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Daily Stormer: We’re being white genocided by interracial emojis

The four horsepersons of the whitepocalypse?

By David Futrelle

White supremacists — perhaps the special-est of all special snowflakes — have a tendency to sink into tooth-grinding rages over the tiniest symbolic threats (or what they see as threats) to the supposed purity of their race. And never more so than when they feel that “their” white women are being sullied by so-called “black brutes”— which often feels to fragile racist men like a kind of cuckolding.

These racist white dudes are especially attuned to anything in the media that suggests “race mixing.,” crying “white genocide” every time they spot an interracial couple in an ad for cereal or condoms or sweatpants.

Now a writer for the Daily Stormer has declared war on what he evidently sees as a looming threat to his race: a new set of emojis featuring a variety of interracial couples, straight and gay.

In a Daily Stormer post on Monday (NSFW archived link), someone called Pomidor Quixote (presumably not his real name) warns his readers about this existential danger of these tiny cartoon couples holding hands.

As he sees it, the new “array of emojis for miscegenation” is an assault on the most oppressed minority of all: white people.

These diabolical emojis, he argues, are a plot by the non-white majority to literally eradicate the white race — by targeting horny white women eager to do some race-traitoring in the sack with dark and handsome men.

[W]hat they’re really after is white genocide. Killing white men, more specifically, because they expect women to reproduce with the invaders and to blend in the brown goo, but white men can’t really blend in the brown goo, and actually, they don’t want to blend in the brown goo.

White men are innately driven towards beauty and creation while white women are innately driven towards degeneracy and destruction.

So how do cute little cartoon figures play a role in this whole degenerate death-of-the-white-race march?

Emojis are a ubiquitous part of the lives of normal people, and by sneaking a big enough selection of interracial emojis in the everyday lives of normal people they advance their white genocide agenda.

It normalizes being a coal burner in the subconscious of women.

A “coal burner,” if you’re not familiar with neo-Nazi colloquialisms, means a woman who has sex with a black man. A woman who “burns coal,” will some day “pay the toll,” these racists declare, citing as evidence every news story they run across in which a black man beats or kills his white girlfriend or wife — while ignoring the much greater number of stories in which white men beat or kill their white partners. But hey, “coal” and “toll” rhyme, and to white racists stories in which female “race traitors” get their comeuppance are inherently hilarious.

But alas! Every “coal burner” killed means one less womb for the white race.

These whores will eventually have to pay the toll, and even though that’s funny, it still leaves us with one less white womb-machine every time, so white people as a whole also pay the toll for their mistakes.

White womb-machines? It’s really rather remarkable just how much some white supremacist dudes hate the white women they purport to be defending — suggesting that their endless hyperventilating about “white genocide” is motivated less by allegedly lofty concerns about racial purity than it is by fears of being “cucked” by black and brown men having sex with women the white supremacists see as rightly “theirs.” (Including, sometimes, their actual girlfriends.)

It’s telling that most of the white supremacists yelling the loudest about “coal burners” and other “race-mixing” white women don’t actually seem to give a shit about white men dating women of color.

Indeed, many white supremacist dudes openly fetishize Asian women. For evidence of this, one need look no further than the very page on which Quixote’s post appears: the Daily Stormer’s banner at the moment features a naked Anime girl, a strange sight to behold alongside the sites’s wide assortment of posts bemoaning the alleged evils of miscegenation.

But this is only perplexing if you think these guys are genuinely motivated by allegedly noble concerns about genetic purity — and not by the sexual insecurity and aggrieved sexual entitlement that oozes from every one of their rants about “white genocide.”

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Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
6 years ago

@ Katamount:

Speaking of stomach-turning, I’ve read opinions that a lot of the fetish of Anime’ and of Asian women in porn stems from a desire to fetishize underage (and in the case of Anime’ porn, WAY under) girls.

I watched an interview with an adult film actress who said that the career path in porn today is to work like hell until you lose the “jailbait” look, then take a sabbatical until you can sell yourself as a “MILF”….

Im’a go throw up, now

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

I wonder, what part of being “innately driven towards beauty and creation” leads someone to characterize other human beings as “brown goo” and “womb-machines”? That’s a pretty ugly combination of words.

I love the way these guys perpetually fluff themselves like they’re Beethoven. So full of Noble Ideals and Lofty Creative Thoughts! And then in the very next sentence they reveal the open sewer inside their heads. Self-loathing, and cold contempt for the world and everyone in it. If they’re gonna compare themselves to the greats, I’m pretty sure Buonarotti wasn’t thinking “Typical post-wall thot, cucking Joseph and branch-swinging to El-Chaddai” while sculpting the Pieta.

Where do they find the nerve to demand cookies for being Appreciaters of Beauty and Advancers of the Human Race, when they won’t even acknowledge the basic humanity of 80-85% of it? (and that’s a generous estimate). It’s breathtaking delusion.

6 years ago

Yeah, that sure sounds like a guy who is “innately driven towards beauty and creation”. Jeez, what an image these cretins have of themselves.

As an artist, who mostly sees the work of other lady-type artists (slightly OT: my wife finally forced me onto the Twitter where I have posted like three or four Arts), I certainly feel like maybe we’re more inclined toward creation than destruction, especially compared to those non-contributing garbage Nazis, but what do I know?

Lukas Xavier
Lukas Xavier
6 years ago

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: these guys really wish they were the Tleilaxu from the Dune universe. I don’t know much about Frank Herbert’s personal politics, but he certainly nailed this kind of rank misogyny just perfectly.

I may have said this before, but I’m not sure if I only thought about it: The Tleilaxu are basically the ultimate patriarchy. The all-male ruling class is essentially immortal, ruling over a society of mind-controlled slaves, consisting of brainless women and neutered betas.

So, yeah. You’re spot on.

6 years ago

What beats me about the Tleilaxu is how they ended up that way, as I understood part of what they could do was make high quality prosthetics that could restore functions lost to misfortune. I seem to remember Paul offering to buy ‘Tleilaxu eyes’ for everyone blinded in a mass casualty attack aimed at him. I was given to understand those eyes would be prosthetic, possibly even to the point of breaking the taboo against cybernetics.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
6 years ago

@ kevin

The Dune Encyclopaedia has some good stuff on Tleilaxu; including a sterling attempt to explain how Face Dancers work.

As to their organ replacment service, they imply it’s a cloning thing; but of course, being Tleilaxu it turns out they’re just harvesting slaves and prisoners of war.

Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
6 years ago

maybe we’re more inclined toward creation than destruction,

I believe we are. I’m reading “The First Signs”, by Genevieve von Petzinger, about the non-picture symbols seen in paleolithic art around the world. There is a consistency of symbology across Eurasia, over a very long time period. This is indicative of a high level of cooperation over a very broad geographic range. If we’re hell-bent on killing our neighbors and tearing up their shit, we’re not going to be sharing art motifs.

One of the reasons for the Anthropology books I read (besides being nerd clear down to my toenails) is, I’m looking for information on the origins of language,art and music, spirituality and war. The “war” part of it hasn’t got a very in-depth bibliography, though “Oetzi the Iceman” had a copper arrowhead in his(?) back. By paleoanthropological standards, that’s not very old, but there’s some pretty good evidence for large-scale killing at a Jebel Sahara site in Sudan, c. 13,000-14,000 years ago. Likely the result of a regional ecological catastrophe, rather than RaHoWa shit.

Based on a host of different sources, I tentatively suggest that as farming became more popular, we settled in place and groups began to grow. Before long, we start to stretch the resource base, and localized food chain upheavals lead to raiding…

Next is speculation, as I’m not sure how you’d even test it as a hypothesis…. As happens fairly often, a biological tool which evolved for a different purpose gets “hijacked” by social evolution to serve a different purpose.

Our innate sense of being able to “imprint” the faces of parents, siblings, etc. gets extended into imprinting the social cues of familiar people, e.g. hair and clothing styles, facial shapes, skin tones, etc. We already learn these things early, along with language. If the physical switches in the brain which allow us to know the difference between “mommy” and “not mommy” almost at birth could be socially useful as a tool for recognizing “member of my band” from “not member of band”. As that is happening, you have a climate crisis (like the Younger Dryas) and a few generations of widespread hardship punctuated by raiding, then socialization of warfare has started.

Around this time, (c. 10,000 ybp) the first inklings of an elite “priesthood” were seen, when the shaman(s) started to become a professional class. This would make the society very vulnerable to a religion of “gods protect us from the fury of the band on the other side of the hill…”

and from being menaced by the aptly named “smile-o-don”.

comment image

Jane Done
Jane Done
6 years ago


Actually that was a reference to Some More News’ latest video. But yes, Drumpf has been the populariser of “say shit, get away with it” since 2016.

6 years ago

@ Alan Robertshaw

Thanks for the heads – up. I’ve done a little digging and the eyes do appear to be prosthetic with a metallic/insectile appearance. I guess they represent a culture for which the Frankensteinian practices came more easily, with the eyes being an unusual departure from what they’d usually do.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
6 years ago

@ Kevin

Yeah, Hayt had metal eyes I seem to recall. Although I believe that was more to discomfort Paul. As a ghola he could presumably have his own eyes. And I’ve just realised the implication there; eww.

Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
6 years ago

@ Jane Done:

Drumpf has been the populariser of “say shit, get away with it” since 2016.

trump was BORN with an insult in his mouth

6 years ago


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: these guys really wish they were the Tleilaxu from the Dune universe. I don’t know much about Frank Herbert’s personal politics, but he certainly nailed this kind of rank misogyny just perfectly.

I, too, know nothing about Herbert’s politics. I will note though that the Tleilaxu were eventually annihilated by a civilization of gynocratic imperialist murder-sluts. Take that as you will.

Bookworm in hijab
Bookworm in hijab
6 years ago

Is it awful that my second reaction to this article (the first was just to recoil and be horrified), was to skim through my phone looking for EVERY EMOJI that could possibly offend these jerks?


I’m sad that there were fewer than I thought! I have a really old crappy phone, though. Anyways, one last one:

? A unicorn. Because why not.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
6 years ago

@ weird eddie

Our innate sense of being able to “imprint” the faces of parents, siblings, etc.

I seem to recall there’s a phenomenon in non nomadic societies where the sort of ‘base’ level attraction is someone who looks quite like you, but not too similar. The idea being you’ll fancy someone from the next valley over more than your own village. Which is supposedly better for genetic robustness.

6 years ago

@Bookworm in hijab

Is it awful that my second reaction to this article (the first was just to recoil and be horrified), was to skim through my phone looking for EVERY EMOJI that could possibly offend these jerks?

You’ve missed a very important one.


Bookworm in hijab
Bookworm in hijab
6 years ago

Aww, and my emojis look different than they do on my phone *scowl* Ruins the effect somewhat.

Bookworm in hijab
Bookworm in hijab
6 years ago

@ Pie,

Nooooo!!!! How could I?!

6 years ago

I guess he knows that so few women are attracted to the movement so he might as well get it out there how much he hates white women too. No surprises there – I have always seen a dearth of women on the extreme far right.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
6 years ago

@Weird Eddie:

Peter Turchin has done research into the origins of war, of civilization, and how these things are intertwined. There are books and websites.

6 years ago

This is so well-put:

“It’s telling that most of the white supremacists yelling the loudest about “coal burners” and other “race-mixing” white women don’t actually seem to give a shit about white men dating women of color.

Indeed, many white supremacist dudes openly fetishize Asian women. For evidence of this, one need look no further than the very page on which Quixote’s post appears: the Daily Stormer’s banner at the moment features a naked Anime girl, a strange sight to behold alongside the sites’s wide assortment of posts bemoaning the alleged evils of miscegenation.”

In America, they fetishize black women, too. Bull Connor took black mistresses to a hotel in Birmingham, which violated the ordinances he put on the books to prevent such shenanigans. One of his political opponents called in a tip to the cops to say that an important man was breaking the law, and the cops raided the hotel room to find their boss and his girlfriend getting nasty. This was how Connor got his nickname “Bull,” by the way, from the size of his…umm…you-know-whattie.

We all know how Strom Thurmond, that exemplar of segregation, cheerily fathered a daughter through his black maid, and he was hardly unique.

For 300 years, white slaveowners raped their way through their slave cabins from New Jersey to Texas, getting their jollies and adding to their supply of manpower. Thomas Jefferson pursued Sally Hemings, who was apparently the illegitimate half-sister of his late wife, so she probably looked like a darker version of Martha Jefferson. Historians and descendants are arguing over whether Tom and Sally really loved each other or if she was putting up with it to avoid punishments for herself and their kids.

Another battle the Hemings and Jefferson family have fought more recently is whether to admit the Hemings descendants into the Jefferson-Monticello Association. Lucian K. Truscott IV, the novelist and white descendant of Jefferson (and grandson of the WW2 general who married a Jefferson descendant) has supported the Hemings family. In any case, two movies were done about this, one with Nick Nolte and Thandie Newton as the couple.

And it went on for 300 years — Alex Haley has white ancestors on both sides of his family, for example, because his female ancestors were in no position to say “No means no” to their owners.

I have read somewhere that the fastest-growing interracial marriage group is white men and black women, and Robert De Niro, Matt Stone, George Lucas, Alfre Woodard, Halle Berry, Michelle Hurd, Tamera Mowry, Thandie Newton, Serena Williams, Nia Long, David Bowie (and Iman), and Roger Ebert, lead the group. White men and black women have even become an entire sub-genre of romantic and erotic fiction (aimed at the ladies).

But you don’t hear the white racists prattle about that.

I guess they take one look at some of those women and say, “To heck with the ethnicity…”

Such hypocrisy.