW or an incel. I’ve had (bad) sex before and I like and respect women. But I see humanity and sex this way. We’re just meat, basically. Sex is a biological urge, a reminder of our mortal natures that chemically bribes us to mash our meat together and force us to continue the species, creating more mortal beings that will die. All of human society and culture is to distract us from our deaths. We should stop having kids. Or end all life on earth to prevent the endless cycle of death and suffering.

I don’t hate women tho, they’ve treated me much better than I deserve and I lived a life closer to a ‘chad’ than an incel. But I do hate our biological essence, our decaying meat bodies.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
5 years ago

That’s nice, dear.

5 years ago


I think you’re optimizing the wrong cost function.

Will D.
Will D.
5 years ago

I don’t hate women tho, they’ve treated me much better than I deserve and I lived a life closer to a ‘chad’ than an incel. But I do hate our biological essence, our decaying meat bodies.

What do you mean by biological essence? Wouldn’t you be implying that we have no essence?

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