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Christchurch mosque shootings, 49 dead; one shooter livestreamed his attack: Open thread

By David Futrelle

At least two shooters– apparently working with others — have gunned down multiple victims at two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, leaving 49 dead.

One of the shooters livestreamed his attack on Facebook and left behind a white supremacist manifesto railing against foreign “invaders” and declaring himself — using language popular on 4chan and alt-right sites — a “kebab removalist.” The attackers apparently also had explosives. Four people are in custody.; it’s not known if there are still others out there.

Please post any reliable information you have at this situation develops.

Find ongoing coverage at here CNN here, and the Guardian here.

More coverage from Stuff, Vox.

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Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
5 years ago

@ Tripoli:

The dude’s manifesto is so memey and stereotypical that it sounds like a pure parody. “Left-wing false flag” honestly feels like a legit take.

Are you for real? The right-wing has always been paranoid to a ludicrous degree, and their rhetoric has sounded like parody at least back to senator McCarthy. Before that, there was the Eugenics movement, the 1925 War College “study” of black people’s capabilities….


They believe “all the pictures are faked and all the people are lying” and it’s all being done to exterminate white xians.


Leftists are NOT going to kill 49 people in a Mosque to blame it on the right. Not that leftism is completely anti-violence, just that the leftist ideology does not work that way. When leftists perpetrate violence, they attack the targets of their adversaries. In the 1960s U.S., leftists bombed banks, courthouses, military institutions at universities. Leftists did not shoot Medgar Evers and Dr. King and “blame it on the right,” and I doubt that they would do so today….

Podkayne Lives
Podkayne Lives
5 years ago

Christchurch, BTW, has like 350,000 people. This is in a city about the size of Honolulu. I can’t imagine how overwhelmed their law enforcement teams must be.

And I’m thinking about the LEOs because I can’t bear to think too hard about the dead and their families this early in the fucking morning.

5 years ago

I’m still disturbed that I feel less surprised that it happened at all than I do that it happened in NZ and not the US.

Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
5 years ago

@ Nequam:

I’m still disturbed that I feel less surprised that it happened at all than I do that it happened in NZ and not the US.

there’ll be a copycat here in short order…

it’s gonna be a long, hot summer….

Diego Duarte
Diego Duarte
5 years ago

This stuff is going to keep on happening until something is done about reactionaries. Right wing violence didn’t just spike the last two years, it continues to increase world wide. Look at what happened to Marielle Franco, the Brazilian councilwoman and feminist activist who was murdered by off-duty cops.

The SPLC’s latest report indicates that hate groups and hate crimes keep on increasing. How the fuck are we supposed to fight this with centrism bullshit? By now we now these people can’t be reached in any way whatsoever because they’re not interested in arguing: they want to impose their worldview through force.

And yet we have people like Biden, O’Rourke and Feinstein who think appealing to bipartisanship is the way to win the hearts and minds of the bigots, who want nothing more than to burn it all to the ground so that they can maintain and uphold White supremacy and patriarchy.

Fuck all that, seriously. At which point is it fucking acceptable to fight back?

5 years ago

What is wrong with this world

5 years ago


Oh, no, it’s not about this half of the internet. It’s about the manifesto actually detailing this kind of fallout. The shooter literally states wanting to cause a political rift in the US over racial lines (you know… again):

It’s written the same way as the entire manifesto, giving a statement that sounds ludicrous and then not clearly disowning it. So it can honestly be read either way—either as saying that it’s to make the right wing violently rebel or as stopping at mobilising the left into disenfranchising the right.

So people did, and the subject of actually psychoanalysing the author went perpendicular.

The legit nationalist (!) kiddo running this thread had to make an addendum explaining that no, the shooters were right-wingers.

But that’s the point. Whether by actual intention or parody of such intention (we have become fully draped in meme culture at this point) we started doing exactly what the shooter pointed out instantly and everybody began trying to figure out what ‘side’ he was on.

Crip Dyke
Crip Dyke
5 years ago

@Diego Duarte:

At which point is it fucking acceptable to fight back?

I think it’s acceptable and necessary to fight back at every step. However, I do think we need to be careful both strategically & tactically. The manifesto seems to me, from what little I’ve read, to be intended to create overreactions. The writer talks not only about being radicalized by Candace Owens, but about being trained to violence by video games. The writer seems to think that if society overreacts by banning too many things, deplatforming too many people, that the suddenness and obviousness of the loss of certain media (and other) freedoms will trigger broader violence.

I … and I know how stupid this sounds … actually have more faith in the right wing than that. I know that paranoia is rampant. I know that racism and sexism and religious bigotry are rampant. And yet, with over 300 million people, there are only a few a year willing to engage in terrorism.

A few a year is exactly one few too many, of course, but when a third of voters stand by this fucked up president, it becomes important to note the ratio between millions of right wingers and the few who commit terrorism.

So, yeah, we have to act every single day. We don’t have to wait, and I don’t think most of us are waiting: even pushing back against everyday racism in your conversations with family or co-workers is doing something. But we need a broader strategy, one that anticipates and accounts for the dangers posed by the few terrorists without actually focussing on the terrorists. Conceding that terrorism is inevitable is not the way to go about this. Conceding that the NZ terrorists are correct that deplatforming Candace Owens will launch a war is stupid. But there are going to continue to be places of radicalization, and pushing more people into them doesn’t help us either.

None of this is to say I know the answers. But I’m confronted by the complexity of the problem: we cannot do nothing. To do so is to tolerate this racist, religious terrorism. On the other hand, we must choose our next steps carefully so as to not increase violence.

It’s the old problem of eradication vs. harm reduction. If I had to choose between one more terror attack tomorrow that kills another 50 people but then no more terror attacks forever, OR safety tomorrow but another 50 people dying every year, forever, it would be hard to justify not increasing the violence temporarily in exchange for long term safety.

But we never know: we never know exactly what we’re doing, and when we take actions that might increase risk, we’re rarely the people who suffer directly when that risk manifests.

So we get paralyzed, not wanting to do anything for fear that the writer’s predictions will come true and that we’ll overreact and create more violence. But while the idea that we might bear the burden of moral responsibility for the next flash of violence is terrifying, we can’t allow us to stop fighting.

This isn’t about starting the fight, this is about mustering the courage to lock arms and step forward again, knowing the Dharasana guards are going to strike at us.

If it helps, the moral responsibility for violence is always on those who act violently.

We can do this.

We must do this.

Scildfreja Unnyðnes
Scildfreja Unnyðnes
5 years ago

I can’t even process this today. Ugh. All my love to New Zealand. You’ll dig these blood-sucking tics out, and I’m willing to bet you’ll help show all of us how to do the same. All my love.

Simon Hales
5 years ago

Jummah Mubarak and solidarity any Muslim mammotheers.

Tomorrow there will be events across the world to mark UN Anti Racism day; I will be stewarding at the London one, and we will have a moment’s silence for the victims.

London March

These horrible attacks make demonstrations of solidarity more important, so I would ask anybody who is able to see if there is an event near them to attend.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
5 years ago

The Candace Owens thing seems like trolling on his part, a total red herring. These assholes don’t just want to terrorize; they want to spread maximum amounts of disinformation to create chaos and undermine news reporting and I think that’s what this is. He apparently also mentioned pewdiepie, same thing.

I don’t buy this. If he was “Trolling,” he’d claim he was inspired by Hillary Clinton or blatant nonsense like Mickey Mouse and video games, not other pro-Trump Islamophobes who believe exactly the same shit as he believes and have made their careers off believing it.

Nanny Oggs Busom
Nanny Oggs Busom
5 years ago

Dear gods, this is horrendous. Condolences to the families of the victims.

Sofia van de Linde
Sofia van de Linde
5 years ago

It sounds like obvious White Supremacist Terrorism.
The Australian perpetrator mentioned Breivik and referred to Breivik’s manifesto.

Crip Dyke
Crip Dyke
5 years ago

@Scented Fucking Hard Chairs:

The writer did blame video games.

And I don’t think the manifesto writer was trolling in merely suggesting that the writer liked or followed Owens. Rather, if you read it (and it would be wise not to, but if you do) you would find that the writer actually said that Owens was more radical than the writer – who purports to be the shooter or one of the shooters. The writer insists it was necessary to disavow the most radical parts of Owens’ rhetoric because Owens was too radical even for this writer who was intending mass murder.

There were also other statements about expecting/hoping that a war would result if freedoms were curtailed as a reaction to this terrorist act. Although that’s only explicit text in relation to gun control & the 2nd amendment in the US (yes, the writer mentioned the US specifically), if that is the hope and expectation, then there’s no reason for them not to try to encourage infringement of other rights (real or imagined) to help radicalize the right wing and bring about their hoped-for war.


my guess is that the most reasonable interpretation of the statements about Owens is that the writer is indeed shitposting, exaggerating the effect and role of Owens in the hope of getting Owens banned from one or more major social media platforms in the ultimate hope of encouraging more terrorism and war.

If this is his goal, given a right-wing world view, blaming things on Clinton wouldn’t work and thus wouldn’t be part of the writer’s strategy. After all, the writer probably believes
1) there’s a double standard that protects anyone on the left from being banned, and
2) the right would simply laugh if Clinton were banned from social media, rather than respond with violence.

Curiously, this implicitly recognizes that the right wing doesn’t care about “rights”. They care about right wing voices dominating the conversation; they don’t care about a generic “right” to free expression.

But whatever. The point is that trolling by exaggerating Owens’ rhetoric, role, and effect is actually quite consistent with aims stated in other portions of the document, while trolling by blaming Clinton is not.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
5 years ago

So horrible and senseless. My heart is aching for the victims, their families, and New Zealand today.

Bunker-building billionaires choose NZ as a bug-out destination in part because they think it’s sheltered and peaceful, but no place on earth is safe from these murderous terrorists and their white supremacist ideology. Nobody can afford to turn their backs on this. It’s on everyone’s doorstep now.

Chris Oakley
Chris Oakley
5 years ago

@AsAbove: I tried to call Anning’s office to tell him off, but my mobile phone account can only make domestic calls as it turns out.

Beyond Ocean
Beyond Ocean
5 years ago

I’m so livid and despaired by this right now. I wish I could say something uplifting and empathetic. But as it is now, I feel like nothing is going to change, no one will take this seriously, and we’ll be here again, not too long from now.

I’m so sorry.

“Left-wing false flag” honestly feels like a legit take.

Aw shush.

See, setting aside morality (which, as a possibility, maybe you don’t believe leftists have any of), left-wingers wouldn’t do such a thing for the simple fact that terrorist acts like this has happened over and over again in recent times, and every time mainstream public refused to believe there even is a problem of white nationalist domestic terrorism. Surely not these nice and promising white young men! How could anyone guess this could have happened?

Again and again.

If anything, the killers’ overtly meme-y signaling will make it even easier for people to go “oh, they must have been just mentally disturbed, next!”

We’re using it as political fuel from hour 0 and doing exactly what the shooters want.

Funny how this song always goes. Don’t politicize it when ethnic groups are attacked that the right-wing says deserve to be attacked, don’t politicize it when public persons are murdered that the right-wing says deserve to be murdered…

Maybe we need a new, smarter saying for this meme-age.

“Don’t feed the trolls, they’re only killing people to get a rise out of you.”

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

The thing is, just because 4channers mock the notion that they’ve been radicalized by the internet, doesn’t mean that they weren’t radicalized by the internet. Deplatforming Nazis is not an overreaction, it’s something that should have been done years ago.

Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
5 years ago

Deplatforming Nazis is not an overreaction, it’s something that should have been done years ago.


Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
5 years ago

There’s a couple books I read that helped me understand the white supremacist mentality… not justify, mind you, but understand. They were “Angry White Men” by Michael Kimmel, and “Bring the War Home” by Katherine Belew. They both give a comprehensive treatment of where the (mostly) fascist tendencies come from, what the strategic and tactical goals are, and what their methods are. They are also very disturbing.

After the 80’s FBI sting operations and the NAACP lawsuits crippled the Identity Movement and the Klan’s finances, the right-wing leaders started advocating “unorganized resistance”, i.e. a systematic dismantle of the top-down structure in favor of a “you know who to hit, just do it” program… no leaders, at least not leadership to which a chain of command can be traced.

It’s a proxy war, where the proxies are random internet surfers, alt-radio listeners, just pretty much the whole of the igno-right. Incidents like the N.Z. massacre will embolden the igno-rightie who is already on the edge, and they (he… they’re ALWAYS “he”) will pick up a gun, make a few pipe bombs etc. and here we are.

It’s not militarily efficient, and hitting a particular target is more difficult, or it requires the people who want the target hit to do it themselves. They can ask/order some shock jock, Alex Jones, Rush Limbaugh, Mike Cernovich, etc. to say on the air that the target needs taken out, but that exposes that person to litigation, and opens the possibility of betrayal of others…. Depends on how bad the “movers and shakers” want the target hit.

Diego and Crip Dyke have asked about fighting. I dunno, I’m too old and cynical to believe we’re gonna lock arms and take down the fascists, but, yeah, there’s a good chance we might be fighting. If the dumpster-fire gets re-elected, the legal and social position of all oppressed peoples is gonna get really bad. If, alternatively, he doesn’t get re-elected, the igno-right will likely step up the terrorism. If, in the worst scenario, he loses and refuses to step down, then we’re fighting on election night.

There’s an alternate universe in which this all just blows over, and the igno-right is socially repudiated, but I’m afraid we don’t live in that universe. That would require a moment of clarity from 60 million people who are currently comfortable believing that the world is controlled by a huge multi-national Jewish cabal financed by the lost treasure of the Knights Templar.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

And what should pop up in my timeline but this excellent thread on the trollishness of the original Nazis.

It really doesn’t matter if parts of the manifesto were meant to troll because the trolling is done in service to the greater goal. Which would be oppressing and killing anyone fascists don’t like.

Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
5 years ago

In a little bit of good news on the mass shooting front….

Connecticut Unfair Trade Practices Act (CUTPA)… prohibits… marketing a product in an unfair, unethical, or dangerous manner

Remington’s advertisements for the AR-15–style weapon ran afoul of CUTPA by promoting unethical and illegal use of the weapon. Their lawsuit cited multiple ads that depicted the gun not as a tool of home defense, hunting, or sport, but as a weapon of war meant to kill a large number of people in a small amount of time. Remington advertised the gun as “the ultimate combat weapons system” used by the armed forces in theaters of war. It depicted a close-up of the gun with the slogan “Forces of opposition, bow down. You are single-handedly outnumbered.” It touted the weapon as an “uncompromising choice” with “military proven performance.” As the Connecticut Supreme Court explained, the thrust of Remington’s ads was that the gun would “enable a shooter to inflict unparalleled carnage.”

(all emphasis mine)

I have no doubt the Reagan/trump court (formerly known as SCOTUS) will overrule this, but you never know. At some point the mega-wealthy may get nervous about the safety of the shoppers in their market-driven universe….

Where Remington may have fucked up is civilian advertisements selling a civilian rifle TO civilian buyers TOUTING HOW MANY PEOPLE IT COULD KILL AND HOW QUICKLY….

Diego Duarte
Diego Duarte
5 years ago


Deplatforming Nazis is not an overreaction, it’s something that should have been done years ago.

Definitely. The sole purpose of Hate Speech is to spread the narrative that PoC and Leftists are dangerous and pushing for White genocide, in order to respond with massive disenfranchisement of their fundamental rights. What follows right after is always nearly genocide.

On another take, does pulling the lever at the gallows count as “deplatforming”, because I support that form of deplatforming as well.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
5 years ago

(Missed a word above – that should say “Hillary Clinton and other blatant nonsense like,” apparently the word “Other” saw Tripoli’s post and noped the fuck out. Or I accidentally deleted it while changing words around, either or. =P)

It really doesn’t matter if parts of the manifesto were meant to troll because the trolling is done in service to the greater goal. Which would be oppressing and killing anyone fascists don’t like.

THIS. We all rightfully condemn rape “Jokes” as propping up rape culture even if they’re “Jokes,” right? This is no different.